How to recognize and how to deal with complex hypermetropic astigmatism?
The loss of visual acuity does not always indicate the formation of trivial myopia or hyperopia. A similar anomaly may be accompanied by a disease such as hypermetropic astigmatism. To distinguish it from other ailments is not so simple, but this one has a number of other signs. For example, against the background of the development of astigmatism, distortion of the real image can be observed. All this occurs as a result of deformation of the cornea or lens of the eye.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
Definition of disease
When the light beam passes through a healthy cornea and lens of the eye, only one point of its focusing is formed.If the fabrics are deformed - two. This is in practice the essence of the anomaly, which is called astigmatism. If it proceeds against the background of hyperopia, the type of this disease is called hypermetropic. If she also affects both eyes - difficult.
In the emergence and development of pathology, there may be other abnormal phenomena:distortion of shapes, colors, sizes of objects, incorrect perception of lines.In addition, there are two types of astigmatism: congenital and acquired.
The classification of the disease can be made in degrees:
Lightweight: up to three diopters;
Average: from three to six;
Heavy- above six diopters.
It is believed that there are two main reasons for distorting the perception of the surrounding world in patients with astigmatism: deformation of the lens or cornea. In this case, the wrong shape of the lens of the eye, as a rule, is of an innate nature (often accompanied by albinism). The pathology of the cornea is acquired. Most often it occurs against the background of injuries, mechanical damage and rarely as a complication after surgery.
At the first signs of illness in a child, it is necessary to immediately contact an ophthalmologist, since it has the property of progressing.
An easy form of pathology can occur almost imperceptibly, which seriously complicates the possibility of preventing its development in the early stages.With an average degree of progression, the patient experiences some blurred real image, heavy The stage causes even greater discomfort and is often accompanied by the appearance of signs of development strabismus.
In addition, the patient often experiences the following symptoms:
Frequent headaches;
Rapid fatigue of the visual apparatus;
Pain and burning, carved;
Sometimes the presence of astigmatism in a child can be determined by its whims and fatigue. Often, children suffering from an ailment rub their eyes and blink.
Possible complications
Lack of timely medical care can lead to a number of unpleasant complications, among which:
Significant decrease in visual acuity, progression of hyperopia;
Amblyopia, in which one eye completely ceases to function;
Strabismus, associated with a violation of the supporting muscles of the eyeball;
Retinal detachment.
Complications of the disease are much more difficult to treat than her. Therefore, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist on the appearance of the first symptoms and follow all of his recommendations in the future.
Treatment of long-sighted astigmatism involves two methods of intervention and begins with a thorough diagnosis. Usually it includes: primary examination, visometry (acuity measurement), biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy and some other procedures as needed. At this stage it is important to correctly determine the degree of deformation of the eyeball and prescribe the right treatment.
Effective drugs for the immediate treatment of complex hypermetropic astigmatism at the moment has not yet been developed.However, often ophthalmology appoints to their patients medications that can remove unpleasant symptoms and accelerate healing after surgery.
Children and adults with mild illness are shown wearing special corrective glasses and contact lenses.
The best results of treatment are assumed by modern methods of conducting surgical operations.However, as a rule, children are not appointed.In their case, surgical intervention is possible only after eighteen years.
Currently, the following methods are practiced:
Thermokeratoplasty with laser. In this case, the laser achieves high temperatures, which affect the tissues of the eye and change its shape.
Thermokeratoplasty with a needle.The essence of the method of treatment is the same as that of the previous method. But here is not a laser beam, but a special needle.
Keratomilez.The most safe and effective method of treatment. During the operation, a cut and removal of a small flap of the upper layer of the cornea is made and the excess amount of its filler is evaporated. In some severe cases, complete replacement of the lens with an artificial lens is possible.Thermokeratoplasty with laser.
Congenital form of complex hypermetropic astigmatism is almost impossible to prevent. But to reduce the risk of its occurrence, you must follow a diet during pregnancy, give up bad habits and fulfill all the prescriptions of doctors.And in order to avoid injuries and mechanical damage, you need to carefully monitor the hygiene of vision and protect the visual apparatus from the negative external impact.And at the first signs of impaired functioning of the organs of vision, contact the ophthalmologist and prevent the progression of the disease (especially for children).
Complex hypermetropic astigmatism- a complex disease involving both mechanical deformities of the eyeballs, and a decrease in the quality of vision. As an adult, and young children, it can discomfort and interfere with the conduct of a normal lifestyle. Nevertheless, the disease at the moment is easily treatable with the help of surgical operations and correction with the use of lenses and glasses. However, it is very important to carry out preventive maintenance and timely contact the ophthalmologist for qualified care.
Pass the test for astigmatism can be at this link.