Turnip with honey from cough

Prompt a good folk remedy for coughing (for a child). Pliszzzz ...



This advice is not for the case, if there is a temperature! Keep in mind.
Mix in the proportion 1 vodka (alcohol), vegetable oil and honey. Stir until the maximum possible homogeneous mass (completely homogeneous - will not). Rub your back and chest (chest - not in the heart!). Take a thin tissue in about 4 layers and apply on the back and chest (again - not in the heart !!!), then put on it mustard mustard UP (not to the body! but from the body). From above do as a compress: cellophane and fabric. With such a compress (it's warming up), a child can walk for a long time, but! - the main thing is that the next day he did not get into the cold air. Sometimes sensitive skin can feel a burning sensation - then the compress needs to be removed and to lubricate the skin with an emollient cream.
For oral administration, it is possible: juice of mashed radish with honey (also approximately:)


chop the onion. pour sugar. give to drink and drink. helps with coughing and viral.

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Irina Smirnova

In a black radish, take a hole, put honey in it. Let it brew, drink a little,
Boiled cards. in uniform, rep. onion on a grater (or finely chopped.), dry mustard. Mix, this mush. put the mass on the TAG on the chest (like mustard), not more than 10-12 minutes. If necessary. repeat, but not earlier than a day later.


Honey with olive oil against cough in children
Mix in equal proportions honey bee and warm olive oil. Give young children 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day with cough. The drug is effective in treating pertussis.
The national cough remedy for children
Rinse and peeled black radish cut into thin slices and pour sugar. After 6-8 hours, you can consume the allocated juice for 1 tbsp. spoon every hour. When coughing in children.

tofik babayev

Take the chicken cook broth. There put 2 whole peeled onions when everything is ready to let this onion let it eat even if it does not want it. I wish health.

Galina Rastagar

Onions with honey, and even better honey with Radish. Let stand until juice is allocated and give on a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. My son helped!


From the cough is the most popular - breastfeeding at the pharmacy... liquefies and displays the macro.
If you tortured DRY cough - cut out the turnip at the turnip and pour honey (better linden or buckwheat), wait for about 3-4 hours and then give a teaspoon 3-4 times a day... turnip all the juice should release... wrinkles in a day - do not panic! from this the whole effect.
And most importantly... tested not by one generation in my family... at night... wide cheesecloth impregnate than anything on a spiral basis (vodka, hawthorn, motherwort)... put the gauze on the sliced ​​pl. package (the width of the bag should protrude beyond the edges of the gauze at 1 cm... then densely to smear with ointment vishnevskogo (as a rule, a tube leaves)... and attach to the SPIN in the chest area (from the nipple to the nipple)... press a towel or a diaper... heats up very well... you need to do in a day... times 3 total... With a wet cough!! !
I have a daughter, a year. I do not use tablets at all.
Recover soon))))


Vangi's recipe: a spoonful of honey (If there is no allergy), a spoonful of butter, stir, add a little vanilla sugar. All! Tasty and healthy helps! I tried it on my booze.

Alexey Weber

"Burnt sugar." On a dry, clean (not Teflon) frying pan, a tablespoon of sugar (without a slide) on a small fire (the electric stove is also suitable) melted bring to a brown color and, somewhat chilling to not obzchchsya, pour boiling water to dissolve (about a glass) to drink in hot kind.
Boil the potatoes, drain and under a towel to breathe the steam (do not burn yourself carefully).


boil 2-3 potatoes in a uniform, pound them, put them in a tsefan bag, wrap it with a thick towel and put it on your chest for the night (the bronchitis so treat) and I agree to give the radish juice with honey.

How to take honey from a cough?

Honey from cough is one of the most effective means. Its healing properties have a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole. This tool is used in conjunction with various plants, herbs and other substances that are included in the recipes of traditional medicine. Most often, cough treatment with honey is done for children with colds, but the recipes listed below can be applied to adults. It must be remembered that these methods are effective only at the initial stage of the disease. Before trying to heal honey, you need to consult a doctor.

Healing properties of honey

When this substance is used, the secretion of mucus and saliva increases sharply, which softens the throat. During this process, there is a sharp development of components that affect the cough centers and suppress their work. Medications based on honey help regardless of the age of the patient, but when using them, one must remember that children need a dose two times less than an adult.People's prescriptions can be used only in the initial phase of the disease, and with a progressive disease it is better to consult a doctor.This will help avoid the transition of the disease into a severe, chronic form.

Different recipes to fight the disease

In order to cure cough with the help of traditional medicine, you can try to apply the following recipes:

  1. The necessary components: liquid honey fraction - 2 h. l. wheat flour of the highest quality - 1 h. l. Still need egg yolks (always fresh) in an amount of 2 pcs. and 2 tbsp. l. Butter. To make the medicine, all ingredients are mixed and whipped thoroughly. Should be a homogeneous mixture, which is given to the patient several times a day for 1 hour. l. In the treatment of a child, this dosage is reduced by half.
  2. We take such products: honey in a liquid state, egg yolks (fresh), sugar. All components are placed in a single vessel and whipped thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be given to the patient with cough 2 times a day after eating.
  3. Prepare such ingredients: onion (peeled) kg, sugar - about 400 grams, water - up to 1 l, honey 5 kg. First, you need to grind the onion and add crystalline sugar to it. Then pour it all with water and cook for 3 hours on low heat. The resulting solution must be cooled and poured into it with honey. Patients with coughing give 5 tbsp. l. the day after a meal.
  4. It is necessary to take honey (, kg), butter (100 g), vanillin (powder). All these ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. The patient receives this mixture 3 times a day for 1 hour. l.
  5. Take 1 tbsp. l. honey, fresh eggs - 2 pieces of lemon juice. All this is well mixed. Then the resulting mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and stirred. The patient should be given the medication throughout the day. He must drink this mixture every hour in small sips.
  6. 1 tbsp. l. warm honey and, h. l. Cinnamon should be given 3 times a day to the patient. It helps with chronic cough and cold. Such a recipe can be used freely for the treatment of a child.

Lemon, glycerin, milk, honey from cough and cold

This tool has expectorant and softening properties. To make it, you need to use the following ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. glycerin, lemon, liquid fraction of honey.

First boil on low heat water with lemon for 10 minutes. Then it is cooled and cut into 2 halves. Squeeze the juice into a glass and pour in the glycerin, and then add honey. All components are thoroughly mixed. The medicine is given to the patient at night and before eating 2 tablespoons. l. 3 times a day.

You can use another recipe, which will help to remove the inflammatory process. To do this, art. l. butter and put in a cup of up to 300 g. There add 1 tbsp. l. honey and all pour milk (it should be warm). All this is well mixed and given to the patient up to 4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

You can apply honey and milk. This method is effective in treating children. The composition of the product includes only two ingredients: honey (1 tbsp. l.) and warm milk (a glass). The first component is poured into the second and dissolved. A similar cocktail is given to the child throughout the day, and before going to bed they give you a glass to drink. It relieves the symptoms.

To cure for a week from a cough, you can use the following recipe. It is necessary to take 50 g of honey and, kg of onion, which is ground in a blender or finely chopped. The resulting onion juice should be mixed with the specified amount of honey. Take should be 2 hours. l. together with a glass of water after eating. This medicine kills germs.

Honey compress of cough

This is a well-proven remedy. It should be used at the first symptoms of the disease, when the cough only manifested itself. Honey compresses with alcohol will help with curing bronchitis, and warm mashed potatoes with honey will protect against coughing attacks. The necessary components of the product are apple and honey vinegar.

These ingredients are heated in a water bath, but you can simply melt them. The compress is done with the help of gauze or any thin tissue: a drug is applied to the base and applied to the body of a sick person. It is forbidden to place the compress in the area of ​​the heart muscle.

Cloth should be covered from above with a packet of polyethylene, after which the patient should be wrapped in a warm towel or a long scarf. So leave the compress for half an hour.

All these measures can be taken if the patient has no temperature, otherwise the compress is not recommended. After removing the bandage, the skin of the patient must be cleaned of the remnants of the medicine and wipe it dry. Then the patient's body is lubricated with baby cream and wrapped.

You can use and aloe with honey: it helps to remove phlegm and relieve inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. For the greatest effectiveness of medicines, the leaves of aloe are chosen from plants that are not present for 3 years.


To make a remedy, you need to break several leaves and dry them. Then they are crushed to the state of gruel, from which the juice is squeezed. It is mixed with honey in the proportion:. Use for 1 hour. l. 3 times a day.

Use of turnips with honey for dry cough

For treatment, turnip is used in both raw and boiled form. If the patient has a strong cough, then they use such a prescription. Rub turnip on a fine grater. Then 2 tbsp. l. This mixture is poured with 1 glass of hot water and cooked on low heat for 15 minutes. After this, insist an hour and filter the solution.

It is necessary to supplement the product to the original volume, for this, add hot water. In the resulting broth, add 2 hours. l. honey. The patient should take the medication throughout the day, dividing the amount of the medicine into 4 portions.

If the patient has a dry cough, then take the juice of raw turnip, which is mixed with liquid honey in the proportion:. Apply like the above recipe.

Instead of turnip you can apply radish with honey. This is a very effective tool that will help to defeat the disease. It has been tested for decades.

To make a medicine, it is advisable to take a black radish, wash and clean its fruit (it should be of comparatively large size). Then the vegetable is ground on a large grater. From the resulting mixture squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth and mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey. The drug is ready. It is given to the patient 4 times a day.

If there are no large fruits of radish, then you can take small ones. They are washed and cleaned, cut into cubes or completely crushed. Then all this is covered in a pot and poured with honey. After 12 hours, the radish will release the juice. It is collected and given to the patient 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

When using any of the above recipes, it is necessary to remember that they are effective only at the initial stage of the disease.


To avoid trouble, before using folk recipes you need to consult a doctor.


Radish with honey from cough is a slightly forgotten folk remedy, however, this does not reduce the medicinal properties of this drug. Radish is very popular in Eastern countries, and it is used in cooked, marinated and even dried form. What is useful for this vegetable?

Radish contains many essential oils, vitamins A and D, trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron. And in the root crop contains sulfur, which has an expectorant effect when coughing, and also reduces allergy manifestations. Fetoncides radish are able to fight viruses and bacteria. Thanks to these qualities, this black root has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunostimulating effect.

There are many varieties of radish - black, white, green, brown, however, the best medicinal properties is still a vegetable of black color. Black radish with honey from cough is used for treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis and tracheitis, it removes hoarseness of the voice in colds, it is used even in whooping cough and tuberculosis.

How to cook?

  1. Rinse the black large radish well and cut off its top: it will later serve as a lid for you. Leave the tail untouched.
  2. Scrape a thin knife deepening, leaving on the sides of about 3 cm. Do not cut too much, otherwise the juice will not be enough.
  3. Fill the vegetable with honey half, it will be enough 2 tablespoons, and cover it with a lid.
  4. Put radish with honey for 12 hours in a dark place to form juice. It is he who is the wonderful drug that helps to get rid of a cough.

You do not need to discard the vegetable after the first isolation of the juice, the same radish can be used for 3 more days for treatment, then take a fresh root.

How to use?

Isolated juice should be taken before meals on a tablespoon, it should be done 4-6 times a day. The recipe is great for children, they are given a drug for 1 teaspoon the same number of times.

Honey should be chosen only quality, better from a verified seller. The most valuable honey for coughing is lime or sweet. However, do not forget that honey can cause allergies, so before applying the product, ask permission from your doctor.

Despite the safety of radish juice, doctors do not recommend using it for more than 3 weeks in a row for adults and more than 1 week for children. There is evidence that with prolonged intake of this vegetable, depression may occur. Therefore, never prepare a drug from a radish with the use of alcohol.

Simplified methods of preparation. Recipes

  • If there is no time to wait until the vegetable is filled with juice, you can accelerate this process. For this, the radish is cut into small pieces and topped with honey, 3-4 tbsp. spoons. Isolation of juice occurs very quickly, it is filtered and can be taken immediately.
  • Another simple recipe for using radish with honey for coughing: grate the vegetable on a large grater, squeeze the juice and mix it with honey. It will take 100 grams of honey for a glass of pressed juice.

Recipe with carrot juice

It is used to enhance the effect of coughing, both in adults and in children. Make the drug can be as follows; mix 100 grams of carrot juice and radish juice, add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. The treatment is carried out every hour, also on a tablespoon.

In addition, see a video about the benefits of black radish, as well as another recipe for a medicine from a black radish cough.

How to take the drug for children?

Since this is absolutely natural, devoid of all kinds of additives, a drug, it is not only possible, but it is necessary to give it to children. To make sure that the baby does not have allergies, start the radish with honey for a dry and moist cough with 1-2 drops before eating. If no reactions have occurred, the amount of juice is gradually increased by two drops, but one should not give the baby more than 1 hour. spoons at the reception.

Can I use the prescription during pregnancy?

Of course, the use of chemotherapeutic agents during this period is undesirable, therefore, natural medicines are recommended for the treatment of cough during pregnancy. However, take the juice squeezed out of the radish, it should be neat.

The fact is that the plant contains a huge amount of essential oils, which are slowly eliminated from the body and can lead the uterus to tone. If the cough is very strong, you can use this root for treatment, but instead of honey, put sugar in place of the honey (so as not to cause allergies). Take the drug no more than 3-4 days, after asking permission from the gynecologist.

Green radish

This plant variety has milder properties, contains a large amount of vitamins and has a bactericidal effect in pneumonia, bronchitis, angina and whooping cough.

The recipe for cough medicine with green radish juice: it is rubbed on a grater, honey is added and insisted for 2 days. After that, you can use it as a medicine, not more than a teaspoon per reception.


Although radish is a very useful vegetable, it can irritate the intestines and cause an exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. Also, do not use the vegetable to treat arrhythmia, palpitation, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gout and kidney disease.


How to properly cure honey

It is difficult to argue with the fact that honey is the most popular folk remedy in the fight against coughing. From time immemorial, our ancestors used it as a miracle cure for all diseases.

In combination with herbs and other ingredients, this sweet amber becomes an excellent cough remedy. Traditional medicine is full of all kinds of recipes from these ingredients. Despite the fact that it is often used in a complex, it itself has a rich in useful substances composition. These are numerous minerals, vitamins and other useful ingredients. Depending on the type of this fine remedy, its content also changes.

Useful properties of honey:

  • Helps to soften the throat due to the fact that it causes additional salivation.
  • Stimulates the body to produce substances that suppress the cough reflex in the brain.
  • It is a wonderful antibacterial agent due to the presence of potassium. This is proved by numerous experiments and studies.
  • Due to its composition it helps to fight many respiratory diseases.
  • A powerful natural immunostimulant.

Due to its natural properties, the cure for honey coughs passes quickly and efficiently. Its use is of great importance in the treatment of young children. It is non-toxic and has no contraindications (except for allergies).

Treatment of cough honey with herbs

To know how to cure a cough of honey, you need to take into account the fact that basically it is only an ingredient of the prepared preparations. Herbal medicines are used in various forms. These are infusions, decoctions, syrups, teas and other forms. Sweet amber is used as an additive, which is put at the end of preparation.

Treatment of infirmity with infusions, broths and syrups:

  • Tea with ginger and lemon. In a cup, put a slice of apple, a slice of lemon and finely chopped ginger. Pour boiling water and insist a few minutes. Then add a spoonful of honey and stir well.
  • Decoction of herbs. Prepare the decoction according to the recipe, recommended depending on its constituents. After the broth is ready, it must be filtered and add honey to taste.
  • Syrup of raspberry. A glass of freshly squeezed raspberry juice is boiled with half a cup of sugar for 5 minutes. After that, add a couple of pinches of mint and insist for about half an hour. Obtain the resulting liquid and add a spoonful of honey. Use to soften the cough reflex.

Treatment of cough with honey with dairy products

Very popular is the cough treatment with this wonderful remedy, with the addition of it to dairy products. Milk itself has a number of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the treatment of respiratory infections of any form. The combination of these components not only provides a pleasant taste, but also will be an excellent acting remedy for reflex attacks.

Popular recipes for treatment:

  • Honey milk. In a glass of hot milk put a spoonful of lime honey and a slice of cocoa butter. Stir well and drink in large sips.
  • Honey milk with soda. Just like in the first recipe, you need not only to dissolve a spoonful of sweet amber in hot milk, but also add half a teaspoon of soda. Stir well and drink immediately before going to bed.
  • Honey with butter. Spoon the honey well with a spoonful of oil. In the resulting mixture, add a couple drops of lemon juice and a little vanilla for the smell. Eat with tea or cocoa.

In addition, there are many more recipes on a dairy basis with the addition of this wonderful product. They are all equally useful in the treatment of appropriate forms of cough.

Treatment of cough with honey with compresses

Among other things, this sweet amber is also a wonderful binding element of compresses. Thanks to its viscous structure, it perfectly holds all the ingredients of this product. In addition, it has a favorable effect and itself, as it has a rich in trace elements composition.

Treatment with compresses:

  • Compress of mustard and honey. For the preparation of this agent, mustard, flour, vegetable oil and honey are mixed, heated in a water bath and used as a compress.
  • Compress of honey and eucalyptus. Mix in equal proportions honey and tincture of eucalyptus. Apply to the skin and cover with an insulating and then warming coat.

How to treat cough with propolis

Propolis is another miracle cure that bees bring to us. It is a product derived from plant resins, which is used as an adhesive in a hive.

Popular means:

  • In the treatment of cough, propolis is used in the first place in its pure form. A small piece should be put in the mouth and walk with it for as long as possible, but without chewing it.
  • Sugar with propolis. Take the medicine extract of propolis, moisten a piece of sugar in it and dissolve it. This remedy helps to get rid of severe attacks of cough.
  • Rinse throat with propolis. Add 1 spoonful of propolis emulsion to a glass of water. Rinse every two hours until complete recovery.
When using this beautiful gift of nature in folk recipes, remember that it can not be poured with boiling water, cooked, burned. When heat treated, it loses its useful properties and in some cases can even become harmful to the digestive system.

For medicinal purposes, it is best to use such species as linden, buckwheat and flower. They have the most medicinal properties and are valued as a wonderful preventive and immunostimulating agent.

When choosing sweet amber for treatment, be sure of the source of its realization. Do not buy it from strangers and check when buying the authenticity of the product.


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