Vertebrologist: what kind of doctor and what does he treat?


  • 1Vertebrologist - what kind of doctor and treatment features
    • 1.1Who is a vertebrologist and what is vertebrology?
    • 1.2What diseases does the vertebrologist
    • 1.3What are the symptoms of the vertebrologist?
    • 1.4Methods of diagnostics in vertebrology
    • 1.5Interview
    • 1.6Inspection
    • 1.7Laboratory methods of research
    • 1.8Instrumental Research Methods
    • 1.9Methods of treatment that the vertebrologist uses
    • 1.10Children's vertebrologist
    • 1.11Doctor's recommendations
  • 2Vertebrologist
    • 2.1Who is a vertebrologist?
    • 2.2What lies within the competence of the doctor?
    • 2.3What pathologies are treated by the vertebrologist?
    • 2.4Vertebrologist: what bodies are involved?
    • 2.5What are the symptoms of contacting the vertebrologist?
    • 2.6What diagnostic methods does it use?
    • 2.7What tests are given?
    • 2.8Methods of treatment
    • 2.9Recommendations of the doctor-vertebrologist
  • 3What does the vertebrologist cure? When it is necessary to address for consultation to vertebrologist?
    • 3.1Who is a vertebrologist?
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.2What diseases does the vertebrologist
    • 3.3The organs with which the vertebrologist works
    • 3.4Symptoms with which you can refer to this specialist
    • 3.5Methods of diagnosis that the doctor uses
    • 3.6Examination at the vertebrologist
    • 3.7Methods of treatment
    • 3.8If there are problems with the spine in the child
    • 3.9Recommendations of the children's vertebrologist
    • 3.10Vertebrology as a branch of orthopedics
    • 3.11The close connection of neurology and vertebrology
    • 3.12Tips for choosing a good doctor
  • 4What the vertebrologist - specialist in the musculoskeletal system is treating
    • 4.1Who is a vertebrologist?
    • 4.2What diseases does the vertebrologist
    • 4.3The organs with which the vertebrologist works
    • 4.4Symptoms with which you can refer to this specialist
    • 4.5Methods of diagnosis that the doctor uses
    • 4.6Examination
    • 4.7Methods of treatment
    • 4.8Massage
    • 4.9Osteopathic treatment
    • 4.10Extension of the spine
    • 4.11Reflexology
    • 4.12Physiotherapy
    • 4.13Hirudotherapy
    • 4.14Pressures and strong pricks on certain points of the body
    • 4.15Drug therapy and therapeutic gymnastics
    • 4.16If there are problems with the spine in the child
    • 4.17Tips for choosing a good doctor
  • 5What kind of doctor is a vertebrologist, what can a specialist do?
    • 5.1Vertebrology - what is it?
    • 5.2The vertebrologist - who is this and what heals?
    • 5.3Orthopedic vertebrologist - who is this?
    • 5.4Neurosurgeon vertebrologist
    • 5.5What is the treatment of a vertebrologist-kinesiologist?
    • 5.6Reception of the doctor-vertebrologist
    • 5.7What does the vertebrologist check?
    • 5.8Surveys in the vertebrologist
    • 5.9Diseases of the spine - prevention

Vertebrologist - what kind of doctor and treatment features

The spine consists of seemingly strong structures. Despite this, it requires careful observation.

The prevalence of diseases of the back is very high: according to statistical data from various sources, at least 85% of people suffer from osteochondrosis. Ljumbago sooner or later face 40% of the population.

Children during periodic medical examinations reveal various violations of posture in 85-90% of cases. Back injuries account for up to 12% of all injuries.

High morbidity led to the need to separate in orthopedics a separate branch - vertebrology and the emergence of medical specialization - a doctor - vertebro neurologist.

Who is a vertebrologist and what is vertebrology?

Vertebrology is an area in medicine that deals with the study of diseases of the spine and back as a whole, and also develops methods of treatment.

Vertebroneurology is a science that reveals the cause-and-effect relationship between the lesions of the peripheral and central parts of the nervous system and diseases of the spine.

Accordingly, the vertebrologist is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine and adjacent tissues.

Such a specialist uses a conservative method - with most diseases of the back it is possible to cope without surgery.

Even if it is in a neglected stage, the vertebrologist's task is to search for a non-surgical method of treatment. The success of this largely depends on the level of his qualifications.

A good vertebrologist is a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, and an orthopedist in one person. Such a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment without referral to other specialists.

What diseases does the vertebrologist

The methods of work of the vertebrologist help to provide assistance to those patients whose diseases have been for a long time in the neurologist's competence.

With the use of medications in these patients, symptoms were suppressed, but the cause of the disease was not eliminated. With the advent of vertebrology, they successfully receive medical care.

The vertebrologist treats the following diseases:

  • Scoliosis - curvature of the spinal column. In addition to changing the shape of the chest, increasing the load on the intervertebral discs, the nerve roots and organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities are compressed. If you suspect a curvature of the spine in a child, it is important that he is examined by a children's vertebrologist - such violations can be successfully cured only in children and adolescents. In adult patients, only the angle of inclination of the spine is possible.
  • Kyphosis - curvature of the thoracic spine. Pathology affects the structure of the vertebral column itself and the organs located near it. Reduces the volume of the chest, forming a lack of oxygen. The compression of the spinal cord and nerves is manifested by a violation of sensitivity, weakness in the muscles.
  • Osteochondrosis is a disease that is based on dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs, small joints of the spine and in the vertebrae themselves. In most cases, the cervical and lumbar spine are affected. Pain, impaired sensitivity, limited mobility, reduced visual acuity and hearing, tinnitus significantly reduce the patient's quality of life. However, according to statistics, only 20% of patients with osteochondrosis come to the doctor. Only the progression of symptoms and the weighting of the condition causes the patient to seek medical help.
  • Hemangioma is a vascular tumor. When it is located inside the spine and aggressive flow there can be serious complications: compression fractures of vertebral bodies, compression of the spinal cord and its roots, paresis, paralysis, disturbances in the internal bodies.
  • Osteoporosis is a decrease in the density of tissues and a change in their structure. Fractures with this disease can occur with a slight load: with light impact and even walking.
  • Herniated discs are a pathology in which a pulpous nucleus extends beyond the disk. The displaced tissue squeezes the roots of the nerves, characteristic symptomatology is formed: pain, numbness, circulatory disturbance.
  • Disc protrusion is the outflow of the contour of the intervertebral disc beyond the vertebra.
  • Ishalgia - a complex of symptoms, which are a consequence of compression of the sciatic nerve due to inflammatory processes, deformation of the spine: kyphosis, scoliosis, hernia. Is manifested by pain, convulsions, impaired motor function, numbness, lameness, constipation, urinary incontinence.
  • Lumbago - acute pain in the lower back, accompanied by stiffness, regardless of the causes of its occurrence.
  • Radiculitis - damage to the roots of the spinal cord, accompanied by pain, decreased sensitivity and motor disorders.
  • Stenosis (constriction) of the spinal canal occurs as a result of the invasion of cartilaginous, soft tissue and bone structures into it. Under their pressure, the spinal cord and the roots of the nerves are damaged. Leading complaints with such a pathological process: back pain, lower extremities, intermittent claudication, weakness in one or two legs.
  • Injuries to the back. Their severity is diverse: from bruises to severe fractures with spinal cord injury. The severity of the consequences is directly dependent on how quickly medical assistance has been provided.
  • Spondylolisthesis - displacement of the overlying vertebra with respect to the underlying vertebra, characterized by pains that increase even with light loads, are given in the lower back, thigh, hip joints, there is a restriction of movements in the spine. With the progression of the disease, a truncation of the trunk, a protrusion of the chest and abdomen forward, a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs.

What are the symptoms of the vertebrologist?

Spine diseases are numerous and the symptoms can be very different. Pathology at an early stage does not give specific signs. Manifestations at this stage are similar to signs of lesions of other organs. Diseases of the back cause:

  1. headaches;
  2. dizziness;
  3. rapid fatigue;
  4. unstable blood pressure;
  5. violation of the functions of the genitourinary system.

If you have these symptoms, you should consult a therapist. He will prescribe the necessary examination and, if he suspects the pathology of the spinal column, he will send for consultation to the vertebrologist.

In case of detection of specific symptoms, you can immediately contact the vertebrologist:

  • pain: in the back of different locations, in the occipital and temporal parts of the head, intensifying with tilts and bends, arms and legs, accompanied by numbness, tingling, in the chest and intercostal space in the absence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and normal ECG;
  • limitation of mobility of the spine;
  • violation of posture;
  • weakness in the arms and legs;
  • the appearance of a crunch in the spine;
  • numbness of the perineum.

Methods of diagnostics in vertebrology

The reception of the vertebrologist lasts 15-30 minutes. Patients in serious condition are hospitalized in a hospital and undergoing tests in a hospital. To establish the diagnosis, the doctor conducts a survey, examines, uses instrumental, laboratory diagnostic methods.


During the interview, the doctor finds out the reason for the patient's treatment, the presence of complaints.

Determines the presence of predisposing to back diseases factors: professional (sedentary work, forced position of the body, specialty associated with psychoemotional stress), genetic (many disorders of the formation of the spine have a hereditary character), medical (patients, previously suffering from back pain, have a risk of developing spine disease), non-productive factors (sports, sedentary lifestyle), presence in anamnesis of back injuries.


During the examination, the doctor evaluates the patient's posture, gait, posture in sitting position, lying down, pressing against the stand, checks how much the muscular back skeleton is developed.

An important stage of the examination is palpation.

The palpation of painful areas, flexion and extension of the back, upper and lower extremities to identify positions of maximum discomfort and relief.

Laboratory methods of research

For diagnostics in vertebrology, the results of the following laboratory tests may be required:

  • a general blood test and a general urine test indicate the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • biochemical analysis of blood reflects the state of mineral metabolism;
  • lupus anticoagulant, antinuclear antibody test and rheumatoid factor reveal autoimmune diseases;
  • spinal puncture is prescribed for suspected infectious process, malignant neoplasms and hemorrhage under the spinal cord.

Instrumental Research Methods

In each case, the vertebrologist determines the necessity and type of additional examination, which will give him more information about the clinical picture of the disease. Depending on the preliminary diagnosis, the patient is assigned one or several instrumental studies:

  • Radiography shows the state of bones in the case of suspected damage;
  • computer tomography in vertebrology is used to diagnose neoplasm of the spine;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging shows the condition of the spine and soft tissues: intervertebral discs, vertebral nerve, cartilage, joints;
  • electromyography reflects the state of muscles and neuromuscular reactions;
  • ultrasound can detect a diseased organ with suspicion of a pathological process localized in the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, spine and soft tissues.

Methods of treatment that the vertebrologist uses

Having received all the data about the patient, the nature and severity of his illness, the doctor prescribes treatment. The vertebrologist is a specialist who, taking into account the seriousness of the process, tries to use conservative therapy for his patients.

Methods of treatment:

  • Drug therapy is prescribed with severe pain syndrome or to suppress the inflammatory process in the spine. In most cases, the vertebrologist tries to do without the use of medications.
  • Physiotherapy allows you to start biological processes by influencing physical factors: laser, heat, ultrasound, magnetic field, electricity. It allows to remove pain, eliminate spasms, reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation.
  • Manual therapy and therapeutic massage are used during remission. Massage relieves muscle spasm, reduces pain, strengthens the spine. Manual therapy restores the physiological location of the vertebrae.
  • Reflexotherapy is a method of treatment by acting on biologically active points, it is effective in the management of pain syndrome.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics is also prescribed during remission, it not only improves the patient's condition, but also prevents exacerbations.
  • Hirudotherapy is used as an auxiliary technique - it does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but improves blood circulation and has a general health effect.
  • Osteopathy (traction) consists in lengthening the spine by affecting its own weight or additional weights. Should be done only by an experienced doctor, since with the wrong technique can lead to serious consequences.
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  1. puncture laser discectomy - removal of part of the intervertebral disc;
  2. radiofrequency thermal annuloplasty consists in the interconnection of the outer tissues of the intervertebral disc;
  3. Laminectomy - removal of a small part of the bone tissue of the vertebra to release the pinched nerve;
  4. percutaneous automated discectomy - removal of part of the intervertebral disc when protruding it into the cavity of the spinal canal;
  5. facetectomy - removal of intervertebral joints;
  6. vertebroplasty - insertion into the cavity of the vertebra of the cementitious compound, which secures the damaged areas.

Children's vertebrologist

Diseases of the back can appear at any age, even in newborns. The children's vertebrologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of back problems, taking into account the characteristics of the child's body.

Most often refer to such a specialist in the detection of curvature of the spine: kyphosis or scoliosis, and also flat feet.

Congenital defects of the spinal column are also in the competence of the children's vertebrologist.

Doctor's recommendations

For each patient, the vertebrologist gives recommendations, the implementation of which will avoid the development of many spine diseases and reduce the risk of exacerbations:

  • sleep on a hard mattress in the supine position and on the back;
  • wearing the right and comfortable shoes; if the patient has a shortening of the limb, flat feet, clubfoot, shoes should be selected that can compensate for these defects;
  • compliance with sleep and wakefulness;
  • sufficient motor activity: sport, walking, swimming;
  • in the case of a long stay in one position (work at a computer), the organization of breaks;
  • weight control;
  • maintaining proper posture;
  • balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • implementation of a set of therapeutic and prophylactic exercises for the spine;
  • elimination of excessive physical exertion;
  • minimization of psychoemotional overstrain;
  • reception of multivitamin complexes;
  • when there is pain or discomfort, a timely call to the doctor.

Vertebrology is a young science, but its relevance is undeniable - an increasing number of people suffer from spinal column diseases.

Such diseases not only cause discomfort, but also significantly complicate the implementation of daily activities, as well as reduce work capacity.

If anxiety symptoms are detected, you should seek medical help from a therapist or a vertebrologist. Early diagnosis of the disease will significantly shorten the duration of treatment and avoid complications.

A source:


Vertebrology is a branch of medicine that studies the pathological processes of the spine.

To date, specialists in this field of medicine are few.

This is due to the fact that for the treatment of such pathologies, one must possess not only an enormous amount of knowledge, but also experience.

Who is a vertebrologist?

The vertebrologist is an expert who deals with the treatment of pathological processes in the spine, the ailments of the musculoskeletal system. A specialist can apply both a manual course of treatment and complex therapy with the connection of a neurosurgeon, a rheumatologist and other specialists.

What lies within the competence of the doctor?

At the heart of this expert's work lies the treatment and prevention of all diseases associated with the spine and joints.

One of the first and main tasks of the vertebrologist is treatment without surgical intervention.

Therefore, very often the vertebrologist interacts with masseurs, osteopaths and specialists in the field of manual therapy.

What pathologies are treated by the vertebrologist?

Under the specialization of a vertebrologist, the treatment of such ailments falls:

In addition, the vertebrologist is involved in the treatment of the spine after injuries, works with the patient during recovery from a severe spinal surgery.

Vertebrologist: what bodies are involved?

Under the supervision of this specialist lies the back and spine, circumferential tissues and nervous system.

What are the symptoms of contacting the vertebrologist?

In view of the fact that many pathological processes in the spine develop slowly, at the initial stage such signs of the disease are possible:

  1. headache;
  2. unstable blood pressure;
  3. dizziness;
  4. problems with the kidneys and heart.

In this case, you should first register with a therapist who will refer you to the vertebrologist if necessary.

To address directly to the doctor-vertebrologist follows in the presence of such factors:

  • pain in the neck or back;
  • dizziness, for no apparent reason;
  • headaches in the temporal and occipital region of the head, which increase with tilt or turn;
  • tremor of hands or feet, a feeling of coldness in the fingers;
  • pain, a feeling of "tightness" in the heart, intercostal space;
  • impaired motor function;
  • Sharp, sharp pain in the spine, which increases with physical activity.

Especially, it is necessary to pay attention to such signs, if earlier a person already had injuries of the spine or musculoskeletal system.

Do not self-medicate, because you can aggravate the development of the pathological process, which will lead to serious complications.

What diagnostic methods does it use?

For an accurate diagnosis, the vertebrologist uses the findings during the personal examination and the results of instrumental diagnosis. In the latter case, the diagnostic program includes the following:

MRI is almost always used. This method of research allows you to see the bone structure, the spinal cord, the condition of the discs and tissues.

Depending on the patient's condition, anamnesis and medical history, the specialist chooses the method that will give the most complete picture of the development of the pathological process.

What tests are given?

The vertebrologist can assign such tests:

Methods of treatment

As already noted, the vertebrologist tries to avoid surgical intervention during treatment. At the heart of the treatment is manual therapy and therapeutic massage. If the state of health allows, then the course of exercise therapy is prescribed.

The following methods are also used in the work of the vertebrologist:

  1. physiotherapy;
  2. spinal traction;
  3. reflexology;
  4. receptions from osteopathic therapy;
  5. hirudotherapy.

Recommendations of the doctor-vertebrologist

If the disturbances in the operation of the spine and the musculoskeletal system are not associated with trauma, the ailments can be prevented. For this, one should practice in practice such rules:

  • should observe the regime of the day - sleep should be full and comfortable;
  • the sleeping place should not be too soft, it is better to choose a mattress with moderate stiffness;
  • shoes should be comfortable, with the correct setting of the sole;
  • moderate physical activity (gymnastics, swimming);
  • correct posture at the table, comfortable working chair.

It should be noted that such rules should not only be used by adults. It is very important that the child from childhood become accustomed to such a regime and adhered to it constantly.

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What does the vertebrologist cure? When it is necessary to address for consultation to vertebrologist?

The name of the specialty "vertebrologist" comes from the Latin word vertebra, that is, the spine.

Doctors are involved in the treatment and prevention of diseases of this important organ.

With the spinal cord through the spinal cord, all internal organs are connected, so the vertebrologist has to work at the junction of orthopedics, neurosurgery and neurology.

Who is a vertebrologist?

To answer the question about what the vertebrologist cures, one can unequivocally - the spine.

Specialists in this field are still few, because it is necessary to have a huge experience in various fields of medicine, so that after analyzing the symptoms, find their cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

The vertebrologist is called upon to treat not the effect, but the cause. Its task is to establish a connection between violations in various departments of the spine and internal organs, to establish the source of the problem and to conduct treatment.

Consultation with a vertebrologist is recommended for patients who are being prepared for surgery and are needed to find alternative and more sparing treatments.

What diseases does the vertebrologist

The first place should be put such diseases as radiculitis, osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

Since they are found in every second person, the relevance of this direction is beyond doubt.

The next most popular diseases from those that are treated by the vertebrologist are intervertebral hernias, protrusions and displacement of the vertebrae.

At treatment the doctor uses the complex approach, considering that the problems of the musculoskeletal system are reflected in the whole body, and on the cardiovascular system - in the first place.

It is logical that the vertebrologist treats and those diseases, the cause of which was the defeat of the spine. Among them are arthrosis, neuralgia, joint diseases, cardiology and many others.

The organs with which the vertebrologist works

It is not only the spine, but also the joints surrounding the tissues and nervous system. Therefore, vegetative-vascular dystonia is included in the list of what the vertebrologist cures.

Very often, in the form of a primary request, head, heart, stomach pain, problems with the pancreas gland and kidneys, but these symptoms are only a consequence of the disease of one or more departments the spine.

In such a situation, the doctor can be difficult to diagnose without a preliminary examination, since the problem may be outside his competence.

Symptoms with which you can refer to this specialist

There are a lot of them, and if it's difficult to understand yourself, make an appointment with the therapist beforehand. After listening to your complaints, he will tell you if you need a vertebrologist, what this specialist treats. Most likely, he advises to seek advice if:

  • You are concerned about back pain and frequent dizziness. It is especially important not to delay with treatment if discomfort is localized in the cervical region.
  • Frequent headaches in the temporal or occipital areas, which are intensified or occur when the head is tilted and turned.
  • Sore feet or hands, there is a feeling of numbness of the limbs.
  • Prolonged pain in the heart, intercostal neuralgia.
  • Stiffness of movements, decreased mobility of the spine.
  • Acute or chronic pain in the spine and limbs, which are intensified when walking or deep breathing.

An experienced vertebrologist can diagnose and find the cause of the ailment at the first admission.

Methods of diagnosis that the doctor uses

The first reception of the vertebrologist is very important.
In addition to analyzing your medical history, the doctor will conduct a screening that includes:

  1. Examination of the back on the subject of curvature of posture.
  2. Palpation.
  3. Functional tests-tests (various inclinations and turns of the head and trunk, in which the doctor diagnoses deviations in the behavior of the spine).

Sometimes already on the basis of this, a diagnosis is made and a treatment regimen is built. But it happens that the doctor doubts, and then additional methods are connected.

Examination at the vertebrologist

Today, an entire arsenal of special equipment is provided to help the doctor, with the help of which you can quickly determine the cause of the disease. The doctor-vertebrologist uses such methods as:

  • Radiography of the spine. It is prescribed only in those cases when the doctor needs to see the condition of the bones.
  • Computer tomography - if there is a suspicion of various tumors.
  • Ultrasound examination.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging - this method is most popular, as the picture shows bone structures, discs and soft tissues (spinal cord).
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In each case there is no need to conduct all the studies, the attending physician will choose what will give him more information.

Methods of treatment

In most cases, vertebrologists are treated without injections and medications. Operative intervention is considered as an extreme measure, whenever possible it is avoided. Special therapeutic massage and manual therapy are widely used to solve problems.

Osteopathic methods of treatment help to alleviate the condition: already in the first session, the tension decreases and the blood supply of the diseased organ improves. As a result, the pain goes away.

The medical extension of the spine is another method that gives good results in osteochondrosis.

Be sure to ask the doctor what his experience of such procedures is, because if he does not calculate the effort, he will seriously harm you.

Physiotherapy is often used, as it has a very wide range of indications.

Reflexotherapy is an auxiliary method of treatment recognized by official medicine, and has persistent positive results, although it is based on bioenergetics.

The fact that different in strength impact injections, pressure on certain points of the body can ease the pain or cure the disease, they knew back in antiquity.

Today, doctors successfully use the skills accumulated over the centuries.

Hirudotherapy (use of leeches) is not used to treat the affected organ, but to improve the body as a whole.

The vessels are cleaned, the flow of blood and lymph is normalized, which helps to cope with stagnation in the tissues and to ensure the influx of oxygen.

If there is a direct need, the medication is connected, and the curative gymnastics completes the course, which is mandatory to consolidate the effect and reduce the risk of relapse.

As you can see, the vertebrologist has a wide arsenal of ways to help you. In this, plus and minus, as a young specialist without proper experience is difficult to make the right choice in favor of a particular method of treatment.

If there are problems with the spine in the child

Since the disease occurs regardless of age, the children's vertebrologist works separately.

Patients of this doctor are even newborn children.

In his conduct, any changes in the structure of the spine (bone tissue of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, spinal cord, ligaments, joints and muscles).

What is the convenience of consulting a vertebrologist?
Previously, with problems with a child with a back, he was led to a pediatrician who first directed to a surgeon, and then to a neurologist.

If the problem was complicated or the cause was not fully clarified, the child had to be treated simultaneously by a neurosurgeon, orthopedist and neurologist.

Where it is more convenient to address to one expert who will provide the complex approach to treatment.

Most often, children's vertebrologists are treated with scoliosis and kyphosis. More complex, solved problems are congenital or clan deformities of the spine and tumors of the spine (both malignant and benign).

Recommendations of the children's vertebrologist

  • From early childhood, teach the child to sleep on a hard bed and observe the regime of the day: sleep, active wakefulness, rest, eating.
  • Pay special attention to the choice of shoes - it should be comfortable and ideally fit in size.
  • Encourage love for the sport, make the baby move, go swimming together.
  • At school age, watch for the maintenance of proper posture at the table and normal load on the shoulders when wearing a knapsack.

Vertebrology as a branch of orthopedics

Many specialists-vertebrologists - are graduated orthopedists. Only complete knowledge of the functioning of the organism makes it possible to carry out diagnostics and build an effective system of treatment.

Who is an orthopedist vertebrologist, one must know each parent.

In order to determine in time the slightest deviations in the development of the spine, it is necessary to periodically visit a specialist.

After all, the diseases of the spine affect the nervous system, well-being, care and progress of the child.

The close connection of neurology and vertebrology

An experienced vertebrologist successfully combines the methods of different directions of medicine, orthopedics and neurology. This is necessary in order to avoid a variety of treatments from several specialists. A doctor who has been fully trained, is called a neurologist-vertebrologist, or vertebroneurologist.

You can safely entrust your back to a doctor who has a specialization in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spine.

Working in a mono-directional area, it will help to sort out the problem and find its cause.

Therefore, if the back is worried and there are all the symptoms listed by us, the best choice is a neurologist-vertebrologist.

Tips for choosing a good doctor

If you need consultation of a vertebrologist, then it's time to look for a specialist. The task is not as simple as it would be desirable, because they treat not pills and injections, as in many other cases, but the hands of a doctor. Approach it with great responsibility.

Large centers often offer a free primary consultation service, during which the patient can to get acquainted with a doctor, learn more about his previous experience, methods and timing of the alleged treatment. Begin the treatment with a doctor only if you fully trust him and do not experience discomfort when dealing with him.

A few words about self-treatment.

Often with pain in the back, people try to solve the problem on their own: at home, with a heating pad and ointments or through familiar masseurs who do not always have sufficient knowledge to choose an effective therapeutic course. Therefore, necessarily consult a vertebrologist.

He will pick up for you an individual scheme of treatment and therapeutic gymnastics, which will greatly facilitate the condition and will fix the effect for many years. Since each person is unique, then, after downloading a single scheme of exercises and massage movements from the Internet, you can not get rid of problems.

Brief conclusions

Vertebrology is a young direction in medicine, which is successfully developing today.

And indeed, the diseases of the spine have become so frequent that good specialists who own extensive knowledge and the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of these ailments are necessary for both children and adults.

A source: http://.ru/article/138159/chto-lechit-vertebrolog-kogda-stoit-obratitsya-za-konsultatsiey-k-vertebrologu

What the vertebrologist - specialist in the musculoskeletal system is treating

Diseases of the spine are one of the most common health problems that people of all ages and professions are facing today.

Do not self-medicate at all, as in this case a doctor's consultation is necessary.

But, what kind of specialist treats back problems?

Not so long ago, pathologies of the spine were dealt with exclusively by neuropathologists, who after a proper examination prescribed various medicines for the removal of inflammation and severe pain. However, today, a doctor-vertebrologist is treating similar diseases.

Who is a vertebrologist?

The vertebrologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats various problems withmusculoskeletal system.

Earlier, similar problems were dealt with by orthopedists and neuropathologists, but more recently a new direction in medicine has appeared that studies the influence of the spine on the entire body.

So it is the vertebrologistexaminesandappoints treatmentwith diseases of the back.

What diseases does the vertebrologist

The vertebrologist deals with the following diseases:

The organs with which the vertebrologist works

It should be noted that the vertebrologist works not only with the spine.

He also deals with joints, surrounding tissues and nervous system.

That is why this specialist also treats vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Quite often, the first symptoms of a disease of one or more of the spine, heart, head, stomach pains appear, there are problems with the kidneys and even with the pancreas gland.

If such a situation arises, it may be very difficult for a specialist to make a correct diagnosis without proper examination, since the problem that has arisen may not be in his competence.

Symptoms with which you can refer to this specialist

If the patient is at times worried about back pain, then, most likely, he will be interested in the question:at what point should I contact a specialist?

With frequent headaches, soreness and discomfort in the thoracic, lumbar and cervical spine, you should immediately visit a vertebrologist.

In addition, there are a number of other symptoms in which it may be necessary to help this specialist. Among them we can distinguish:

  • Rapid fatigue and a constant sense of weakness;
  • Pain in the heart (with normal ECG results);
  • Rachiocampsis;
  • Tingling sensations and weakness in the legs or hands;
  • Frequent pain in the back, their strengthening;
  • Weakness in the legs or hands;
  • Irradiation of pain in the spine to other parts of the body;
  • Significant decrease in the motor activity of the spine;
  • A sharp rise and fall in blood pressure, which lead to headache, dizziness and increased heart rate.

Methods of diagnosis that the doctor uses

The development of modern diagnostic methods is of great importance for vertebrology.

If previously a doctor could afford to send a patient only to X-rays ("photography" of bone tissues of the spine), then today they are armed such specialists have advanced diagnostic methods, such as: magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, Ultrasound.

Only thanks to such researches it is possible to receive the image of all kinds of fabrics layer-by-layer (cartilaginous, bone and soft tissues), which will allow specialists to correctly determine the cause of the pain syndrome and the violation of the functions of one or the other nerve.

It is worth noting that the new techniques involve a very small radiation burden on the patient, and ultrasound, it is generally absent. By the way, the back ultrasound has been used for the last few years, but the benefits from it have already been appreciated.


Nowadays, an entire arsenal of modern equipment helps every doctor, thanks to which doctors can quickly and correctly determine the cause of the disease.

The vertebrologist uses methods such as:

  1. Computer tomography (used for suspicion of a tumor);
  2. Radiography of the spine (it is appointed if necessary to see the condition of the bones);
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging (this method is the most popular, as the resulting image shows disks, bone structures and soft tissues);
  4. Ultrasound examination.

Of course, that in every individual case there is no need to do all the research at once. The specialist will choose what he can give him more information.

Methods of treatment

Usually vertebrologists prescribe treatment without the use of injections and medications. Operative intervention is considered only in the most "extreme cases trying to avoid it in every possible way.


In order to solve the patient's problems, as a rule, prescribe manual therapy and special medical massage.

Osteopathic treatment

Helps already in the first session to improve blood supply and reduce the tension of the diseased organ, so that the pain disappears.

Extension of the spine

Another method that gives excellent results in osteochondrosis is spinal traction. Only before such procedure it is necessary to learn at the doctor, what experience at it in carrying out of the given treatment as, not having calculated efforts, he can do much harm to you.


This is an auxiliary method of therapy, which is recognized by modern medicine. It gives very good results, although it is based on bioenergetics.

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Physiotherapy is often used, as it has a fairly wide range of indications.


It is used not to treat a sick organ, but to improve the health of the human body as a whole. Leeches help to clean the vessels, normalize the flow of lymph and blood, so that stagnation in the tissues will disappear and oxygen will flow.

Pressures and strong pricks on certain points of the body

Since ancient times, doctors have known such methods of treatment that quickly relieve pain and even can cure the disease. Today, specialists successfully use the skills that have been accumulated over the centuries.

Drug therapy and therapeutic gymnastics

In exceptional cases, medication is prescribed, and the final therapeutic course gymnastics, which is mandatory to consolidate the effect and reduce future risk relapse.

If there are problems with the spine in the child

Since back diseases can appear absolutely at any age, a children's vertebrologist works separately.

Patients with such a specialist can have even newborn babies.

He monitors any changes in the structure of the spine (intervertebral discs, bone tissue of the vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, joints, spinal cord).

Previously, if a child had back problems, he was led to a pediatrician who then directed a small patient to a surgeon and a neurologist. In difficult cases, the child had to treat at the same time an orthopedist, a neurosurgeon and a neurologist.

Now it is much more convenient to apply to one specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

The children's vertebrologist is most often treated with kyphosis and scoliosis. More difficult, but decisive tasks are generic or congenital deformities of the spine and benign / malignant tumors of the vertebrae.

Tips for choosing a good doctor

In the event that you needed a consultation of a vertebrologist, then such a specialist should be chosen very carefully.

This task is rather difficult, because in this case, the patient will not be treated with injections or pills, but with the hands of the chosen doctor.

Popular medical centers, as a rule, offer services of an initial free consultation, during which, the patient can get acquainted with a specialist, learn in detail about his experience, the timing and methods of the proposed treatment.

You can start treatment with a vertebrologist only if you do not feel discomfort when communicating with him and trust him completely.

Quite often, when back pain occurs, people try to solve this problem on their own using various ointments, warmers or through the familiar massage therapists, who do not always have sufficient knowledge, in order to prescribe an effective therapeutic course.

It is for this reason that you should always consult a vertebrologist. He will be able to select for the patient individual curative gymnastics and a treatment regimen that can significantly alleviate the patient's condition and consolidate the resulting effect for a long period of time.

Undoubtedly, any back diseases significantly "spoil" the quality of a person's life - the functional activity decreases, severe pains are excruciated.

However, today's medicine successfully heals and cures various pathologies of the spinal column.

And help you in such a difficult matter - qualified doctors, vertebrologists.

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What kind of doctor is a vertebrologist, what can a specialist do?

To understand what kind of doctor is a vertebrologist, you need to know that the name of this specialty comes from the Latin term "vertebra translated as "spine". The need for specialists-vertebrologists has emerged because of the constant increase in the number of diseases, the main cause of which are disorders in the spine.

Vertebrology - what is it?

Modern reality requires doctors to take an integrated approach to the disease in order to avoid the treatment of symptoms, not the disease itself. Vertebrology is a new field of medicine that studies the spine diseases their consequences.

In hospitals where specialists in this field do not work, then what the vertebrologist cures, are forced to heal different specialists - neurologists, surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopedists, manual therapists, kinesiotherapists, physiotherapists and others.

The vertebrologist - who is this and what heals?

The spine is the most important organ of a person, it protects the spinal cord through which the brain communicates with other organs and parts of the body.

It is very common that a person does not suspect that the main cause of his problems is spine disease.

For example, such an ailment can be a factor that causes heart and headaches, numbness of the limbs, increased pressure and other health problems. In addition, the doctor covers his attention to the nervous system, joints and tissues surrounding the spinal column.

The vertebrologist is a doctor who uses an integrated approach. Problems with one of the spine sections disrupt the biomechanics of the entire vertebral column, uneven loading can cause damage to the lower vertebrae, ligaments and discs.

For example, kyphosis and scoliosis over time cause a curvature of the lumbar spine.

For this reason, the vertebrologist not only seeks to eliminate all the causes of the patient's complaints, but also to find out how the disturbance at one level has affected the rest of the spine.

The doctor-vertebrologist - that he heals:

  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • protrusion;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • spinal artery syndromes;
  • oncological diseases that affect the spine;
  • radicular syndromes;
  • fractures and dislocations of vertebrae;
  • infectious lesions of the tissues of the spinal column;
  • pinched nerves and vessels;
  • vertebral anomalies;
  • consequences of birth injuries affecting the spine;
  • diseases that have caused damage to the spine - neuralgia, arthrosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases, problems with the stomach, pancreas and other organs that appeared as a result of disorders in the spine.

Orthopedic vertebrologist - who is this?

Orthopedist-vertebrologist is a graduate who deals with the treatment of acquired or congenital defects of the bony structure of the spine. What kind of a doctor is an orthopedist-vertebrologist - specialization in the following areas:

  1. outpatient - admission of patients to a polyclinic and the purpose of treatment;
  2. surgical - the implementation of radical surgical treatment of the spine and surrounding tissue;
  3. traumatological - treatment of injuries (conservative, surgical), correction of chronic or birth traumas;
  4. children and adolescents - treatment and prevention of problems with the spine in children from year to puberty;
  5. endoprosthetics - installation of a prosthesis.

Neurosurgeon vertebrologist

To understand who a vertebrologist neurosurgeon is, you need to know that the area of ​​competence of this doctor captures both diseases of the spine and diseases of the nervous system.

These can be spinal injuries affecting the central nervous system, or diseases of the nervous system that adversely affect the health of the spine (paralysis, pinching of nerves, paresis).

A neurosurgeon vertebrologist prescribes therapeutic treatment, rehabilitation measures, surgical interventions.

What is the treatment of a vertebrologist-kinesiologist?

The doctor of the vertebrologist-kinesiology department is a specialist who reveals pathological processes in the body and contributes to his recovery.

The causes of disturbances can be problems in the circulatory system, the nervous system and other organs that affect the vital activity of the body.

To more accurately answer the question "kinesiologist-vertebrologist - who is this? One should know that this is also an expert in areas of genetics, cybernetics, computer science, and the foundation of his knowledge is the basic approach, characteristic of the eastern medicine.

Reception of the doctor-vertebrologist

Realizing that the doctor is a vertebrologist, a person realizes that the help of this specialist is necessary for many. Symptoms in which a vertebrologist is recommended:

  • pain in the occipital region of the head, independent of changes in blood pressure;
  • Dizziness with awkward turns of the head, after an uncomfortable sleep;
  • pressure jumps in the direction of both increased and lowered;
  • pain syndrome of chronic or acute nature in any part of the spine;
  • pain, weakness and numbness in the hands and feet, giving pain;
  • pain in the chest (intercostal space);
  • numbness in the perineum;
  • disorders in the processes of urination and defecation;
  • curvature of the spine, violation of posture;
  • poor mobility of the spine, pain and crunch when tilting, turning;
  • pain in the heart, not removed by cardiac means and not manifested on the ECG.

What does the vertebrologist check?

The doctor-vertebrologist accepts patients and with already established diagnosis, and only suggesting problems with the spine. During the first appointment, a specialist conducts a survey, which includes:

  1. visual inspection and palpation of the back;
  2. assessment of gait, posture, symmetry of the body, the position of the shoulder blades, the shoulder-lines, the pelvic lines;
  3. evaluation of the line of spinous processes;
  4. feeling your back on revealing painful areas;
  5. checking reflexes and muscle strength;
  6. functional tests - turns and torso of the trunk and head, showing deviations in the behavior of the spine.

Surveys in the vertebrologist

If a serious disease of the spine and joints is suspected, the doctor will appoint more detailed and accurate studies. In the arsenal of this specialist a large number of modern equipment, and the most popular are:

  • radiography of the spine, showing the state of bone tissue;
  • ultrasound examination, allowing to see the spine and surrounding tissues layer by layer;
  • computer tomography, which helps to identify tumors;
  • magnetic resonance imaging, showing bone structures, spinal cord, vessels;
  • lumbar puncture, helping to identify pathological formations.

Diseases of the spine - prevention

Preventive measures help prevent spinal diseases.

Doctors-vertebrologists recommend:

  1. Maintain an optimal body weight - excess weight destroys the vertebrae, joints, intervertebral discs.
  2. Evenly distribute physical activity - overload the body is fraught with trauma and other problems.
  3. Adhere to a balanced diet - with a lack of vitamins and mineral elements, all organs and body structures suffer.
  4. Warm up after a long stay in one position and be sure to do exercises for the back.
  5. If pain and discomfort occurs, seek medical advice rather than self-medication.
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