Why is the hematocrit elevated in the blood, what does it mean?

why the hematocrit is elevatedThe indicator of the level of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets on the whole volume of blood in the body is called hematocrit.

Usually this indicator is represented as a percentage, less often in the form of a fractional number. The definition of this indicator makes it possible to see the presence of a disease and the degree of its development.

The main reason for the increase in hematocrit is an increase in the number of red blood cells (hyperproduction in the bone marrow) or an increase in their size, which creates an additional volume. What this means, and what causal factors contribute to this, we will consider in this article.

Hematocrit norm

For the analysis, it is necessary to take blood. The biological material is placed in a sterile flask, after which the vessel is closed and sent to a centrifuge. Here the blood is subjected to the procedure of separation into its component parts. To do this, it is in the centrifuge for one and a half hours, and during this time all the components are separated from each other.

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Normal indicators of hematocrit depend on the sex of the person and his age:

  • adult man - 40-48%;
  • adult woman - 36-46%;
  • newborn child - up to 60%;
  • children under 13 years - up to 38-40%.

If the tests indicate that the norm for women and men is disrupted and is more than 0.55 - then the patient has elevated hematocrit. Because of the high concentration of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets in the blood, the blood viscosity increases, and this causes the formation and proliferation of blood clots in the vessels.


The first "bell" at hematocrit indicators above the norm is frequent dizziness. A high number of erythrocytes can bind and carry more oxygen, leading to an easy, but constant poisoning - hyperoxia.

With the progression of the disease, poisoning takes more severe forms, causing nausea, a state of slight stupefying, numbness of the extremities, difficulty breathing.

The causes of elevated hematocrit

Why is the hematocrit elevated in the blood of adults, what does it mean? The reasons for the increase in hematocrit can be both pathological and physiological, which are not associated with certain diseases.

The body always strives to keep the balance of internal processes, so when deviations from physiological norms compensatory mechanisms are included. The increase in hematocrit in the blood is one of the quantitative characteristics of the physiological "adjustment" of the organism to the new conditions of life.

So, let's consider the most common causes of elevated hematocrit in adults:

  1. As a result of dehydration, or dehydration. In this case, the amount of circulating blood in the bed is reduced by decreasing the volume of the plasma. This can happen with vomiting, diarrhea, overheating, severe sweating, with insufficient fluid intake. In this case, the body is forced to take water from the bloodstream. Thus, the ratio of the volume of the erythrocyte fraction and the total volume varies, the blood becomes thicker due to a decrease in the amount of plasma.
  2. Diseases that reduce the volume of plasma in the blood. The number of blood elements does not affect them in any way, but second-degree burns, for example, form bubbles in which plasma is stored. It is taken just from the blood, increasing the hematocrit by decreasing the second number in the exponent. Also to this group are acute manifestations of diseases like peritonitis, thrombosis or diabetes.
  3. Hypoxia in chronic form. In this state, the cells and tissues of the human body lack oxygen. Pathology is often detected in people who smoke or have diabetes. Erythrocytes have in their composition hemoglobin, responsible for the movement of oxygen, its transport to cells, removal of carbon dioxide from the body. With hypoxia, present in chronic form and arisen for objective reasons, the body tries to eliminate the problem of oxygen deficiency through the enhanced synthesis of red blood cells. The increase in hematocrit in this case occurs precisely because of the increased production of red blood cells.
  4. Long-term use of medications: especially dangerous in this regard is glucocorticoids and other hormonal drugs. Diuretics also have a similar effect.
  5. Getting skin burns. Moreover, the larger the area of ​​the skin lesion, the higher the hematocrit is recorded in the analysis of blood. This is easily explained by the mobilization of all components of the blood to fight infections and bacteria that penetrate through the burn, as well as the need for an accelerated process of tissue regeneration.
  6. Kidney Diseases. Hydronephrosis, which lowers the body's ability to absorb water, or tumors, polycystosis, accompanied by enhanced release of erythropoietin - a hormone responsible for the formation of erythrocytes.
  7. Anemia, in which the body shows a lack of vitamin B12 and iron.
  8. Disease of the blood, first of all - leukemia.
  9. Development in the body of peritonitis.
  10. Polycystic in acute or chronic forms.
  11. Rapid development in the body of erythremia.

It is obvious that analysis only on hematocrit without determining the number of erythrocytes and their morphological features is unlikely to satisfy the demands of clinicians in the diagnosis of various hematological pathologies, since the test, although it carries general information, but does not reveal the cause of the increase or decrease.

Therefore, when the given value exceeds the norm, this can speak both of physiological processes in the body and of diseases. High hematocrit speaks of dense blood, which means that there is a danger of developing thrombosis.

What can affect the rate of hematocrit?

The increase, as well as the decrease in hematocrit, is not necessarily related only to diseases or external effects in the form of trauma or burns. There are at least two other factors that affect the increase in hematocrit.

  1. Those who smoke, the hematocrit is increased through oxygen starvation of tissues, their erythrocytes are produced at an elevated level.
  2. People forced to work orkeep, are also distinguished by an increase in the level of hematocrit in the blood. This applies to climbers or simply residents of high mountain areas. This factor is very similar to the previous one, because a person receives an insufficient amount of oxygen - its concentration decreases with the height of the drag.
  3. Elevated levels of Ht are characteristic of athletesusing anabolic steroidsfor a set of muscle mass.
  4. In newborns, the hematocrit is always elevated.

So, it is very important to pass the analysis to the hematocrit, in order to reveal the development of some pathologies in time.

What to do with an elevated hematocrit?

Successful treatment and stabilization of the level of hematocrit is to eliminate the underlying cause. In some cases, no special methods can be used, it is sufficient to start breathing air enriched with oxygen, quit smoking, drink enough water and normalize the way of life. Also, with a strong increase in hematocrit, it is necessary to consult a doctor for prescribing drugs that dilute blood-anticoagulants.

It is worth remembering that if the hematocrit increases, the viscosity of the blood also increases. This leads to certain consequences. Increased risk of blood clots, which subsequently block the arterial blood flow. This can lead to heart attacks, ischemic stroke, gangrene or fatal outcome depending on the location of the thrombus.

We collected the most useful information about what it means to "raise the blood hematocrit" so that you can now have an initial idea of ​​your results of a general blood test. Leave comments and share useful information with your loved ones.


The increase in hematocrit is directly related to the increase in blood viscosity.

The thick blood tends to form clots that collect in a certain amount, already form a thrombus. Small blood clots begin to block the flow of blood in thin capillary vessels, thereby blocking feeding at first small areas of tissues. This overlapping can be felt by a person in the form of numbness, for example, fingers, toes, and the death of small areas of tissue.

But large blood clots can cause, first of all, large heart problems up to a lethal outcome.
The way out of this situation is in the dilution of blood. This is a well-known recommendation.

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