Erosive gastritis - treatment, diet, symptoms

Erosive gastritisErosive gastritis can be characterized as a lesion of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by the appearance on it of single or multiple surface defects.

It can also be said that erosion is a shallow wound that affects only the outer layer of the mucosa.

At the onset of the disease, it can only be small lesions on the walls of the stomach, located mainly from the outside. These are rounded areas elevated above healthy tissues and reaching up to eight millimeters.

Symptoms that a person experiences are very unpleasant from such a disease. This is both pain and constant unpleasant sensations in the gastric department. Therefore, treatment should be started immediately, after the detection of symptoms.


What it is? Acute or chronic irritation of the mucosa, which leads to disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane - one of the main causes of the development of erosive gastritis. Defects in this disease do not go deeper than the mucous layer, and in size are from one to two to several tens of millimeters.

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With erosive gastritis, there may be several scattered or several connected foci, which, during their fusion, cause more extensive necrosis, and often lead to bleeding from the vessels.

Lead to developmenterosive gastritis can:

  • chronic gastrointestinal disease (superficial gastritis, esophageal diseases);
  • excessive consumption of hot and spicy food;
  • some medicines;
  • constant use of alcohol, as well as one-time use of excessively large doses.

Also, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori becomes the culprit of the disease (it also causes a stomach ulcer). It damages the gastric mucosa, after which local inflammatory processes develop.


The first signs of erosive gastritis, depending on its type, can be as follows:

Sharpthe form:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • the stool becomes dark, almost black, indicating internal bleeding.

Chronicform proceeds much easier. The patient may have:

  • heartburn;
  • at the end of the meal there is a belch;
  • unpleasant pain in the stomach.

Sometimes this type of gastritis can be asymptomatic. But this disease is insidious, it is difficult to treat and very often causes an exacerbation of erosive gastritis. Erosions can exist for a very long time, up to several years.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis

Erosive gastritis symptomsBasically, erosive gastritis of the stomach develops very quickly and intensively. On the gastric mucosa appear small (1-3mm) flat foci of necrosis of the upper tissues, which reach a certain depth, and when healing, unlike ulcers, do not form scars.

This disease doctors are also called hemorrhagic gastritis and divide it into a chronic and acute form.

Symptoms of erosive and acute gastritis are similar (abdominal pain, stool disorder, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, general weakness of the body, etc.). But with acute erosive gastritis, these symptoms are also accompanied by signs of gastric bleeding, such as:

  • acute pain in the abdomen immediately after a meal or on an empty stomach;
  • blood clots in the vomit;
  • dark, tar-like feces.

Chronic erosive gastritis can often occur completely without symptoms, manifested only by infrequent and implicit attacks of nausea, flatulence, discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen. Diagnosis of the inflammatory process in many cases is carried out in such patients only after the onset of gastric bleeding.

Often, exacerbations of chronic gastritis are seasonal in nature. If these seemingly innocuous symptoms become regular or last for at least a week - you should consult your doctor.


In order to determine what type of gastritis a patient needs to undergo examination:

  1. Endoscopy. In the esophagus, and then a special probe (endoscope) is inserted into the stomach, thanks to which the mucous membrane of the stomach is examined. Especially from the site of the sore, a piece of tissue is plucked, which is then sent for examination, for Helicobacter pylori.
  2. General blood analysis. Anemia is also a characteristic sign of erosive gastritis.
  3. Stool analysis forlatent blood.

Chronic erosions are usually elevated above the surface of a healthy mucosa, represent a spot (papule) with a slight depression inside. The bottom of erosion can be a muscular plate. Characteristic of the development of glandular hyperplasia along the edges of erosion. In the scarring stage, granulation tissue is seen in the center of erosion, and atrophically altered glands along the edges.

Treatment of erosive gastritis

To determine how to treat erosive gastritis, first you need to find out the reason for the erosion. But since erosion is the initial degree of an ulcer, the scheme of treatment of erosive gastritis will be very similar to the methods of therapy of peptic ulcer.

The main place in the treatment of erosive gastritis is proper nutrition. You can not zealous with the diet, because the food should be sparing. For example, in acute forms of illness, doctors recommend the use of warm boiled or stewed dishes without the addition of spices.

At the same time, it is necessary to completely eliminate coffee, alcohol, strong tea (both black and green). Also, do not eat greens, broths, many juices and raw vegetables.

Medication Methods

The treatment scheme for erosive gastritis will be complex, and include itself in a variety of different stages and prescribing medications.

  1. If the disease is caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, then the treatment of chronic erosive gastritis is impossible without the use of antibiotics. Most often the patient is prescribed tetracycline, levofloxacin, clarithromycin, amoxicillin, which require long-term administration.
  2. Decontamination of aggressive hydrochloric acid. For these purposes, antacid agents are shown: renni, maalox, almagel, phosphalugel, venter. They not only eliminate excess acidity, but also form a protective film over the inflammatory mucosa and erosions. This contributes to their rapid healing.
  3. Since antacid agents mute the action of gastric juice, for better digestion of food requires additional enzymes. Enhance the secretory function drugs Mezim, Digestal. Also at this stage the doctor can prescribe to the patient antispasmodics to eliminate pain in the stomach - Papaverin, No-shpa.
  4. Restoration of normal motility of the stomach and duodenum. There will be prescribed drugs that can activate the contractions of the gastrointestinal tract, and increase the tone of the walls of the stomach. Preparations of the first generation, which should be taken with such a disease Cerukal, Reglan, they are able to improve the motility of the stomach, but are able to enter the blood and affect the nervous system.
  5. Treatment with alkaline mineral water. It is better to spend it in the conditions of specialized sanatoria.

If it is a situation with an acute form of erosive gastritis, then its treatment is in the intensive care unit. Almost always patients manage to cure selected medications, but a small percentage still have complications.


An important point in the menu is the consistency of food. The advantage is given to dishes cooked in semi-liquid or wiped form. Rough food irritates the damaged gastric mucosa especially, cold and very hot food should be avoided.

  1. In the acute period, and also in the initial period of recovery is recommended diet number 1. It implies the restriction of secretion-inducing products, as well as the exclusion of dishes that irritate the mucous membrane.
  2. In chronic coursethe diet №2 is shown. In this case, the sparing of the gastric mucosa is required moderate. But even in this period it is necessary to abandon certain products.

To keep the stomach comfortable, the food should be warm. Portions should not be large, frequent intake of food is recommended so that there is no feeling of overeating.

How to treat erosive gastritis with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies gives good results in most cases, since natural components are used for it, and people's experience has a long history.

  1. Take a tincture of propolis or prepare it well in advance. 3 parts of propolis per 10 parts of vodka. Twenty drops of such tincture to plant in a glass of water, take in the morning on an empty stomach on a glass. Term of treatment is 2-3 months, then a break. The course should be repeated twice a year.
  2. The most important folk remedy is sea buckthorn oil, which has a very high wound healing power. And it also soothes the inflammation of the stomach. Those who have berries of sea-buckthorn at home can squeeze their juice, put it in a jar and add an equal amount of olive oil (1: 1), equal in volume to the juice. Stir the mixture for three days, then place in the refrigerator. Take one teaspoon on an empty stomach for at least fourteen days.

Remember that even treatment with folk remedies is dangerous. Before you start to try home recipes, you need to consult your doctor.

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