We get rid of diabetes at home by effective folk methods

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that modern medicine can not cure. But there are a lot of different medicines and folk methods to maintain the patient's condition for a long time at the proper level. If there is a question, how to treat diabetes at home with folk remedies, we will tell you in detail.

  • Symptoms of the disease
  • About folk treatment
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Diabetes in Women
  • Ground pear (Jerusalem artichoke)
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger root
  • Aspen bark
  • Bay leaf
  • Flax seeds
  • Vegetable oils
  • What juices to drink
  • Tomatoes
  • Grenades
  • Earth Pear
  • Carrot
  • Potatoes
  • Beet
  • How does dogrose help in diabetes?
  • Treatment with green tea
  • Baking soda for diabetes
  • Preventive measures
  • Herbal medicine
  • Treatment of diabetes with Tianshi
  • Treatment of diseases caused by diabetes mellitus
  • Gangrene
  • Wounds
  • Cataract
  • Treatment of joints
  • Treatment of kidneys
  • Diet
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Important! When treating diabetes at home, special attention should be given to the quality of the product and the dosages given in the above recipes. Before the beginning of application of each method, obligatory consultation of the endocrinologist or therapist is required.

Symptoms of the disease

Often a person can for a long time not suspect that he has diabetes, and does not pay attention to the symptoms of the disease. As a rule, malaise is written off for fatigue, other diseases, but this disease has its own characteristic manifestations. The main signs that are allocated for diabetes:

  • frequent urination (polyuria);
  • constant dry mouth - no matter how much you drink liquids, you can not get drunk (polydipsia);
  • feeling of hunger (polyphagia);
  • severe weight loss, exhaustion (insulin-dependent patients).

Secondary symptoms include:

  • itching and dryness of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • constant fatigue;
  • headache;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • numb limbs;
  • vision falls.

If a symptom of diabetes is found, it is necessary to consult a doctor and start treatment in time.

About folk treatment

Depending on the type of disease, various means for treatment are used.

Type 1 diabetes

Before you start treatment of type 1 diabetes with folk remedies, you must first discuss them with your doctor. Lowering the sugar level can be done using such methods:

  1. 1 cup of dried acorns scrolled in a meat grinder, pour 600 ml of boiling water and put on a stove.
  2. Wait until the mixture boils, make a small fire and boil for half an hour. Then the broth should be infused for 24 hours, and after that, again give it a puff and again put it on the same date.
  3. Only after this, the mixture is filtered and diluted with 200 ml of vodka. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Take tincture is recommended 6 times a day for 3 sips. After the completed cycle of treatment, it is advisable to drink rose hips once a week.

You should know that first type diabetes is treated with insulin injections only. No other methods can completely normalize the level of glucose in the blood. All folk recipes are an auxiliary, symptomatic therapy and do not replace the main treatment.

Type 2 Diabetes

Alternative medicine suggests using phytotherapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. There are already recipes with names, for example, "Drink for a Diabetic" - for its preparation you need several kinds of dry and small-grown plants:

  1. 20 g of burdock root, 20 g of blueberry leaves, 20 g of bean leaves mixed, 3 tbsp. l. ready collection and pour 1000 ml of only boiled water.
  2. It takes 10-12 hours to brew the drink, having wrapped it in a warm blanket.
  3. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 days.

Infusion of wild rose is considered to be an effective remedy:

  1. 5-7 hips of dogrose pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire, allow to boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Then remove and let stand for 5 hours, after the time has filtered.

It is recommended to take the medication 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a month, with regular increase of sugar repeat therapy.

With type 2 diabetes mellitus, folk remedies combined with compulsory diet and moderate exercise can keep glycemia for a long time at a normal level. But if the glucose level rises, you can not do without medications.

Diabetes in Women

Women prefer to prefer recipes based on blueberries, walnut leaves, strawberries, lingonberries:

  1. Shredded and dried plants of blueberries, St. John's wort, the bird's hills and cranberries mix thoroughly.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. l. cooked mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover and cover with a blanket.
  3. Infusion should brew for 1 hour, no longer worth it.
  4. Take a month for 1/2 cup.

You can take 1.5 hours. l. dry crushed bilberry leaves, nettle and galets, mix plants, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for an hour, filter. For the treatment of drinking 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

Ground pear (Jerusalem artichoke)

In the root vegetables are many vitamins and minerals, while the tubers contain few calories. You can get from the product fructose - a useful sugar for a diabetic. With the disease of the first type, the root crop will reduce the sugar content in the blood. With the second form of diabetes, the glucose level will return to normal. You can eat Jerusalem artichoke in a raw, boiled or stewed form.


The effect on the human body of cinnamon is multifaceted. In particular, due to the content of phenol, the level of sugar in the blood decreases. If every day add cinnamon to the dishes that the patient uses, then within 30 days the blood sugar level will decrease by 30%.

For the treatment of cinnamon is prepared this way:

  • make tea and add 1/4 h. l. cinnamon, insist 5 minutes;
  • 1 hour l. mix cinnamon with honey in the proportions of 1: 2, pour the mixture with warm water, let it brew for 12 hours and drink tea for 2 meals (cook better in the evening).

With the help of cinnamon, it is possible to treat diabetes, but there are contraindications for its intake:

  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy to cinnamon;
  • impaired blood coagulability;
  • cancer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bleeding;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

Important! If you have not previously used the described ingredient, then enter into the diet of cinnamon should be gradually. In the end, the amount of spice per day should be five grams.

You can prepare a drink on the basis of one art. spoons of liquid honey with the addition of a glass of hot water. Insist 12 hours, pour 10 grams of ground cinnamon, drink before bed.

Attention! Cinnamon is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Ginger root

On the body of diabetics, ginger has a complex, positive effect. In the root, you can find four hundred useful substances. The diet of diabetics when using the root is significantly enriched. In folk medicine, the most popular recipe is ginger tea. The root of the ginger is cleaned, put for an hour in cold water. Then grate, put in a thermos and pour boiling water. Take before meals in the morning, lunch and evening, pouring into regular tea.

Aspen bark

Therapy with aspen cortex will take 2 months, then a three-week break is needed. If necessary, continue treatment. Recipe:

  1. 1 hour l. Aspen bark pour 200 ml of water, put on a plate and bring to a boil, then remove and pour into a thermos bottle.
  2. Cooked broth should be infused for 10-12 hours, then drain and drink for 2 meals (in the morning and in the evening).

It is important before this is nothing to eat and take half an hour before eating. But if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in order to avoid heartburn, it is necessary to take the decoction from early morning until the evening in small sips, pre-eat something.

Bay leaf

Thanks to the plant, you can reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood, lose weight and strengthen immunity without disturbing the metabolic processes of the body. Many useful in the fresh leaves of the laurel, but dried leaves, the most common, will also suit. The duration of treatment, as a rule, is three weeks, then you need to take a break.


  • 3 cups of boiling water pour 10 leaves of bay leaf. After three hours, take 100 ml three times a day before the main meal;
  • to 15 sheets of the plant to pour a half cup of water and send to the plate for five minutes. Then pour into a thermos and leave for another four hours. Fully drink a drink during the day. Treatment lasts three days, then a break for 14 days.

Important! With a severe stage of diabetes, the bay leaf is strictly prohibited. Also, it is not suitable for ulcer disease and kidney disease.

Flax seeds

The seeds of flax are widely used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus at home. They contain a lot of fatty acids, which reduce the sugar.

For the treatment is made a decoction based on 5 tbsp. spoons of seeds and 5 glasses of water. Mix everything and cook for 10 minutes. Then, after persisting for an hour, tincture of drinking 100 ml three times a day - and so every day.

Vegetable oils

With the type of disease described, many vegetable oils will be extremely useful. Separately, you can distinguish the oil of flax and olives, oil of pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Variants of oil treatment in diabetes mellitus:

  • sunflower seed oil. Daily allowance should not be more than 40 ml. Especially recommended in the presence of type 2 diabetes;
  • Linseed oil is suitable for the prevention of diseases of the endocrine system, it is easy to digest. Do not heat this oil, it is better to add it to salads;
  • oil of olives. The most preferred vegetable oil for diabetes. It contains a lot of vitamin E. Is a medicinal and preventive agent. You can stew, fry and bake in oil;
  • pumpkin seed oil. Contains many vitamins, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The product strengthens the body and rejuvenates it.

What juices to drink

At once it is necessary to note, that juices at treatment of a diabetes at home necessarily should be present in a ration every day. These are not juices from packets, namely fresh, pressed vegetables and fruits.


The most useful variant of drinking with the described disease. Contains many substances necessary to the body, apple and citric acid. Make tomato juice only from ripe tomatoes.


The pomegranate does not have a special therapeutic effect on the body of a diabetic, but it is often used for preventive purposes. Improves the condition of blood vessels, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol and the threat of stroke. To juice was not so sour, you can add a little bit of natural honey.

Earth Pear

The article already mentioned that Jerusalem artichoke for diabetics is extremely useful. The same applies to root juice. Such juice can be drunk three times a day for 10-20 minutes before eating. The concentration of sugar will be significantly reduced, and you can still say goodbye to heartburn forever.


This drink will strengthen the body and reduce the manifestation of various symptoms of diabetes. Also carrot juice strengthens eyesight and helps to work the cardiovascular system. Excellent shows its positive effects in combination with other types of fresh juices.


An unpleasant kind of juice, but its healing properties in diabetes are invaluable. He normalizes sugar, copes with kidney and liver problems, helps with peptic ulcer. To prepare a potato drink, the tubers should be rubbed and squeezed through gauze. Drink after meals and not more than 50 ml at a time.


Use the drink diabetics carefully: the beet contains sucrose, which can worsen the patient's condition. In principle, treatment is possible, but in strict dosage and after consulting a doctor. It is best to mix this drink with other fresh juices.

How does dogrose help in diabetes?

Symptoms and complications of diabetes can be overcome with the help of dogrose. It will significantly strengthen immunity, because diabetics are prone to frequent viral and infectious diseases.

Also, the dog rose will help normalize blood pressure, reduce the high content of bad cholesterol, get rid of fatigue, bring the body's tone back to normal. Decoctions on the basis of the described plant solve the problems with the outflow of urine, remove toxins from the body.

How to cook a broth:

  • need fresh (dry) fruit soak in 3 tbsp. spoons of hot water;
  • to warm on a water bath for a quarter of an hour;
  • then pour the liquid and fruits into the thermos, insist 24 hours;
  • drink before meals twice a day.

Treatment with green tea

All doctors agree that it is green tea for diabetics that is a universal drink. If you regularly drink green tea, then tolerance to glucose and overall well-being are normalized. It is recommended to drink in case of diabetes from 4 glasses of green tea (without sugar, milk) per day.

Baking soda for diabetes

This option for the treatment of diabetes mellitus at home was used at the beginning of the last century, and, not only healers, but also doctors. Soda is able to remove a patient from a diabetic coma by eliminating metabolic acidosis. It does not directly reduce the sugar level.

To prepare a glass of warm milk, you should pour a pinch of ordinary baking soda. Mix and a couple of minutes to hold on the fire, then cool. Drink such a drink every day once.

Important! For people with a low acidity of the stomach, this method of folk treatment of diabetes is not categorically suitable.

Preventive measures

First of all, enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, watch your weight, because it is the extra pounds that are one of the provoking factors of the disease.

Simple and useful preventive measures:

  • 7-10 cloves of garlic grate and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Drink instead of tea. Contraindicated in people with a sick stomach;
  • 5 bulbs of medium size to scroll through a meat grinder and pour boiling water in a volume of 2 liters, put for 1 hour to brew and drink in small portions throughout the day;
  • pharmacy tincture of the peony is also an effective remedy against the development of diabetes, drink 35 drops before meals 3 times a day.

Herbal medicine

It should be understood that the effect of herbs is aimed at correcting various disorders in diabetes. Certain plants have insulin-like substances. They help to normalize the level of glucose. Some plants restore the body as a whole, strengthen immunity.Herbal Medicine for DiabetesThe list of herbs recommended for diabetics is quite extensive.

Plants with insulin-like substances:

  • elecampane and burdock;
  • peony;
  • clover;
  • blueberry;
  • Chinese Schisandra;
  • bean pods.

Common restorative herbs:

  • ginseng;
  • Golden root;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • enticement.

Plants that normalize metabolism:

  • St. John's wort;
  • bearberry;
  • flowers of lime, flax, wheatgrass;
  • sporish;
  • plantain;
  • ashberry and wild rose;
  • berries cranberries.

Treatment of diabetes with Tianshi

Tianshi is a dietary supplements, the scheme of treatment of this product:

  • biocalcium (half an hour before breakfast, half a sachet per glass of water);
  • sang-gao (2 capsules 2 times a day, recommended time from 15.00 to 17.00);
  • uguvan (2 capsules before breakfast);
  • Cordyceps (taken with insulin-dependent diabetes);
  • biozinc (after dinner after 1,5 hours, drink 3 capsules and drink with a glass of water);
  • antilipid tea (1 sachet for 2 meals - in the morning and after dinner);
  • ikan (before breakfast for half an hour 4 capsules and drink with a glass of water);
  • spirulina (2 tablets 2 times a day, gradually increasing the dose);
  • kanli (for 50 days, 1 capsule 2 times a day).

For the year, you should complete 3 courses.

Treatment of diseases caused by diabetes mellitus


Treatment of gangrene in diabetes mellitus can be carried out with the help of folk remedies. For external treatment:

  • do compress chlorophyll liquid for a week;
  • the tops of carrots are thoroughly kneaded and placed on the affected area;
  • Damp cotton cloth moistened in sour milk and attach to a sore spot.

For internal treatment:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. hazel pour 500 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for half an hour, then remove and filter the broth.
  2. Take 70-80 ml 3 times a day.

When deciding to use only folk remedies for gangrene, patients should know that the result will be an amputation of the foot or the entire leg. The basis of treatment are medications prescribed by a doctor, or surgical intervention. Traditional medicine in the therapy of this complication plays a supporting role.


Treatment of wounds in people with diabetes mellitus is a very popular method. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia and not to treat wounds with peroxide and iodine. Efficient means for treatment:

  1. Grate half a kilogram of carrots, put in a jar and pour 200 ml of sunflower oil, put on a water bath and bring to a boil.
  2. Then let it sit until the cooked mass cools down.
  3. Strain through gauze, folded in two layers, pour into a convenient vial.

Prepared oil can be treated with wounds. Store in a cool place. However, do not forget that with diabetes significantly increased susceptibility to bacteria, so the risk of infection of any wounds is very high. First of all, it is necessary to show skin lesions to the surgeon, and then only to discuss the possibilities of traditional medicine.


Cataract treatment can also be done with folk remedies for diabetes mellitus. Prepare in the conditions of home infusion:

  1. It will take 20 g of dried flowers and a rose hip root, 15 g of leaves (fresh) walnut.
  2. Ready mixture pour 0.7 liters of boiling water, put it for 30 minutes, strain infusion.
  3. Ready drug to take 2 tbsp. l. before a night sleep 1 time every two days. The whole course will take 24 days, 12 procedures.

At this disease it is impossible to tighten with the reference to the ophthalmologist. At the initial stages, cataracts can be treated, and late ones can not do without surgery.

Treatment of joints

The bay leaf helps to remove salts from the body and lower blood sugar:

  1. It is necessary to pour 25 leaves 400 ml of boiling water, then boil over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Cover with a lid, wrap it in a blanket (you can pour the resulting broth in a thermos bottle) and let it brew for 3 hours.
  3. The broth is drunk in small sips for 12 hours.

Before treatment with bay leaves, it is strongly recommended to cleanse the intestines in order to avoid allergic complications.

Treatment of kidneys

The main rule - diet! For the treatment of cranberries, and for medicinal purposes, the advantage is given to the leaves:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Leaf cranberries pour 0.25 liters of boiling water and put on a half-hour water bath, let it brew and cool off the product.
  2. Take 450 ml per day, divided into three doses.


With any type of diabetes it is important to follow a diet that is prescribed for each patient individually, depending on the weight and level of glycemia, the option of therapy. The diet is based on the indicators of sugar, which must be kept in norm. Basic principles of nutrition:

  • it is strictly forbidden to take alcohol and smoke;
  • exclude sugar-containing products;
  • instead of coffee to drink chicory;
  • there are more cereals (except manga and rice);
  • Exclude products with cholesterol (smoked, fatty, lard, mayonnaise and butter);
  • more to eat fresh and baked vegetables and fruits (without sugar or with low content);
  • eat small meals 6 times a day.

Include in the diet of decoction of flax:

  1. 25 g of flax seed pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, insist 30 minutes.
  2. Take twice a day in a warm form. The course of treatment is a year.

To properly treat diabetes at home, you need a competent approach. This means that each folk method should be discussed with the endocrinologist in advance.