What tables are used by oculists when checking the vision of drivers?

A person perceives about 90% of the information visually, so you must constantly monitor the health of your eyes.If they start to overwork, you begin to feel dryness or burning sensation in their area, then it is worth going to an ophthalmologist.It is worth trying to minimize the burden on the eyes, not overworking them, and also periodically do warm-up with the help of special exercises.This will help keep the vision as long as possible. And to find out what it is at the moment, you can make it a test.


  • 1Why check
  • 2Existing tables for verification
    • 2.1Sivtsev's table
    • 2.2The Snellen table
    • 2.3Orlova's Table
    • 2.4Golovin's Table
  • 3Which tables are checked for drivers' vision
  • 4Visual examination video course
  • 5conclusions

Why check

The check can be carried out for routine control purposes to check the health of the eyes and, if necessary, to select corrective glasses or contact lenses.Also sometimes verification can be mandatory, for example, for obtaining a driver's license or for a job, where vision plays a decisive role.

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It will not be superfluous at least once a year to visit an ophthalmologist with preventive purposes.

The check is carried out using special tables.For a conditionally perfect vision is taken, when a person sees two closely spaced points with an angular resolution, which is one minute.This vision is designated as V (i.e., "Visus") = 1.0. Accordingly, V = 0.2 is 20% vision and so on.

Existing tables for verification

There are several standard tables that allow you to check a person's vision.Usually, the choice is made by the oculist depending on the specific tasks that need to be addressed.

The principle of verification for all tables is the same - a person is asked to close one eye and name what is shown on a certain line of the table. Based on his response, the doctor determines the severity of his vision.

Sivtsev's table

The most common table in Russia and CIS countries.It is based on Cyrillic letters. In most cases, it is she. It shows the lines gradually decreasing in the size of the letters.Next to these letters, on the one hand, the value of the indicator V corresponding to this line is plotted on the one hand, and on the other hand - an indicator D, that is at what distance this line will be seen by a person who has a conditionally perfect sight.

A person with 100% vision sees the third bottom row from five meters. You can check the vision of the house by printing a table in exact size on the printer.

The Snellen table

This is the prototype of Sivtsev's table. It is similar, but the difference is that it uses Latin characters. Because it is more common in English-speaking countries.The test with it is carried out from a distance of six meters (although on the table this distance is indicated in feet).

The Snellen table is shorter - it contains only 11 lines, not 12, as in Sivtsev.

Orlova's Table

This table is almost identical to the Sittsev table for one change - it does not use letters, but images, for example, fly agaric, teapot and so on.This table is used mainly when working with children who can not yet read, but theoretically can be used for anyone.

Golovin's Table

This table is slightly different from the previous ones.It also consists of lines of diminishing images, but only these images are circles with slots in one of the sides.The person must determine which side of the slot is turned.

Most often this table is used not separately, but as an additional diagnostic tool when using the Sivtsev table.

Which tables are checked for drivers' vision

When obtaining a medical certificate necessary for issuing rights, the Sivtsev table is applied. Sometimes, in addition to it, the Golovin table can be used.The visual acuity of the "best" and "worst" eyes is determined.If it does not meet the current standards, a person needs to solve the problem by purchasing glasses, contact lenses or by performing an operation.


Contact lenses for the eyes.

What is dangerous is detachment of the retina of the eye, read here.

Halyazion upper eyelid treatment: http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/xalyazion/nizhnego-veka.html


Visual examination video course


All the main tables for checking eyesight are fairly standard and similar in general structure. Therefore it is not important, according to which table you will be checked by sight.What is really important is to take care of your eyes without overloading them, to pass the test for determining visual acuity and color perception in a timely manner (for example, Rubkin's test).