How to properly instill eye drops: the basic rules
Burying drops in the eye - it seems easy. But it often happens that the medicine flows or causes severe discomfort.The most harmless drug after improper instillation causes burning, severe tearing, irritation or itching.To avoid this, it is important to know the basic rules of instillation of drops.
Particular care should be taken when combining several ophthalmic drugs. It can be several kinds of drops or drops and ointment. It is necessary to withstand the interval from 5 to 15 minutes, in order to avoid side effects.
1Application of drops
2Hygienic standards
3Procedure of instillation
4How to drip eyes when wearing lenses
Application of drops
Eye drops are the most common ophthalmic drug of local action.They are manufactured using a special technology that allows you to quickly deliver the active substance to the sclera, cornea or conjunctival sac. Use of such a dosage form allows to obtain such advantages:
The solution gets directly into the eye, if necessary, moisturizing it;
The active substance is rapidly absorbed, providing a good therapeutic effect;
As with most topical drugs, the components of the drug almost do not enter the systemic circulation.
Read what drops are used in the treatment of conjunctivitis
The concentration of the main active substance is selected so that it is absorbed through the cornea after 30 to 40 seconds.
For all the seeming harmlessness of many drugs, you should not "appoint" yourself to yourself. Dosage, multiplicity of application and duration of application - all this should be determined by the doctor.
The main rules of instillation of eye drops:
Before use, always check the expiration date of the drug;
It must be ensured that there are no cracks or chips on the surface of the dropper;
One drop equals one dose;
• Before use, the vial with droplets is recommended to be heated in the hand to body temperature;
It is recommended to use drops sitting, or even better lying;
To do everything right, the first few times the procedure is best performed in front of the mirror.
It is best to ask the doctor how to properly administer the prescribed medication.
If you need to combine several types of ophthalmic drugs at once, strict order is used. In the first place, water solutions are buried, followed by suspensions. The last ones are ophthalmic ointments.
Hygienic standards
To prevent infection in the eyes, it is important to follow such rules:
Before washing, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water;
After unscrewing the protective cap, do not touch the dropper of hands, facial skin or other objects;
After digging in drops, you should wash your hands thoroughly again with soap and water.
If it is a question of treating purulent conjunctivitis, you should gently rinse your eyes before the instillation process.
A bottle with a special nozzle-dropper should be individual. When used by several people at once, there is a risk of transmission of infection.
Procedure of instillation
To properly drip your eyes, you must follow the following rules of hygiene:
Wash hands with soap and then wipe dry with a towel;
Unscrew the bottle cap;
Tilt your head, then gently pull the lower eyelid with your finger;
Look up, and at this time drip the medicine into the conjunctival sac. It is desirable to instill the medicine closer to the bridge of the nose;
Close the eye, then gently pat it with a cotton swab.For each of the eyes use different tampons.
Without opening your eyes, gently press your finger on the area of the inner corner of the eye.This will allow the drug to act more efficiently and reduce the risk of side effects.Instructions for instillation of the eyes
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After instillation, it is advisable to hold your eyes closed for 2 -3 minutes. This will not allow the medicine to flow, it will be better absorbed. Then you need to wash your hands again.
After burying, you can not immediately tilt your head. In this case, the medicine will flow with tears, and the procedure will have to be repeated.
How to drip eyes when wearing lenses
When wearing soft contact lenses, the dropping-in algorithm becomes more complicated.This is due to the fact that the lens material can react with the drug. This can cause serious complications. To avoid, you must follow simple rules:
Before instillation it is necessary to remove the lens;
After the procedure, they should be worn no earlier than 15 minutes.
Otherwise, the instillation algorithm is exactly the same as without lenses.
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Eye drops are the most popular and convenient form of topical ophthalmic drugs. There are simple rules that allow them to be instilled effectively and comfortably. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for the use of the drug. Particular care should be taken when combining eye drops with contact lenses.
Also read about what methods of vision correction are used in ophthalmology, as well as what diseases of the retina can lead to blindness.