Can I play sports with osteochondrosis?


  • 1Sports classes and osteochondrosis: are they compatible
    • 1.1What to look for
    • 1.2Contraindications
    • 1.3For the health of the spine
    • 1.4Denial of responsibility
  • 2Whether it is possible to be engaged in active sports at an osteochondrosis of a backbone
    • 2.1Movement will help us enjoy life
    • 2.2What sport should not be carried away?
    • 2.3Active classes: choose the best
    • 2.4How to combine strength exercises and illness
  • 3What kind of sports can you do with osteochondrosis
    • 3.1What kind of sports can you do with cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 3.2Optimum load in osteochondrosis of the neck for women
    • 3.3How to exercise at home with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.4Than it is impossible to be engaged at an osteochondrosis of a neck?
  • 4Doing sports with osteochondrosis: benefit or harm
    • 4.1What is osteochondrosis?
    • 4.2Osteochondrosis and sport: for and against
    • 4.3Types of exercise allowed for osteochondrosis
    • 4.4Swimming
    • 4.5Physiotherapy
    • 4.6Fitness
    • 4.7Yoga
    • 4.8Calanetics
    • 4.9Shaping
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.10Some recommendations
    • 4.11What kind of training is best avoided?
    • 4.12Conclusion
    • 4.13What sports can be practiced in osteochondrosis - video
  • 5Can I play sports with a patient with osteochondrosis?
    • 5.1Restrictions for different types of osteochondrosis
    • 5.2Loads at different stages of osteochondrosis
    • 5.3Osteochondrosis and physical exercises
    • 5.4Fitness classes
    • 5.5What conclusions can be drawn?
  • 6Osteochondrosis and bodybuilding. How correctly to be engaged and whether it is necessary?
    • 6.1Osteochondrosis and bodybuilding. FAQ questions and answers
    • 6.2Osteochondrosis and bodybuilding: the practical side of the question
    • 6.3Afterword

Sports classes and osteochondrosis: are they compatible

Successful treatment of osteochondrosis is usually associated with physical stress.

True, it all depends on the patient's condition: in severe cases, most of the loads are canceled, and the allowed activity occurs in a sparing mode.

Anyway, after hearing a disappointing diagnosis, you need to find out from the doctor whether in your case osteochondrosis and sports are compatible, and if so, what kind of sport to prefer.

What to look for

Vertebrologists and surgeons advise to avoid performing exercises that cause pain. If there is a slight discomfort in the back (especially in patients older than 20 years), this is normal, but in case of severe pain it is better to consult a doctor without delay.

In winter, you can ski, in summer - swim, jog or go in for sports, ride a bike. But all this - only with mild forms of osteochondrosis.

  • You must perform the elements for any and all the time. Do not drop them immediately after you feel better.
  • All movements must be smooth, blurred, slow.
  • At the end of the exercises, you should gently stretch the spine, then slowly walk around, while breathing deeply, for 2-3 minutes.

If the patient is an athlete, usually after the course of treatment he can be engaged as before, but he will have to exercise carefully all movements.


Some sports are not recommended for these diseases:

  • in severe form;
  • severe scoliosis;
  • chondromalacia (serious cartilage damage);
  • benign / malignant lesions of both the vertebral column and connective tissue;
  • and post-stroke state.

The main types of unwanted activity:

  • "Explosive" loads (jerks);
  • Jumping;
  • twisting (along the axis of the spine);
  • vibration.

With such loads, the intervertebral discs contract more strongly, which leads to pinching of nerves or squeezing of the hernia.

In hernia, severe forms of the disease are contraindicated lying exercises, pull-ups, slopes, squats, low back bends - especially in the case of osteochondrosis of the lumbar region.

experts do not advise with pain in the back, scoliosis, arthrosis of the joints. Running strengthens the vertical load, because of the tremors there is and pain increases, and with arthrosis, the destruction of the joints is accelerated.

For the health of the spine

What sports can you do when you have osteochondrosis? According to the famous doctor, there are no harmful kinds of sports - there is an inability to prepare your body for exercise and get out of it correctly. He recommends the following activities:

  1. force (with burdening) - for the preparation and development of muscles and the vascular system, is adjusted depending on the physical preparation of the patient;
  2. aerobic - cyclic movements for 20-30 minutes: ellipsoid, swimming, walking; a heartbeat that is comfortable for the heart should be up to 145 beats per minute;
  3. stretching (stretching) - the slopes on the exhale to each leg, without bending the knees, with a delay of 20 seconds, then leaning forward with legs apart wider than the shoulders, in an effort to touch the floor with your hands.

should be recommended by a doctor and a good gym coach. Strength training strengthens the muscular corset and restores muscle balance.

or aqua aerobics relaxes all muscles and relieves stress of the spinal column, since in water there is no need to support the body. The work of the respiratory system, blood circulation is activated.

Skis, skates increase stamina, work out muscles, while sliding the spine does not experience shock stress, as when running or jumping.

gymnastics tai chi allow you to stretch muscles, develop flexibility, improve coordination, and need pain. A balanced breathing allows you to cope with oxygen starvation of the brain, which is very important for cervical osteochondrosis.

In each stage of the disease, the main goal of your actions is to prevent an exacerbation.

It is very important that you are advised by an experienced specialist, especially when you doubt that the selected types of physical activity are within your power.

The doctor will determine if you should limit yourself in the movements or, on the contrary, the ideal option will be to go to or to the physician's doctor.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.


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Whether it is possible to be engaged in active sports at an osteochondrosis of a backbone

Osteochondrosis and sports - are these two concepts consistent? Problems with the spine is a verdict? Bodybuilding, running, bars, boxing, hockey under the ban? We suggest you to learn a lot about this unpleasant disease, and we will tell you how beautiful it looks, despite the limitations and prohibitions.

Movement will help us enjoy life

If you love physical education from childhood, the pain in the spine should not be a sentence for you.

When osteochondrosis, proper sport is necessary to accelerate the process of recovery.

But among professionals it's not uncommon to hear stories about how back problems made them quit their favorite pastime and go to the bike and bars.

Health is important, so you need to know what harm can do to it. Strong loads on the ridge are fighting, high jump, bodybuilding and weightlifting, football, tennis.

The fascination with boxing is also constantly provoking serious stresses on the vertebrae, and can cause the development of osteochondrosis.

By refusing to face the truth and continuing to practice, you risk acquiring a complex form of the disease. Even simple push-ups, bars can be dangerous.

What sport should not be carried away?

  • Skiing sports are so dynamic that they are dangerous even for perfectly healthy people. With the destruction of intervertebral disc such loads are excluded. Even high professionalism, proper cushioning by feet can not save from damage in a sore spot. The spine of the skier experiences compression every second.
  • Badminton, golf, tennis - wonderful sports activities, which allow to strengthen the muscular back frame and develop its flexibility. But training can be done only during periods of calm of the disease. With exacerbations, it is better to do treatment and exercise therapy. Sharp turns of the trunk and inclinations in different directions can cause complications.
  • Hockey, boxing, wrestling and football are dangerous for people with osteochondrosis. Here there are constant strikes, jolts, falls, collisions and a high rate of movement along the playing field. If you have problems with the spine, these sports should be left. After all, even knowing about your problem, you can get carried away and forget about security measures. Even amateur football is not recommended, as there are also clashes between opposing sides and falls. Find for yourself something new and less traumatic.
  • Bodybuilding, bars, push-ups - should be done only under the guidance of a coach.

The most useful training for the spine are:

  • swimming;
  • run;
  • shaping;
  • moderate power loads: beams, bar, rod, dumbbells, push-ups;
  • cardio training on a bicycle;
  • skiing;
  • oriental kinds of gymnastics;

Sport for osteochondrosis should be correct - it is important for us to remain healthy and mobile. Pain will remain in the past if you take care of yourself.

Active classes: choose the best

Emotional and dynamic cardio workouts can fill the body with energy, strength and help to lose weight effectively or maintain themselves in perfect form.

At a high rate, cycling is gaining popularity today. But is it useful for you? During the movement, you have to strain all the muscles to maintain balance.

With problems with the spine, such prolonged stress can provoke exacerbation and progressive diseases.

In order for cardio workouts to bring only benefit and not harm, it is necessary to conduct them correctly:

  1. For the duration of the exercise wear a special corset.
  2. Equip the bike with a special supporting roller.
  3. Purchase a vehicle with a backrest.
  4. Long races should be deleted.
  5. Keep proper posture while moving.
  6. Try to drive at a calm pace, without sudden stops, jerks.
  7. Selects even bicycle paths and paths.

If you do not have the opportunity to train on a bicycle, then an exercise bike can be offered as an alternative. This device will definitely protect you from injuries and undesirable consequences.

Can I run a race? Professional sports for patients with cervical osteochondrosis are prohibited. But small and correct loads will help improve the course of the disease. There is an opinion that in the initial stages such training prevents the further development of the destructive process.

If you were given consent, then try to implement the following recommendations:

  • Start with a slow pace, listen to your own feelings.
  • Choose for training soft paths in the forest and parks, which mitigate depreciation.
  • Practice orthopedic shoes.
  • Keep your body level.
  • After class, do a couple stretching exercises.
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If you have a protusion or dislocated discs in the lumbar region, then forget about running. It is better to choose a cardio exercise on a bicycle.

Remember that when bans on the above sports, you can always do aqua aerobics and swimming. They will strengthen the skeletal muscles and help to get rid of the pain and unpleasant symptoms of the disease as quickly as possible.

How to combine strength exercises and illness

Bodybuilding - today in fashion. A beautiful, inflated body attracts the attention of others and causes envy.

According to statistics, about 80% of visitors to the gym came into it already with the presence of problems in the spine. Sedentary position, low mobility are the main culprits of osteochondrosis.

In order not to cause additional damage to health too much work, it is necessary to do it carefully, with knowledge of certain nuances.

Bodybuilding is prohibited only for people with severe disease.

In the initial stages it is important to listen to the coach and follow the recommendations:

  1. As a cardio workout, use an ellipsoid or a bicycle. Running, skipping rope is prohibited.
  2. The shells should be raised from the floor, crouching with an even back.
  3. You can not perform exercises with compression axial load on the ridge.
  4. Gradually increase the weight.
  5. For any exercise, use corsets and a heavily athletic belt.

Bodybuilding involves a lot of work, but in spite of the big limitations, you can still pump up your back muscles with the following exercises:

  • thrust of the lower block to the belt;
  • reverse hypertension;
  • pulling dumbbells with one hand;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar (bars);
  • thrust on the back of the lower block with a one-handed handle;
  • traction of the upper block by the head or to the chest;
  • hyperextension.

You can actively use the bars, making them push-ups a wide grip.

Bodybuilding is open to you, just choose a good coach and do not forget to visit your doctor regularly. At exacerbations temporarily suspend employment, take away uneven bars. Keep yourself in good shape by riding a bicycle, swimming.

Complications of exercise

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What kind of sports can you do with osteochondrosis

One of the most insidious diseases of our time is cervical osteochondrosis, for which doctors prescribe all kinds of therapies.

Especially often cervical osteochondrosis and work at the computer are closely related to each other, therefore, to improve the condition, an increase in activity is recommended.

Among all the methods of treatment, a variety of physical exercises and stresses are particularly effective. However, how not to overdo it? More details about what physical loads are acceptable for cervical osteochondrosis, we today and talk.

What kind of sports can you do with cervical osteochondrosis?

When a person develops an osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, physical activity helps to ease overall health, normalize blood circulation and reduce soreness. It can be almost anything. The list of which exercises to choose for cervical osteochondrosis is quite extensive, here are some of the most affordable options:

  • daily walks;
  • easy jogging;
  • bicycle riding.

Especially useful is swimming with osteochondrosis of the neck. However, do not neglect the basic rule: to overcome cervical osteochondrosis, physical activity should be moderate.

For example, you can arrange light evening runs in the park or run along the path in the gym to strengthen the spinal column.

Note that with osteochondrosis of the cervical department, the run should be at a slow pace and not too debilitating.

Optimum load in osteochondrosis of the neck for women

Pain in the neck and back after a working day is not an excuse to refuse to buy a subscription to a fitness club.

On the contrary, correctly selected training will help to bring the body back to normal and will not allow the disease to develop.

Do not know what kind of sport to do with cervical osteochondrosis and what lessons to choose? Here are some tips from experienced fitness consultants:

  • All women with osteochondrosis of the cervical department fitness and pilates give an excellent result. Such training strengthens the muscles of the neck, and strengthened muscles can maintain the normal position of the spinal column.
  • After fitness or pilates it is recommended to run in the air for 20-30 minutes - this will additionally strengthen the respiratory system and improve blood circulation, which is important for osteochondrosis.
  • Pilates prevents oxygen starvation of the brain and excludes the transmission of the main artery passing along the spine.

Also, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with yoga is quite common. The main thing - be sure to warn the instructor about the existing problem and engage strictly with the trainer.

How to exercise at home with cervical osteochondrosis

Even if you do not have the time and opportunity to go to a fitness club, the usual charge helps to treat and prevent cervical osteochondrosis. However, the question arises: what exercises to choose for charging, if the osteochondrosis of the neck already makes itself felt, so as not to overload the spine?

With osteochondrosis of the cervical department, exercises with dumbbells at home give a good effect, and you can buy an exercise bike to relieve physical stress. When performing exercises with dumbbells it is recommended to lean on the back of the chair, and the seat must be rigid.

As you understand, cervical osteochondrosis and sports, dances and any other physical activities help to alleviate the condition of the patient, but also they prevent the development of the disease.

Than it is impossible to be engaged at an osteochondrosis of a neck?

You should know, with osteochondrosis of the cervical part, what you can not do, in order not to aggravate your health. Strictly contraindicated the following sports:

  • badminton and tennis;
  • Weightlifting;
  • High jump;
  • throwing a disc or a spear.

All these exercises create a high load on the spine, and active pumping of the muscles will contribute to the curvature of the spinal column. In some cases, with cervical osteochondrosis, one should not even pull up without first consulting a doctor.

Care must be taken with any active sports, including football, hockey, skateboarding or roller skating, skiing and much more. All of them overload the spine and can aggravate the condition.

Summarizing, it can be noted that the osteochondrosis of the neck and fitness are two inseparable things, if you want to ease your condition as soon as possible, but you need a competent and responsible approach.

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Doing sports with osteochondrosis: benefit or harm

Diagnosis osteochondrosis sounds like a sentence for those who love sports and does not represent a full life without regular physical exertion.

The paradox of this disease is that it can overtake and people involved in sports, and prefer a sedentary lifestyle.

In fact, the first despair is not worth it, because osteochondrosis and sports do not always go separately, and the second is recommended to change their habits, but about everything in order.

What is osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is called dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage. Most often, the disease "attacks" the intervertebral discs, although almost any joint of the human body is immune from it.

The reasons for the appearance of osteochondrosis are very interesting. First and foremost, scientists call the erection of man.


That is, the prerequisites for the appearance of the disease in humans appeared even at a time when our distant ancestors descended from the trees.


Complete data on the causes of the appearance of changes in the intervertebral discs is still not there. In most cases, osteochondrosis overtakes after 35 years of age. Here are just a few things that should be avoided by those who do not want to acquire such a diagnosis:

  • spine trauma;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • incorrect and excessive physical exertion;
  • stress and nerve strain;
  • overweight;
  • uncomfortable shoes, overloading the spine (this includes a high heel);
  • smoking;
  • bad ecology.

All this one way or another can be avoided. Great risk is put by professional athletes who suddenly abandoned all training. Other factors contributing to the development of osteochondrosis are poorly controlled.

This is heredity, foot diseases, including flat feet, metabolic disorders, age changes.

The main question remains - is it possible to engage in fitness for osteochondrosis or other types of exercise than it threatens or, conversely, what benefit does it bring?

Osteochondrosis and sport: for and against

There are two major causes of osteochondrosis, directly or indirectly related to sports. The first one can hit people dealing with weight - the pumping of muscles threatens with the dying of blood vessels, on which the full nutrition of the spine depends.

This, in turn, threatens those most dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs. The second reason is the complete absence of physical exertion in human life, and this leads to the deposition of salts in the spine and, as a consequence, osteochondrosis.

Therefore, we can conclude that sport in osteochondrosis is a completely permitted way of improving the patient's health, but the right approach is important.

Unfortunately, many people go the opposite way, believing that once a sad diagnosis is made, it is now better not to strain your back again, for fear of pain in the spine.

This approach is erroneous: competent loads in osteochondrosis can significantly improve the patient's health.

Types of exercise allowed for osteochondrosis

The main task of training with osteochondrosis is to correct and strengthen the muscles, giving them flexibility, decompression of the nerve roots, the development of proper posture and the prevention of complications disease.


Hiking in the pool with osteochondrosis is reasonable and useful during periods of calm of the disease.

Swimming is a real cure for this ailment that will not only allow you to work out all muscle groups, but also improve blood circulation in problematic parts of the body.

Classes in the pool have a positive effect on the general tone of the body and health in general.

All three types of osteochondrosis - cervical, thoracic and lumbar, are successfully treated with swimming. But it is important to understand that depending on the type of illness, the classes will differ.

Simple stay in the water does not give anything - you need to swim correctly and, preferably, under the supervision of the coach.


In short, it is recommended to do this on the back, and with the cervical and lumbar it is also useful to swim with a breaststroke.


It is necessary to do warm-up before classes and train exclusively in warm water, so rivers and lakes are not suitable: hypothermia can only exacerbate the symptoms of osteochondrosis. Preliminary consultation with a doctor is mandatory, because swimming has a lot of contraindications.


There are a lot of varieties of such gymnastics.

Complexes of exercises, usually performed lying on the floor, are aimed at improving the supply of cartilaginous tissue and the gradual removal of salt deposits.

Sometimes light dumbbells are used, the weight of which slowly increases during regular training.


Under the fitness is usually understood as a set of exercises aimed at the all-round development of the body - musculature, flexibility, agility, proper breathing.

Fitness in osteochondrosis can be an excellent means of improving the condition of the patient.

A wide choice of types of fitness for those who suffer from osteochondrosis, alas, is not available.

It is necessary to avoid training, in which there is a noticeable strain on the spine, there are jumps and jumps, as well as deflections in the back.


Is it possible to play sports in the presence of osteochondrosis, it is already clear, but what about exotic practices? The attitude to yoga from the point of view of the diagnosis of osteochondrosis can not be unambiguous.

As a medical practice, yoga is a great help in improving the nutrition of intervertebral discs, but many of the exercises can greatly overload the spine.

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Therefore, yoga in osteochondrosis should be treated with caution and responsibility, and trained only under the guidance of an experienced coach. As prevention of osteochondrosis, yoga is an excellent remedy.


This system of exercises came out of yoga and due to its specificity (suitable for older people) is perfect for patients with osteochondrosis. There is no risk of injury, and everyone can master the exercises with time.


Not every exercise of shaping is suitable for those who have problems with the spine, but most of the exercises give only a minimal load on this part of the body, which is an undoubted plus. Therefore, shaping is an excellent preventive against osteochondrosis. It also helps in the early stages of the disease.

Some recommendations

Osteochondrosis is a pain, and if it bothers you, you can not go to a fitness or fitness room. Light pain is an exception, since it can be present almost 24 hours a day. When reinforcing it is necessary to stop training.

In no case can not be engaged in lifting weights. Exercises involving lumbar flexion are contraindicated during periods of exacerbation of the disease. And the main thing: be sure to consult a doctor before you start any sport.

Only an expert will choose the optimal mode of study.

What kind of training is best avoided?

In the presence of degenerative changes in the spine, one should not exercise in sports, which gives an increased load to this part of the body.

Pumping of muscles in this case is fraught with a curvature of the vertebral axis. Especially harmful is the load on the spine with the vertical position of the body.

Therefore, when osteochondrosis, the following sports are contraindicated:

  • High jump;
  • throwing a disc and spears;
  • Weightlifting;
  • tennis and badminton;
  • professional running.

Dangerous are:

  • pull-ups;
  • a game of football and hockey;
  • jumps from height;
  • skiing;
  • golf.

The second list is not contraindicated, but with the listed exercises and sports should be cautious.

Even golf presents some danger due to the need for sharp turns of the trunk.

Skiing leads to an excessive load on the cervical spine - some patients should be avoided.

In addition, skiing and jumping from a height - a bad idea because of the risk of spinal injuries. The same goes for football with hockey and the like.

Any team sports entail a high risk of injury. However, in itself, physical activity of this type, as in football, on the contrary, is useful.

Pulling up leads to stretching the spinal column and is dangerous by increasing the pain syndrome.


With a competent approach, sports with osteochondrosis are not only not prohibited, but necessary. Speech, of course, not about loads of professional level, but about limited physical training.

Osteochondrosis and, for example, fitness can be very compatible, but it is only the doctor who can choose the right exercises and the dosage of the exercises, based on the medical examination.


Allow you to train or not, the specialist should decide. It is important to understand that sport in osteochondrosis is not a panacea.


He does not cure the disease itself, but ideally it greatly alleviates the condition of the patient, returning the taste of a full-fledged healthy life.

What sports can be practiced in osteochondrosis - video

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Can I play sports with a patient with osteochondrosis?

Specifically answer the question, what kind of sport can be practiced with osteochondrosis, can only a doctor, having on hand the patient's tests.

Degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the spine are many, each of them has its own features and stages.

In some cases, there may be significant pain, in others - limited mobility.

Professional sports loads on health influence negatively - this is a well-known fact, however feasible and in some way limited loads can help relax the muscles and prevent development disease. However, there are contraindications, for example, running with cervical osteochondrosis is contraindicated, but it is recommended to walk more to improve blood supply.

Similarly, one can not categorically answer the question, can I study at the gym with osteochondrosis? It all depends on the stage of the disease and on what kind of stresses the body will experience during training.

If the exercises in the gym are reinforced, the disease will take an acute form, resulting in a strong pain syndrome, i.e.,

people can not play sports with osteochondrosis, no matter how much they like it.

In other words, osteochondrosis and various sports can be combined, but competently, and any training should be allowed by the doctor.

Restrictions for different types of osteochondrosis

The type of osteochondrosis depends on the area of ​​its occurrence. Physical loads are directly related to the localization of osteochondrosis, since different exercises have an effect on this or that part of the spinal column.

With cervical osteochondrosis, exercises that improve blood circulation in the upper part are useful.

Since with cervical osteochondrosis there is a strong pressure on blood vessels that feed the brain, the progression of the disease can lead to severe and sometimes irreversible consequences.

Therefore, the choice of sports in this case should be as carefully as possible.

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic department, the diagnosis is rather difficult, since painful attacks are often confused with cardiac pain.

This type of osteochondrosis is less common, and its symptomatology in the acute stage is unlikely to cause a desire to engage in sports, as most motor activity is disrupted.

The most common form is the osteochondrosis of the sacral and lumbar region.

The patient may experience severe pain attacks in the lumbar region, the pain can capture the gluteal region, hips and crotch.


Strong loads and sharp turns increase pain, can also occur lumbago - a very sharp pain.


Therefore, the exercises that a doctor can resolve with this kind of disease should be aimed at strengthening the muscles in the lumbosacral region. However, heavy loads can cause complications.

There is also polysegmentary osteochondrosis, which occurs in segments of one or different parts of the spinal column. In this case, in occasion of physical exercises, compulsory consultation with a doctor is necessary, since sometimes sports can be completely counter-indicative.

With shoulder, hip, knee osteochondrosis, physical exercises can be different, the main thing is that they spare the affected area. For example, with knee osteochondrosis, it is better not to strain your legs heavily, and when brachial it is impossible to swim with a breaststroke or a crochet.

Radicular syndrome is an infringement of nerve endings, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process. The pain is greatly increased. In this case, any physical exercise should be suspended until the inflammation is completely removed and the pain disappears.

Loads at different stages of osteochondrosis

What kind of sport will be allowed, and what is contraindicated - directly depends on the stage of the disease. There are only 4:

  1. The disk core dries up and deforms. Pain sensations are not yet very intense and unstable. This stage is well treated, and sports activities in that case can not be canceled.
  2. The disk is almost not capable of depreciation, the pressure on the nerves and blood vessels is increasing. With the load, the pain becomes stronger. At this stage it is recommended to reduce the load, but continue to exercise.
  3. Fibrous ring is destroyed, hernial protrusion is formed, mobility worsens, inflammation occurs. Physical stress should be reversed and deal with the treatment of inflammation.
  4. The tissues of the discs are replaced by the degenerate ones, and the discs themselves are fixed in the given position, as a result of which the posture changes. Motor functions are violated and limited. The spine becomes static. Exercise and exercise should be minimal, and most often they are limited to exercise therapy. On fitness, sports and other activities in this case is out of the question.

Osteochondrosis and physical exercises

To combine sports life and osteochondrosis, and at the same time do not harm your health, you need to consider the following points:

  1. In an acute period of the disease, any physical activity is contraindicated.
  2. Exercises should be chosen so that they have the maximum benefit for the spine. It is recommended to tilt the body with a stick behind the back, pull up on the crossbar and all the exercises that are performed in the prone position.
  3. After doing all the exercises, you need to stretch the back. It is allowed to use any devices that help stretch the spine. At the end of training, you need to lie down for a while, stretching your back on a flat surface.
  4. Jumping and running at speed is desirable to cancel, as they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  5. Do not perform exercises that create a strong deflection in the back.
  6. If pain occurs during the performance of an exercise, then it must be canceled. Suppose only a little discomfort.

Sport with osteochondrosis of the cervical region is not a contraindication, but it is useful only at the initial stages of the disease, with severe pain the patient should be in absolute rest.

Runs should be completely excluded, especially in the acute period of the disease, it is also better to not go to the gym, but Nordic walking will be very useful.


However, for walking it is better to choose an even and soft surface, it is not advisable to walk on a concrete or asphalt road. Optimal - an earthen or sandy path in the forest.


The only sport in osteochondrosis, which has no restrictions is swimming, it is useful and water aerobics.

Fitness classes

Fitness for osteochondrosis is useful in almost all cases. Exercises reduce the risk of infringement of nerve endings, help break down salt deposits between vertebrae, improve blood circulation.

However, fitness is possible only when the exercises are conducted correctly and in accordance with the existing disease. The instructor must necessarily inform about the diagnosis, and ask him to pick up exercises that will not harm.

Do fitness for osteochondrosis as follows:

  • Do not burden the exercises with significant weight, since there is a risk of dislocating the vertebrae;
  • in no case can not raise the bar, even from the prone position;
  • if pain occurs, exercise should be stopped;
  • Do not do quick exercises, especially for turns.

What conclusions can be drawn?

You can bring yourself into shape with osteochondrosis. Choose the kind of sport you need, based on the severity of the disease and the condition of the spine as a whole.

In the acute form of the disease, sports are excluded, it is necessary to cure all the inflammatory processes in the spine and then exercise. While there are pains it is also desirable to limit the load.

Being engaged, it is extremely important to keep a pose that will be comfortable for the neck and spine.

Osteochondrosis is a chronic illness, in this connection it is necessary to maintain a stable condition and not lead to exacerbations.

It is very important not to establish the diagnosis yourself, and especially not to prescribe treatment, and also not to listen to the advice of friends who have encountered this problem.

It is necessary to visit a doctor, undergo diagnostics and strictly follow all the recommendations that the specialist will give. As for sports, we also need to consult with a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.

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Osteochondrosis and bodybuilding. How correctly to be engaged and whether it is necessary?

Our to you in a brush, ladies and gentlemen!

Today we are waiting for the continuation of the cycle of notes "Corner patient and we will talk about osteochondrosis and bodybuilding. Upon reading, you will find out what kind of disease it is, what are its causes / consequences, and how to organize your training process if chondrosis already takes place.

So, sit back, we begin.

Osteochondrosis and bodybuilding. FAQ questions and answers

As you know, soon a new service will appear on the project called the consultation of a sports doctor, with the help of which everyone can ask questions of interest for their ill health, training / nutrition and, in general, life in their conditions. In connection with the immediate release, we decided to continue our cycle of notes "Corner patient" and consider the most acute and pressing issues that concern you and leave their imprint on physical activity and health. At the moment we have already considered such topics as scoliosis and bodybuilding, arthrosis and bodybuilding, hernia and bodybuilding, and now it's time to pay attention to osteochondrosis.

Actually, we'll start from a distance ...

Often we come to the hall with some bouquet of sores, which usually includes: flat feet, curvature of the spine, back pain and other unhealthy nishtyaki.

We come, of course, in order to improve our health, remove clamps, get lightness and, of course, the main thing - to adjust the figure. And here - we can be trapped by the danger in the form of aggravation of the situation, in view of the training not for the program, i.e.

using undesirable exercises.


Usually the latter fall into the PT either on the ignorance of the newcomer himself, or appear there by the presentation of a coach who does not have time for 500rubles to delve into the situation of each individual person and mess around with him for a broken hour for a penny profit. In this case, a template training program and dosvidos are given, - be done :).


This approach is not good, and today we will find out how to properly organize your training process in the presence of a very popular disease - osteochondrosis.

What is osteochondrosis?

The term comes from 2words, "osteon" = bones and "chondron" = cartilage, and is an irreversible degenerative change in the structure of intervertebral discs associated with metabolic disturbances in cartilage and their premature wear. The height of the discs decreases, and they lose their physiological function. As the disease progresses, a reaction occurs in the end plate of the vertebral bodies. This reaction can be divided into three stages:

  • stage no.1- edema;
  • stage no.2Fatty degeneration;
  • stage no.3- sclerosis.

The disease manifests itself in the form of aching pain in the region of the scapula (especially when the patient is in a standing position in a sitting / standing position for a long time). The mobility of some parts of the body, shoulder / neck also deteriorates, and shooting pains appear during the performance of certain body movements.

Often pains are given to different places: legs, if there are problems with the lumbar spine, or hands, if they come from the cervical spine.

How is osteochondrosis formed?

The mobile segment of the spine consists of two adjacent vertebral bodies, their arches, joints and intervertebral disc between them, as well as a complex of ligament apparatus connecting
body vertebrae.

The mobile segment is two columns, the vertebral bodies form in the static conditions the front column, and the vertebral joints and the arches form the posterior column. A healthy elastic intervertebral disk extinguishes the forces acting on these structures.

The intervertebral disc is subject to natural aging: it contracts, loses its elasticity and becomes thinner.

This reduces the height of the intervertebral space (its reduction occurs) and leads to morphological changes in the entire mobile segment of the spine.

The degenerate (degenerate) disk is no longer elastic, it does not absorb the applied forces, and the pressure shifts more directly to the base and upper plates of adjacent vertebral bodies.

The first consequence of the increase in pressure is an increase in the mineral density of bone tissue (sclerosis), the base and the upper plates of the vertebral bodies, called osteochondrosis.

Places of development of osteochondrosis


It is generally accepted that osteochondrosis concerns only "people for... however, this is not so. Schoolchildren and learning young people also constitute a high percentage of patients with this disease. And then the whole thing in the immature skeleton, constant sedentary loads and performing the same type of action.


In general, the main places of attack of osteochondrosis can be called:

  • thigh (head of femur);
  • knees;
  • Feet;
  • elbows;
  • back (including the "scruff").

Types and stages of osteochondrosis

The following types of localization are distinguished:

  • cervical;
  • thoracic;
  • lumbar;
  • common (several areas at once).

Also exists4stages of disease progression (progression):

  • stage no.1- destruction of the fibrous ring, the appearance of cracks in the discs;
  • stage no.2- protrusion (protrusion of the disc into the vertebral canal);
  • stage no.3- rupture of the fibrous ring and outflow of the nucleus;
  • stage no.4- the appearance on the bodies of the vertebrae of ossified growths (osteophytes).

What factors or what leads to the development of osteochondrosis?

These factors include:

  • inflammation of the intervertebral disc;
  • scoliosis;
  • driving of trucks (the profession of truckers);
  • smoking;
  • physical labor associated with the constant movement of heavy objects (for example, loaders).

The full list of reasons is as follows.

Consequences of osteochondrosis

If you do not take any measures to improve the situation with osteochondrosis, it will lead to:

  • strengthening of degenerative changes in the structure of the intervertebral cartilage;
  • deterioration of damping properties of the vertebral disc;
  • protrusion and hernia;
  • progression of kyphosis and scoliosis;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal (narrowing of the spinal canal);
  • thinning of the disc and the formation of osteophytes (bone growth, limiting mobility and causing pain during movement);
  • deterioration of mobility and rapid flowing of the body;
  • the occurrence of pain shortly after sitting (being in one position);
  • deterioration of muscle functions.

So, we have analyzed the theoretical calculations, now we move on to ...

Osteochondrosis and bodybuilding: the practical side of the question

In this sub-chapter the main recommendations on the organization of the training process will be collected in case you have osteochondrosis and various kinds of pain. Also we will find out: what exercises should be discarded, which ones should be modified, and which ones should be included in their training program.

So, let's start in order.

Training for osteochondrosis. Fundamental rules.

Most likely, you came to the hall already with this disease, because the office-sedentary contingent is up to80%visitors fitness centers and gyms, and t.

the work is associated with low mobility and staying most of the time in a sitting position, then all the accompanying unhealthy nishtyaks, in particular chondrosis, you have a priori.

To be comfortable (as far as this disease allows) to engage in, it is necessary to make the following adjustments to your training and life-process:

  • conduct a few warm-up movements on the spine after each60minutes of sitting;
  • Do not use jogging, rope as an aerobic activity, replace it with torsion pedals, ellipsoid;
  • 2Once a week, visit the pool and swim on your back;
  • if there is a possibility to sign up and attend LFK sessions;
  • sleep on a firm bed and a low pillow;
  • Raise things / projectiles (for example, dumbbells) from the floor, crouching with their straight back, and do not take them from a position bent over;
  • if you are a young mother, do not always wear a small child in your arms and do not lift it with your back bent;
  • wear bags of the same weight in each hand or a backpack on the back;
  • pay special attention to the development of the muscles of the back and extensors of the spine;
  • give up some exercises that create a compression axial load on the spine (see the list below);
  • stretch the spine after each exercise, incl. hanging on a horizontal bar;
  • Do not use large weights during exercise;
  • give up repetitive repetitions;
  • Use a weightlifting belt and corsets for any exercises with free weight on the back;
  • strictly follow the technique of doing exercises on the back;
  • lose weight if you are overweight;
  • include in your diet seafood, red fish and nuts;
  • periodically take complex vitamins;
  • 1-2once a day, use fish oil in capsules;
  • add to the diet olive, linseed or rye-oil;
  • To improve cartilage structures, use drugs with chondroitin and hyaluronic acid;
  • as analgesic masilok use Detraleks and Diculium balm;
  • Take acupuncture and manual therapy sessions with the appropriate specialists;
  • after training and, in general, after a day of work, lie on the thorns of the applicator Kuznetsov.

As for the exercises themselves, which should be avoided in osteochondrosis, then to such it is possible to carry:

Despite the fact that a lot of exercises are in the restricted area, the back can still be loaded with quality:

  • pulling on the crossbar (different types of grip);
  • traction of the upper block to the chest / behind the head;
  • thrust of the lower block to the belt;
  • pulling dumbbells with one hand;
  • thrust on the back of the lower block with a one-handed handle;
  • hyperextension;
  • reverse hyperextension;

As for training at home with osteochondrosis, the following exercises can be used.

Well, now you know how to correctly build your training process in the presence of osteochondrosis and can effectively deal with and safely improve your physique.


Another note from the cycle "Corner patient called osteochondrosis and bodybuilding, is dismantled, and this means that your training (and not only) activities will proceed in a more comfortable way key. Thus, nothing will distract you, and you will focus more on the process of changing your beloved!

On this all, to be continued ...

PS.and you have chondrosis, how do you deal with it?

PPS.Attention! 21.02the possibility of sending questionnaires for the compilation of a personal training and nutrition program became available. I will be glad to work together with you!

With respect and gratitude, Protasov Dmitry.

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