The child coughs with no signs of a cold

Causes and types of cough without colds

Coughing is a symptom that arises involuntarily and is caused by the fact that there is an irritant on the mucosa of the respiratory tract. Anything can provoke him, for example a foreign object in the throat or serious diseases.

How to treat a runny nose and cough with teething, you can find in the article.

Wet cough is the result of a large accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, lungs and trachea. As a rule, its development occurs after attacks of dry cough. If the cause of a wet cough is not determined in time, then eventually it will go into a chronic form.



An allergic reaction can occur on the flowering of the plant, on the dust, the animal's coat. In addition, a large accumulation of allergens is found in bed linens and carpets.The response of the body to such irritation takes the form of a dry cough and runny nose without temperature.


Such a symptom can arise after a person has suffered an infectious or viral inflammatory process of the airways. This cough is characterized by a tickling in the throat, a tickling sensation. The duration of it can reach up to 3 weeks.

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Cough in an adult

Dry cough may occur due to allergies or serious diseases such as tuberculosis and whooping cough. Only knowledge of the main causes of the symptom will allow to diagnose in time and go to treatment.

What to do when a child has a dry wheezing cough, you can find out by reading this article.

Whooping cough

With such a disease, it is barking and paroxysmal. At the initial stage of the disease in the patient there is a slight rise in temperature, general malaise and dry cough.Over time, the patient's condition worsens, it is simply strangled by a dry cough that the wave covers mainly at night.To treat this disease is necessary only in the condition of the hospital and under the supervision of the attending physician. Otherwise, you can not avoid serious consequences. Compared to children, in adults this ailment is not so severe and does not cause a violation of normal breathing.

From the article it becomes clear whether there can be a cough in the thyroid gland or not.

What are the signs of an asthmatic cough, you can find out by reading this article.

Laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis

Dry cough in these diseases is a complication of a viral infection. The inflammatory process moves to the lower parts and affects the bronchi, the larynx and the trachea. This case is characterized by the presence of a prolonged cough, which eventually intensifies and causes painful sensations in the chest and throat. Accepts a paroxysmal character at night or throughout the day.

This article details what to do, quit smoking tortured.


Allergic reaction is a very common reason for the formation of dry cough in adults. It arises as a result of getting on the respiratory tract of a certain stimulus.Disturbs such a symptom in the morning, it can increase under specific conditions, for example, the use of citrus, cleaning with household chemicals.When the allergen has left the body, the dry cough leaves the patient. If contact with the stimulus becomes permanent, the risk of constriction of the airways and the formation of a constant cough increases. In addition, the allergy can develop into such severe diseases as obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

A child has a wet cough in 1 year, that this article will help to understand.

Presence of foreign matter in the respiratory tract

This reason is also considered very popular and dangerous. When a foreign body accidentally enters the respiratory tract, it is paroxysmal, painful, and it is very difficult for the patient to breathe. In this situation it is necessary to urgently seek help by calling an ambulance.

The article details the use of cough during pregnancy.

Wet cough in children

When a cough is present for a long time and intensifies at night, this is a clear symptom of a dangerous pathology. To provoke wet in children can the following reasons:

  1. Tuberculosis, which is characterized by frequent coughing and the allocation of large amounts of sputum.
  2. Allergy to dust, plants, animals, medicines. At first, the child is disturbed by a dry cough, and then he becomes wet. Very often such a symptom indicates the development of bronchial asthma. The baby becomes very hard to breathe, he has problems with the respiratory system.
  3. Pertussis provokes a prolonged effect, the temperature does not rise. The situation aggravates at night. In addition to a wet cough, the child is affected by the nervous system.
  4. Worms- a frequent problem in children, during which there is a wet cough. When the worms are inside the respiratory organs, the bronchi and lungs are strongly irritated. The result of this process is an abundant sputum discharge.
  5. Psychological reasons. Wet may occur in the case when the baby has undergone a lot of stress, experiences. At night, the cough calms down, but when the baby is in the activity stage, then the symptomatology begins to be activated. To cure a cough, you need the help of a psychologist or a neurologist.
  6. Poor air humidity in the room. To prevent this from happening, carefully and regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is.
  7. The presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Little babies are very inquisitive, and they all need to taste. They drag everything they see into their mouths. Small elements in the swallowing period get stuck in the respiratory organs. It can only be removed after removing a foreign body.
  8. Dysfunction of the digestive system. When the baby has problems with the stomach, gall bladder, food falls into the respiratory tract. As a result, he is tormented by a wet cough.

What are the causes of coughing in an adult at night, you can find out by reading this article.

The video tells about the causes of a cough without a cold:

What to do when a baby has a wet cough without fever, is indicated in the article.

Dry cough in children

Dry cough suggests absence of sputum discharge. Such a symptom is always painful. Often parents find a dry cough at night. Determine immediately the exact cause of the cough is impossible, because everything happens without signs of a cold, but it is from her and will depend on his treatment. There are symptoms of various pathologies, the most common are the following:

  1. Certain stimuli, available in the environment: dry air, tobacco smoke, smells of chemicals.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is characterized by the throwing of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. The result of the process is vomiting and coughing.
  3. Pertussis, measles, allergies, pleurisy.
  4. Physiological factors. In infants during the year, the airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, dust. As a result, they have a cough that manifests itself in episodes in the morning. In addition to coughing, the baby does not have any other signs of a pathological process.

The article details how to get rid of a child's dry cough.

Coughing is a very dangerous symptom that indicates a certain pathology in the body. In order for the treatment to be carried out with maximum success, it is necessary to determine the cause of the formation of such a symptom. After all, all therapeutic measures will be aimed at eliminating the fundamental factor.

Causes of cough without colds

We are used to the fact that colds are strongly associated with a cough, therefore, in isolation from each other, these concepts are almost not considered. And in vain! The causes of cough without cold can be very different, but all of them are evidence of a serious disparity in health.

Possible causes of dry cough without colds

Cough without cold symptoms is not as rare as it might seem. Depending on what caused the irritation of the respiratory tract, we can distinguish two types of cough:

  • productive (with waste sputum);
  • unproductive (dry cough).

Causes of a cough without signs of a cold, but with the withdrawal of phlegm, are usually hidden in various inflammatory processes and stagnant phenomena in the bronchi. This may be the effects of long-standing pneumonia or untreated bronchitis. Sometimes the causes can be associated with the digestive system.

If you have a cough, but not a cold, this can be the consequences of reflux disease, when the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus. Such a cough often appears at night and after it remains a sour, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Unproductive cough is much more dangerous and its causes can be various violations. If you have a dry cough with no signs of a cold, the reasons can be as follows:

  • the onset of laryngitis;
  • the initial stage of ARVI and other infections;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema of the lungs;
  • smoker's catarrh;
  • foreign body;
  • oncological disease of the lungs;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • tuberculosis;
  • nervous reaction;
  • allergic reaction to dust and chemicals.

Cough without symptoms of cold - we determine the disease

Determine what disease caused the cough, can only the doctor. You can not independently diagnose yourself. Nevertheless, by the attendant signs it is possible to establish, how quickly

medical consultation is necessary. For example, if it is only a cough, without accompanying symptoms, you can talk about a few days before a visit to a doctor. But in case the cough is accompanied by swelling of the neck and chin, tingling in the nasopharynx and dizziness, the count goes for a minute. The allergic reaction risks leading to the edema of Quincke.

Sometimes the cause of dry cough is neurological reactions - experiences and stress. A slightly less common case is a dry cough caused by taking medications to lower blood pressure and some other medicines.

Concerned about the persistent cough in the child what causes?

Most of all with catarrhal diseases, a persistent cough in a child whose cause is unknown is alarming. And with the application of a set of medical procedures, cough may not pass. This is unpleasant not only for the child, but also brings a lot of troubles and worries to the parents. A prolonged cough exhausts the child's body, interferes with its activity and full physical development. To know exactly what treatment to take and make an optimal prognosis for recovery, you need to find out its cause. What is a cough and what does it signal? For what reason can occur? What changes in the child's body are observed with an impassable cough?

What is a cough?

Involuntary stimulation of bronchial, nasopharyngeal and pulmonary tissue receptors in medicine is called a cough. In this case, characteristic sounds arise as a result of the passage of the air mass along the narrowed respiratory tract.At its core, cough is a sharp breathing movement that clears the airways of abundant mucus, contaminants and dust, as well as from small foreign bodies that come by negligence into the body rights.As a symptom is manifested in respiratory diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions and neurological diseases. In some cases, its intensity may increase and provoke hoarseness, vomiting and involuntary urination. Long-lasting coughing in a child affects the disturbance of the psychoemotional state: the child is capricious, loses his appetite, cries and can not fall asleep.

The nature of the cough may be different. Acute cough for colds lasts up to 2 weeks. The protracted character lasts from 2 weeks to 2-3 months. The chronic form lasts up to 1 year. The intensity of coughing is varied: from a slight cough, which is like perspiration, to a hysterectomy. According to the consistency of the mucus secreted, the lingering cough is divided into dry and moist. With a dry cough, phlegm almost does not happen. It can occur suddenly, and the mucus that is released in small amounts is viscous.

Moist cough is considered productive. In this case, a large amount of mucus is released through the oral cavity. Its intensity can be accompanied by whistling, wheezing and characteristic gurgling sounds. Mucous sputum is viscous and colorless, this is observed with acute bronchitis. Sputum purulent in adults in green, and in children - white. With bronchopneumonia and chronic bronchitis, sputum is greenish-yellow in color. Slime with blood splashes is observed in influenza and pneumonia. Greyish, foamy sputum character is observed with prolonged bronchitis. Almost transparent, vitreous sputum is secreted with a cough in bronchial asthma.

The appearance of a cough is associated with irritation of the mucous tissues of the respiratory system. At the same time, "bumpy" receptors, which are located in the tissues, transfer the signal to the respiratory center of the brain. From there he returns and is fixed in the form of a cough. Receptors react not only to viral and bacteriological centers, but also to odors from outside, mechanical damage and chemical reagents that a person breathes. For babies, not very frequent coughs are considered normal. So the child reacts to the ingress of dust in the respiratory tract or the accumulation of mucus. Doctors say that the number 15 is the norm. Its intensity is observed in the morning. The naturalness of this process lies in the fact that a lot of mucus has accumulated during the night in the trachea and bronchi of the child.

Causes of protracted cough

The function of coughing is not to let pathogenic substances into the body and, together with mucus, remove them from the human body. But what if the child coughs for a long time? First you need to find out the cause of such a symptom. A long cough in a child's history may indicate:
  1. Catarrhal diseases. More than half of the protracted coughs in a child are due to viral or bacteriological infections. Concomitant symptoms in this case may be a rise in body temperature, headaches, feverish conditions. When he does not pass for a long time, you need to contact the pediatrician. Probably, the child has acute respiratory viral infection with pneumonia or another no less severe respiratory disease.
  2. Presence of worms. If their number is exceeded, they can form "colonies" and block the airways.
  3. Stenosis of blood vessels. It is caused by heart congenital pathology and heart defects. The lungs do not get enough oxygen, and as a result of oxygen starvation, a cough begins.
  4. Stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation, diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Asthmatic bronchitis and asthma. There is a protracted paroxysmal cough.
  6. Conditions of nervous overwork or stress.
  7. Diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx lesions and large adenoids.

An unprecedented etiology of cough is very important for determining an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, when collecting an anamnesis, you need to study in detail all the symptoms. Immediate treatment of doctors requires a situation with a fit of coughing when a foreign body enters the trachea.


Causes of paroxysmal coughing can be the smell of cosmetics, cigarette smoke, sudden changes in air (from hot to cold).

First aid for prolonged cough

A prolonged sudden cough can be dangerous for the child. It indicates an allergic reaction, an attack of bronchial asthma or ingress of an alien body into the bronchi. As for the latter, its character is dry and paroxysmal. In this case, you need to call an ambulance immediately. No less dangerous for a child is coughing with bronchial asthma or with the appearance of blood in the mucus. If in the first case it is enough to seat the child comfortably and give him a medicine or an inhaler, then in the second case one should immediately consult a doctor. As a rule, in such situations, the child's body temperature rises, dyspnea, paleness of the skin, dizziness, and in some cases the consciousness is disturbed.

With a constant cough, which, despite the treatment, does not go away, you need to find out its cause. To do this, you need to make a bacteriological study of blood, urine and feces. You also need to undergo ultrasound examination of the heart and lungs.

Children often realize that with the help of a cough they can manipulate people around them. Such a cough can be caused by stressful states during disturbances and only in the waking state of the child. At night it does not happen. It can be provoked by physical violence, cries and in a situation where the child is forced to do what he does not want. Children are often affected by them, who pay little attention to or consciously ignore the child's feelings and desires. Medicine here is powerless. Parents need to instill confidence skills in the child and pay more attention to its development.

The etiology of the appearance of a cough has been sufficiently studied.

In diseases with the symptom of a protracted persistent cough, one should not self-medicate both adults and parents in relation to a sick child.


Correctly studied history of the disease will allow an experienced doctor to establish the true cause and prescribe effective treatment.

Cough for colds

Cough is a frequent companion of colds. His treatment can not be carried out by itself, because in most cases, coughing is just a symptom of the underlying illness. Cough for cold gives a lot of unpleasant feelings to a person. There are a sufficient number of ways to help quickly and effectively cope with both the cough itself and the cold that caused it to appear. It should be remembered that the treatment of a disease accompanied by a cough is necessary, because otherwise the disease can become chronic or cause complications.

With a cold, a dry cough

The technique by which cough treatment is cured for colds depends to a large extent on the nature of the cough itself. It can be dry or wet, with sputum separation. With a damp cough in the lungs, sputum is present, which affects the respiratory system and provokes a cough. With the dry nature of this symptom, the cause is irritation of the receptors on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

One of the most common methods of treating dry cough with a cold is gargling with a solution of ordinary soda. This method will have a visible effect only in inflammatory processes of the upper parts of the respiratory tract: pharynx or larynx. If the cough is caused by a lesion of the bronchi, the gargling of the throat will not help. In this case, it is better to replace them with inhalations with soda or a decoction of chamomile.

Another recipe that can cope with a cough for a cold of a dry nature, is considered inhalation with the addition of eucalyptus oil. Several drops of it drip into a container of boiling water, then you need to sit above it and inhale the vapors that are released, covered with a towel.

With a cold cough with phlegm

Treatment of a damp cough for colds is mainly to get rid of phlegm. To do this, you need to make it more fluid to make it easier to remove. Help in this can be mucolytic drugs, as well as funds similar to them in action. One such compound is honey with the addition of birch buds. To prepare such a product you will need a glass of honey and half a cup of kidney. These ingredients are mixed by adding about 100 ml of water to the mixture. Then it is put on fire and boiled for about 5 minutes. After that, the product is filtered, you can also add a couple of drops of aloe juice and a little sugar. The resulting mixture is taken on a large spoon after eating several times a day. Keep the product in a cool, dark place.

Another method of treating wet cough with colds is compresses made from honey and herbs. One of the recipes is as follows. A small spoonful of dry mustard powder, a small amount of vodka, as much vegetable oil and a tablespoon of honey should be well mixed. The entire mixture is gently applied to a piece of cloth or gauze, which must be of such size to cover the back or chest completely. The compress is placed on the chest or back and left on the skin for several hours. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed. Most likely, the next day the cough will recede and the patient will feel considerable relief.

Cough after a cold

Cough does not pass after a cold

Quite often cough persists for a long time after other symptoms of the common cold have already receded. Such a cough torments a person and gives him trouble.

Cough for cold is one of the most characteristic symptoms of the disease. It can persist for a while and after the treatment of the underlying disease, which is one of the variants of the norm. However, the residual cough should not last more than 10-14 days after the disappearance of other signs of a cold. If the cough remains for a longer time, this may indicate the development of complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and others. Therefore, if cough after a cold persists for more than 2 weeks, you should visit the therapist, and if necessary, other specialists. In some cases, after severe infectious diseases can persist for up to two months.

Causes of cough after a cold

The acute period of a cold is usually quite short-lived, in most cases it lasts no more than a few days. However, even in this short time pathogenic microorganisms or viruses manage to destroy the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. This leads to an increase in its sensitivity. Inhalation of very cold air, dust, sharp temperature contrast can lead to coughing attacks. Such residual cough may be dry or accompanied by a mild sputum discharge. Most often, it manifests itself with a slight cough and a feeling of perspiration in the throat. After some time after a cold, the body recovers, and cough completely disappears. During the recovery period, all the treatment procedures aimed at getting rid of the cough that was carried out during the acute period of the illness should be performed.

Long cough after cold: treatment

In the treatment of residual cough, various herbal extracts can be used, for example, based on quince, pine buds, ivy leaves or other medicinal plants. Methods of treating long-term cough after a cold are also compresses, inhalations, warming and a special set of physical exercises. Traditional medicine offers its options for the rapid treatment of residual cough.

Medicinal plants have spasmolytic, mucolytic and expectorant effect, they are able to reduce the severity of the mucosal edema.

Residual cough of a wet character can be treated with inhalations with such medicinal plants as the turn, yarrow, eucalyptus, plantain, coltsfoot, rosemary and others. You can use for this purpose fiz.svostr and essential oils, for example, fir, lime, rosemary, sage, aira, pine and others. In the absence of special devices: a nebulizer or an inhaler, the inhalation procedure is carried out over any capacity. It is important to monitor the temperature of the steam, so as not to burn yourself. The patient needs to bend over the container and cover himself with a towel, inhaling the healing steam. The duration of such inhalation is about 10 minutes. After the procedure is over for a while you can not leave the premises.

Treatment for a cough after a cold can include warming compresses, which when prepared use badger fat, lard, various warming ointments made on the basis of essential oils. The chosen means should be rubbed feet and chest area, then put on top thick socks and woolen scarf.

To get rid of a cough after a cold, you can use a fig with milk. To prepare this product, several pieces of dried white figs and a cup of milk are required. The ingredients are combined and boiled, after which the resulting beverage is left to be infused. The drug should be drunk several times a day in hot form.

A known remedy that helps with residual cough is black radish with the addition of sugar. At the big fruit of a radish cut off an apex and do a deepening in pulp where pour some honey or put sugar. The cut top is put in place, and the radish is left for about 24 hours. During this time, the juice appears in the groove, which is what it is used for when coughing before eating on a large spoon.

They help to cope with a cough after a cold and exercises physical therapy exercises, this method for treating cough in children is especially shown. The complex of exercises is performed several times a day. The first exercise is a push-up from the floor with legs bent at the knees. The second exercise is carried out, lying with his back on the big fitball and picking up dumbbells. It consists in the dilution of the hands on the exhalation and in turn their upward and downward shifting. The number of repetitions is 10 times. Such exercises can increase the volume of the lungs.

A good effect is also a massage with vibrations. It is carried out by easy tapping movements with the help of the ribs of the palms along the lines along the spine, while the spine itself can not be touched. The duration of the massage is about 2 minutes.

Increase the volume of lungs and improve their performance can be by inflating balloons. However, such an exercise in children can lead to hyperventilation, which is manifested by vomiting and dizziness. Therefore, instead of balloons, you can buy a baby lip harmonica.

It is important after the disease to restore weakened immunity. This can be achieved by adequate nutrition, regular intake of necessary vitamins and physical activity. Some time after a cold, the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa remains too dry. To get rid of dryness it is possible, having dripped in nasal courses on some droplets Vaseline or sea-buckthorn oil.

Cough without colds

Coughing is one of the body's reflexes in response to the inflammatory process or the effect of an irritant. Cough can occur with colds. However, sometimes it appears without signs of a cold. Such a cough can be a sign of a serious illness.

Causes of cough without colds

In any case, cough with or without a cold is just a symptom. To determine the causes of cough without a cold, you need to analyze other symptoms of the disease and the nature of the cough itself: dry or wet (productive).

Causes of cough without cold can be the following pathologies:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux. This pathology is manifested by the release of gastric acids into the esophagus. In this case, a cough may appear, especially in the prone position. Other symptoms of this condition are a sour taste in the mouth and heartburn.
  2. Obstructive lung disease of chronic form.
  3. Stagnation in the lungs, the primary cause of which is a viral infection. This residual phenomenon may persist for some time after the cure of the disease.
  4. Lesions of the lungs, irritation of the esophagus, larynx and pharynx due to prolonged smoking.

Dry cough without cold can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Bronchospasm.
  4. The effects of irritants, dust and other.
  5. Taking ACE inhibitor drugs that are used to lower blood pressure.

In addition, cough without cold can be caused by mediastinal tumors, pleurisy, lung cancer, tuberculosis, pathologies of the nervous system. In childhood, the causes of coughing can be inhalation of dust or tobacco smoke, emotional shocks, acute laryngitis (croup). Babies may develop coughing and runny nose during teething.

There is also a physiological cough, not accompanied by signs of a cold. It manifests itself in the fact that a healthy child coughs about 20 times a day, while there are no other symptoms of the disease. Thus, the child's airways are cleansed of sputum and foreign bodies trapped in the respiratory system. Treatment with a physiological cough is not required.

Cough without cold: treatment

Treatment of a cough without a cold should be directed not at getting rid of this symptom, but for the underlying disease that caused its appearance. However, to reduce the manifestations and severity of cough, it is possible to carry out some activities:

- A productive moist cough requires dilution of sputum. To this end, a generous warm drink helps. It is not necessary to suppress cough, because in this way from the lungs and bronchi to excrete accumulated slime. If this process is broken, sputum accumulates in the lower parts of the lungs, which can cause complications;

- cough for colds and without it - an excuse to quit smoking forever;

- to remove irritation and get rid of the pain in the throat can be by rinsing the throat with water and adding to it the usual salt (the ratio of half a small spoon to a cup of water);

- air in the room where the patient with a cough is, should be sufficiently moistened;

- To make a cough more effective help inhalation with the addition of essential oils: eucalyptus, thyme, incense, marjoram and others.

Of course, not always cough without a cold requires a visit to the doctor, it is often just a reaction to dust and other irritating substances in the air, an allergic reaction or a residual phenomenon after the transferred disease. However, if the cough is accompanied by severe pain, there are traces of blood in the expectorant sputum, or cough lasts more than 10-14 days, it is worth turning to the specialists. In such cases, ECG is usually prescribed, lung radiography, general blood and urine tests, lung volume determination and other examinations.

Signs of a cough

The first signs of coughing

Cough promotes the release of the respiratory tract from sputum and is essentially a reflex process. It arises as a result of the stimulation of a certain reflex center located in the brain. An independent disease cough is not, representing a symptom of some other disease. There is a misconception that almost any cough can be cured. In fact, this is not entirely true.

The symptoms of a cough may be different depending on the nature of its course. Physiological cough is absolutely normal and can be repeated for several days. Thus, the respiratory tract clears from the mucus accumulated in them. There are no special signs of this type of coughing. If it occurs in the child, it is necessary to observe him for a while, measuring the temperature and looking at the baby, if he is not capricious. If there are no unpleasant symptoms, the baby is okay.

Pathological cough is evidence of an airway disease. Symptoms of cough may vary depending on the nature of the course of the disease. Pathological is also considered a cough that has arisen against an allergic reaction. If cough is caused by ingestion of food in the respiratory tract, foreign bodies, it is also considered pathological.

Symptoms of dry cough

Dry cough occurs with diseases associated with the respiratory system. It affects people of all ages and all seasons. He can testify to the onset of a serious illness, therefore, one should not neglect the help of competent medical specialists and engage in self-medication.

The appearance of dry cough is reflex and indicates the ingress of foreign objects, mucus or sputum into the respiratory system. With the help of dry cough, the body clears the airways, which is one of its main functions.

The main sign of dry cough can be considered the absence of expectorated sputum, it may be preceded by a sore throat. In order to eliminate dry cough, it is necessary to consult a specialist of the appropriate profile for the purpose of the necessary treatment.

Dry cough without cold symptoms

Dry cough can occur with colds, flu and respiratory diseases. If it lasts more than a month, it indicates that the course of the disease has become chronic.

However, dry cough may not be associated with colds. Quite often the cause of its appearance is smoking or allergic reactions. Judging by the duration of the symptoms of dry cough, it can be divided into acute, flowing less than three weeks, subacute, lasting up to two months and chronic, which flows more two months.

Signs of a damp cough

A wet cough is called productive. With a cough like this, the mucus and sputum are separated from the patient, often containing various impurities. Wet coughing always occurs as a result of inflammatory processes occurring in the respiratory system of the body. Wet cough almost always comes to replace dry and its presence means that the body has an excellent ability to self-purification.

Wet cough is characterized by the presence of phlegm. This symptomatology can take place for various reasons. Excessive sputum indicates the onset of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. It is possible to develop a viral or bacterial infection in them. In addition, the cause of plentiful mucus can be pneumonia, manifested as a result of lung infiltration, characteristic for the course of the inflammatory process.

Cardiac cough symptoms

The term "cardiac cough" is considered accepted among cardiologists and is entitled to existence, because it is a separate symptom of cardiac pathology, having different form of flow. What form this is, is another matter, since not all diseases of the cardiovascular system are accompanied by a cough.

Cardiac cough is a complex neural-reflex act produced through a sharp exhalation through a closed vocal cavity, whereby sputum is removed from the respiratory tract. Since its presence indicates a course of some serious disease, it is not easy to determine the symptoms of a cough.

As a result, cough is often written off for bronchitis, allergic or respiratory diseases. Cardiac cough by its symptoms can be:

  • paroxysmal and dry;
  • exhausting, loud and happening in the evening hours;
  • irritating and dry;
  • sharp, dry and short;
  • accompanied by blood separation.

In children, a heart cough may indicate an excessive pressure in the pulmonary artery, characteristic of congenital heart disease, in which enrichment of the small circle of blood circulation occurs.

Signs of an allergic cough

Some features of an allergic cough make it possible to distinguish it from other types of cough. This type of cough is characterized by the recurrence of seizures after interaction with an allergen of a certain kind. Also, it stands out due to its frequent nocturnal episodes, complete absence of a secrete segment (sputum). Often, an allergic cough occurs when accompanied by bronchitis, conjunctivitis, runny nose. In these cases, breathing becomes difficult, there is a feeling of lack of air, tearing increases and the rhinitis becomes worse. Allergic cough does not differ in symptoms in children and adults. In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, bronchoscopy, spirography and chest radiography are prescribed. Correctly to recognize the symptoms of an allergic cough only an experienced therapist is able, sometimes a consultation of a pulmonologist is required for further examination.

Signs of an allergy - cough

To say what caused this cough in a person who had not suffered from an attack of allergy before is difficult. In most cases, the allergen is in spring bloom, dust or wool. However, these are only the major allergens immediately to be eliminated if a suspected disease is suspected.

Perhaps the emergence of a cough for allergies provokes smoking or just a regular presence in the house of tobacco smoke. Cough may appear occasionally and disappear immediately after the removal of nicotine from the house. There may be a cough as a result of taking various medications.

Often, allergic cough occurs in people working in the production or on the street. Microscopic particles of harmful elements enter the trachea, larynx, and then settle in the bronchi.

Symptoms of an allergic cough in a child

An allergic cough in a child is usually paroxysmal. It starts suddenly when nobody expects it. He is almost always dry and can visit the patient from time to time for several weeks. Often, it is accompanied by a runny nose, as this is also a form of the body's reaction to getting into it allergies. Allergic cough in children is often accompanied by itching in the nose and sneezing.

Barking cough symptom

A sign of barking cough is its characteristic sound, resembling a dog barking. The type of coughing is rather painful and it accompanies hoarseness of voice.

Most often barking cough appears due to ARVI, accompanied by inflammation of the larynx and simultaneously a trachea. In addition, it may be manifested in diseases such as diphtheria and whooping cough.

Laryngitis can be triggered by general overcooling or by taking cold food or water. It can also occur as a result of exposure to certain occupational hazards, such as gases and vapors.

Signs of asthmatic cough

The main sign of asthmatic cough is its dryness and unproductive. Most often it occurs at night and is never accompanied by a fever. To treat it with antibiotics does not make any sense, since such treatment is ineffective. Cough causes a feeling of tightness in the chest, accompanied by shortness of breath. It can cause intense sweating and heart palpitations. Breathing becomes wheezing, exhalation is difficult.

Cough is a sign of what diseases?

Cough is typical for many diseases. It can accompany viral or bacterial diseases. Also, in a number of cases, cough may be a symptom of allergic reactions, diseases of cardiology, ingress of foreign objects into the respiratory tract. This means that before choosing a cough medicine, you need to understand what kind of disease it provoked.

The main group of diseases, the course of which is accompanied by a cough, include the following: tuberculosis, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, chronic diseases of ENT organs, tracheitis and acute respiratory disease. Cough is a frequent companion of viral diseases. In the beginning it is dry, gradually passes into the moist one and lasts all the time until recovery comes.

Causes and types of dry cough

Dry cough in children and adults can be a sign of infectious or colds, manifestation of an allergic reaction or the first symptom of such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis or whooping cough. Therefore it is necessary to know the most common causes of dry cough, in order to call the doctor in time and start the appropriate treatment.

Dry cough arises as a protective reaction of the body, which tries in this way to "clear" the lungs from the microorganisms that have got into them or particles of dust and various substances. It appears due to irritation of receptors located deep in the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi and is not accompanied by the separation of sputum.

Types of dry cough

  1. Usual - typical for viral infections and colds, the child coughs several times a day, but does not experience any unpleasant sensations or pain.
  2. Paroxysmal - a cough that lasts for a long time, causes stressful breathing muscles, chest pain, lacrimation, fatigue. This is a symptom of the defeat of the lower respiratory tract, the onset of bronchitis or pneumonia. Perhaps the occurrence of a paroxysmal paroxysmal cough is a very frequent and severe cough that is almost impossible soothe, such paroxysms can be repeated several dozen times a day and severely deplete the patient, most often they are a symptom whooping cough.
  3. "Barking" - during the attack the patient suffocates, he has shortness of breath, wheezing and a sharp violation of normal breathing. Such a cough occurs with extensive inflammation and some infectious diseases.
  4. Chronic - dry cough, lasting more than 2 weeks without interruption or recurrent coughing attacks for more than 4 consecutive weeks, at least 3 times a year. For various pathological conditions, there is a certain time of occurrence of attacks - allergies begin to cough in the morning, and asthmatic cough occurs after physical effort or nervous voltage.

The main causes of cough

  1. Physiological causes - so the airways in children up to a year are cleared of accumulated mucus, dust and other substances. Such a cough is "easy it is rather a cough, it appears sporadically, more often in the mornings, and the child does not have other signs of pathology - increased body temperature, discharge from the nose, general malaise and so on.
  2. Approximately in 90% of cases dry cough appears due to inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract - these are common colds and viral infections. In this case, the disease begins with an increase in body temperature, headache, irritation and dryness of the throat, then there is a discharge from the nose and a dry cough. The cough is short, weak, and after a few days the separation of sputum begins and it quickly disappears. If ARVI or ARI is not treated, the condition of the child may worsen and develop a complication - bronchitis, tracheitis or false groats.
  3. Influenza and parainfluenza - are much more severe than other viral infections. Characteristic rise in body temperature to high figures - more than 40 degrees, pain and aching muscles, redness eye, sneezing and attaching a dry, nasal cough, causing pain in the chest, muscles and general fatigue patient. Unlike adults, the airways of young children are very narrow and inflammation can cause their swelling and blockage, so you should always consult a pediatrician and follow all recommendations for treatment. Especially dangerous is parainfluenza in children of the first three years of life, it often causes narrowing of the respiratory tract and development of the "false" croup. The patient's voice becomes hoarse, rough, and cough - barking and very frequent, breathing is marked by intense superficial, in young children visible entrainment of intercostal spaces and the emergence of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle - the skin around the lips pales and gets cyanotic color tone.
  4. Pertussis - dry "barking paroxysmal cough - this is the main sign of this disease. If at the beginning of the disease symptoms can be noted fever, general malaise and dry rare cough, then gradually the condition the child worsens, there are frequent attacks of dry, barking cough that intensifies at night and gives the child the opportunity to normally rest and to have a sleep. Treatment of infection should be carried out only in a hospital or with mandatory medical control over the process, since there is a risk of serious complications. Unlike adults, in young children, this disease can occur very hard and cause a violation of normal breathing.
  5. Laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis - develop as a complication of a viral infection or a cold. Inflammation passes into the lower parts and affects the bronchi, trachea or larynx. In this case, there is a prolonged cough that becomes stronger and may be accompanied by pain in the chest or in the throat. It intensifies at night or in the mornings and periodically repeats throughout the day.
  6. Dry cough can occur because of an allergic reaction to stimuli that get into the respiratory tract. Such a cough occurs in the morning, increases under certain conditions - after eating citrus, cleaning with household chemicals, at certain times of the year, and so on. With the disappearance of the allergen, all symptoms of the disease disappear, but if contact with the stimulus constant, the risk of obstruction (constriction) of the respiratory tract increases and the appearance of constant cough. If in adults an allergy can exist for years in the same form of seasonal pollinosis, then children, it quickly passes into more severe forms of the disease - obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.
  7. The ingress of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract - an unexpectedly arisen dry cough without an increase in body temperature - is a dangerous sign, and if the child is choking or his state of health has sharply deteriorated, then perhaps this is caused by the foreign body entering the respiratory ways. Cough with it - paroxysmal, painful, the child breathes heavily, sizzles, turns pale, he can lose consciousness or his voice disappears. The task of any adult who is nearby is to call as soon as possible an ambulance, and before the arrival of doctors, to provide first aid on their own. To do this, you need to turn the child face down, put on the knee, clean the mouth cavity and try soft pushing strokes on the back to push out a piece of food or a small toy from the throat.

Dry cough is a symptom of a variety of diseases in children and adults, so in all cases of its appearance it is necessary to consult a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the pathology and designate an appropriate treatment. Particular concern should be caused by the appearance of a prolonged dry cough in young children.

Causes of dry cough without fever in adults

In our time it is difficult to find an adult or a child who would not cough at least once a day. Zagazovannost large cities and megacities, harmful emissions of industrial enterprises, a lot of different infections - living in a city about clean air can only dream of.

The human respiratory system is so arranged that when penetrating into the bronchi and lungs of infectious agents, allergens, dust, etc., due to irritation of the respiratory tract receptors, a cough occurs.

With its help, the tracheobronchial tree is cleansed of external and internal irritating agents, such as pus, mucus, sputum, blood or from foreign bodies - pollen, dust, food particles. The role of the cough is to prevent mechanical obstacles and cleanse the respiratory tract from sputum or other substances.

When a person has caught a cold and contracted a viral respiratory disease - the clinical picture is clear, the person rises high fever, runny nose, cough, tear, weakness and other symptoms of intoxication, characteristic of these diseases. In these cases, the cause of dry cough is clear. And how to understand why there is a cough without temperature in an adult or a child?

Many believe that cough is caused only by respiratory diseases, however, a prolonged dry cough may be a symptom of such serious diseases like heart failure, oncological diseases of the mediastinal organs, certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sinusitis, sinusitis. The table below shows the symptoms and diagnosis of certain diseases that are characterized by a dry cough without fever or with a temperature of 37 ° C.

Cough and runny nose without fever

  • With colds

may cause catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, cough without body temperature or 37-3,. With such types of Orvy, the throat may not bother, but a common cold, cough without fever is characteristic. If the cough does not go away within 3 weeks after the onset of SARS, you should consult a therapist.

  • Allergic reaction

on various flowering plants in an apartment or on the street, an allergy to dust is also accompanied by a dry non-productive cough, an allergy to pet hair, pet food or animal care products, a similar reaction is possible for perfumery and cosmetic products facilities.

Even in carpets and bedding there are a lot of allergens, which can be inadequate reaction of the body, which is expressed by dry cough and runny nose without temperature. Also, the massive use of various household chemicals, unsafe detergent powders with surfactants over 35% all this can affect the state of the respiratory system and manifest as a cough and runny nose without temperature.

  • Post-infection cough

after acute infectious or viral inflammation of the respiratory tract cough with perspiration, coughing, feeling tickling or agitation, can last up to 3 weeks, and just unpleasant sensations and a rare coughing is possible before, months.

Dry prolonged cough without fever

  • Stress

Stressful situations, nervous shocks, experiences can provoke a dry cough - this is called psychogenic cough, when a person worries, gets lost or embarrassed, he can cough up.

  • Also, for a long time in a room with dry, dusty air, irritation in the respiratory tract may appear.
  • Oncological diseases

If a prolonged severe dry cough without fever lasts more than a month, you should consult a therapist, pulmonologist, allergist, oncologist, phthisiatrist for the passage of a thorough diagnosis, since the diseases that cause incessant cough are very many - tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchial cancer, trachea, throat.

  • Heart Disease

Cardiac cough should be distinguished, for example, from the cough of a smoker or a bronchial cough. Such a cough occurs after physical activity and there is no sputum, however, sometimes with acute cardiac disease, bloody discharge after a dry cough is possible. This is due to the malfunctioning of the left ventricle, when the lungs are stagnant blood and its secretion with a cough. The person besides the cough is disturbed also by palpitation, and a short wind, and pains in the field of heart and so forth.

  • Chronic diseases of ENT organs

often with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, frontalitis, sinusitis due to the flow of mucus from the nose along the back wall of the throat, there may be a cough without temperature, it is concomitant and not associated with lower respiratory ways.

  • Tuberculosis

a prolonged dry cough, a temperature of 37-3, indicates a possible tuberculous process in the lungs or bronchi. To date, the situation of tuberculosis is very tense, even among people of high social status, the development of this formidable disease, persistent stressful situations, overfatigue, inadequate rest reduce the defenses of the body and since 90% of the population by the age of 30 is infected with a stick of Koch, provoking factors can lead to the activation of the mycobacterium in organism.

  • Thyroid gland diseases

with a nodular or diffuse increase in the thyroid gland, pressure on the trachea occurs, causing a dry cough without temperature in adults.

  • Some diseases of the digestive tract

can also cause a dry cough without fever, a reflex cough after eating in the case of an esophageal-tracheal fistula, reflux esophagitis, and esophageal diverticulum.

  • If foreign matter enters the respiratory tract.

Name of the disease Characteristics of cough and other symptoms Body temperature Diagnostics
Some types of ARVI Cough is first dry, then it becomes wet with sputum secretion The temperature may not be or may be low-grade 37-3, Examination of the therapist, pediatrician, general blood test
Chronic bronchitis, smoker's bronchitis Chronic coughing is usually deaf, especially attacks in the morning, in the cold, when inhaling gassed or smoky air. With prolonged chronic bronchitis, sputum may be purulent. With exacerbation or acute bronchitis, the temperature usually rises, especially with acute bronchitis in children, but with chronic temperature there is not or 37 with little. Radiography of the chest, examination of the therapist, a general blood test, bacterial sputum culture on the sensitivity to antibiotics in the case of purulent sputum.
Chronic frontitis, sinusitis, rhinitis For such diseases is characterized by frequent dry cough, especially at night. In acute sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, the temperature is high, but with a chronic process, a cough and a temperature of 37 or normal Examination with an otolaryngologist, an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses of the nose
Oncological diseases of the mediastinum With oncological diseases cough can be dry, debilitating Without temperature Examination at a pulmonologist, oncologist - X-ray, MRI of mediastinal organs, bronchoscopy, blood test, oncomarker, etc.
Tuberculosis Persistent cough with sputum or sparse phlegm, weakness, decreased appetite and performance, night sweats, chills. The temperature is normal in the morning, by evening usually low-grade 37-3, Chest x-ray, Computed tomography, tuberculin tests, phthisiatric consultation.
Professional cough Appears in people working in hazardous manufacturing plants, when in the air many different chemicals, dust, such a cough is dry, exhausting without sputum Without temperature Inspection of the therapist, pulmonologist, X-ray of the lungs to exclude other pathologies.
Allergic reactions, allergic bronchitis Cough is dry, without phlegm, in the form of perspiration, irritation, occurs after contact with the allergen - animals, dust, plant pollen, fluff, feather, wool, household chemicals, perfumes, washing powders. Without temperature Consultation of an allergist, immunologist
Heart failure, rhomboembolism of the pulmonary artery, heart defects, A dry, prolonged cough without fever occurs after physical exertion and is strengthened in the prone position, but after the adoption of the vertical position it weakens. It is accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitation, high blood pressure, sometimes there are attacks of suffocation. Without temperature First, consult a therapist, then a cardiologist.
Lungs' cancer In addition to dry coughing, people are concerned about chest pains. In the long-term process, dry cough can be accompanied by periodic sputum discharge with pus or blood. Dry cough, temperature 37-3, or it may not be Consultation of the oncologist-chest x-ray, bronchoscopy, general blood test, oncomarkers, etc.
Throat cancer Signs of throat cancer, larynx in this disease is characterized by dry cough without temperature, not amenable to treatment, as well as possible shortness of breath, as the laryngeal lumen narrows. Sputum can be with blood, also blood can be in saliva and mucus from the nose. Without temperature or 37-3, Consultation of an otolaryngologist, oncologist.
Use of certain medicines These drugs include: drugs for hypertension, ACE inhibitors, nitrofurans, beta-blockers, aspirin, amiodarone, Inhalation drugs-beclomethasone, ipratropium bromide, are able to cause a cough without temperature, chronic unproductive. Without temperature Tell the cardiologist about the drugs that you take and that they cause a cough.
Pneumonia in the elderly It is very rare, but there are cases when pneumonia occurs without a temperature or with a slight unobtrusive increase, usually it is typical for the elderly, while, in addition to coughing, chest pains, weakness, loss appetite. Pneumonia sometimes occurs without high fever with a strong cough, especially in weakened and elderly people. Address to the therapist, chest X-ray, a general blood test.

If a person is worried that he has a severe dry cough without fever and other symptoms of a cold, he suffers from attacks of dry cough for a long time, do not delay the visit to therapist.

  • First of all, one should be alerted and analyze when most often there are coughing attacks - if this is related to the quality of the inhaled air, the presence of new furniture, fresh repair in the apartment or the appearance of an animal, woolen or fur clothing, other clothes of poor quality - it is most likely a defensive reaction of the broncho-pulmonary system to toxic substances in dyes, plastics, particle boards, mattresses, carpets, etc. household items or an allergic reaction to wool, fur, fluff, feather, etc.
  • If the cough is only at a certain time - only in the morning, most likely it is chronic bronchitis. If on the contrary, only at night or in a horizontal position - a heart cough, cough with diseases of ENT organs. If during a meal - it can be a cancer of the throat, larynx, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pay attention to the color, amount and consistency of sputum, this must be reported to the doctor, what color is it, whether there are impurities of blood, pus (yellow-green).

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