Drugs from the common cold

How to choose the best cure for a cold

You can catch cold and catch a cold at any time of the year.

Cold rhinitis can seriously "poison" life to an active person, and can also contribute to development of such dangerous complications as sinusitis, which is treated much more difficult than simple runny nose.

In order to stop the symptoms of the disease and completely cure, as a rule, little use of any one drug.

The most effective treatment of the common cold includes the use of modern drugs for the common cold and nasal congestion with folk methods of therapy.

But in order to choose the best cure for the common cold, you need to know about the existing drugs, the principle of their effects and the side effects that they are capable of causing.

Treatment of catarrhal rhinitis, as a rule, begins at a time when the approach of the disease is barely perceptible and the state of health has not worsened yet. In such a period of time, the followingantiviral drugs:

  • Tablets "Arbidol"
  • Tablets "Remantadin" (erroneous name "Rimantadine")
  • Capsules "Tamiflu"
  • Drops "Grippferon"
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Such drugs can be used for prevention, during a dangerous viral situation, and also after contact with sick people.

Their effectiveness, they showed in the fight for recovery at the beginning of the development of colds.

After the beginning of their admission, the disease, which has not yet gained momentum, recedes within a few hours.

The list of drops in the nose from nasal congestion and runny nose is great. To choose from these drugs the best cure for the common cold, you need to assess your health, pay attention to the symptoms. Also, it is not superfluous to visit the attending physician in order to be convinced of the correctness of his decision regarding the chosen drug. Albacid in the nose is often prescribed as an alternative to modern antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. Doctors quite often write out Albucidum in the cold for children, since the composition of the drug is quite effective and safe.

If the disease does not resolve to recede and you feel unpleasant sensations in the mucous membranes, and you are already experiencing significant discomfort abundant discharge from the nose, it is necessary to think about the use of drugs, the action of which is directed solely at treating the common cold and alleviating its symptoms.

Such funds are divided into several groups:

  • Vasoconstrictors.They only stop the manifestation of the symptoms of the rhinitis, but do not treat it. But they cope with the removal of edema, decrease in mucous secretions, and stuffy nose. Such drugs include: "Galazolin "Nazivin "Ximelin "Sanorin "Nazol" and "Tizin
  • Antihistamines.They are used when the common cold is allergic. Such drugs are: "Allergodil "Vibrocil "Levokabastin "Sanorin-Anaerhegine".
  • Antimicrobials.As a rule, they have an antibiotic in their composition and prevent the development of complications against the background of the common cold. These funds include: "Isofra "Bioparox" spray, "Miramistin" spray.
  • Means of mucolytics.Liquefy viscous mucus for the most effective cleansing of the nasal cavity. A remedy from this series: "Rinofluimucil".
  • Preparations of combined action.These are effective remedies for the common cold, which combine the qualities of all the drugs listed above. In this group, the best cure for the common cold is Polidex. As a rule, "Polidex" is prescribed for sinusitis.

To the drugs described above, had the proper effect, did not cause complications and addiction, it is necessary to coordinate their reception with a doctor. If you decide to postpone the trip to the doctor, it is important to remember the information on the correct intake of these medications. Most of the listed medicines can not be taken more than a week without a break, and some of them more than 3-4 days. Otherwise, there is a possibility only to aggravate the course of the disease, the rhinitis can begin with a new force. To stop the stuffing, you can apply the technique of acupressure, especially effective massage, if you spend it with the Vietnamese "Star."


Read the instructions for use of medications carefully!

The best medicines for the common cold are often considered folk medicine. This is completely unsurprising, since these drugs rarely have serious contraindications and side effects. They are often indicated for admission by young children, as well as by pregnant and lactating women.

Often used beet juice in the cold, it quickly helps to stop the symptoms of the disease, and also has a therapeutic effect on the mucous membranes. The treatment of rhinitis with tea tree oil is very popular, which is a very strong antiseptic.

Popular cures for rhinitis, recommendations and contraindications

When choosing a drug to focus on the most popular drugs for rhinitis, of course, should not be.

However, the popularity of the facility depends largely on the feedback it receives.

It is unlikely that you will use a drug that does not bring you the desired relief and does not cope with the treatment ailment, and even more so you will not advise him and the necessary popularity points this tool is never will acquire.

So, here we have selected the best medicines from rhinitis, which have earned popularity due to their effectiveness:

  • Vasoregulatory drug "Sanorin". It is popular due to its relatively low cost and striking efficiency. Separately it is necessary to note "Sanorin" emulsion with eucalyptus oil. This remedy for rhinitis in the shortest time eliminates even the most powerful swelling of the mucosa. However, this drug can be addictive and use it better not longer than a week (without interruptions).
  • Pinosol. This remedy for rhinitis on the basis of oils does not have a long vasoconstrictive effect, but it soothes the irritated nasal mucosa. Also, this drug neutralizes many bacteria and viruses. The rapid effect of using "Pinosol" can not be expected, but it successfully fights the cause of the disease, producing treatment from the inside. You can also note its low cost.
  • The preparation "Sinuforte". Used in cases where the runny nose is delayed and runs the risk of becoming chronic. The composition of this medicine from rhinitis includes an extract of the juice of cyclamen tubers, which significantly reduces mucosal edema and was used by healers from Ancient Greece.
  • Homeopathic preparation "Sinupret". This remedy for rhinitis has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect and has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance of the components. It should be noted that homeopathic preparations need individual test use, since a drug that has come to one person can cause complications of the disease in another.
  • Means based on salt solutions "Aqua Maris "Morenazal". These drugs can be used both for the prevention of rhinitis, and to combat its symptoms. They effectively clean the nasal cavity of mucus accumulations, greatly facilitate breathing. Also, these remedies relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect.


Preparations from the common cold for children and during pregnancy

Symptoms of rhinitis give a person a lot of unpleasant sensations. This disease worsens the patient's condition, reduces its working capacity, causes disruption of nasal breathing and smell. To get rid of the symptoms, it is important to choose the right drugs from the common cold, which will contribute to a quick recovery.

The essence of the disease lies in the fact that there is a violation of blood flow in the mucous membrane of the nose, resulting in swelling. The reasons for such an inflammatory process can be many. What drugs should be taken from the rhinitis, only the specialist should say, taking into account the causes of the disease.

Vasoconstrictors from a cold of different validity

Among all the medicines used in otolaryngology in the treatment of diseases of the nose, the first place is occupied by vasoconstrictive drugs. They do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the nasal mucosa, but effectively relieve edema, normalizing nasal breathing. Vasoconstrictive medications from the common cold are used for any kind of inflammatory process in the nose.

All the funds of this pharmacological group can be divided into drugs of different validity: short, medium and long. More cheap drops and sprays are made on the basis of naphazoline. These are such medicines as Sanorin, Naphthysine and Tizin.

The main drawback of these drugs is their short-term effect, which lasts no more than 6 hours, while they can be used up to 4 times a day.

For minor relief of the patient's condition caused by nasal congestion, it is possible to use vasoconstrictive drugs from a xyletazoline-based snot. Such medicines combined high efficiency and long-lasting effect - up to 10 hours. These preparations from the common cold for children up to two years old are categorically contraindicated. Adults, too, should abandon the long-term use of xylometazoline. The list of preparations from the common cold on the basis of this active substance consists of such drops and sprays as Rhinostop, Otrivin, Xylen, Ximelin, and Galazolin.

Also, vasoconstrictive products based on oxymetazoline are produced, they form a group of long-acting drugs. You can apply them only 2 times a day for three days. They are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes and kidney disease, pregnant, lactating and children up to a year.

Vasoconstrictive preparations from the common cold in pregnancy are not recommended for use, except for the appointment of a specialist. It is advisable to do without them, replacing the product of plant origin Pinosol.

Antiviral drugs for the common cold

Rhinitis is a frequent companion of cold and viral diseases. If the runny nose has appeared as a result of the penetration of the virus into the body, it is necessary to treat it with antiviral medications. They can be produced in different pharmacological forms, such as:

  • drops- the best preparation for the common cold of antiviral action is Grippferon;
  • capsules- Tamiflu and Arbidol;
  • rectal suppositories- Kipferon, Viferon;
  • pills- Rematadin, Rince.

High efficiency in the fight against viral infection is endowed with Oxoline ointment. It helps a weakened organism to fight infection by suppressing the multiplication of pathogens in the nasal cavity.

Antibacterials from the cold

Many people refuse to use antibacterial drugs, trying to find an alternative to them. However, such actions are not always appropriate, in some cases, you can not do without burying the antibacterial drops of their sprays. They do not do much damage to the body, because they have a local effect on the mucous membrane.

Most often nasal antibiotics are available in the form of aerosols, popular among them are Polidexa, Isofra, Boiparox. These drugs are prescribed from snot to children, not just adults. In a short time they destroy the pathogenic microorganisms that caused the bacterial rhinitis. Apply them usually 1-1, 5 weeks, but noticeable improvements, as a rule, come in a few days.

Antihistamines from an allergic rhinitis

In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, the main drug is antihistamines. These can be complex agents intended for oral administration - Claritin, Fenistil, Erius, Zodak, Zirtek, or drops and aerosols of local action. Nasonex, Avamis, Vibrocilum is widely used for burrowing the nose.

Treatment of rhinitis will give positive results only with the right drug. To do this, it is important to establish the causes and type of the disease.


Cures for the cold

A wide range of products in the pharmacy allows you to choose a cure for the common cold. Just do not hurry. Medicines can be in the form of tablets, powders, syrup, drops in the nose, sprays.

Runny nose is caused by different reasons. Therefore, in order not to buy an unnecessary remedy, you should consult a doctor and perform a diagnosis.

The combination of the symptoms of a cold, cough and sore throat says that you have an acute respiratory illness, and it is caused by viruses. In the first place, medicines of general stimulating effect on immunity (immunomodulators) and protection against viruses are needed.


Natural remedies that affect immunity are more indicated for prophylaxis, but when symptoms of a runny nose and cough occur, they also fit. Tincture of ginseng, dog rose and aloe is taken in drops inside, it can be added to herbal tea, combined with honey and lemon.

Ribomunil in tablets, doctors appoint and children and adults. In drops, Derinat is used.

Fast and active on the immunity of the American bioadditive Transfer factor. You can buy it only in the centers of nutritional science or from distributors.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

As a rule, they contain:

  • paracetamol;
  • a large dose of vitamin C;
  • phenylephrine.

These include: Koldreks, Teraflyu, Rinza. They are applied when the powder is dissolved in hot water, have a pleasant fruit taste. After 10-15 minutes, a positive effect manifests itself: the breathing improves, the headache disappears. The effect lasts not for long, it helps with the initial symptoms of colds and runny nose.

Preparations of cleansing action

Preparations from the common cold with the effect of washing the nasal passages can be applied at the very beginning of the disease. Perhaps they will help get rid of a cold and a subsequent cough without antibacterial agents. Drugs in the form of seaweed-based sprays perfectly wash away from the nasal mucosa pathogenic pathogens along with excess mucus. Otolaryngologists recommend Aquamaris, Aqua Marine, Dolphin, Aqualor, Otryvin, Salin. Recommended also in childhood.

Antibacterial and antiviral drugs

These drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. From antiviral agents for the treatment of the common cold with respiratory disease, doctors recommend for an adult Arbidol and Remantadine, for a child Viferon and Kipferon in a sufficient dose.

If the runny nose is prolonged and caused by inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in pills, injections or sprays is justified. Shown are Polydex, Isofra. Spray Bioparox is also used for cough and sore throat, it is sprayed in the nasopharynx.

All antibacterial drugs must be applied at least a week, you can not reduce or increase the treatment time yourself. They are capable of causing addiction and will not act on infection in the future.

Contraindications: individual hypersensitivity to the drug. It should avoid prescription in the rhinitis in pregnant or lactating women to prevent adverse effects on the child.

Drops in the nose Protargol and Kollargol are recommended for the treatment of a cold in children. Manufactured on the basis of the bactericidal action of silver ions.

Drugs with vasoconstrictive action

Some patients consider them to be the best cure for a cold. Indeed, such drops and sprays as Naftizin, Sanorin, and Galazolin are familiar to everyone and are in demand. The effect of using the drug comes in 10-15 minutes and lasts up to 10 hours. Spasm of the vessels removes the swelling of the nasal passages, allows you to clean your nose and regain your breath. It should be remembered that the use of vasoconstrictive sprays is limited to seven days for adults, and for children - up to three days. The negative property of overdrying the mucous and causing addiction must always be considered. Together with these funds, you need to apply washing and moisturizing the nose.

Contraindications concern patients with:

  • hypertensive disease;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Do not use pregnant and lactating women.

Vegetable preparations

Perhaps the plant base does not lead to rapid action on the runny nose and cough, but has significantly fewer contraindications and side effects.

Pinosol consists of:

  • mint;
  • pine needles;
  • eucalyptus oil.

It is used for rhinitis in drops for adults and children from, years. Softens dry crusts, relieves inflammation and swelling. It is indicated for pregnant women.

Drops of Umcalor are taken orally for a cold with a runny nose and a cough. The active substance - an extract of pelargonium (geranium), has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect. It is applied from five to thirty drops for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Corysal and Euphorbium compositum, combined tablets and drops of the homeopathic series, can be used internally to treat the common cold and common cold symptoms.

Contraindication to plant remedies is increased individual sensitivity.

Medications for allergic rhinitis

Antihistamines in tablets, drops and sprays for allergic rhinitis are recommended to be taken before a possible meeting with the allergen. For this purpose Zirtek, Claritin in tablets are appointed. When contacting an allergen, you can use a spray of Sanorin-Anaerhegine.

Sinupret is used in drops, spray, syrup for children. Has immunomodulating and anti-allergenic action.

With caution, you can use drops and sprays of vasoconstrictive action, if they do not have an increase in the symptoms of the common cold. Feeling of a sore throat and coughing with phlegm can complement the general allergic reaction.

For any treatment of the common cold, you should consult your doctor and use his instructions.


Drugs for the treatment of the common cold: tablets, sprays, drops | What are the cures for colds

Whenever you come to a pharmacy to buy something for the treatment of a cold, you are sure to find that there are a lot of medicines for these purposes. Already this fact should become you a clue that the best guide to the world of drugs from the common cold is a specialist doctor. Only he is able to determine the characteristics of the disease and to prescribe suitable drugs.

What medicines for the treatment of the common cold should be taken?

These drugs are usually distinguished according to the mode of action and form, and they will be discussed below.

1. Vasoconstrictive medicines. This group of drugs is presented in the form of drops and sprays. It is preferable to use drops when treating small children, while sprays are suitable for children from six years old and adults. Their exposure to the nasal mucosa leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels, which, in turn, eliminates swelling. To narrow the vessels used substances such as Xylometazoline, Oksimetazolin and Nafazolin.

2. Moisturizing preparations. It can not be said in full that these are drugs for the treatment of rhinitis. Rather, they are ancillary agents that help to facilitate mucus escape. They are used in conjunction with other medicinal substances and are good for any form of the disease. They are made from sea or mineral water and are saturated with salts and trace elements. Positive point - in these preparations there are no substances that can cause side negative effects, so their daily dose is usually not limited.

3. Antihistamines are from the cold. The main thrust of these drugs is the fight against an allergic rhinitis. Often there are combined medications: an antihistamine complex is added to the vasoconstrictor drugs. They can be used not only for allergies, but for colds.

4. Antimicrobial agents and antiviral drugs. Such drugs are aimed not so much at removing the unpleasant effects associated with the common cold - eliminating edema, breathing in - how much to fight the source of the disease: microbes and viruses. Some of them contain antibiotics, so they have a number of side effects and contraindications, which means that they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

5. Hormonal drugs to treat colds. Used in cases of severe allergic rhinitis. Sprays with a hormonal component act locally, so do not be afraid of possible effects on the body as a whole. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to address independently to hormonal means: their appointment, especially children, is obligated to supervise the doctor.

This is only a small part of the classification of medicines that can cure various types of colds. To find the best way of treatment it is possible only after an establishment of the exact diagnosis, and this should always be handled by a professional.

Vasoconstrictors for the treatment of colds

Today there is more than one cure for the common cold that works effectively and quickly. These funds are called vasoconstrictors. The use of such funds for instillation or inhalation will lead to a narrowing of the vessels, and, as a result, to getting rid of the common cold.

The most popular vasoconstrictor: Sanorin and Nasol, Naphthysine and Xylometazoline. Otrivin and Adrianol will also help. In general, the mechanisms of their action are quite similar, and the side effects are identical.

But, before using vasoconstrictive drugs to treat the common cold, it is important to know how to use them properly.

1. Remember that every remedy is addictive, which is followed by an increase in the dose of a particular remedy and frequent use. The result is a rapid development of side effects, which is associated with the fact that vasoconstrictors means have an effect not only on the vessels of the nasal mucosa, but also on the vascular system of the body in whole.

2. Observing all the rules of reception, that is, without exceeding the dose and, applying the drug to treat the common cold for seven days, no side effects will occur.

3. If, however, the medicine has been used very much, then the side effects, for sure, will manifest themselves. They are common and local. Common - this heart palpitations and in general, a violation of the rhythm of the heart, sleep and jump in pressure, vomiting and dizziness. Local: edema of the nasal mucosa and sneezing, dry mouth.

Therefore, to use medicines is extremely accurate to cure the problem, and not create a new one!

Tablets, sprays, drops and other remedies for combating the common cold

As you know, even a small runny nose can bring a lot of discomfort and discomfort. Therefore, with the slightest symptoms of a common cold, one should begin to be treated. And then the most important question arises: what is the use of an effective medicine? Modern medicine knows a lot of effective and high-quality medicines.

The most common medical devices are sprays and drops with vasoconstrictive effect. They are divided into three groups:

1. Xylometazoline containing

2. Oxymetazoline containing

3. Naphazoline containing

Spray as a remedy for a cold

Runny nose is a problem that worries many. Quite often, treating doctors recommend to their patients such a tool as a spray. How to use this medication? Spray can be found and bought in any pharmacy, while the recipe from the buyer, most likely, will not require. Why have sprays recently become so in demand?

This type of therapy is indicated both for colds and infectious diseases, and for allergies. For the treatment of cold coryza, most often, the following medicines are used:

1. Spray, conducive to narrowing of blood vessels. This drug helps to sharply compress the vessels located in the nasal cavity, thereby facilitating breathing and reducing the amount of mucus to be released. Despite the fact that these sprays cope well with the main unpleasant symptoms of the common cold, they are not recommended for use for longer than five days in a row. Otherwise, there may be a so-called withdrawal syndrome, when after the completion of the treatment course the disease returns, and in a stronger form.

2. A spray based on sea water. This medicine clears the respiratory tract from mucus while moisturizing the nasal mucosa. No active substances in such a spray are usually added, and therefore, do not be afraid of side effects, even with frequent use of the drug.

Many, probably, will be surprised to learn that few people can correctly use nasal sprays. Those who intend to conduct treatment with such drugs correctly, the following simple recommendations will be useful.

  • Before using the medicine, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages. To do this, you should blow your nose or rinse your nose with saline.
  • One nostril is slightly clamped with a finger, and the second one, insert a pipette of the vial with a spray.
  • To grope with the big finger the special pump located at the basis of a bottle of a spray from a rhinitis.
  • Sharply push the pump, while simultaneously inhaling the sprayed contents of the spray bottle from the common cold. Do not take too deep a breath.
  • No matter how much you want, you need to stay away from sneezing. The drug should by any fate stay in the nose. For some time you can not even blow your nose.

Before using the drug to treat colds, be sure to read the instructions (especially if you purchased the drug yourself, and not on the recommendation of the treating doctor), carefully study the contraindications and side effects effects. In no case do not exceed the indicated dosage and duration of use of the spray from the common cold, and your treatment will certainly prove to be effective.

Drops and tablets in the treatment of rhinitis

Rhinitis or rhinitis causes a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, people try to get rid of this disease as soon as possible. As a rule, the most effective means are vasoconstrictor drops and tablets. They are different from the main component that is part of the tool.

1. Xylometazoline. Such tablets and drops are:

  • Halazolin
  • Ximelin
  • Rhinonorm

2. Oxymetazoline. Preparations containing this substance:

  • Nazivin
  • Nazol

3. Naphazoline. With this main component are produced:

  • Naphthysine
  • Sanorin.

Also among the effective medicines can be identified ointment Evamenol. It is applied to the surface of the nasal passages in small amounts twice a day for a week. Ointment effectively relieves the symptoms of the common cold. Also in the fight against the disease apply and folk methods.

What means to choose, it's up to you, but it's worth to get a doctor's advice to avoid complications and wrong actions.


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