Can I walk with a baby with a cold

Is it possible to walk on the street with a baby with a cold?

Can I walk with a baby with a cold? This is an urgent issue that interests all young parents. Many viral, bacterial, colds can cause a runny nose in the child. It should be understood that the common cold is a defensive reaction of the body to an irritant, in this case a virus, a bacterium, some allergen.

Physiology of acute rhinitis

Acute rhinitis, the so-called common cold, is a manifestation of the inflammatory process, a violation functionality of the nasal mucosa, decreased local immunity, the result of supercooling or overheating child. It manifests itself in the form of the development of pathogenic microflora, because the nasal sinuses are overfilled with phlegm, which removes microbes from the mucous membrane of the nose. Noticeably more common cold occurs in infants, rather than in adult children. This is due to the improvement of the baby's immune system, the physiological peculiarities of the nasal sinuses, the thermoregulation of body temperature. Runny nose may appear during teething. Runny nose is promoted by overdried air in the room, because the nasal mucosa starts to be abundantly moisturized. The baby is unable to remove mucus from the nose by itself, blows its nose, which makes it difficult. It is accompanied by edema of the nasal sinuses, clogged with respiratory tracts, changes in body temperature, general weakness, nervousness and sharp changes in the mood of the child.

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Air baths and runny nose in the child

Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold? There is no single answer to this question, since it is necessary to take into account individually the state of each of the children and the specific features of a particular disease. Air baths are useful for strengthening the general immunity, activating the protective functions of the body, the nervous system, oxygen saturation of the body, hardening to sharp temperature changes. You can take different air baths. It all depends on the season and weather conditions. But there are principles of walking at any time. The main thing is not to overheat and do not overcool the child. In the period of the disease, which is accompanied by a runny nose, at an elevated body temperature there is a spasm of the skin of the skin, because even a weak breeze can cause discomfort. It is important to properly dress the baby.

When you can and should walk, and when should you wait? Do not give up on a walk if:

  • the child's body temperature does not exceed 3, ° C;
  • he is physically active;
  • he has a normal appetite;
  • he has an interest in a walk;
  • appropriate weather conditions.

It is necessary to dress in the weather, so as not to overheat the child and he did not sweat, but not to subcool. Clean the nasal sinuses from the accumulated mucus, so that the baby breathes freely and does not have air enough mouth.

Reduce motor activity to prevent sudden changes in body temperature. With all recommendations, fresh air will only benefit children. It is better to give preference to walks in the park, forest, places remote from the busy traffic. So, the child can breathe freely and in the meantime heal. If the baby has a cough during the walk, then this indicates that the nasal mucosa is properly moistened and cleansed. And this is a direct proof of strengthening the protective functions of the body, immunity. During the walk you need to control the runny nose, periodically cleanse the nasal sinuses, watch the mood of the child.

Walking should be postponed to those children who have an epidemiological disease, as they can be contagious (depending on the incubation period of the virus). In acute respiratory diseases, high soreness, weakness, temperature, lethargy, poor appetite, lack of mood, desire to walk and do something you should not shield children from air baths. It is necessary to periodically ventilate the baby's room, you can play or just sit on the balcony. During the warm season, a day's sleep in the fresh air will be useful. It is necessary to clean the nose of mucus in time and control so that the child does not breathe through the mouth. In the cold season, make sure that the air in the children's room is not overdried, this will only exacerbate the disease. Wet, cold air will help the baby's body to cope with the disease faster. You can go out into the fresh air with the baby when he sleeps, and continue to follow the sinuses.

Allergic rhinitis in children

In children, there is also allergic rhinitis. It is manifested by abundant mucous secretions, sneezing, tearing, red eyes, itching, swelling and burning of nasal passages. Difficulty breathing in the child causes general irritability, poor sleep. An allergic rhinitis can arise from dust, fungi, insects, food, as well as from chemicals, cosmetics, medicines, plants, pets. It is year-round and seasonal (it depends on the type of allergen). Of great importance are the state of the environment, the location of industrial and residential objects. With such a runny nose, you should limit walking in places where you can find one or another allergen. For example, during the pollination period, exclude walks in dendroparks and greenhouses. Park or plantation near a plant or other industrial complex is not suitable. Avoid tobacco smoke, remove dust in time, limit the use of chemicals (from powders to hygiene products).

Physiological rhinitis in infants is possible solely due to adaptation of the organism, including the respiratory system, to environmental conditions.


This happens in the period of teething, when the nasopharynx is irritated by copious secretions of saliva and mucus.

It is important to fight the disease, as a number of complications are possible.

Frequent, long-term, uncontrolled use of drugs against the common cold can provoke the addiction of the body, which has developed antibodies on them. It is especially necessary to treat vasoconstrictive drops, do not apply them for more than 5 days, since this leads to spasms of the vessels of the brain, swelling of the nasal passages, sensations of constantly clogged nose. In this case, follow the instructions for the drug.

To improve the child's well-being with a runny nose, one must constantly moisturize the nasal mucosa with a saline solution, which is also an antiseptic.

Periodically clean the nasal passages from mucus, make sure that it does not dry out. Excess of mucus aggravates the disease, as its accumulation in bronchi is provoked, a cough is caused.

Very timely diagnosis and treatment of the common cold. It is impossible to admit chronic morbidity and complications, the development of asthma. Modern devices to remove phlegm in infants will help get rid of excess mucus. Their use is not limited and harmless with proper use. When the baby is able to self-flag the mucus, you should teach him how to do it correctly. One should alternately close one or another nostril, do not overdo it. This procedure should be carried out with a slightly opened mouth at every need.

So, with a runny nose, you can and should walk in individual cases. It is necessary to avoid especially crowded places, to avoid fatigue of the child, to monitor his state of health, to control mucous discharge from the nose.


When allergic rhinitis to refrain from places where a certain allergen dwells. It is possible to gradually increase the duration of walks in the process of recovery. It must be remembered that they can both harm and benefit the child.

Is it possible to walk with a child for cold and cold?

Even the most experienced parents sometimes find themselves in situations where there is not enough information. One of the frequent questions posed to the pediatrician is related to the regime of walking with a sick child. Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold? There is no unequivocal answer, but rather everything will depend on the individual situation, in which we will try to understand the next article.

When walking is undesirable

To make sure that the main rule: do no harm, will be observed completely, first you need to disassemble the moments when the real harm from staying in fresh air will exceed the benefit.

It is not recommended to walk with a child when:

  • High temperature of a small patient.
  • Unfavorable weather conditions.
  • The cause of the disease - street allergen (flower pollen, poplar fluff and others).

Traditional walk in this case, for obvious reasons, should be replaced by regular airing.

Access to fresh air is essential for a speedy recovery. The very nature provides for optimal breathing in a street environment, and not indoors. Ideal conditions for walking with children of any age will be a little lowered temperature and green spaces nearby. It is not necessary to combine a walk with a trip to the market or to a supermarket, devote this time exclusively to staying with the child.

Observance of simple rules of the "right" walk will help the speedy recovery and strengthening of immunity. Here you can read, than to treat a bad cold in a child.

Features of walking with a newborn

To be precise, the infant age lasts exactly 28 days, after which it is automatically considered to be not newborn. At this time in the child's body there is still mother's immune defense and therefore the child will not be ill. But it's as they say in the ideal, but in fact, colds in newborns are not so rare. To panic in this case it is not necessary, the timely reference to the doctor will help to diagnose correctly the reason of a rhinitis and the plan of treatment.

After all possible measures are taken and the temperature of the baby (with possible increases) came back to normal, the child is quite ready for walks. Earlier pediatricians advised to begin acquaintance with the street in about a week for several minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to the standard two hours. Now the approach is more loyal, long walks with the baby are not forbidden right from birth, provided enough comfortable weather conditions.

Read how to treat an allergic cough in adults.

Reviews and price of cough syrup Linkas:

It describes the treatment of wet cough in infants.

If a newborn has a runny nose, walks are even recommended, since it is easier to keep the natural background of the sinuses in the street.In a dry or dusty room, the runny nose will last longer, so it will not be out of place and regular airing and moisturizing. To do this, you can buy a special device that controls the level of comfortable humidity, and you can act by "grandmother" means by hanging wet towels on the radiators or by installing containers with water. On the link you can read how to treat a runny nose in a newborn baby. Perhaps you are also concerned about whether you can bathe a newborn with a cold.

Walks with babies

Children up to a year of walks not only help to strengthen immunity, but also contribute to its psychomotor development. A grown-up kid willingly learns the world, so a walk is an ideal opportunity to direct his energy in the right direction. If the weather is comfortable outside and the child does not have a high 3ºC or more, walks will only benefit. In case of infectious disease, you can temporarily restrict contact with other children, so it's better to take a car, a stroller, crayons, a ball and other toys for outdoor games.

The duration of the walk is best set within an hour, so that the child is not too tired. You can walk twice a day, if such a schedule suits you. Do not give drugs that cause sweating before a walk, as well as hot drinks and warming teas. You can not walk right after some medical procedures, in particular after warming up. If the baby has watery eyes and a runny nose, then read the material on the link. Also, read what to do if the child does not have a runny nose and cough.

Often, at the first signs of the disease, child activity drops sharply, the child complains of weakness. In this case, do not forcibly drag the baby "to breathe fresh air." It is better to ensure the flow of oxygen into the room, and after improving the condition, the little one will drag you to the street.

Walking with a sick child: the opinion of Komarovsky

Known for his radical views on the upbringing and treatment of children, Yevgeny Komarovsky also convinces us of the usefulness of staying outdoors even with a sick child. According to him, fresh air will help to win the disease faster, and providing the ability of motor activity - to strengthen the immune system of the child.

The video tells whether you can walk with a child with a cold:

Walking "according to Komarovsky" is, first of all, ensuring the motor activity of the baby. You can not wrap the child in his ears in warm clothes and demand that he just sit on the bench. Ideal walk when the child actively moves in comfortable clothes. Choose it follows from the calculation: one layer is less than that of the mother. To freeze the child in such a short time will not have time, and clothes that do not hamper the movement will help to get the maximum benefit from such pastime.

For babies and toddlers, who do not move much, the walk is also very important. Ideally, this should be a quiet place, away from industrial areas and busy roads. If you have a park or a park nearby, you are lucky. In the absence of such places, you can sit with the baby in the yard or even just go out onto the balcony.

Depending on the cause of the common cold, which can be a manifestation of an allergy, it is necessary to direct efforts to eliminate the factors causing such a reaction of the body. A child needs help in creating suitable conditions for recovery, in which a walk is an important event.

Is it possible to walk in the cold with a child? Of course! With enough comfortable weather conditions and lack of heat and weakness, a walk in the fresh air will help to quickly defeat the disease and promote the normal operation of the whole organism and the respiratory system in particular.

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky is also convinced of the expediency of walking, especially with a sick infant. Breast and infant age is also not a hindrance, the main thing is to choose the right weather. Regular walks with children of any age will help to strengthen immunity and more quickly cope with any diseases. Here you can read how to rinse the nose with salt.

What to do with a cold in a child: to walk or sit at home?

Runny nose in a child is one of the most simple diseases, which, with proper treatment, takes place in a few days. Nevertheless, this state of the baby brings some troubles: it is difficult for him to breathe a spout, his appetite, mood and sleep deteriorate. During illness of the child, parents try to protect him from all factors that can aggravate the course of the common cold. That's why many parents are interested in the question, is it possible to walk with a child with a cold?

In what cases can you walk in the disease?

When allergic rhinitis caused by flowering, walks should be excluded

Regardless of the type of rhinitis, the doctor does not forbid the patient to be in the open air, though, provided that he does not feel bad. In the case when the cause of an allergic rhinitis was the ingress of pollen on the mucous membrane, during the bloom of the allergen it is worthwhile to exclude or limit the time spent on the street. If the allergy caused by dust or wool of pets, then staying out in the fresh air to the kid will do good. At the same time, the more often and more long walks on the street, the better for children's health.

In rhinitis, which has emerged as a cold disease, walking is appropriate only in those situations when the disease is not burdened by other symptoms - fever, chills, weakness. Very often, parents are afraid that after a walk the child's condition may worsen. To prevent this from happening, you can shorten the time spent on fresh air and go out on the street only in warm, windless weather.

What is the use of fresh air?

Fresh air increases the overall tone of the body, improves mood, strengthens the immune system

While walking on the street it is desirable to protect the child from contact with healthy children. Also, a sick child should not be next to other babies also because during this period his body is severely weakened and, in addition to a cold, he can catch other viruses and infections.

Fresh air with a cold has a beneficial effect on the body, since the airways are good the feeling of dryness in the nose is eliminated, and the breathing process becomes much easier. Moreover, while on the street, it is possible to ventilate the room well, reducing the number of pathogens in it.After walking, blood circulation throughout the body improves, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Also, fresh air kills toxins and microbes that accumulate in the nasal passages.

Rules of walking at rhinitis

To walk during illness brought only benefit, rather than worsen the condition of the patient, parents must necessarily adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not wrap the baby. All parents know that children on the street do not stand still, they are very active and mobile. And if the child first warms up, and then stands in the wind, he will get sick even more. Therefore, the presence of a cold does not indicate that the baby should be very warm.
  2. Do not walk in rainy weather. Windy, and even rainy weather, can significantly worsen the patient's condition.
  3. A long time not to walk. The duration of the walk in rhinitis should not exceed 40 minutes in warm weather and 20 minutes with wind.
  4. It is good to clean the baby's nose. Before you go outside, you need to clean your nose of accumulated mucus, otherwise it will prevent the baby from breathing through the nose, and inhaling the mouth of cold air in the winter is unacceptable.
  5. Do not overwork crumbs. Of course, during a walk, you can not overstrain your baby and it's important not to let it overheat, so you need to make sure that he does not run.

The appearance of the common cold is not a contraindication to walking in the open air, the main thing is to know some rules.

Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold?

Each mother who has a small child, at least once a year, collides with a cold and stuffy nose in her baby. Such a malaise can be accompanied by other signs of the disease, and can only bother a little crumbs. Almost all mothers are interested in whether it is possible to walk with the baby, especially the baby, with a cold, and whether the walk will not hurt the baby. Let's try to understand this question.

Is it possible to walk if the child has snot?

Runny nose in itself is not a contraindication for finding a child on the street. Moreover, in some cases, a walk can be useful for children's health. If you are in doubt, it is necessary to walk with a child with a cold, you need to determine the cause of the ailment, as well as pay attention to the general health of the child.

If the snot in a child appears exclusively in spring and summer, as a result of allergies to pollen of plants, before going out into the street during this period, you need to take antihistamines, for example, Fenistil or Zirtek. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation. On the contrary, if the reason for the runny nose is a reaction to pet hair, dust, paint or any extraneous smells in the apartment, a walk can become vital to the child.

In most cases, the common cold occurs with colds. In such a situation with a child you can walk only when the temperature of his body does not exceed 3 degrees, and he feels well. In addition, during the walk you need to observe several useful recommendations.

Rules of walking with a cold

In order not to harm the health of the crumbs, it is even more necessary to observe the following recommendations:

  1. The most important rule is not to dress the child too warmly. Many mothers and grandmothers, if the baby has a cold, wear several warm things at once. Do not forget that overheating is much more dangerous for the child's body than hypothermia.
  2. Before you go outside, the baby's nose must be cleaned well, especially in the winter. If the child is too young, it is necessary to do this with an aspirator.
  3. The duration of a walk in warm and windless weather should not exceed 40 minutes, in a cold and with the presence of wind - you can stay on the street for no more than 15-20 minutes.
  4. In addition, do not even go out in the rain. If the baby gets wet, his condition can deteriorate significantly, and a lot of unpleasant symptoms will add to the cold.

Is it possible to take a baby with a cold in the street?



with a runny nose in no event!!! You can walk when there is no obstruction and the baby breathes freely. And so you risk catching a cold even more, because if you do not breathe properly through your nose, it will swallow cold air with your mouth!

Like an angel

not worth it. immunity and so weak, and on the street a lot of all kinds of infections and not May a month in the yard

Mrs V

If he breathes his mouth, then it is undesirable ...

Marina Komissarova

it is not possible, but it is necessary! Warmer clothes and walk on health.

Olga Zotova

completely agree with Isabel)


No, of course, you will get even more nasal sinuses. Cold is forbidden! Get well !

personal account deleted

I would not have decided ..

Aliya Karimova



You can, but not for very long


It is important to know that influenza symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat... you should spend more time on the street, more often and longer to walk in winter, but on condition that the baby breathes a spout. Parents who have children with minor cold symptoms (without fever and acute bronchitis or other. ) sit at home, more harm than help. Good luck!

And you with a babe at a rhinitis went for a walk?





Went, -3 it is not -25

Your Personal Heroin Grade

Leave for a while, let the air breathe

Ekaterina Zaripova

we are on the balkon 'walked'.


Went... And with a cough... If there is no temperature.
At home sit only batsila back and forth drive.. .
Walking is necessary, at least 25 minutes, and at this time it is necessary to ventilate the apartment.

Katyusha Zhuravleva

no. only on bolkon

Irina Rozhok

you can walk, but not for long. See that the child does not freeze. and a cold is not terrible.

Irina Voronkova

If there is no t, then walk necessarily!

Elena Ronina

And can the rhinitis allergic, on a dust house?


if strong wind, do not go. and in normal weather you can walk, but not very long

Tanya Tatiana

If the wind is not very strong, go out for at least half an hour. Be sure to ventilate the apartment

But your goal is HIMERA

Yes, went for a while ...

Marina Kuznetsova



asked also here a similar question, when the first runny nose happened))
Yes, it's better to get out... but not for long, so as not to freeze

Irina Pyankova

called just a doctor, had the same question, she said that they do not recommend bathing and walking with cold symptoms. I explained that we will not get well at all, there will be a kind of rattling, a runny nose starts, if there is still no temperature for sure??? and she gave kindness))). but under the conditions listed above, if there is no strong wind, so that the child was properly dressed, not hot and not cold, walk for long, you can even a couple of times, and at this time to ventilate the room, and even a nose with ointment "viferon" anoint. You can not take a bath, but rinse the baby under the shower, quickly wipe it thoroughly and immediately put it on. I think the main thing is not to panic! Especially often the common cold is not a cold, but because of the dryness of the air in the room, the humidifier saved us in the second month of life. Good luck! Do not be ill!

Whether it is possible to walk with the child at a cold: we shall find the answer

Whether it is possible to walk with the child at a rhinitis - a question ambiguous. An accurate answer to it can not be given by either doctors or experienced parents. On the one hand, fresh air for children is definitely useful, but on the other hand, the runny nose is nothing but one of the first symptoms of an impending cold. So what to do: walk or not walk?

Proponents of walks believe that they should be included in the treatment of common colds in children. Fresh air is necessary for children - it improves blood circulation, kills the microbes accumulated in the body and removes toxins. In addition, during the walk there is an opportunity to ventilate the apartment so that on arrival home enjoy fresh air and at home. Another argument in favor of a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to walk with a child with a cold is hardening. With a constant stay in the air, a person's body learns to cope with temperature changes, gets used to the effects of wind, rain, humidity.What you need to remember for parents who still decided to walk with children in the cold:
  • Be sure to find out the temperature of the air on the street. Walking in the fresh air is useful, but if the street is too cold, damp or raining, this weather instead of good will only bring the risk of getting sick.
  • Do not try to dress a child warmer. Everything should be in moderation, because children are very mobile, and in too warm things it is very easy to sweat for a couple of minutes, and then any gust of cold wind can provoke ARVI.
  • Do not drag the child in the rain, even if it seems that it is quite insignificant. Wet things with a cold will only exacerbate your baby's condition.
  • Before going out, make sure the child cleans his nose. Breathing is necessary only with the nose, even if the runny nose is a one-year-old child. Otherwise, the child will inhale the cool air with a throat, and it will catch cold very quickly.
  • Walking in the open air means that you will walk in the park, forest belt or near the sea or the river. The air in such places is usually cleaner than in the city. Do not be lazy and give the child a useful walk, and not just a get-together in the courtyard.
Now let's see in what cases the answer to the question of whether it is possible to walk with a child with a cold is negative.
  • Firstly, the common cold can be not only a symptom of a beginning illness, but also an evidence of an exacerbation of a chronic illness. It is not necessary to deduce on walk of the kid with chronic diseases. Better try to beat the disease as soon as possible.
  • Secondly, as described above, walks in bad weather will not benefit either you or your child, so better wait for the good weather and walk with pleasure.
  • Thirdly, if the question arose about whether it is possible to walk with a child with a cold, remember that a walk that lasts for over an hour will also not work, the baby will only get tired more.
  • Fourthly, be sure to check the body temperature before walking - if it is different from the norm, it is better to postpone the trip to the street.
  • Also, refuse to walk, if your child is sluggish, does not feel like leaving home, drowsy is means that his state of health is clearly bad, better provide him a healthy sleep in a ventilated room instead of walks.
  • Also negative for the health of the child will be affected by a walk, if he takes medication with side effects like sweating - in the street the child sweats swiftly and overtakes in that case.

In general, it's up to you to decide, but before you get ready for the street, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and if there are more arguments for a walk, then walk with the baby with pleasure.

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