I do not smell when I have a cold

Why did my sense of smell disappear with a cold, and what should I do?

Such an unpleasant phenomenon, as a runny nose can not but manifest additional symptoms, the most characteristic is the temporary loss of smell and taste. Why does this state arise and, as soon as possible to recover and return the fullness of sensations, our article will tell.

The mechanism of the sense of smell

The special olfactory area is located in the upper part of the nasal passage and differs in structure from the characteristic mucosal structure of the nasal cavity. The sensitivity of the olfactory area is individually developed for each individual, so we define the fragrance resistance and the subtle notes of odors in a slightly different way.Special receptors transfer molecules to the brain through ultra sensitive nerve fibers.The information received by our main "computer" analyzes and gives a definition, the classification of aromas occurs automatically, and a new smell is entered in the "database" for further memorization.

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The video tells about what to do if the nose went off with a nosebleed nose:

The mechanism of the action of a sense of taste

Our language is a whole field of small taste receptors, which also analyze the objects for the presence of one more important attribute - taste. This is due to the tiny papillae, which are visible to the naked eye on the surface of the tongue. As many will recall from the school course of biology, the language is divided into several areas, each of which defines only one of four possible tastes.

The language is divided into the following zones:

  1. Sweet taste is determined at the very tip of the tongue, the zone responsible for determining precisely this taste.
  2. A bit further, on the side parts are "salty" receptors, due to which we feel the amount of salt in the food.
  3. The lateral part of the language, following the "salty" region, is well oriented in acidic tastes.
  4. The root of the tongue, or rather, the receptors on it, determine bitterness - the fourth taste that we are able to sense.

All the incredibly complex taste range of all possible products and dishes in the world is obtained by mixing these four flavors. Each person also feels different taste of the same food. Distinguish people with a particularly delicate taste and smell. As a rule, they can well prove themselves as professional tasters.

How to properly use Boiron tablets from the common cold, you can find out by reading the article.

From this article, you can find out if the ear can get a cold from the cold or not.

Than to wash out a nose to the one-year-old child at a rhinitis: http://prolor.ru/n/lechenie-n/chem-promyvat-nos-rebenku-pri-nasmorke.html

Recent studies in this field have confirmed a significant decrease in the sensitivity of taste and olfactory receptors with increasing human age. First of all, it is connected, of course, with the inevitable aging and deterioration of all organs, but it can also be the consequences of the transferred diseases, one of which will be a common runny nose.

On the video - more information about what to do if the sense of smell is lost in the cold:

Why does the disease lose sense of smell and taste

What happens in the common cold with olfactory and taste receptors can be demonstrated most clearly by the following example.When cold symptoms occur, the nasal sinuses begin to actively develop a special mucus, which is designed to fight the disease, not allowing infection to penetrate the body, it succeeds it is not always, but there is already a separate topic, and in case of a cold, it is the mucus edema that covers the area the sense of smell. After the disease is safely defeated, the nasal mucosa gradually returns to normal and the olfactory region also restores its functions.

All known drops for the treatment of the common cold, which we apply without hesitation, with the first symptoms, have a very harmful effect on the complex "mechanism" of nasal perception. The effect of this drug is based on its vasoconstrictive action, so frequent and uncontrolled reception leads to dysfunction of the muscular wall of the vessels. They just stop performing their duties and therefore the mucous edema does not last long even after full recovery. Manufacturers of such medications sometimes honestly write about the possibility of getting used to the drug, but for some reason we are accustomed to consider drops for the nose as the most innocuous and simple medicine.

The second common cause of loss of smell is an allergic rhinitis.The principle of action will be similar: edema mucous, but the permanent effect of the allergen also will not pass without a trace. Thus, the body itself is opposed to harmful factors, simply "turning off" the now useless olfactory area.

The most serious cause of loss or perversion of the sense of smell may be certain diseases of the central nervous system. At the first signs of such phenomena urgent examination and medical aid is necessary.

Types and stages of the disease of the nervous system:

  1. Anosmia- complete loss of sensitivity of the olfactory area. May be a consequence of complications after the flu and ARVI, as well as a stroke and damage to the central nervous system.
  2. Hyposmia- a decrease in sensitivity and perception of odors. This symptom is observed after a common cold and viral diseases. People with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx often suffer.
  3. Kakosmia- perverted perception of smells. It manifests itself in the form of failures of the received information. A common cause is tumor formation of the olfactory region.
  4. Hyperosmia- Hypersensitivity to odors, when even a subtle scent becomes intolerable torture. It is observed not only for abnormalities in the work of olfactory receptors, but also as a signal for a malfunction of the nervous system. Often, patients have specific olfactory "hallucinations when patients feel an extraneous smell, which is not felt by others.
What to do when the baby does not have more than a week's runny nose, is indicated in the article.

The adult does not have a runny nose for six months, what to do about it, is indicated in the article.

Why constantly pawns a nose without a cold, you can learn from the article here: http://prolor.ru/n/simptomy/zakladyvaet-nos-bez-nasmorka-prichiny.html

All these phenomena, at best, cause discomfort, and also signal serious health problems. It should not be delayed with a visit to a specialist, because any disruption of the normal life of the body can lead to serious consequences.

What to do to restore feelings of perception

Here it should be noted that the loss of sensitivity after the common cold has a temporary effect and refers to quite natural phenomena. A complete return of lost feelings can take a week, but if after this period the sense of smell and taste has not returned, the reason may not be in the cold.

The video tells what to do if after a cold the sense of smell is gone:

How to regain sense of smell after a cold and SARS:

  1. Home Inhalations- an excellent way to regain the "scent". Traditional recipes of traditional medicine here will be very appropriate. "Classic" method - to breathe over boiled potatoes is familiar to most of us not by hearsay, but also brings good results in the treatment of colds, runny nose and cough. You can use decoctions of pharmacy herbs, even just water with the addition of essential oils. To do this, make sure that there is no allergy to this odor and ask relatives to calculate a dosage that is comfortable for a person. About how to do inhalation with laryngitis in children, you can learn from the article. And about how to do inhalations with Fluimutsilom at a genyantritis, it is possible to learn or find out from clause or article.
  2. Cotton swabs impregnated with special mixtures, will help very quickly return the sense of smell. Examples of such mixtures are given below:
    1. Liquid honey.
    2. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice, diluted in half with water.
    3. Mummy in half with vegetable oil.
    4. Propolis and butter.
    5. Balm "Star which is better to smear the wings of the nose, but not mucous.
  3. Home drops- an analog of pharmacy recipes. The most effective is the following composition: one part camphor and menthol oil are mixed. Burying three times a day for two or three drops in each nostril.
  4. Regular lavage of the nasopharynxSaline solutions are also well proven. You can use decoctions of herbs, for example, the remains of a solution for inhalation. Rinse your nose more conveniently with a special watering can, which you can buy at a pharmacy. The algorithm itself is simple:
    1. Tilt a little head.
    2. In one nostril a little pour in the solution (you can use a syringe without a needle).
    3. After the fluid has safely flowed out of the other nostrils, the procedure is repeated for her already.

The procedure is simple, like all ingenious, unpleasant sensations from such manipulations pass quickly and do not go to any comparison with medical methods (it is enough to recall the famous "cuckoo"). Regular washing will not only help with nasopharyngeal diseases, but also contribute to strengthening the immune system and raising the vitality of the body. There are no contraindications to this procedure, it can be done both for pregnant women and children.

The method of "shock therapy" helps very well: this is when the patient in turn inhales sharp specific smells. Specimens of such smells can be garlic, menthol and pine essential oils, natural coffee, turpentine or Vishnevsky ointment and other strong-smelling substances.

Loss of smell after a cold is an unpleasant symptom that usually passes after the elimination of the cause itself. Help people to quickly return the sense of smell folk methods: inhalation, special home drops and lubrication of the inner surface of the nasal mucosa. If the loss of sensitivity is observed a week after recovery, it should be taken into account symptom is very wary, because it can signal serious problems of the central nervous system. Proper diagnosis and timely treatment is the key to a successful victory with the disease and the restoration of the old sense of smell.


How to regain the sense of smell and taste for the common cold quickly: what to do in case of loss

The sense of smell gives you the opportunity to feel tastes and smells, it is the "protector" of a person in some situations, for example, with a gas leak or a fire.

If the sense of smell is partially lost or if there is a complete loss of it, one should seriously approach the correction of the situation.

To clearly know what to do with a cold, you should understand why it becomes weaker or the sense of smell is completely lost.

The only correct solution will be to see a doctor, he will diagnose, and then immediately begin the correct treatment.

Traditional therapy with weakening or loss of sense of smell

In most cases, the loss of smell occurs due to the swelling of the nasal mucosa. ENT, depending on the symptoms present, prescribes vasoconstrictive or antigistamine, anti-inflammatory sprays that return taste and smell. These can be aerosols or sprays.

However, do not immediately buy drugs in the nearest pharmacy, without consulting a doctor. It is well known that improper treatment in most cases leads to the appearance of edema and significantly complicates the course of the disease.

To loss of smell and taste was not long, you can use soft and gentle folk remedies.


The most safe, but at the same time effective method of treatment are physical exercises, which can be performed even at work or in public transport.

To do this, you need to stretch the muscles of the nose, keeping the condition for about a minute, then relax the nose. To achieve the best effect, a day must be done from 10 to 15 approaches.

Warming up

You can also restore the sense of smell with a table lamp. You need to sit a quarter of a meter from the lamp, and direct the light so that it gets inside the nose.

During the procedure, wear sunglasses. Simple heating should be done for 15 minutes a day, so you can quickly and completely restore your taste buds.

It is interesting that when the loss of smell occurs, the warming up of the palms effectively helps to solve the problem.

To return the scent should be lowered for ten minutes hands in hot water and poured it as it cooled down.

Inhalation, rinsing and applying coins

The loss of smell is effectively eliminated by using traditional folk remedies. You can restore the scent by inhalation with potatoes or with soda dissolved in water.

If you feel cold when you feel that odors are not audible, you can apply various essential oils for inhalations. Quickly to restore sensations it is possible by means of procedure with butter or oil:

  1. eucalyptus,
  2. mint,
  3. fir,
  4. juniper.

It is necessary to add just a few drops into the water and breathe therapeutic couples. To achieve a better effect, it is important after the inhalation to wrap up in a warm blanket and go to bed.

If the nose is heavily stuffed, the procedure must be carried out daily or every other day. After a week, all sensations will return, and the person will again be able to smell.

After washing with a syringe or a syringe, the nose is cleared of accumulated mucus, and immediately you feel a decrease in mucosal edema. Sea salt is a useful and natural product that perfectly cleanses the nose, disinfecting it.

Saline solution for washing the nose can be done alone at home. To do this, in 500 ml of boiled water you need to dissolve half a small spoon of cooking or sea salt. You can also clarify how to rinse the nose with an aqualor, and apply washing.

Many people wonder why there is no expected effect. It's very simple: to improve, such procedures should be done several times a day.

If you feel that the sense of smell and taste has disappeared, you can perform treatment with metal coins. It is necessary to smear the copper or ordinary coin with honey, then apply for 30 minutes to the bridge of the nose.

The coin is fixed with a regular plaster. To fully restore the taste and smell, it is best to do these simple actions daily.

Powder of medicinal herbs and inhaling odors

Treatment with folk remedies can not do without the use of medicinal herbs. To improve the taste buds and return the sense of smell for a cold, it is necessary to mix the dried chamomile, mint, lily of the valley and caraway seeds in equal amounts.

  1. All ingredients are ground to a powder.
  2. After this, the mixture must be inhaled with both nostrils alternately.
  3. Such a mixture of herbs is suitable for steam inhalations in the runny nose, and helps to answer the question - how to return the sense of smell in the cold.

As you know, husks of onions and garlic, as well as dry wormwood, have a sharp odor. To treat the reduction of taste and smell, you can inhale this mixture 2 times a day for about 10 days.

For the procedure is also suitable coffee or Vishnevsky ointment, which help if the sense of smell is gone with a cold, and the taste has deteriorated.

Turundas, drops, sage broth

Turundas can be impregnated with various solutions to restore the ability to hear smells and return the taste. For example, take a small spoon of alcohol tincture of propolis, add two teaspoons of peppermint oil and mix.

If the previous solution did not fit, you can use one more recipe. Ingredients:

  • mixture of propolis,
  • vegetable oil,
  • butter.

All components in the proportions 3, are mixed to a homogeneous state. After that, the solution is impregnated with turundas and inserted into the nose no more than for half an hour.

The procedure should be done before going to bed for a week. Thus, the scent and full senses will return to the person.

Taste and smell are good at restoring folk remedies made at home. Here are some recipes with which treatment is particularly effective:

  • Drops can be prepared by mixing menthol and camphor oil in equal amounts.
  • The solution in the nose is digested 3 times a day for three drops, very quickly the taste and sense of smell come back. Any of these oils can be buried in the nose separately.
  • Helps and a decoction of sage, if you take it inside. 2 large spoons of raw material is poured with a liter of boiled hot water for at least 1 hour.
  • You need to use this tincture 3 times a day for half a glass.

If there is a loss of taste and smell with a cold or cold, then do not waste time and be treated yourself, it is better to see a doctor. This is detailed in the video in this article.


How to restore sense of smell and taste in the common cold with folk remedies?


Hello, my name is Sergey, 29 years old. I have a very strong cold, because of which all the food has become fresh, and I hardly feel any smells. Tablets or folk remedies can restore the nose smell?


Hello, Sergey. The total loss of smell in a runny nose is known as anosmia, and the deterioration in perception of taste is like agevia. Aromas and taste sensations are an integral part of our daily routine, and without them life seems gray and boring.

The ability to detect odors is a process that involves the olfactory nerves located in the nose. Nerve cells then send signals to the brain, which detects and identifies the specific smell of the substance. If these nerve cells are damaged or if the nose is laid, the sense of smell worsens. Both taste and smell are chemical senses, since the taste and olfactory receptors respond to molecular signals. And what we call the taste of a substance is often its smell.

How to return the sense of smell and taste for a cold and cold? This question is really important: non-functioning receptors are capable of delivering many problems to humans. To return the sense of smell and taste in the rhinitis, you need to release the nose from the slime that killed it. Your doctor must prescribe suitable nasal sprays and medications. How to restore the sense of smell with folk remedies? The simplest thing is to take a hot shower before going to bed. Steam and moisture provoke a better mucus from the nasal passages. You can achieve the same effect by drinking hot tea or chicken broth. But it is better to avoid cold drinks before going to bed. They can increase the "congestion" of mucus in the nose. Also it is necessary to humidify the room. It is important to know what humidity should be in the apartment.

One of the safest ways to unlock congested sinuses is to use saline, composition which is extremely simple, either using a bottle with a sprayer or a special watering can with a narrow spout, which is used for washing of the nose. Salt water will wash mucus and irritants from the nasal passages. To prepare the irrigation solution, you can use a liter of distilled, sterile or previously boiled water and sea salt (a teaspoonful).

Here's how to return the sense of smell and taste in the cold with garlic: chop four cloves of garlic and add boiling water to the cup. Cook for two minutes, add a pinch of salt and drink the mixture until it is hot. Drink it twice a day, and your sense of smell and taste in the near future will be restored.


About the smells.. I do not smell. And do not feel all at all.. What should I do?


Ivan Gerentsev

You probably have a temporary functional anosmia, a decrease in the sense of smell after ARI or allergic rhinitis, will pass if it is long then this is a neurosis-drink a sedative, in general anosmia can be a sign of serious CNS diseases, swelling, consequences of meningitis. Essential anosmia - the consequences of the actual peripheral debris of the olfactory analyzer. What can cause such a defeat? This is an inflammatory process that often spreads from the mucous membrane of the respiratory region of the nose to the area where the olfactory receptors, hypotrophy and atrophy of the olfactory epithelium, trauma (including surgical, and everyday and any other) cavities nasopharynxes, thermal and chemical burns of the nasopharynx, prolonged compression of the nasal cavity (in particular of the olfactory region) with tumor process (incl. and polyp), toxic damage to the olfactory receptor (including infectious diseases, and poisoning).
Based on what I have written, you need to build your future tactics. First, to achieve the direction of computed tomography of the brain and the consultation of an experienced neurologist and / or neurosurgeon (or neurophysiologist). All this - to exclude the tumor process in the brain. This is not a malignant tumor in this particular case. Rather not only and not so much about it. In the brain, many benign tumors can develop that lead to anosmia.

It should be noted that for the brain, this division into malignant and benign tumors is very conditional. The thing is that the growth of the tumor (anyone - astrocytomas, meningiomas, ependymomas, neurogliomas, etc.) ) leads to the dislocation of brain structures, which manifests itself (depending on the localization of the tumor process) in neurological symptoms varying degrees of severity (headaches, epileptiform seizures, paralysis and paresis, impaired vision, hearing or smell, paresthesia and etc. and others. and so forth). But the most dangerous manifestation of any brain tumor is intracranial hypertension syndrome and, as consequence, in the "syndrome of wedging" of the brainstem where the respiratory and vasomotor centers. And this... It's death.

{* _ *} + xtc = {& am; &}

turns to Laura

Vladimir Lipatov

Do not smell, taste it ...

Drobyshevsky Vladislav

stop "obalbeshivatsya" than or at least for a week (stop drinking to drink)


The loss of smell can be a consequence of chronic diseases of the nasal cavity,
a sign of cadmium poisoning, a consequence of a brain disease (tumor, for example).
Address to ENT-doctor, neurologist and therapist.

Travnitsa Anna

Loss of smell (anosmia) is successfully treated with folk medicine.

Dc. Reabilitolog

consult a doctor

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