Dry cough medicine
How to cure a cough without harm to health by spending a minimum of money? Do not rush to the pharmacy: without identifying the cause of the disease, it is difficult to find the right medicine and eliminate the problem. First go to the hospital, go through the necessary research. If the disease is caused by inflammation, it is possible that they will prescribe a mucolytic remedy - dry medicine.
Form of formulation and composition of the preparation
Dry cough medicine is a powder that needs to be diluted with water for oral use. The instructions detail how to mix it and in what proportions. Powder from a cough comes in two forms: in laminated paper bags and neat glass bottles of 200 ml. The main effective components that are contained in the facility are:
- Extract of licorice root. It is used to improve the state of the respiratory tract, stimulate the glands of internal secretion. In addition, licorice has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Anise oil. Has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diluting effect, improves the taste qualities of dry medicine.
- Alteyny root. Has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating properties.
- Sodium bicarbonate. The component changes the PH of bronchial mucus, reduces the viscosity of phlegm.
- Ammonium chloride. Has an expectorant effect.

pharmachologic effect
The intake of dry medicine for coughing improves the work of the bronchi, eliminating spasms. The effect of the remedy is achieved in a few days (each individually) after the start of use. Lungs are released from surplus sputum, in which patients often develop pathogens. Taking the drug helps to significantly reduce the ailment, reduce pain. Note that the cough mixture for adults is often used to eliminate the wet form of the disease, because when dry it is not so effective.
Indications for use
Doctors recommend expectorant medications for patients with diagnoses of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia. These diseases are often accompanied by a painful, not passing cough. Dry cough mixture is prescribed for children and their parents. It is advisable to take it together with other medications or alternate them with each other. In some cases it is permitted to use it as an independent drug.

Instructions for use and dosage
Even if the medicine is selected correctly, but a person does not follow the instructions for use, any remedy can be harmful. For this reason, dry medicine must be used only in accordance with the rules of use. The instruction is attached to the mucolytics and contains all the information necessary for a person. Read more about it and find out what is the recommended dosage for patients of different ages.
For adults
The cough medicine for adults can be part of a complex therapy or used as an independent tool. Dry medicine for consumption must be dissolved in chilled boiled water. If the powder is in the bottle - it should be opened, add water to the level of 200 ml (there is a corresponding label on the dishes), shake well. To use the product in a sachet, the contents should be diluted with 15 ml of water. Course of admission - 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day. You may need to drink up to 3 weeks. Before use, the previously prepared product must be shaken.

Cough medicine for children
It is used similarly to the adult version of the medicine. Dosage and treatment are prescribed depending on the age of the child. Pediatric medicine for cough is taken according to the standard scheme: after eating 3-4 times a day. Females are prescribed 15-25 drops of the drug at one time, children from 1 to 2 years - 40 drops, from 3 to 4 years -, ml (about h. spoons), from 5 to 6 years - h. spoons. At 7 years, you can start giving 1 hour. spoon, in 9-10 years - for 2 hours. spoons, adolescents - for 1 tbsp. spoon. Duration of treatment: not less than 7 days, maximum - 14 days. Use only as directed by the pediatrician.
Can I take during pregnancy and lactation?
Coughing for a future mother is a big problem that can harm both her and the developing fetus. When she coughs hard, the muscles automatically tighten, which can lead to hypoxia and premature birth. Many drugs are forbidden for pregnant women and women breastfeeding. If we talk about dry medicine, then it can be used after consultation with the doctor, strictly under his supervision. During the reception it is important to be very careful.

Side effects
Most patients respond well to the drug. Rarely, anyone can experience allergic reactions, which are manifested by itching, rash on the body. In addition, nausea, vomiting, and painful sensations in the epigastrium are possible, if a person has gastrointestinal problems. If these side effects occur, the medicine should be discontinued. In case of an overdose, attacks of nausea may occur, vomiting - in this case it is important to quickly take enterosorbents, do rinsing.
Do not take the medicine in the following cases:
- The patient has an individual intolerance to the contents of the drug.
- If you are already taking any medication for a cough (Libexin, Stoptussin, Sinekod and others).
- Children up to 6 months.
- With diabetes (the drug contains sugar).
- There are such diseases as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.
Where to buy and how much is the expectorant for cough
The tool is generally available. It can be found in every pharmacy regardless of the patient's place of residence. In addition, dry cough medicine is sold through online stores, specialized point of sale. The price of a single bag of medicine produced by Mosfarm varies between 10-22 rubles. In other manufacturers, for example, in Wifitech, the cough medicine costs about the same.
Reviews about the effectiveness of the drug
Julia, 33: When our little Cyril fell ill, the doctor offered us a choice of cough supplements for children. The list consisted of at least 5 tablets. It took 2 months, so I do not remember their names, except for two: Herbion and dry medicine. We used both at the same time, which is probably why the cough disappeared after 3 days. Kid and we were very happy about it.
Vera, 24 years old: From a wet cough, dry medicine helped me to get rid of it. I've known her for a long time: since my sister gave me a tool for her child. Medicine costs a penny, but do not underestimate it. I buy 5-7 packets, and they are enough for a complete cure. So do not spend a lot of money for expensive drugs! Dry medicine is more effective than all of them.
Elena, 31 years old: Yesterday I bought a dry medicine for my mother to treat bronchitis. She had previously suffered from a severe cough, especially in the morning and at night, but after receiving the miracle cure her condition stabilized. According to her, on the second day there were painful sensations, the throat became softer, the cough decreased. I hope that the remedy will not worsen her health (my mother has diabetes mellitus).
Children's dry cough medicine: instructions for use
- Application
- Kinds of medicines

Children's dry medicine from a cough of powdery form, easily dissolving water. Accepted enterally, the drug is offered in glass bottles or in paper bags. As part of the medicine there are several medicinal herbs - dry extracts of the roots of althaea and licorice. Anise oil, benzoates and sodium hydrogen carbonate, a little sucrose, ammonium chloride are also in the composition of the medicine.
The drug is sold in a pharmacy without a pediatrician's prescription. The medicine liquefies phlegm, increases the activity of bronchial glands, powder solution helps to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi.Sugar makes the mixture pleasant to taste, ammonium chloride, sodium benzoates promote expectoration. Licorice root, anise oil have the qualities of anti-inflammatory process and are characterized by spasmolytic effect, sodium hydrogencarbonate reduces the viscosity of phlegm. The preparation perfectly eliminates, facilitates, restores respiratory tract in a few days.
Almost always a simple malaise carries a catarrhal disease: a runny nose, fever, cough. Treatment of cough in small patients should be under the supervision of a pediatrician to find the right medicine without exacerbating the situation. Eliminates cough with the help of special children's medications that have easy digestion by the body.
Children's dry cough medicine is offered to the patient with pneumonia, acute bronchitis, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, laryngitis and with any catarrhal illness. The remedy helps to get rid of the respiratory irritation that occurs afterwards coughing. The medicine is intended for children from six months to nine years, the drug is treated and adults, several times increasing the dosage.
Dry medicine not only quickly eliminates annoying cough, but also has several advantages:
- The components of the preparation are only natural.
- The most important quality is a diverse range of activities. It is used as an expectorant and cough softener.
- Convenient packaging.
- It is easy to dose a remedy.
- Can be used immediately after diluting the powder.
- Long shelf life.
Each medicine has side effects, in some cases dry medicine provokes allergies, rashes and severe itching appear, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea occur. If the reaction remains for several hours, then the drug should be discontinued.
The composition of children's dry cough medicine is not suitable for children up to six months of age, if the child there is a strong sensitivity to some component of the drug, it is best to purchase another medicine.Medication is not recommended for treatment, in the case of the development of acute form of pyelonephritis.
Pregnant or lactating women should consult a doctor before using this medication. It is forbidden to combine dry medicine with other drugs blocking the reflex of a cough, phlegm should go out, and in this case, the pathogenic microbes remain in the bronchi and multiply, reinforcing inflammation. Doctors are advised to alternate these medications.
Expectorant is better to take in the morning, soothing drugs at night.
Dry medicine removes dry, but the most moist type of cough, even for the prevention of the use of this medicine, no harm to health. To supplement it is best to use additional drugs that improve the productivity of cough, but not other cough suppressants. Dry medicine prevents new inflammatory processes, the medicine eliminates all the symptoms in just a few days.
Powder from cough: how to plant and take

Water should be at room temperature, if the medicine is contained in a bottle, pour liquid into it to the indicated mark - 200 ml.
Before taking the diluted medicine thoroughly shake, the packed powder from the bags should be poured into a glass and also diluted with boiled water.
The course of treatment passes for everyone in different ways, but does not exceed more than 14 days.
The dosage is given by the age of the child:
- Children from 6 months to 6 years are offered one dessert spoon (5 ml), 4 to 5 times a day.
- Children from 6 to 12 years of age, the dosage is increased to ten ml, daily intake should not exceed four times.
- Children from 12 years and adults are allowed to drink medicine from three to six tablespoons a day.
The rules for the use of cough powder are simple, but they must be strictly observed:
- In order to properly dissolve the powder composition, you need to carefully study the instructions given.
- Be sure to dilute with cooled boiled water.
- Do not pour liquid over the norm.
- Shake well before use.
- Use this drug is allowed after eating.
- The medicine must be consumed at least three times a day.
- It is forbidden to be treated with this drug, suffering from allergic reactions, with intolerance to fructose and with a small amount of sucrose.
Popular baby cough medicines

Throughout the world, doctors prescribe a cough medicine for children, the instruction to which states that it is produced for liquefaction and removal of sputum from the bronchi, as well as to improve the activity of the ciliated epithelium bronchi.
The drugs restore the local immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body. Due to the perfectly combined components in the composition of the medicine, the mixture on all sides negatively affects the emerging symptoms that provoke a serious illness.
Pharmacies offer a variety of drugs that fight with a cough, but some medicines stand out as popular:
- Broncholtin- antitussive, bronchoseptic and bronchodilator. Compound components improve breathing, dilate the bronchi, eliminate the swelling of the bronchial mucosa, it is not allowed to be treated means for pregnant women, nursing women, children under the age of three, people suffering from cardiac insufficiency.
- Lazolvan- is used for acute bronchitis, despite the appearance of cough. Improves expectorant anti-inflammatory effect. Does not provoke allergic reactions. After consulting with a doctor, you can take medicine for pregnant women. It helps children from birth.
- Children's cough syrup"Sinekod", the instruction to which is in free access, is applied from a dry cough. Causes allergy, nausea, vomiting, malaise. Prohibited to children under two years of age, from the age of three, a syrup is used, after 12 years of pills.
- Kodelak Broncho- used for wet cough. It stimulates the expectorant effect, and is also used for prophylaxis, in the preparation comes thyme, it restores bronchial mucosa after inflammation, promotes rapid recovery. Kodelak Broncho is produced for adults and toddlers from two years old.
The cost of children's dry medicine depends on the manufacturer's firm, but does not exceed 35 rubles, the medicine can be purchased in any city and in any pharmacy. Analog "Sinekod" in the form of a syrup costs about 300 rubles, for a similar drug "Lazolvan" the average cost of 200 rubles.
Pediatric medicine for cough dry: instructions, manufacturers, types, composition and reviews
Colds in adults and children are always the same. In a matter of days, a slight malaise can be replaced by a rise in temperature, a runny nose and a cough. When a child coughs, a child needs a competent treatment prescribed by a pediatrician. To eliminate cough in children, special children's drugs are used. The most popular of these is the children's cough syrup dry, the instruction is presented below. It is very important to know the features of this remedy before applying it, especially for the child.

Action of the medicinal product
Dry cough medicine for children, the instruction for its use says that it has a combined effect, and it exerts a mucolytic (expectorant) action, eliminates inflammation in the respiratory tract, has secretory properties. This drug is effective in fighting many diseases of the respiratory system. The most often used in the treatment of tracheitis, acute bronchitis, laryngitis and even pneumonia. After taking the drug, its active ingredients have a positive effect on the respiratory system. They improve sputum discharge, eliminate inflammation. With inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, dry cough medicine for children, the instruction of which indicates that it stimulates expectoration and excretion of sputum, effectively fights against the disease in the initial stage.
Form release and composition of medicine
The effectiveness of the product is achieved through its multicomponent composition. The children's cough syrup is dry, the instruction of which is presented here, is available in the form of a powder intended for the preparation of a solution with water. In the composition of this mixture there is a dried extract of althea root, licorice, anise oil, sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium benzoate, as well as ammonium chloride and a little sucrose. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. It can be purchased both in glass bottles, which are placed in a cardboard box, and in bags.

Indications for use
This drug is allowed to be taken to children. From the powder "Children's cough syrup dry", the instruction of which is considered, it is necessary to prepare a solution. The composition is used to achieve mucolytic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is used in the treatment of various respiratory diseases, as well as allergic spasms, which are accompanied by the appearance of a cough reflex. Effective in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, as well as a cough that occurs with a cold.
How to apply
Before you start treatment with the drug, you need to know how to apply it correctly. The preparation "Pediatric medicine for cough dry" instructions for use written on the reverse side of a bag of powder. To prepare the solution, the contents of the bottle or sachet are diluted in advance with boiled water and cooled to room temperature. Powder from the bag poured into a tablespoon and divorced. When using the drug in special bottles, its volume is brought up to two hundred milliliters of water. Before use, the medication should be shaken. It is important to remember that a diluted medicine can be stored in a cool place, avoiding light, no more than two days. Dosages of this drug: children under the age of 1 year are usually prescribed for 16-25 drops, a child up to two years should take 40 drops, from three to four years is prescribed for half an hour. l., children aged 7-8 years can be given a medicine for one hour. l., at the age of 9 to 12 years, take 2 teaspoons, after 12 years, increase the dose to 1 tbsp. l. The drug is best to drink after eating. Adults can also take the medicine 4-6 times a day for one tablespoon. The duration of treatment is selected individually. Most often it is not more than seven days. The maximum duration of the course is 14 days. Before giving the medication "Pediatric medicine for cough dry" to the baby, the instruction confirms this, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Side effects
Those who are interested in how the cough medicine for children works, the instruction, a description of possible side effects is sure to come in handy. Sometimes cough medicine can cause allergic reactions, which are manifested by a rash on the body and itching. If such a side effect occurs and its intensification, treatment should be canceled. Nausea, diarrhea and pain in the epigastric region may also occur due to the irritant effect of the drug on the gastric mucosa.
Not applicable for treatment of children younger than six months. The drug should not be taken to people with sensitivity to any of the components of the drug. You can not take the medicine in the presence of kidney disease - acute pyelonephritis and acute glomerulonephritis. It is not recommended to apply the drug to pregnant and lactating women, as well as people who have fructose intolerance. Medicine can not be combined with the use of other antitussive drugs.

Advantages of medicine
Having studied the information about the medicine "Medicine for cough for children dry" (instruction), customer reviews of this drug should also be considered. Those who have already tried this drug leave a lot of positive feedback about it. Based on them, we can identify the main advantages of this drug:
- Natural composition of plant components.
- You can use small babies from six months.
- It liquefies well and displays phlegm.
- Relieves spasm with laryngitis and envelops the throat.
- Effective in the fight against dry cough.
- Rare occurrence of side effects.
"Children's dry cough medicine": instructions, reviews about the benefits of the drug
Also, buyers write about the fact that the mixture is very convenient for breeding. It is enough just to pour the contents of the sachet into a tablespoon and dilute it with boiled water. Depending on the age, you only need to take the right amount of medicine. The price of the drug is not very high, as a rule, some manufacturers sometimes slightly overstated. On average, one packet costs about 15 rubles. Many buyers of the remedy say that before they tried it, they treated others drugs, including well advertised syrups, but, unfortunately, none of this to the baby did not help. After the baby was treated with dry medicine, the cough was gone, and the symptoms of the disease disappeared.

Feedback on the shortcomings of the drug
Some reviews suggest that not everyone is helped by this drug. Some buyers complain that their children's medicine did not help get rid of the cough. This happens infrequently, because such a cough mixture helps to cope with respiratory diseases. Sometimes buyers complain that this medicine has an unpleasant taste and some babies drink it reluctantly. Moms write that even if they managed to pour the medicine to the baby, he immediately spit it out. In this, probably, and there is a main minus of medicines, unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant to the taste, and many can not afford to buy an expensive drug with various sweeteners and flavors.

Children's dry cough medicine

Colds often visit children, especially during the epidemic. One of the manifestations of ARVI in childhood is cough. There are two types of cough:
- dry - unproductive;
- wet - productive.
Depending on the type of cough in the child, one or another expectorant, mucolytic drug is prescribed. One such medication is a children's dry cough medicine.
What kind of cough does dry cough medicine help?
Children's medicine will help to save the child from a dry cough. She translates dry cough into wet, which is more productive and contributes to successful sputum discharge. Also, the medicine has anti-inflammatory and antitussive effects.
Children's dry cough medicine: composition
This medicament includes the following components:
- , a gram of extract of dry althae root;
- , 75 grams of liquorice extract;
- , 5 grams of sodium hydrogen carbonate;
- 0. 15 grams of sodium benzoate;
- , 375 grams of ammonium chloride;
- , 037 grams of anise oil;
- , 5 grams of sugar.
Dry cough medicine: dosage
The medicine is produced in sachets with powder intended for the preparation of a solution. One packet contains, 7 grams of substance.
The medicine is dissolved in one tablespoon of water (15 ml). At one time give the child one sachet. The course of treatment implies the use of medicine 3-4 times a day in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.
Children's dry cough medicine has recently gained increasing popularity among pediatricians and mums, as it is an effective tool for fighting cough in children of any age, including breast children.
However, do not self-medicate and before using the medicine you need to consult a specialist in advance, because the drug has a number of contraindications:
- individual intolerance of components;
- acute pyelonephritis.