Mustard for dry cough where to put

Mustard for dry cough: how and where to put correctly, how much to keep

If a person falls ill with a cold, then he suffers from a painful cough.

To prevent complications, the treatment should be started as soon as possible.

It is important to clear the bronchi and lungs from the sputum accumulated in them.

With the help of drugs, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. For this reason it is recommended to use mustard plasters and begin treatment on the first day of the disease.

The doctor will tell you at what cough put mustard plasters and how many they need to be kept.

How does it work?

A mustard is a small, dense paper sheet covered with a layer of mustard powder. Caffeine mustard can also be purchased in packaged form. They are plates with pockets, each of which is filled with mustard.

When the powder interacts with water, essential oils from it begin to be actively released, beneficially affecting the patient's body.

Gorchichniki when coughing help to expand the vessels, affecting the process of blood circulation and strengthening it. This allows you to quickly cope with the disease, because mustard helps the flow of oxygen and nutrients.

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This is important if the patient knows where to put mustard plaits on coughing and how many times.

Contraindications for use

Not all patients can put mustard apples. For example, they are prohibited for such diseases:

  1. tuberculosis;
  2. epilepsy;
  3. oncology.
Also, doctors do not recommend the use of the drug with abrasions, wounds, skin rashes, during breastfeeding.

The instruction allows to put mustard plasters on dry cough, if the patient's body temperature has not increased. The maximum permissible temperature at which you can keep mustard - 3 degrees.

Care should be given to coughing pregnant, because during this period a woman is prohibited from any warming procedures. Otherwise, one can lose consciousness, convulsions and dizziness may begin.

These drugs can adversely affect the fetus, increasing the heartbeat of his heart.

How to put mustard plasters on cough correctly?

Mustards must first be moistened in warm water, and then placed on the back and chest. In addition, they should be covered with polyethylene or a terry towel to enhance the warming effect.

In some cases, dry mustard cough syrups are put in socks made of wool. Do this usually before night sleep and keep until the morning. Treatment can be repeated every day.

Suitable for cough shedding in children. Adult patients should keep mustard applications for no more than 15 minutes. Children are recommended not longer than 5 minutes.

If you neglect this advice and over-restrain the remedy, there is a high risk of getting burns to the covers. Therefore, as soon as the patient feels unpleasant burning sensation, properly mustard applications are removed from the skin. If you follow the doctor's instructions and instructions, you can avoid many negative consequences.

Treatment, when mustard cough syrup is applied to the back, more sparing. However, some problematic places can be reached only through the thorax. It should be understood that with this application there is a risk of harming the cardiovascular system. When the patient has heart problems, it is better to put mustard plaits only on the back.

After the procedure, it is good to wipe the skin, and then also to oil it with cream or vegetable oil to stop the action of mustard.

What else should I know?

Doctors at the time of treatment recommend adhering to the instructions for mustard plasters. So, the area of ​​skin on which the mustard plasters will be applied must be cleaned first with a damp sponge, soaked in a comfortable temperature water, only so you can cure people's cough quickly in an adult conduct.

Mustards must be dropped in turn in warm water (how many will be taken), and then placed on the body. On top of them properly get wet with a sponge, cover with a towel. As soon as the period of action on the back has passed, the patient needs to turn over for the same procedure on the chest. Details about the mustard plaster in the video in this article.

Mustard cuffs

At a time when there was not such a wide variety of treatments, cough used mustard plasters. This method is one of the most effective and cheap, but not all recipes of our grandmothers are suitable for treatment now. So let's see if it's possible to put mustard on cough, and how and where to put them to meet your expectations.

The principle of action of mustard plasters

A mustard is a sheet of paper covered with mustard seed powder or a bag of mustard powder. The phytoncides that enter into the composition of mustard have a warming effect. This helps improve blood circulation, by expanding the blood vessels, and increasing human resistance to viruses and infection. They also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

To put mustard plasters can only be 4 days in a row 1 time per day. Use them no longer makes sense, because either your body does not respond to this procedure, or your disease requires more serious treatment.

Use in the treatment of mustard plasters makes sense only with a prolonged dry cough, but not in the acute form of cold or infectious disease.

Where should I put mustard plaits on coughing?

Since mustard irritates the skin, they can not be placed on sensitive areas of the body or on the damaged skin. The most effective is to spread the mustard on both the chest and back between the shoulder blades. In addition, they are placed on the feet and calf muscles. It is forbidden to spread paper with mustard on the heart area.

How to put mustard plasters on cough?

First you need to prepare everything necessary for the procedure:

  • mustard plasters;
  • deep container with warm water (+40 - 45 ° C);
  • towel;
  • emollient cream or body oil (for example: vaseline);
  • a woolen scarf or a warm plaid.


  1. We soak dry mustard plasters for 5-15 seconds in warm water and apply to the body. If a person has a tender skin, in order to avoid a burn, you can put gauze between the skin and the application or put the paper side to the body.
  2. Cover them with a towel or cotton cloth, tightly pressed and wrapped in a warm (scarf or plaid).
  3. Keep mustard should be no more than 15 minutes, increasing the time gradually: for the first time 5 minutes, and in each subsequent session add for 1-2 minutes. If the mustard causes a very burning sensation, it means that the allergic reaction has started and the procedure must be stopped ahead of schedule.
  4. After the time has expired, we remove the mustard plaster, wipe the place of application with a moist napkin or towel, and then lubricate with oil or moisturizer and wrap again.

After this procedure, the patient is recommended to drink a breastfeed with the addition of raspberries or honey and lie in bed for several hours.

Precautionary measures

Contraindications for the use of mustard plasters:

  • pregnancy;
  • skin diseases in places of contact with mustard: abscesses, neurodermatitis, wet eczema, psoriasis and others;
  • high individual sensitivity;
  • lung diseases: asthma, tuberculosis, bleeding;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • acute form of respiratory disease.

Many people are wondering if they put mustard on coughing when a person has a fever. Yes, they put it, but first knock it down to 3 ° C. If this is not done, then the already weakened by the disease organism overload.

In addition to mustard plasters for prolonged coughing, inhalations can be used to warm compresses (honey, curd or potato) and rubbing (camphor oil or turpentine ointment). But the use of these folk remedies does not negate the use of medicines, but is only an additional therapy.

Why and how to put mustard plaits for children when coughing

Simple and very effective invention of man - mustard plasters showed an excellent result in the fight against coughing. At the same time, they are already time-tested, are of low cost and are safe even in childhood. The use of mustard plasters is indicated for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and long-term cough for various reasons. Do not use mustard plasters for infectious diseases, and so in case of high temperatures.

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For treatment, mustard plasters are used mainly as an additional warming agent, stimulating blood supply and locally dilating vessels. This effect provides the main ingredient - mustard, long known for its medicinal properties.

In the places of the mustard plaque, almost instantaneous blood flow is observed, the vegetative system is activated and the protective functions of the organism are activated. This contributes to better sputum recovery and faster recovery.

The video shows how to put mustard seeds to children when coughing:

Like any medicine, mustard plasters have a number of contraindications when it is better to refrain from using this method.

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  • Asthmatic syndrome.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Tumors and neoplasms.
  • Dermatological problems.

Also such methods include a number of nuances, which are given later in this article. Simple recommendations will help successfully apply mustard for additional cough treatment in children.

How to correctly put

Despite such a young age, babies can also get sick, while it is extremely difficult to find effective, and most importantly, safe medications. A good help will be mustard plasters, but there are several nuances of proper warming up with mustard plasters for children up to a year old.

The photo shows how correctly to put mustard seeds to children when coughing:

How to treat barking cough, you can learn from the description to the article.

Rules for treating children under one year old

  • It is impossible to engage in self-medication, so even harmless like mustard must need a doctor's recommendation.
  • To avoid burns to the skin, the mustard plaster is put on a thin cotton or linen napkin or gauze.
  • Skin covers in places of installation should not have reddening, rashes and damages.
  • Mustards are placed only on the right side, away from the heart, this applies to the breast and back of the child.
  • Do not put mustard plasters on the spine.
  • Before the first procedure is recommended to conduct a test for skin sensitivity. In this case, it is necessary to put only one yellow card and check the reaction of the body. A rare case is an individual intolerance, but one should not neglect the possibility of allergic reactions.

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The age of the child also depends on the time of the mustard plaque, the following values ​​can be summarized briefly. To children up to a year it is desirable to do sessions for 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing time depending on the child's age.

What can be the reasons when an adult has a prolonged dry cough, you can learn from this article.

Usually grown-up children may well suffer 10-15 minutes.The process of installing mustard plasters is not difficult and quite possible even for the most inexperienced parents.

Algorithm of actions

  1. It is desirable to spend the procedure in the evening before going to bed.
  2. On the prepared surface of the chest and back, a piece of gauze or a napkin made of natural fabrics is fitted.
  3. Mustard dipped in a container with warm water (pre-cooked), do not keep it there for long, otherwise the mustard layer simply disappears.
  4. We set the necessary number of mustard plasters to the prepared places.
  5. The child is wrapped in a sheet and covered with a blanket.
  6. After the expiration of the session, remove the mustard plaster, quickly wipe the place from the remains of mustard with a towel and, if necessary, lubricate the reddened skin with baby cream.
  7. After that, the child can be changed, if he is sweating profusely, in dry pajamas and send to sleep.

What preparations for the treatment of dry cough in adults are best used, you can learn from the article.

The video tells where to put mustard plaits for children:

To obtain the best effect, you can put mustard plasters twice a day, but the general course of treatment can not last more than four days. Do not put mustard at an elevated temperature, as this will create a serious strain on the body. For children up to a year old it is better to use special sachets with dry mustard, and put them better denser side down.

From this article you can learn how to treat an allergic cough in a child.

Treatment of children from one year and older

The method of action on grown-up children from 2-3 years is almost identical to the above, except for the time of the mustard plaster. You can also use not only a baby version in the form of bags, but also ordinary mustard plasters. If the child tolerates such an effect well, you can leave them for the whole night (as we did before), and also give up an additional layer of napkins.

An obligatory condition after the procedure is the maintenance of sufficient body temperature. Optimum use of mustard plasters for the night, with the child should be well covered and dressed warm pajamas made of natural fabrics. Often after the procedure, excessive sweating is observed, so you may need to change your baby's clothes into dry clothes. It will be better to worry in advance about the availability of a spare kit.

For what reason cough from Erespal, you can learn from this article.

Important will be and distracting factors, due to which you can force to suffer these few minutes. Include a cartoon child or read a fairy tale, it is good to combine mustard plasters with a pleasant pastime, so that fear can not form before the procedure.


In emergency cases, you can make mustard plaster yourself at home. To do this, take a dry mustard powder and flour in the proportion:. The resulting mixture is diluted with water to a mushy state and applied a thin layer on paper or cloth. Features of this option will be the need to use immediately, as well as a stronger effect (depending on the freshness of the mustard powder). In this case, you can reduce the duration of the session, and after it, well lubricate the skin with cream.

How to treat a cough for tonsillitis in a child, you can learn from this article.

The mustard is an excellent supplement for coughing in children. They have a good warming effect, tone up blood circulation and activate the defenses of the body. The use of mustard plasters in childhood is not prohibited, but has a number of nuances that must be taken into account when conducting procedures. Reasonable precautions and optimal treatment will help your child to recover faster, and an ordinary role in this will be played by ordinary mustard plasters.

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  • Valentina, 48 years old: "Mustard plasters - the best medicine known since childhood, quickly and effectively overcoming the beginning cold. My grandmother almost always treated me and my brother with some mustard plaster and raspberry tea. Now there are many other substitutes for the usual mustard plasters, but they are still popular. I also tried to treat my children with folk remedies and they are practically unfamiliar with antibiotics. The daughter also tries to use the minimum of chemistry and grandchildren to treat with domestic methods, the best of which is to put mustard plasters. "
  • Andrey, 28 years old:"The most well-known technique for treating acute respiratory infections is to get your feet, drink hot tea and put mustard. So they treated me, and so we treat our children. Still often I use the modified mustard plasters: in a warm socks to pour mustard powder for the night. It helps very well, and the cost of such treatment is a mere penny. "
  • Olga, 32 years old: "Mustard plasters are often used in home methods of treatment of colds. They have long been proven effective and safe, so I use them successfully for children. There are no special secrets here, except that do not put mustard plaits on the heart and spine, and for babies It is better to use special bags of mustard or simply apply a cloth soaked in a weak mustard solution. The main secret of success is to keep the heat received and not let the child open up, as they immediately do. It is good to put mustard plaster on the feet, additionally wearing warm socks. Usually I do not confine myself to a few minutes and leave a yellow card for the night. In addition I use inhalations and plentiful drink with mussel and herbal teas. After two to three days of such treatment, the cold will pass by itself. "

How correctly to use mustard for cough?

Since ancient times, with respiratory diseases, many resort to traditional medicine. Especially popular are mustard plasters when coughing. Still our mothers and grandmothers used this method at the slightest cold. Mustards are not only effective, but also affordable at both a dry cough and a moist one, so they are often given preference over many expensive medicines.

Properties and views

Due to the maintenance in the mustard powder of essential oils and phytoncides in the place of contact mustard with the skin begins the heating, increases blood circulation and sweating, harmful substance. In the lungs, the mucus liquefies and then leaves the body.

Mustard patches are used for headaches, bronchitis, pneumonia and radiculitis. The main reason for this type of therapy is upper respiratory tract disease.

There are two main types of mustard plasters:

  1. Small rectangular paper sheets, one side of which is covered with mustard powder.
  2. Flat bags filled with mustard.

When buying mustard plasters you should pay attention to their appearance. Mustard should not be poured from sheets or from bags. In addition, the smell matters. That's right, if it's sharp and persistent, like the smell of mustard. Otherwise, you risk acquiring overdue goods, which will not bring any benefit.

You can make mustard plasters by yourself. To do this, you need dry mustard and flour. It is necessary to mix them in proportions from: to: depending on the age of the patient or on his pain threshold. The resulting mixture must be diluted with warm water and applied to thick paper or cloth.

Contraindications to use

Mustards cause a warming effect, so they can not be used at high body temperature. This can cause complications, since an already weakened organism will undergo an additional load.

The use of mustard plasters is contraindicated in skin diseases, tuberculosis, heart diseases, individual intolerance and acute respiratory infections.

Gorcini are contraindicated in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that during the period of bearing a child a woman is prohibited from any thermal impact. You can hurt your own health and the baby in the womb. In addition, you can not use mustard appliques for lactation.

Methods of application

The mechanism and mode of action for all species of mustard plaster are the same. All that needs to be done is put them in water, heated to no more than 40 degrees, for 5-10 seconds. After this, the mustard plasters are ready for use.

To help this tool, you need to know where to put mustard on coughing.The main parts of the body for lining with a cough are the back (area of ​​scapula, cervical region) and chest.Cooked mustard plasters are carefully placed on these places, excluding the heart area, the spine, bone protrusions and birthmarks. It is also necessary to avoid the area of ​​the kidneys and mammary glands in women.

We distribute the applications evenly. It is advisable to use the chest and back at the same time, but you can take turns. We close the places with mustard plasters and cover the whole body with a blanket. Every 2-3 minutes, you need to check the skin under the appliqué. If excessive redness, burning sensation mustard must be removed. The duration of the procedure for each individual, but should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Next, remove the remaining mustard powder from the skin areas and apply a cream or oil to them. It is desirable to warm up with mustard plaques before bed. The number of procedures is no more than 1 time per day.

For the application of mustard plaits, stumps and calves are often used. For the calf the procedure is the same as for the back: we moisten the mustard with warm water and apply evenly. Then cover with a dense cloth and wrap it with a bandage so that the mustards stay in place. Keep the compress no more than 20 minutes, then remove and clean the eggs from the remains of mustard.

On the feet, the mustard plasters are applied in a dry form and are also wound with a bandage. After that, the patient should put on warm socks and leave the compress for an hour. At the end of the procedure, you need to remove the pads, wash off the remains of mustard and use the cream.

If after the first mustard compress there were no improvements, the procedure should not be used anymore. In case of a positive effect, treatment with mustard plaids should not last more than 4 days. In the future it becomes meaningless.

How to put a compress on children

There are many opinions about treating children from cough with mustard powder. Some believe that this is strictly prohibited, while others allow the use of mustard compress from infancy. There is no unequivocal answer, but nevertheless, if the child does not suffer from individual intolerance, mustard plasters can be used.

Now there are mustard plasters with the addition of useful herbs and softening essential oils. For children it is desirable to use just such compresses.

In using the compress for adults and children there are some differences:

  1. The location of the overlay. During the day, children can put mustard plasters only on one side of the body, for example on the back or chest. Thus it is possible to alternate sites. Adults are allowed to do compress on both sides.
  2. The duration of the compress. In children, the skin is much more tender than the adult, so the retention time of the compress should be reduced to 10 minutes. If the child experiences unpleasant sensations, it is possible to remove mustard plasters even earlier.
  3. When applying the mustard plaster to the child between the skin area and the compress it is necessary to place a layer of gauze moistened with warm water. This is also associated with the tenderness of the baby's skin. If the baby is less than a year, then the layer of gauze should be doubled.
  4. With positive results, the procedure with mustard plaques can be extended to 10 days.
After removing the compress, remove the remains of mustard powder with a damp cloth and after 30-40 minutes, treat the pads with baby cream or oil.

Mustard applications to the child should be placed 2 hours before bedtime, as the warming procedure can cause outflow of mucus from the lungs and the baby will begin to intensively cough. Within an hour, a fit of coughing must pass. At this time, you can take tea with raspberry jam, which will allow you to cough faster.

The mustard can alternate with other procedures: for example, on the first day use mustard apples, in the second - to put the cans, on the third - again mustard plasters.

Children need not be treated with mustard powder in the form of mustard plasters. The main thing is to correctly use the warming property of mustard. From a cough very well help the tray with mustard before bed. For this it is necessary to pour warm water into the basin, about 45 degrees. Next, mustard powder is added at a rate of 50 grams per 10 liters. In such a bath the baby should keep the legs about 15 minutes. After this, wipe dry your feet and put on woolen socks for the night.


Older children can put mustard with honey - the so-called tortillas. They are prepared from 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. All ingredients are mixed, rolled into sheets, applied to the chest or back of the child and covered with a cloth. Such mustard should be worn for 2 hours, after that it is necessary to clean the skin.

When applying the applique, the child should categorically avoid the area of ​​the lower back, spine, heart.

With an increase in body temperature above 37 degrees, procedures with mustard plaques should be discontinued.


In any case, before starting treatment it is necessary to consult with your doctor. He will review all the individual indicators and recommend how to put mustard plasters correctly. In some cases, a specialist may authorize the use of mustard apples and during pregnancy, but do not self-medicate.

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