Antibiotics for tonsillitis

Antibiotics for tonsillitis in children and adults

/In chronic course of such a disease as tonsillitis in patients there is almost constant presence of inflammatory process in the region of pharyngeal tonsils. In most cases, the disease develops after the transfer of primary purulent sore throat, but in people with reduced immunity, chronic tonsillitis can develop without it.

If you do not give tonsillitis due attention and do not conduct conservative treatment, it can lead to growth of connective tissue in the tonsils, as a result of which they will eventually lose their protective function.

The consequence of such negligent attitude to their health can be the development of nephritis, thyrotoxicosis, arthritis, heart disease and liver.

Antibiotics for tonsillitis are used in cases where it is not possible to quickly and effectively suppress inflammatory process by other methods, and as a result begins to increase the general intoxication of the body and the temperature rises. In such a situation, the appointment of antibiotics is a justified measure, since the risk of taking them is more than compensated by the benefit. What antibiotics to take with tonsillitis, and how is it best done?

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Appointment of antibiotics for tonsillitis

In most cases, the patient is prescribed an antibiotic that is able to influence everyone the most common pathogens of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, that is, a broad-spectrum preparation actions.

However, the most effective and safe is the appointment of an antibiotic taking into account the sensitivity of the microorganisms that caused the disease. To find out which antibiotics for tonsillitis are most effective, bacteriological examination of mucus samples from the nasopharynx will help. It is advisable to always carry out such an analysis before prescribing the drug. It will help to determine what kind of microorganism was the cause of inflammation.

In addition, tonsillitis can be caused not only by bacteria, but also by viruses, whose antibiotics do not affect their vital activity, so their reception will be in vain.

Sometimes an experienced doctor can determine the causative agent of tonsillitis and without carrying out tests. So, for example, if the patient has severe pain in the grief and the defeat of the tonsils is one-sided, there is no runny nose and cough, most likely, the streptococcal infection is to blame for everything.

What antibiotic in chronic tonsillitis will help in this case will be able to determine only the attending physician.

Good antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis and exacerbation of the disease

One of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in the treatment of tonsillitis is the drug Amoxicillin. It is a bactericidal drug from a number of penicillin, it is very quickly and completely absorbed in the intestine. The doctor will choose the dose based on the severity of the disease and the degree of damage to the tonsils. Adults and children after 10 years are most often prescribed drug reception in, g. three times a day.

Cefadroxil is also an effective antibiotic for tonsillitis, belonging to the group of cephalosporin drugs. If it is correctly administered, the maximum concentration in the blood occurs within an hour after administration. But removing it from the body is very slow, so take it once a day.

As a rule, improvement of the general condition after the first intake of antibiotics is observed already on day 2-3. Therefore, taking certain antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis, and not noticing improvements and positive changes, it is necessary to inform the treating doctor without delay. Most likely, this will mean that the microorganisms that caused inflammation, were insensitive to the drugs. In this case, antibiotics will be required for exacerbation of tonsillitis, related to another type (row).

Correctly to define what antibiotic to accept at a tonsillitis the doctor can define only, therefore it is not necessary to develop amateur performance and to sweep off from counters of drugstores all antibiotics successively. This is fraught with consequences and complications.

What antibiotics to take with tonsillitis: local therapy

/An important role in the cause of early recovery is the local use of drugs containing antibiotics in its composition. Local therapy can be carried out in the form of rinsing of the throat with solutions of medications, inhalations or lubrication of tonsils with curative compounds.

One of the most effective ways of local treatment of tonsillitis with antibiotics is to wash the inflamed lacunae with a solution of penicillins or sulfonamides. The procedures are prescribed by the course of 7-10 days, the washing should be daily. The procedures are carried out using a syringe or special preparation "Tonzilor".

In addition, antibiotics in acute tonsillitis can be administered intranontsillarly or paratonzillarly, if the abscesses are too deep and the procedure of washing is extremely inconvenient. Most often, antibiotics of the penicillin group are used to directly administer medications to the tissues of the palatine tonsils.

Positive effect on the condition of tonsils in tonsillitis is provided by inhalations and directed irrigation of the pharynx with medicinal preparations.For these purposes, tonsillitis in adults uses antibiotics:grammidine, stopangin, bioparox and ambazone.

Rules for taking antibiotics

/To take antibiotics for tonsillitis in children and adults was effective, you must follow certain rules:

1. Follow the instructions carefully and the doctor's prescriptions. Each drug requires a clear reception schedule and this must be taken into account. Some drugs must be taken before meals, and others after, etc .;

2. Drink medicines only need clean water, in no case do not combine their reception with sour-milk products, tea and coffee;

3. Independently change the dosage or cancel the drug is strictly prohibited, as this will exclude the possibility of a speedy recovery and may adversely affect the health status;

4. The intake of probiotics is mandatory when using antibiotics. Even the best antibiotic in tonsillitis negatively affects the intestines, and taking probiotics will help cope with developing dysbacteriosis.

5. The doctor must appoint the most appropriate drug and do not neglect this appointment.

Any disease, even the most innocuous and familiar at first glance, requires competent treatment.

At the first signs of the disease, you need to seek help from a doctor, the professionalism, knowledge and experience of which will quickly put the patient on their feet.

Tonsillitis: chronic and early stage antibiotic treatment

Tonsillitis: treatment with antibiotics or surgery depending on the stage of the diseaseBefore we talk about the main topic of our article - the treatment of tonsillitis with antibiotics - it is necessary to answer the paramount question: what is tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is an infectious disease that affects the amygdala of the pharyngeal ring. Most often, only the tonsils become inflamed.

Chronic tonsillitis is no less dangerous than sinusitis or bronchitis, it can not be started in any case.

If the doctor diagnoses "tonsillitis treatment with antibiotics seems to the patient a natural development of events, but this is not entirely true.

Tonsillitis, whose antibiotic treatment is determined depending on the level of inflammation, is treated in several ways: conservatively or operationally.

Conservative treatment includes rinsing, rinsing, compresses - it is aimed at restoring palatine tonsils. Antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The operating method is used if the first method has not produced results, and it is also relevant for frequent edema of the tonsils.

Signs of chronic tonsillitis:

  • frequent or persistent sore throat, especially when ingested;
  • diseases of angina more than 1-2 times a year, what antibiotics to drink with angina you will appoint a doctor;
  • low temperature (up to 3, º);
  • painful sensations when exposed to submandibular lymph nodes;
  • pain in the heart, and also, often, in the joints;
  • Persecution in the throat and purulent discharge during coughing.

Before appointing with tonsillitis treatment with antibiotics, the doctor tries to determine whether the chronic form of the disease or not.

If the disease has just begun, it is quite possible to manage with therapeutic means:

  • inhalation;
  • irrigation of the tonsils with antiseptics;
  • Physiotherapy (phonophoresis is very popular, also. "Phonophoresis, what is it?");
  • a large volume of consumption of liquids, etc.

If the disease has already passed into a chronic stage, the doctor is trying to implement aggressive treatment of tonsillitis, to not only alleviate the symptoms, but also to eliminate the root cause.

Primarily in chronic tonsillitis antibiotics are prescribed. It is worth noting that this is done with great care, based on the characteristics of the body of each patient.

The following groups of antibiotics are most commonly used:

  • cephalosporins;
  • penicillins;
  • macrolides.

It is worth noting

If antibiotics prescribed by a doctor are not effective, do not worry. Perhaps, this is a consequence of the peculiarity of the organism, in which antibiotic substances can not affect the causative agent.

It should also be remembered that if you have been prescribed a course of antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis, you should immediately start drinking preparations to maintain the microflora of the digestive tract, because any of the classes of antibiotics acts on it negatively.

Antibiotics for tonsillitis for adults and children

Antibiotics for tonsillitis in adults and children apply the sameAntibiotics for tonsillitis for adults and children are appointed the same, the difference is only in dosage.

Tonsillitis in children, unfortunately, occurs almost as often as in adults.

Despite the fact that antibiotics from tonsillitis are very effective, it is worth acknowledging the fact that getting rid of tonsillitis completely without removing tonsils is impossible.

How to select antibiotics for tonsillitis and apply them to achieve the greatest effectiveness? The single most effective antibiotic for this disease does not exist. Antibiotics from tonsillitis are selected individually in each case, depending on the type of bacterial pathogen. If antibiotics do not help or the disease is acute, the doctor can give a recommendation for the operation. It consists in the removal of palatine tonsils, which allows you to eliminate the very root cause of the disease.

It is important to know

We must not forget about the maintenance of immunity of the patient. When the patient has chronic tonsillitis, the immunologist should prescribe medications that help the patient cope with the disease and prevent a relapse in the future. This effect is achieved by taking immuno-reducing drugs for patients.

Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies

Decoction of chamomile - a folk remedy for tonsillitisAbove we highlighted the methods of treatment by traditional medicine. In this section we will answer the question, than to treat tonsillitis from folk remedies?

Perhaps the most common method is gargling of various kinds of infusions and broths.

For these purposes, decoctions of chamomile, long known for its healing and antibacterial properties, St. John's wort, oak bark, strawberry and raspberry leaves, sage infusions will suit.

In addition to rinses, you can apply:

  • Cabbage packs(Grated cabbage should be wrapped in gauze. The time of using such a compress is 2 hours).
  • Inhalation over onion juice(to breathe over grated onions).
  • Dressings from saline impregnated tissue(superimposed on all night).

In the event that when treating tonsillitis with folk remedies for some time does not show a positive result, it is worth immediately contacting a doctor.


Antibiotics for angina in adults

Angina is an infectious disease caused most often by two microorganisms - staphylococci and streptococci. That is, this disease is contagious. Severity of the disease depends on the severity of the defeat of the tonsils.

The beginning of the angina is always acute, accompanied by a rise in temperature to high figures, symptoms of general intoxication, an increase in the size of the tonsils, pain when swallowing, the appearance of pustular raids in the throat, soreness and edema of the anterior lymphatic nodes.

In angina there is a term - acute tonsillitis, most often with this disease amygdala is affected by the type:

  • lacunar angina - film yellowish coatings, covering the entire surface or located in lacunae
  • follicular angina - tonsils appear on the amygdala-white = yellow, small, translucent through the mucous membrane.
  • ulcerative-membranous

Viral tonsillitis

The most common cause of inflammation and edema of the pharynx is viral infections-influenza, ARVI (than differ), but to the angina half of the transferred SARS leads correlate cocca flora, which gives purulent raids. Viral angina also includes herpetic, enteroviral, adenoviral (see Fig. treatment of enterovirus infection).

Bacterial tonsillitis

According to statistics, bacterial angina is caused by the following bacteria: 10 percent - streptococcus with staphylococcus, 10 percent - only staphylococcus, 80 percent - hemolytic streptococcus. Less commonly, the throat is affected by infections such as gonorrhea (in women) and chlamydia. Therefore, before prescribing antibiotics for angina in adults, the doctor must determine what causes the inflammation. Angina in children, especially in small, weakened and often ill, is purulent, which manifests itself in the form of follicular angina, lacunar angina. With a positive streptococcal test and if the patient has the following symptoms, the doctor should immediately prescribe antibiotics:

Antibiotics for angina in adults
  • Absence of runny nose and cough
  • High temperature (over 38 ° C)
  • Painful and enlarged cervical lymph nodes
  • Absence of a rash on the body (exclusion of scarlet fever)
  • Visible plaque on the tonsils, tonsils very red and enlarged

Fungal angina

Such an angina is caused by yeast-like fungi, when against the background of prolonged treatment with antibiotics and other provoking factors, there is a decrease in local immunity in the oral cavity. Its difference is that the symptoms of intoxication are weak, the body temperature is not high. Friable raids, reminiscent of cottage cheese, are formed on the pharyngeal mucosa, they are easily removed, while the inflamed, smooth "varnished mucosa" is exposed. With a fungal sore throat, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs.

Specific sore throats

With some infectious and viral diseases, secondary angina is often observed, when against the background of the defeat of organs and systems in the throat there are anginal changes. Angina is accompanied by the following diseases:

  • Angina with scarlet fever
  • Angina with syphilis
  • Angina in tularemia
  • Angina in case of leukemia
  • Angina in agranulocytosis
  • Angina in infectious mononucleosis
  • Angina with enterovirus infection
What antibiotics to drink with angina?

Everyone knows that antibiotics are harmful to the body, especially uncontrolled use. Independent use of any medicines is unacceptable, especially antibacterial drugs. According to some studies, more than 50 percent of patients stop taking antibiotics against angina as soon as the symptoms of the disease have been alleviated, and only 20 percent strictly follow the doctor's recovery.

At the same time, in cases where inflammation in the oral cavity is difficult, they can not be avoided and which antibiotics to take with angina, which course - should be determined only by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease, the dosage and timing of treatment, calculated by the weight and age of the sick child or adult. The choice of antibiotic for angina in adults depends on the bacterium that causes angina, on the availability of allergies in the patient for certain drugs. The duration of the antibiotic is usually from 5 to 10 days (penicillins 10 days, macrolides 5 days).

Which antibiotic is better for angina? If there is no allergy to penicillin antibiotics, it is best to apply them, they bring the least damage to the body, and are effective in streptococcal infections, so the best antibiotic for angina:

  • Antibiotics of the first series -Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Flemoxin solutab, Amosin, Ecobol, Hiconcil.When bacteria are resistant to amoxicillin, amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is most effective: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Flemoclav, Medoklav, Ecoclav (380-400 rubles).
  • Second-line antibioticsAzithromycin- Sumamed (in a double dosage for 5 days), Azitrox, Azicid, Z-factor, Zitrolide (the average price is 200-550 rub.).

When the causative agent of angina is already resistant to this or that drug, within 72 hours there is no noticeable improvement (the temperature does not subside, the raids remain, the general condition does not improve), in this case, the antibiotic should be replaced by other. And in case there are allergic reactions, you can use other broad-spectrum antibiotics.

In the absence of antibacterial treatment, this disease is threatening with its complications, such as otitis media, sinusitis, glomerulonephritis, rheumatic fever, encephalitis, myocarditis, pancarditis, pericarditis, acute pyelonephritis, hemorrhagic vasculitis and the like. Antibiotics for angina in adults quickly enough facilitate the course of this unpleasant disease. At a very high temperature, it is also necessary to use anesthetics, antipyretic drugs to relieve pain when swallowing, headache, reduce weakness from intoxication:

  • Efferalgan Oopsa
  • Ibuprofen in tablets
  • Paracetamol
  • Panadol

However, the well-known fact that if the temperature with angina is less than 3 degrees, then the best is not to knock it down, because time of temperature rise in the body, antibodies to bacteria and viruses are actively produced, which caused disease. Therefore, if the temperature can be tolerated, then it is not desirable to shoot it down. When prescribing an antibiotic to which bacteria that cause inflammation are sensitive, the temperature drops and the improvement comes on day 2-3.

Angina in children - treatment, symptoms, signs, photo

Angina is an acute infectious disease when there is inflammation of the tonsils (pharyngeal, lingual, palatine or tubal). Banal microorganisms - streptococci, staphylococcus, less often other pathogenic bacteria and viruses (pneumococci, adenoviruses, spirochetes, fungal flora) in case of favorable conditions for reproduction - hypothermia, viral infections, poor nutrition, overfatigue, are pathogens of angina in a child, whose treatment depends on the type of infectious agent, the severity of the inflammatory process, and age child. On how to treat angina in a child - this article.

Causes of angina in children

One of the frequent diseases in children during the autumn-winter season is angina. If a child eats poorly, or eats not very useful products, rarely outside in the city, does not like active physical training, for such a child, cold is a serious stress for the immune system and any hypothermia, frozen feet in the cold, ice cream or cold drink - provoke the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity, more precisely in lacunae tonsils. So, the provoking factors in this case are:

  • weakening the local immunity of the child, that is, the tonsils do not cope with the barrier function - from overwork, irrational, malnutrition
  • transferred viral infections - SARS, influenza, parainfluenza
  • another option for the development of angina, can serve as a source of inflammation in another organ, for example, if the child has sinusitis or sinusitis, otitis, caries or adenoids.
  • general or local hypothermia, that is, finding a child for a long time at a low temperature or consumption of cold drinks and foods

In addition, in close contact with a sick person, a child can catch airborne droplets, that is, pathogens penetrate from the outside when coughing and sneezing, through common utensils or contaminated food (cm. symptoms of food poisoning in the child).

Incorrect treatment can lead to chronic tonsillitis, and the causative agent of angina - streptococcus in turn provokes the emergence of more than 100 other dangerous diseases such as allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, vessels, heart. As soon as the child has anxious symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not rely only on folk remedies for treating the red throat.

When is the child's hospitalization required?

  • Concomitant diseases - renal failure, diabetes, blood coagulability, etc.
  • Complicated angina - phlegmon neck, abscesses, rheumatic carditis.
  • Severe intoxication in the child - confusion, violation of breathing, not knocked down by febrifuge, fever, vomiting and nausea, convulsions.
  • When angina children under one year, many doctors are strongly recommended to treat in the hospital, but uncomplicated sore throat is better treat at home (the child is at home, in a calm environment, there is no likelihood of joining a hospital infection).

Types and symptoms of angina in children

Depending on how deeply the tonsils are inflamed, the child has several types of angina in medicine:

  • catarrhal angina (for today it is not considered an angina, it is an acute pharyngitis)
  • lacunar throat
  • follicular sore throat
  • ulcerative-membranous

Also classified into:

  • Primary angina - angina with general intoxication and signs of lesions of the pharyngeal ring tissues
  • Secondary angina - occurs against the background of some acute infectious diseases - scarlet fever, diphtheria, infectious mononucleosis in children, etc., as well as with blood diseases - agranulocytosis, leukemia and others.
  • Specific angina - fungal lesions, spirochaeta.

Depending on the pathogen the inflammatory process is classified into:

  • bacterial (diphtheria, streptococcal)
  • fungal
  • viral (enterovirus, herpetic, adenoviral)

But in all cases the most basic symptom is a sore throat when swallowing, refusing food and even water, a high body temperature, it can increase from 38 to 40C, while the child is sharply weakened, capricious, his head hurts, vomiting and diarrhea from a strong intoxication. At survey - brightly diffused reddening of pharynx, edema of earrings, tonsils. With a number of angina (candidiasis, diphtheria) after the removal of the plaque, bleeding eroded surfaces are opened.

In addition to pain, temperature in angina in children, cervical and submandibular lymph nodes increase (it is impossible to warm them with compresses and other procedures). The inflammatory process in angina always affects the vocal cords, so the appearance of a hoarse voice in the child is also a symptom of angina. Usually this disease does not last more than a week or 10 days, successful treatment depends on proper diagnosis and timely initiation of antibiotic therapy. Therefore, the doctor first determines what angina in the child and only then prescribes treatment.

Be sure to contact the pediatrician, because it is not possible to distinguish bacterial angina from diphtheria, the toxic form of which can be very quickly cause swelling of the neck, stenosis of the larynx and suffocation, the child can die from intoxication, and possibly inflammation of the heart muscle with the development of cardiac insufficiency.

Treatment of catarrhal sinus in children

With catale angina, the child usually has a temperature of 38-39C, the child becomes apathetic, sluggish, feels pain while swallowing, nausea. Inflammatory process, tenderness of lymph nodes with such a form of angina is not intense and most often such angina occurs after acute respiratory viral infection or influenza.

The main condition in the treatment of catarrhal sinus in children is bed rest, copious warm drink, frequent rinsing or throat treatment with various sprays in young children. With adequate treatment with antibiotics, this form of acute tonsillitis takes 7-10 days.

Treatment of follicular and lacunar angina in children

Lacunar sore throat in a childThese forms of angina in children are quite difficult, because they are accompanied by fever, body temperature can be above 40C. A distinctive feature of follicular sore throat is that the tonsils are covered with yellow pustules (follicles up to 3 mm) as would create a "starry sky and with lacunar angina - white and yellow purulent purulent incrustation in lacunae that are between the lobes tonsils.

Treatment of both, and other angina is identical. The main thing is to choose an antibiotic, which will unerringly help to cope with the pathogen of angina. The best option is to pass a smear to the bacterial culture, which will determine the sensitivity of the bacteria to a specific antibiotic.

Take a smear from the pharynx and nose to BL, Lefler's wand (on the first day after the treatment) for differential diagnosis with diphtheria. But since polyclinics do not have such an opportunity today, antibiotics of the first series are prescribed: penicillin (ampicillin, flemoxin), second line - macrolides (sumamed, hemomycin, azithromycin). Preference is given to the penicillin series, because for a 10-day course penicillin destroys beta-hemolytic streptococcus, threatened with rheumatism, and aminoglycosides do not guarantee that streptococci will not survive and there will not be rheumatic fever after angina.

Usually, if the baby's angina is 1-3 years old, treatment is recommended in a hospital, under the supervision of a pediatrician. But today it is not necessary - attentive, caring parents can provide the best care for the baby at home, and the doctor's control is determined financial condition of the family - you can always call a paid pediatrician at home, and when you prescribe and need to inject - to the nurse.

However, in case of a serious condition of the child and the presence of concomitant diseases, the decision is made by the doctor and parents in favor of the hospital. Older children can carry out treatment at home, outpatient, provided that the sick child is isolated from other children, since purulent angina is a contagious disease.

How to treat a sore throat in a child?

For the prompt recovery of the child, all the recommendations of the treating pediatrician should be clearly followed. Treatment of sore throats consists of a plentiful drinking regimen, administration of antibiotics, antipyretic drugs, antihistamines, gargling, vitamin therapy and eubiotics.

Important! No warming up procedures: compresses, hot steam inhalations, warming creams and ointments in the neck - with purulent angina are unacceptable!

Rinse throat with sore throat

One of the directions in the treatment of angina in children is gargling of older children and treatment with sprays and aerosols of young children. However, this is only ancillary ways, since the main treatment is the administration of antibacterial drugs. For details on the options for rinsing the throat, in the article Than and how to gargle with angina.

Important! Do not use the same remedy several times in a row, if you recently gave the baby Pharingosept during the Orvi, use Ingalipt, Lugol Spray, or the next time. means.

  • Gargle can be rinsed with various ready-made pharmacy products, such as sprays (used by children after 3 years) can be identified - Lugol Spray, Geksoral Spray, Tantum Verde (weakly effective), Ingallipt, Hexaspree (after 6 years).
  • And also solutions 1% Miramistin solution, hydrogen peroxide - 2 tbsp. spoons on a glass of water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of Iodinol (1 table. spoon on 1 glass of warm water), dissolving 2 tablets of furatsilina in a glass of water.
  • Well decontaminated decoctions of herbs - sage, chamomile, marigold or ready-made collections of these herbs Ingaphitol, Eucarom, Rotokan, as well as a simple solution of salt and soda (po, chayn. spoons) and iodine a few drops.
  • But many lubricants do not recommend lubricating tonsils with antiseptics, as the protective layer of mucous membrane is damaged, which worsens the situation with purulent sore throat.
  • In older children with angina, you can use resorption tablets and candies - Tharyngept, Stopangin, Strepsils (after 5 years), Hexoral Tabs, Grammidine.

Local remedies for sore throats to children under 3 years old - what should be considered?

  • Sprays are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, but the composition of most solutions is safe for children, limiting them use is caused by the inability of a small child to hold his breath when injected, which is dangerous laryngospasm. Therefore, babies can be sprayed with a pacifier, and children up to 3 years old can direct a jet to the cheek, and not to the throat, the solution will still fall with the saliva on the tonsils.
  • Teach your child to gargle from the age of 2.
  • Also small children can not keep mouth resorption pills in their mouth for a long time, so it's better not to use children under 3 years (or even 5 years, because there is a risk of asphyxiation of the foreign body and the course resuscitation).

What else should I know when using local remedies for sore throat?

  • Be sure to read the instructions to any remedy for sore throats, use drugs only according to age recommendations and on the advice of a pediatrician.
  • Some drugs (Bioparox, which will soon be removed from production), medicinal herbs, and any drug may cause an allergic reaction in toddlers, closely monitor the baby's reaction to each preparation.
  • Any local treatment should be done after a meal, and the frequency of oral treatment should be every 3 hours, it is impossible after a local procedure to eat or even drink half an hour, otherwise there is no sense in the treatment.
  • Strongly irritating mucous medications - Lugol, Iodinol should not be used for infants, and children after a year to treat them with the oral cavity no more than 1 p / day.
  • Usually, for local therapy with angina, 1-2 agents of different action are chosen so as not to overload the body with medicines and adequately assess their effectiveness.


With bacterial sore throat, purulent raids are not yet suppressed, the temperature of the child is very high and is lost antipyretics for only a few hours, but when taking an effective antibiotic for 2-3 days, she should decrease. Therefore, the receipt of these funds should not be more than 3 days. Paracetamol is usually used in suspension, Kalpol, Panadol (casp. and candles), Efferalgan, and also Ibuprofen (Ibufen, Nurofen). Teenagers can give Ibuklin (paracetamol + ibuprofen in table) to reduce fever with angina.

For a detailed description of drugs with prices and dosages, in our article a list of all antipyretic agents for children.

When should I bring down the temperature?

Angina in a child treated
  • At high temperature, the intake of antipyretics is only indicated when the temperature is above 38 ° C, since the maximum production of antibodies occurs during fever against pathogens of angina, the body tries to fight the pathogenic bacteria on its own and if the child is less tolerant of 3, C, then it is desirable not to knock down.
  • In infants, it is recommended that the temperature be knocked down already at 38 ° C, since such a high temperature can be accompanied by vomiting, it is better to use rectal suppositories (Cefekon, Efferalgan, Nurofen).
  • Children after the year to knock down the temperature is better after 39C.
  • If a child has had seizures earlier at high temperature, knock it down already at 3,.

If you can not bring down the temperature with medicines, you can use folk methods. Just strip the baby and wipe with a damp towel, the older child (after a year) can be wiped off with vodka diluted with water, and always remember that a plentiful drink, especially with plant salicylates (black currants, cranberries, raspberries, cherries) increases sweating and helps to lower the temperature by, which can greatly alleviate the condition child.

Choosing an antibiotic

What antibiotic is better for angina in children? When choosing an antibiotic for angina, penicillins are always given preference, since they are most effective with streptococcal infection and are easily tolerated by children, and their use is not dependent on admission food.You can not give antibiotics on your own without a doctor's recommendation.

  • First-line drugs - Amoxicillin (Flemoxin solute)
  • With chronic tonsillitis and resistance of the pathogen, Amoxicillin is prescribed with clavulanic acid - it is Amoxiclav (120-300 rub. suspension), Augmentin (SUSP. 140 -250 rubles), Ecoclave (SUSP. 170-280 rubles). When to normal penicillin flora is stable, amoxicillin with clavuanic acid is shown as an antibiotic of 2 rows.
  • If the child is allergic to the antibiotics of the penicillin series, then macrolides, azithromycin-Sumamed (240-400 rub in double dosage), Azitroks (170-300 rub. ) Hemomycin (suspension 140 rubles), midekamycin - Macropen (260-320 rubles).
  • Cephalosporins are prescribed in extreme cases, since these drugs are considered alternative after penicillins and macrolides. Among them:
    • Cefalexin (suspension 60 rubles)
    • Cefuroxime - Zinnat (300 rubles) Cefurus (100 rubles), Aksetin (100 rubles)
    • Cefixim - Suprax (500 rubles), Panzef (400 rubles)

The course of antibiotic treatment should be 10 days.For azithromycin (Sumamed), 5 days are sufficient, since it has a prolonged action, but with sore throat the dosage of sumamed increases. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the antibiotic is carried out for 3 days (according to the general state, temperature, and the state of the raids). You can not reduce the course of treatment, when the child is better, the temperature has dropped, the raids have left - streptococcus survives and avenges (rheumacarditis).

  • Local antibiotic for angina. If the doctor deems necessary and the local appointment of antibiotics, then you can apply the drug Bioparox, with angina this spray-inhaler antibiotic fuzafungin. But this drug does not replace the antibiotic intake inside.
  • If the doctor prescribes antimicrobial medications for bacterial angina (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci) - sulfonamides such as Biseptolum, Bactrim (in Tab. and syrup), you should know that to date, sulfonamides in pediatric practice do not apply, to Biseptol (see. Biseptol - an antibiotic or not?) And other sulfonamides in recent years, in 50% of cases, bacteria are showing resistance.

Antihistamines, vitamins, phytopreparations

  • Antihistamines

It is important to take antihistamines in a child's angina, Cetrin in syrup (for children over 2 years old), Suprastin, Peritol in syrup, Zirtek, Zodak, Fenistil (see. a complete list of allergy medicines).

  • Vitamins

Many doctors recommend taking vitamins of group B, vitamin C, using vitamin complexes - Centrum, Multitabs, Pikovit, Alphabet (BAD), etc. But to date, the attitude towards vitamin complexes, especially for children, is not unique, since their intake increases the risk of developing allergic reactions, and with a full-fledged nutrition the child has enough vitamins coming from food (see vitamins in tablets - harm or benefit).

  • Immunomodulators

With regard to the use of other antiviral agents and immunostimulants, their use in children should be treated very cautiously. antiviral drugs for orvi and influenza), the safest ones are Viferon, Kipferon, but they should not be used without prescribing a doctor.

  • Probiotics

With antibiotic therapy, you should definitely attach to the treatment of eubiotics. As much as possible about all probiotics for children in our article - Linex's analogues, a list of probiotics, and also why it is preferable to use non-dietary supplements, and drugs such as Acipol, Linex, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Lactobacterin, Biobactone, Bifilysis, Acilact, Bifiform.

  • Phytomedication

You can use phytopreparation Tonzylgon in drops, for infants take up to 5 drops 5 times a day, children of preschool age 10 drops. This is a combined herbal preparation that has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It includes tannins of oak, essential oils, chamomile flavonoids, yarrow althea, so it reduces the swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat.

In conclusion about possible complications

Angina is a formidable infectious disease that, with inadequate or delayed treatment, a weak immune response of the body child can become a trigger mechanism for the development of diseases of the genitourinary, cardiovascular, bone, nervous systems organism.

Therefore it is important after recovery to pass the general tests, ECG, and also to refuse for a month from any vaccinations and Mantoux reaction. If the child has shortness of breath, swelling, pain in the joints or in the chest - immediately consult a doctor. Frequent angina in a child is a sign of chronic tonsillitis, an appeal to the ENT doctor will help to produce correct prevention of exacerbations.

Complications that may occur during the disease:

  • laryngitis, acute otitis in the child
  • regional lymphadenitis with abscess or phlegmon
  • infection in the bloodstream with the development of meningitis or sepsis
  • involvement of the mediastinal organs in the infectious process

Complications that may occur after months or years:

  • Acute rheumatic fever (arthritis of large joints, fever, carditis, chorea) with the outcome of chronic rheumatic disease, with the development of heart defects and heart failure
  • Encephalitis - rheumatic lesion of the central nervous system
  • Cardiac pathologies: pancarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura
  • Acute pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis

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