Antibiotics for ARVI

What antibiotics to take with influenza and ARVI: list of names

Antibiotics for flu and cold doctor will appoint immediately after the appearance of the first signs of angina or pneumonia. This is important both for adult patients and for children. Drugs from the group of macrolides or penicillins may be recommended.

When ARVI often develop pathological processes in the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis. This disease is a serious signal about the need for antibiotic therapy. When a yellow nose is troubled by yellow mucus discharge and pain syndrome near the bridge of the nose, consult an otolaryngologist and take an X-ray.

In some cases, antibiotic therapy may be necessary for prophylactic purposes, for example, after a surgical procedure. Usually, it is enough to drink a wide-spectrum drug for 5 days. Thus, doctors try to minimize the development of complications against a background of reduced immunity.

If it is a child, the treatment has its own nuances and antibiotics for ARVI are chosen differently. Dr. Yevgeny Komarovsky tells about this in more detail in his TV programs.

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What antibiotics are needed?

Starting from the form of the disease, the general health of the patient, his age, and treatment will be selected. Penicillins are prescribed only to those patients who suffer from a tendency to allergic reactions. Angina is treated with the means:

  1. Ecoclave;
  2. Augmentin;
  3. Amoxiclav.
AmoxiclavThese drugs are so-called protected penicillins. They are characterized by a mild effect on the body.

With respiratory infections, the standard drugs are macrolides. Antibiotics for ARVI in adults with bronchitis: Macropen, Zetamax. Diseases of the ear, throat and nose will help cure funds Hemomycin, Sumamed, Azitrox.

When a patient observes resistance to penicillin drugs, he needs to take tablets from a number of fluoroquinolones. These are medications Norfloxacin, Levofloxacin.

Such funds are strictly forbidden to children. Their skeleton is not completely formed and therefore the probability of unpredictable negative reactions of the body (details of antibiotics for patients of this age are told by the doctor Komarovsky). In addition, fluoroquinolones are the drugs of the reserve group, which are necessary for the patient in adulthood. If you take them ahead of time, they will get used to them.

With influenza and viral infection, when there is a temperature, the doctor should choose a means that will competently combat the disease and at the same time not trigger the onset of adverse reactions.

The problem of the last time is that with each season the pathogens become more resistant to antibiotics.

How correctly to accept?

The use of antibiotics in ARVI is indicated only when it is impossible to recover without them. If the form of a cold is easy, it is enough to take antiviral drugs. Additional therapy is necessary if:

  • A bacterial infection joined the signs of the disease;
  • high total body temperature lasts more than 3 days;
  • there was a purulent discharge;
  • the general condition of the patient worsened.
antibiotics for influenzaIt is very desirable that the patient bring in his special notebook all his feelings and information about taking antibiotics. This is necessary, because pathogenic microorganisms often develop immunity to such drugs.

When there are complications of flu or cold, the doctor must take an interest in the patient, what he took antibiotics in ARI. It should be noted that the same agent is not able to work with the same efficacy in the treatment of different patients.

To select the most suitable antibiotic, an antibacterial sowing is required. This will help to determine the degree of sensitivity of microorganisms to certain agents. However, there is not always time for such a laboratory test. Its duration is from 2 to 7 days. During this period, the patient's condition may significantly worsen.

If there are indications for taking an antibiotic, it should be drunk strictly according to the scheme suggested by the doctor. Even with a single pass of the medicine, the symptoms of the disease and high fever will manifest themselves with renewed vigor.

Between taking the medicine must pass a certain amount of time. If the doctor recommended taking the drug twice a day, the interval will be 12 hours.

Duration of treatment

Regardless of which group of antibiotics the drug belongs to, it should be taken at least 5 days. If already the next day after the start of therapy the patient will note an improvement in well-being is forbidden:

  1. discontinue treatment;
  2. reduce the dosage of tablets.

Otherwise, the treatment will not be of use, and if the funds of the same group are reappointed, its effectiveness will be in doubt.

There is a separate type of drugs with prolonged action. They are necessary in particularly difficult cases. The scheme of their admission is divided into stages. The patient should drink a pill 3 days, and then take a break for the same period. Take such antibacterial drugs should be in 3 calls.


BififormEven the most expensive and effective antibiotic in ARVI kills not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also useful ones. This is especially dangerous for young patients, as confirmed by Dr. Komarovsky.

During treatment, the normal intestinal microflora is always disturbed. For this reason, in addition, you should take special drugs that can restore the body. Excellent proven themselves: Lineks, Bifiform, Gastrofarm, Narine. They are taken between the reception of antibiotics.

It is very useful during the treatment period to drink more sour-milk products and generally observe a special diet. It is necessary to include in me the maximum quantity of vegetables and fruits. Renounce acute and fatty.

If the disease lasts for a long time, the liver of a person begins to function poorly. Therefore, it is the light plant products that relieve the load from the organ. White wheat bread is a good substitute for black bread, and sweets and confectionery are dried fruits.

List of drugs for adults

With flu and a complicated cold, the doctor selects suitable antibiotics for the patient, which are divided into groups:

  • cephalosporins. These are semi-synthetic antibacterial agents of a wide spectrum. There are several of their generations, but the most popular are Tseporin, Asperer, Cefalexin. They are prescribed for various problems of the respiratory system;
  • fluoroquinolones. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. Characterized by rapid absorption in soft tissues. The best are considered to be Moxifloxacin, Levofloxacin. They can not be used to treat pregnant women, nursing women, children, people with epilepsy. There are cases of serious allergies to the drugs of this group. The standard dosage is 500 mg three times a day;
  • macrolides. They have a powerful bacteriological effect. Can be used to treat complications of acute respiratory viral infection (angina, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, purulent sinusitis), with influenza. This group includes Erythromycin, Azithromycin. The effect of treatment with macrolides is noticeable only after 2-3 days after the start of the course. The mentioned means are allowed for pregnant women and during lactation. The daily dose can not be more, g (it is divided into 6 receptions);
  • penicillins. Such antibiotics work well for staphylococci and streptococci. The most popular are Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav. The group is the least toxic. There is an opportunity to apply for the treatment of children. The temperature drops noticeably after a few days, the general course of therapy lasts no less than 5 days. In particularly difficult cases, penicillins require the use of 10 to 14 days.

Each of the considered means has its contra-indications. Do not arbitrarily change the dosage of antibiotics or stop treatment altogether.

Antibiotics for a child (Dr. Komarovsky)

AugmentinMany doctors and Eugene Komarovsky, emphasize that a normal viral infection does not require treatment with antibiotics! They are only needed when bacteria are attached to the flu.

Antibiotics, which kill bacteria well, will not affect viruses in any way. When a child is treated with such medications for viral diseases, Komarovsky insists, in addition to side effects, the patient will have a serious problem - resistance to antibiotics.

The list of drugs allowed for children is given below.

If a child aged 3 months has a fever, the doctor will appoint Augmentin. The preparation can be purchased in the form of a powder, and having topped the prescribed volume of boiled water at room temperature, it is converted into a suspension. There are no adverse reactions from the medication, but in very rare cases, an allergy in the form of skin rashes can develop.

When complications arise, antibiotics for ARVI are necessary, as Komarovsky says. Such diseases usually become: cystitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis. The child is prescribed another medicine, his name is Zinatsef. The preparation is made in the form of a solution for injections. The dose is determined depending on the weight of the baby and his age.

Another good medicine for the flu is Sumamed Forte. The drug is characterized by a wide range of actions, helps to recover in a short time. Do not use the product for children if they are younger than the age of 6 months.

You can buy Sumamed Forte in powder, which is diluted with water. Drink a remedy once a day, you can say. that this is a specific prevention of influenza.

About what antibiotics are needed to treat ARVI in the video in this article.

What antibiotic is better for drinking in SARS? To make it easier to


Natalia Dumanova

polichitesh folk remedies, and antibiotics do not drink. More fluid.

Sergey Yuryevich Stepankov

Streptocide kill and paracetamol drink. Antibiotics can not drink for less than 3 days!

dima iwanow

Antibiotic-against bacteria. ARVI is a viral disease. Hunting once again to be poisoned?

ilya teuschaks

Biseptol, Paracitomol, there is more nuclear medicine Sumamed - the truth is only prescribed with a prescription. 3 tablets, 3 days, 440p health - 100%.

Nina Dolgopolova

it seems to me, in general to drink them it is not necessary. Heal honey, raspberries, drink more


Lord, what are you talking about? Antibiotics against viruses do not work! Against viruses, there are no medicinal forms and groups as such... Antibiotics are used for bacterial infections. When ORVI to help drugs that increase immunity: Interferons, Viferons, all Anaferons, Grippferons, a lot is very expensive.. I use Rinzu or Kodelak (this is a tablet preparation) + a bag of something chemically-viscous with a herbal medicine-Teraflu for example.. and you can live :)))


Tea with honey!

Tatiana Lagunova

Do not drink antibiotics!!! They are harmful!!! Urgently begin to take "Ferveks-ups with lemon." VERY GOOD helps! And a lot of drinking with lemon, honey, kalina, raspberries.

Ruslan Grigoryev

Before you drink an antibiotic you need to consult a doctor, maybe you should not drink them

Vitaliy Kryuchkov

In any case, a doctor must prescribe antibiotics! Antibiotics depress the immune system. The most simple hot milk a spoon of honey butter and 15 grams of soda and 2 grams of soda to drink before going to bed for 10 minutes. In the afternoon, abundant drinking and rinsing (salt and soda)

Nina Gosudareva

ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection. In ARVI, antibiotics do not help, they are prescribed only for complications of acute respiratory infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, etc.).


Antieuotic is prescribed when the temperature is high 3 days or more. Will help tsiprolet or amoxicillin, amoksiklav

Best & amp;

No antibiotics!!! My advice is a caring care, warm and plentiful drink, peace, a good bundle and sweat. After 2-3 days of this mode, he takes it like a hand!

Olga Kornysheva

Viral infection is treated with antiviral drugs! Antibiotics are connected if a banal infection joins. By the way, by appointment of the doctor. The intake of antibiotics starts to think if the temperature lasts for more than 4 days.


Cycloferon 5 days for 4 tablets in the instructions written how to take me always helps 20 tablets need this antiviral


antibiotic ARVI does not treat... antibiotics for viruses do not work. Antibiotics start taking if there are complications due to ARVI

Yulia Gurushkina

No antibiotic! Better drink amyxin, this is the antiviral, which is necessary for Orvi. Correctly here they said that the virus should be antiviral. And there is no harm from them, unlike antibiotics.

Do I need antibiotics for ARVI?

An antibiotic pest or ally?

With ARVI, the body's immune system weakens and bacterial growth increases. Antibiotics are used only when a bacterial infection has joined the ARVI. However, it is difficult to understand, because the manifestations of diseases are similar. Its action is an antibiotic only on a certain microbe, and not on viruses. Therefore, antibiotics are not used to treat or prevent ARVI.

You will need

  1. - plentiful drink
  2. - vitamin therapy
  3. - antiviral drugs
  4. - symptomatic therapy
  5. - antibiotics, only in extreme cases are appointed by a doctor


  1. The antibiotic should be active against the microbe that caused the inflammatory process. To detect and identify the guilty bacterium, it is necessary to conduct a long bacteriological examination. Therefore, appoint a doctor to prescribe antibacterial drugs.
  2. The main symptoms of ARVI can be: a runny nose, fever, dry cough, fast fatigue, an increase in lymph nodes in the neck, behind the ears and on the back of the head. When they appear, as an additional treatment, you can use folk remedies and symptomatic therapy.
  3. In acute respiratory viral infections, the virus manifests itself during the first five days of the disease. During this period, antibiotics are not needed. Here it is necessary to confine oneself to antiviral drugs. Treatment with antibiotics can be only when an infectious bacterial disease has been added to the cold and complications have appeared.
  4. Direct administration of antibacterial therapy is necessary for the following diseases: pneumonia, purulent complications, bronchitis, angina, with acute bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, a cold of the middle ear or conjunctivitis and others.
  5. One of the most dangerous and complex among viral respiratory diseases is influenza. In the treatment of influenza antibacterial drugs do not help. Therefore, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs and immunomodulators.
  6. Basically, with ARVI disease, it is a question of streptococci, pneumococci and hemophilic rod, which are sensitive to "first choice drugs." Therefore, it is preferable to take penicillin (ampicillin, amoxicillin, smallpox).
  7. However, mycoplasmas or chlamydia are insensitive to the above preparations. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of these infections, erythromycin or other macrolides are prescribed. Only in case of ineffectiveness of antibacterial agents, and this happens in 5-10% of cases, drugs of the following generations are used.
  8. Antibacterial drugs are not the first aid, but "heavy artillery" at a relatively complicated stage of the disease. Because these drugs can harm the body and lead to various complications: dysbiosis; the formation of resistant strains of bacteria, which are extremely difficult to treat; increase in the number of allergic diseases; immune system disorders organism.

Basic principles of ARVI treatment

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) occur very often, especially in autumn and winter. According to statistical data, almost every person carries the disease, which affects the upper respiratory tract once a year. Unfortunately, many people who do not have medical education are firmly convinced that they know how to treat ARVI.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, they begin to take various medications independently, which often leads only to an aggravation of the condition and the development of complications. While properly selected by the doctor therapy can only put the patient on his feet in a few days.

What to do with increased body temperature?

Increased body temperatureOne of the main symptoms of ARVI is a rise in temperature, which, for example, can be very significant in case of influenza. Thus it is necessary to provide such conditions, that the patient could lose heat, sweating or warming the inhaled air.

For this, the patient needs a rich vitaminized drink, for example, cranberry juice, and also a little cool air in the room (for this, it must be regularly ventilated and held in it damp cleaning).

It should be noted that when the skin is exposed to cold (for example, with ice), there is a spasm vessels of the skin, so its temperature decreases, but the temperature of the internal organs continues grow. This state is considered extremely dangerous, so do not use physical methods of cooling (wet sheets, ice bubbles) without the advice of a doctor. Before applying such techniques, the patient is prescribed special drugs that eliminate vasospasm.

Some patients with acute respiratory viral infections do not tolerate high temperature. For example, in people suffering from pathologies of the nervous system, hyperthermia can lead to seizures. Therefore, doctors for treatment at home prescribe antipyretic drugs, which can be taken when the temperature rises above 3 degrees. The most popular is paracetamol (Panadol) and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Paracetamol is considered one of the safest medicines for fever, but it is effective only for non-serious infections.

What to do with a cold?

width = As in children, and in adults very often there is a strong cold, which can significantly worsen the state of health. The fact is that the mucosa of the nasal passages secrete a large amount of mucus containing special substances that neutralize the viruses.

The main task in this period is to prevent the drying of mucus and the formation of crusts, otherwise the patient will have to breathe through the mouth. Therefore, the nose should be cleaned regularly, and also to ensure that the air in the room is clean and slightly moist.

Rhinitis in ARVI can not be treated with vasoconstrictive drops (nasol, sanorin, naphthyzine), because they only for a while facilitate the patient's condition, removing the swelling and stuffiness of the nose. If you use such drugs for a long time, the patient will develop chronic rhinitis. Such drugs can be prescribed only for the prevention of sinusitis, but the course should not last more than a week.

To get rid of the cold, antihistamines are sometimes used, for example, suprastin and diazolin. Also, sometimes doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines, which practically do not have side effects, for example, Edas-131.

What to do with sore throat and cough?

width = For many varieties of ARVI, for example, for influenza, a strong pain in the throat is characteristic. The most effective treatment in this case will be rinsing with various solutions, for example, furatsilinom or infusion of chamomile. Gargle should be rinsed as often as possible, at least every half hour. According to the doctor's prescription, you can use various lollipops, lozenges and sprays, for example, septothete, bioparox or hexoral.

In order to cure a cough, the patient should drink more, and the drinks should be warm. This will allow the phlegm to dilute and remove it from the body as soon as possible. You can also use medicines, for example, Mucaltin, broncholitin, ATSTS.

In order to accelerate recovery, antiviral drugs (interferon, kagocel) are used that reduce the sensitivity of human cells to viruses. Faster cough and other unpleasant symptoms will be helped by multivitamin complexes, which include ascorbic acid, B vitamins and rutin.

Do I need to take antibiotics for ARVI?

Many people do not realize that ARVI has a viral origin, therefore antibacterial drugs against it are not effective. In the treatment of antibiotics, the patient develops a dysbacteriosis, which is manifested by diarrhea, constipation, bloating and thrush.

And also with the uncontrolled intake of these drugs, the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is formed, which is why if necessary (for example, in the case of pneumonia), the effective drug will be selected extremely complicated. And the fascination with antibiotics often leads to the development of allergies, especially in children.

Therefore, uncomplicated ARVI antibiotics can be treated only in exceptional cases:

  • in the presence of signs of immunodeficiency (HIV, cancer and autoimmune pathologies, birth defects of the immune system, fungal diseases, etc.);
  • in children, whose age is less than 6 months, if they have unfavorable background pathologies (rickets, severe lack of weight, malformations, etc.);
  • if there is a history of recurrent otitis media.

With the help of antibiotics, ARVI treatment is performed in the following cases:

  • with the development of angina (anaerobic or streptococcal);
  • with the development of acute otitis media;
  • in the presence of various purulent complications (descending laryngotracheitis, paratonsillar abscess, purulent lymphadenitis, purulent sinusitis);
  • with the development of pneumonia;
  • in the presence of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).

If the patient's condition is not too severe and ARVI treatment is carried out at home, antibiotics are prescribed for oral administration. Usually only one drug is used, the criterion of effectiveness of which will be a decrease in temperature below 38 degrees in the first 36-48 hours after the initiation of therapy. If this does not happen, the doctor picks up another antibiotic.

Features of pregnancy treatment

width = Begin the treatment of a woman should only after consulting a doctor, because many drugs and even folk remedies can harm the fetus. From the cold will help instill in the nasal passages of salt water, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy. It will also help the inhalation of essential oils of orange, eucalyptus or sage. You can dig in the nose drops, made from natural ingredients (Aqua Maris, Pinosol).

With sore throat, you can rinse it with saline solution, infusion of chamomile and sage. It is recommended to drink warm milk with a small amount of honey, but you can not soar your legs. And coughing will help inhalation with essential oils. When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you can take a medicine based on paracetamol, prescribed by your doctor. If there is no edema, then you can drink more, for example, green tea with honey.

Features of treatment in the elderly

width = For elderly people, acute respiratory viral infections are especially dangerous, so it is worth treating them carefully. First of all, you need to ensure that the patient has enough sleep and a balanced diet. If a person has a dysbiosis of intestinal flora, then he is prescribed eubiotics (lactobacterin, bifidobacterin). It is necessary to take microelements and vitamins, because during illness the body needs them especially acutely.

Elderly, drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory infections can be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the severity of their condition and the presence of accompanying pathologies. Most often used drugs of plant origin, which have the least side effects. Older people taking drugs for the treatment of chronic pathologies are usually not prescribed antibiotics and potent agents because of the high risk of unwanted side-effects effects.

Treatment and prevention of ARVI includes the use of drugs that stimulate the formation of interferon. For moderate and mild forms of influenza, for example, arbidol is used. Correctly selected therapy can prevent the development of severe complications and lead to an early recovery of the patient.

Features of treatment in children

width = Children often suffer from ARVI, so pediatricians have certain standards for the treatment of these diseases, which they try to adhere to. Trying to cope independently with the infection is not worth it, because inadequate therapy, most likely, will lead to the development of complications.

In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, proper care is very important. The child needs to be put in bed, to provide him with a balanced diet and fresh clean air. At elevated temperature, you can not only use medicines, but also apply physical methods of cooling. For example, you can wipe the baby's skin with a napkin, which is moistened with a solution prepared from water, vinegar and vodka, which were mixed in equal proportions. In this case, the child should be covered with a warm blanket.

With fever, a warm vitaminized drink, for example cranberry or cranberry juice, will also help. If the temperature does not go down and the drugs are not effective, you should call an ambulance.

Folk methods

Treatment with various folk remedies is only used as an auxiliary method and only after consulting a specialist. The fact is that such drugs are not always effective and often lead to the occurrence of side effects, for example, to allergies.

Many people with ORVI help tea made of lime color. If the disease is accompanied by high fever, it is necessary to include red currant berries or fresh juice made from them in the diet. And with sore throat it is recommended to add a couple of tablespoons of natural honey to a glass of hot milk and drink this solution in small sips during the day.

If the patient is troubled by a runny nose, tom it is possible to drink a decoction prepared from raspberries or wild strawberries. It is recommended to take one glass 3 times a day after meals.

What antibiotics did you attribute to ARVI for a child?


*** SKARLETT ***

did not hurt yet... we are already 24


Prescribing antibiotics for!! not shown, because ARVI is Acute Respiratory Viral Infection, and antibiotics do not work for viruses.

Arbidol should be taken as follows:
1) You take a pack
2) You throw it out with the contents in a garbage can.

We call the pediatrician for help, let him exclude any bad bacterial dirty tricks. If this is really an ARVI then we change Arbidol to Tamiflu.


Amoxiclav in the syrup.


In viral diseases, antibiotics are not prescribed. remantadine try, "agri" child (this is a homeopathic drug, by the way I always give it to my children for cold and viral zab-x)

Anna Kuchumova

The best antiviral ANAFERON!


in general, Orvi is treated without antibiotics,

In T

When ARVI in a child - give more drink fluids (mom is still food), you can eat and wait.
Depending on how the temperature transfers, paracetamol can be given after 3, -39. Cool air,
The appointment of specific medications is better discussed with the pediatrician. Although, if it is a virus, then only viferon can advise,
The main thing - if there are no cramps at the temperature (twitching in the hands, legs), then wait patiently for the doctor. If something urgent - call an ambulance.

Good Cobra

With ARVI, antibiotics are not taken. If there was a complication after ARVI, then yes, but depending on what complication-bronchitis, sinusitis, nifrit, etc., Anaferonom also do not get involved. We were treated with birth only by folk remedies, of course, if the fever drank paracytomole, and then tried to knock it down with vinegar with alcohol, and analgin when necessary. From this immunity only strengthened, that we did not use chemistry. Now my son is 16 years old, the flu is ill once a year and then 2 days, the 3rd is already healthy.

Sobetskaya Svetlana Anatolievna

Hello! Julia, consult a doctor. All individually. After a flu there can be complications. Only to the doctor. Do not joke about your health. A speedy recovery! !

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