Man's bite of man: what to do, first aid

The bites of a person in adults and children, at first glance, a strange topic for conversation, but in practice, human bites are not uncommon. People bite each other in kindergarten, at school, in fights, love games with sadomasochistic inclinations.

You need to know what to do with one person's bites, how to provide first aid in such situations at home. The fact that human bites are much more dangerous than dogs because of the nature of the bite itself and possible infection - the transmission of various viruses and infections: hepatitis B and C, HIV infection and more.


Human bite:

features Human teeth are bitten not so much by grinding, crushing the skin and tissues. In addition, in the mouth of any person there are many more microorganisms than, for example, in the canine or cat's mouth. Most people: untreated teeth, chronic tonsillitis and other sources of constant infection. With a human bite, healing is much slower and the risk of infection with tetanus increases. Therefore,

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each person should be vaccinated against tetanus. This applies especially to children.

A child can not always tell that someone has bitten him. Therefore, in a conversation with him, parents should be persistent and find out the cause of the appearance of a wound or bite.

First aid with the bite of

The first emergency aid for a human bite is the same as for biting different animals( see page "First aid with a dog bite").

Immediate medical care for with bites is necessary in the following cases:

  1. if the bite is produced by a person and the skin is damaged;
  2. if the bite is produced by a wild animal;
  3. when bitten in the face or neck;
  4. if a bitten citizen suffers allergic reactions;
  5. if a child is bitten.

Wounds after a person's bite can occur with physical violence( for example, if the skin is damaged by teeth when it hits the jaw) and during sexual intercourse( so-called love bites).

Bites are localized primarily on the fingers or hands, less often in the neck, chest, genitals.

About 30% of bruises on the brush caused by a blow to the teeth are accompanied by deep injuries and the development of infections of the ligamentous apparatus and bones, especially with late( after 24 hours) seeking medical help.

In the wound most often get such bacteria as streptococcus, staphylococcus, anaerobes. Infection with viruses, such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and HIV, is much less common.

During initial treatment, anamnesis is collected( bite time and animal type), smear sampling for bacteriological examination and primary surgical treatment of the wound. In the presence of systemic signs of infection, blood is also taken to detect aerobic and anaerobic pathogens. When bitten by a person, it is also necessary to conduct a screening for infection with the hepatitis B virus and HIV.Other clinical and instrumental examinations are performed according to indications( for example, radiography or ultrasound in case of suspected involvement of bones, joints or the presence of a foreign body in the wound).

Procedure for biting

  1. Treat wound and skin around it with 3% hydrogen peroxide or povidane-iodine;
  2. treat the bite site with tincture of iodine;
  3. sprinkle the wound with a layer of Streptocide, Norsulfazole, Penicillin or boric acid;
  4. apply a dry aseptic bandage.

With extensive bites, primary surgical treatment of the wound is especially needed.

Further Medical Assistance

Wound wound is recommended for fresh( less than 6 hours), presumably not infected processes, as well as for cosmetic purposes( on the face).Delayed suturing of the wound( 3-5 days) is used for bites with a duration of more than 6-8 hours, localized in the limbs and accompanied by crushing of the tissues.

Indications for hospitalization of are fever, sepsis, progressive cellulitis, marked edema or tissue damage, loss of limb function, immunodeficiency of the patient, and infection with dangerous infections in which patients should be kept in quarantine.

The purpose of for prophylactic antibacterial therapy is indicated for bites by humans, cats or complicated bites by dogs, as well as localization of the process in the limbs, genitals and face area, severe damage, involvement in the pathological process of bones and joints or bite localization near the prosthetic joint andpatients with immunodeficiency states of various genesis.

The choice of antibacterial drug is based on bacteriological data. Before receiving its results, the drug of choice is Amoxicillin-clavulanate( 625 mg 3 times a day for adults).If you are allergic to penicillins, you can prescribe Metronidazole in combination with Doxycycline when bitten by cats and dogs. With human bites, Metronidazole can also be used in combination with Erythromycin, but the use of Ciprofloxacin in combination with Clindamycin is preferred. If the infection is severe, antibiotics are administered intravenously, the duration of therapy depends on the clinical dynamics.

Prophylactic antiviral therapy ( hepatitis B virus, HIV, rabies and Herpesvirus simiae) is carried out when suspected of being infected. Prevention of tetanus( tetanus vaccine and tetanus immunoglobulin) is carried out in the absence of a confirmed immunological history in the patient( i.e., data on the timing of routine tetanus immunoprophylaxis).If there is a risk of contracting hepatitis or HIV, the patient should be monitored for at least 3 months.

Folk remedies at home

Folk medicine advises( the recommendations given here on the treatment of human bites at home are given only for informational purposes - note of the author of the site ):

Tincture of calendula. Dilute the tincture with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and wash the wound and the body area around it.

Tincture of echinacea .Dilute it in a ratio of 1: 5 and rinse the wound and the space around it. Tincture of Echinacea can be given to the victim inside( 15 drops 1 time for an hour three to four times).

Hydrogen Peroxide .Used for washing wounds, especially effective hydrogen peroxide in torn and smashed wounds, as it flushes dirt and microbes from the very depth of the wound.

lavender oil or oil have good disinfecting properties. Pour 3-5 drops of one of the oils onto 100 ml of water and use to wash the wound. After dressing the wound, you can drop 1-2 drops on the bandage, over the wound.

Conventional spider web , laid on any wound, greatly accelerates the healing process( in the web there are antibiotic-like substances).

Kashitza and juice from the leaves of plantain .

You can use a whole leaf of plantain, putting it on the wound.

In a serious wound, in addition to the above, you can ingest acidophilus for 1 teaspoon of powder or liquid).

Chinese traditional medicine for the treatment of wounds uses decoctions and infusions yellow-root.

Tibetan and Chinese traditional medicine recommends the use of astragalus for the fastest healing of wounds.

Powder from dried white mushrooms, if it is sprinkled on the wound, accelerates healing.

In the absence of all these tools for wound treatment, you can use your own urine .


  1. Noahgov GN The People's Clinic. The best recipes of traditional medicine.- Moscow: Arnadia, 1998. - 352 p./ Medicine for all.
  2. Illegov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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