Vomiting: causes, symptoms, treatment, what to do

Vomiting ( with Latin vomitus ) - eruption of stomach contents through the mouth, sometimes through the nose. Vomiting is a reflex, regulated by the emetic center in the medulla oblongata. Code on the ICD 10: R11 .

Emetic masses consist of gastric juice, mucus, food debris. With pathologies, vomiting can contain blood, pus, bile, even the contents of the duodenum( feces).Therefore, the color of vomit can be yellow, green, white, brown, red.

Harbinger of vomiting in children and adults can be:

  1. nausea,
  2. rapid breathing,
  3. involuntary swallowing movement,
  4. enhanced salivation.


Vomiting: causes of

Reasons for vomiting may be as follows:

  1. poisoning( alcohol, food, drug, drug);
  2. food allergy to the product;
  3. overeating;
  4. various infections( influenza, adenovirus infection, typhoid, scarlet fever);
  5. excess in the blood of toxic substances( intoxication);
  6. pregnancy;
  7. diseases of the abdominal cavity, gastrointestinal tract( gastritis, ulcers, stenosis, tumors of the stomach and intestines, renal failure, duodenitis, pancreatitis, appendicitis);
  8. mechanical obstruction of the small intestine;
  9. diseases of the gallbladder, liver( hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder, blockage of the bile ducts);
  10. cleansing the body of harmful substances( self-defense of the body);
  11. emotional stress( fears, depression, unrest);
  12. dysfunction in the work of the nervous system( circulatory disorders in the brain, head trauma, meningitis, migraine, brain tumors);
  13. irritation of the vestibular apparatus( motion sickness, dizziness);
  14. cardiovascular disease( arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction);
  15. diabetes;
  16. AIDS, cancer.

Vomiting: symptoms of

  1. acute and persistent abdominal pain;
  2. dry mouth;
  3. dehydration of the body;
  4. heartburn;
  5. intense urination;
  6. headache;
  7. dizziness;
  8. impairment in mental or functional activities;
  9. general weakness.

Sometimes vomiting can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Get medical attention immediately if the following symptoms occur:

  1. vomit has an admixture of blood;
  2. nausea and vomiting started after getting a head or stomach injury;
  3. there is a sharp deterioration in health;
  4. there is severe vomiting, which does not stop;
  5. when vomiting in the elderly.

Vomiting: treatment, what to do?

What should I do if I vomit? In most cases, vomiting passes by itself. But if the cause of vomiting is any infectious or other disease, it will have to be treated medically.

In any case, when vomiting is better to consult a doctor, especially if vomiting does not stop within 48 hours or if vomiting is a consequence of chronic diseases.

First aid for vomiting

  • Put the patient in bed, or on another plane, so that the body takes a horizontal position. Pay attention to the fact that in case of a vomiting, the patient could freely turn and tear out the capacity of the stomach in any container;
  • If the patient is too weak, with a vomitive act, help him turn his head to one side so that he does not choke on vomit;
  • After a vomiting, the patient is slightly warmed with ordinary water to rinse the mouth. Particularly beneficial effect of mouth rinsing with disinfectants, for example: sodium bicarbonate solution 2% or potassium permanganate( manganese);
  • After a vomiting, wipe the patient's lips and mouth corners;
  • If vomiting is not prolonged, medicines can not be consumed, simply provide the patient with peace.
  • To stop vomiting, the victim can give mint drops or a piece of ice, otherwise the following medicines.

Remedies for vomiting


  1. "Metoclopramide",
  2. "Motilium",
  3. "Reglan",
  4. "Cerucal".

Antiemetic injections( administered intravenously or intramuscularly):

  1. m-holinoblokator( 0.1% solution of atropine: 0.5-1ml),
  2. spasmolytic( 2% solution no-shpy: 2ml).

Remedies for severe uncontrollable vomiting( apply if the above remedies have not helped): antipsychotics( "Aminazine").

Means for analgesia of mucous and against spasms in the stomach: "Anestezin".

If vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea:

  1. Smecta,
  2. Enterofuril.

Alcohol poisoning. If vomiting is caused by alcohol poisoning, vomiting does not stop, because at this point the body is cleansed of toxins. After that, observe the diet and restore the liquid lost by the body.

What should I do after vomiting?

During desires and after vomiting, it is desirable for the patient to observe some bed rest, so that the body relaxes, diet, and restore lost fluid.

Diet in vomiting and after it

  • When vomiting, for a few hours, refuse to eat, to allow the stomach to relax from work. The intake of food, including the use of fluid, can begin when symptoms stop and calls for vomiting;
  • After vomiting, start with drinking, often, but in small doses. For drinking it is best to use non-carbonated mineral water, low-fat broth or sweet tea.
  • It is strictly not recommended to use dairy products, caffeinated products, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits, as well as drugs based on ibuprofen or aspirin( acetylsalicylic acid);
  • You can start eating 6-8 hours after the last attack of vomiting, as well as with a decrease in the symptomatology of this disorder. You should also eat small portions. You can start eating with the following foods: vegetables, lean meat, rice, cereals, bananas, bread;
  • Avoid spicy, fatty and fried foods for 48 hours.

Dehydration of the body

If vomiting is severe, the body loses a large amount of fluid, especially if it is accompanied by diarrhea( diarrhea), which leads to dehydration of the body. At this time, it is desirable to take funds to restore the body's water balance, for example: "Regidron".

Vomiting: treatment with folk remedies at home

  1. Potatoes .An excellent soothing and antiemetic is potato juice, which must be taken before meals on half a tablespoon.
  2. Maple .Dry the maple leaves well, grind them, then pour 1 tbsp.spoon cooked leaves with a glass of boiling water. Next, hold the broth for 30 minutes in a water bath, but do not bring it to a boil. Then strain the product and allow it to cool. Take 3-4 times a day for 50 ml.
  3. Lemon .Add the juice of lemon peel in plain water and just drink it.
  4. Melissa .2 tbsp. Spoon thoroughly dried and crushed lemon balm with a glass of boiling water. Leave to stand for 2 hours. Drink the infusion before eating 100 ml each.
  5. Mint .An excellent sedative against vomiting is mint or mint tea. To make tea, just pour a teaspoon of mint with boiling water and cover this container with something to make the tea. Drink tea in small sips. If mint is allowed to infuse for 6 hours, then it can be taken 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.spoon. Such nastoechka will be an excellent postpartum, restoring the mucous and the walls of the stomach means.
  6. Mint drops .If attacks of nausea with vomiting are caused by stress, then the patient can simply give 10-15 drops of tincture of mint diluted in 1 tbsp.spoonful of water, then remove the victim to fresh air.
  7. Asparagus .To calm the stomach and reduce the emetic pressure, take 1 gram of asparagus powder( sold in pharmacies) dissolved in a glass of warm water. The product is drunk immediately after stirring.
  8. Dill .Pour 1 teaspoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water. Give the product to brew, then use it, like mint, in the form of tea.

Vomiting during pregnancy

When nausea and vomiting in pregnant women is recommended to observe fractional food. In the morning - rusks and water with lemon juice. In the dish, add grated ginger root. For peace of nervous and mental systems, drink green tea.

Vomiting: prevention: recommendations

If you are too tired, in any case, especially after eating, rest, becauseThe more you move, the stronger will be the attacks of nausea, and as a result, vomiting may appear.

Try not to be in the hot season under the scorching sun to avoid sunshine or heat stroke.

If you travel with a child, always try to plant it so that it can look out the window, in front of you( the windshield), this minimizes its motion sickness.

If the child has a severe cough with high fever, give him an antipyretic, especially if the child is less than 6 years old, becauseit is at this age that these symptoms can cause vomiting.

Do not give the baby carbonated drinks, plenty of sweets before active games, and do not let the baby run after eating.

Eat moderate amounts, try not to overeat.

Do not eat food that has a shelf life on the verge of exodus, as well as food of questionable quality.

Vomiting treatment: recommendations of Dr. GNNyegov

Official medicine

There is no special treatment for vomiting. It should be aimed at treating the underlying disease. But in the event that vomiting has a harmful effect on the general condition of the body, measures should be taken to stop or reduce it.

When food poisoning is washed stomach 1% solution of potassium permanganate, pour under the skin isotonic sodium chloride solution. To suppress the gag reflex appoint anesthesin 0.25-0.5 g three times a day, novocaine 0.5% 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. With persistent vomiting, aminazine is prescribed 2.5% for 25-50 mg intramuscularly twice a day, cold on the stomach area.

Traditional medicine advises

When vomiting is recommended to take potato juice .Raw potato tubers grate on a grater, wring out the juice.

Drink the juice of the red currant berries and eat the fruits of the peach .

Take alcoholic tincture of the lemon peel or with water.

Water infusion of young maple leaves : 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried leaves brew in a glass of boiling water, insist on a hot plate for 30 minutes, not bringing to a boil, strain, cool. Take a quarter cup 3-4 times a day.

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Sources of publication:

  1. Video on topic.
  2. Website: http://medicina.dobro-est.com/rvota-prichinyi-simptomyi-i-lechenie-rvotyi.html .
  3. G.Nasgov Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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