Inflammation of the Ankle: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of the Ankle at Home

Ankle joint feels all the weight of the body, it always participates in the movement of a person, whether walking, running or riding a bicycle or car. When the ankle is inflamed, it is not only a restriction of freedom of movement, but also severe pain, a decline in mood and general discomfort in all aspects of being.

Inflammation of the ankle has certain causes and symptoms. If treatment of the ankle is started on time, you can quickly restore the mobility of the affected joint and return to the usual active lifestyle.

Inflammation of the ankle or arthritis can occur symmetrically - on both sides or only on one side of the lesion.


Why the ankle becomes inflamed: the causes of arthritis

Let's first look at interesting facts.

  1. On the foot there are 3 types of joints between: a heel and a tarsal;tarsus and metatarsal bones;fibular, epigastric and tibial bones of the lower leg.
  2. The first two joints form the arch of the foot. The last joint forms an ankle joint with ankles on the sides. The joint is provided by the venous and arterial network.
  3. Inside the articular blood bag comes nutrients for the cartilage, but this way gets the infection from the organs if there is a chronic or acute disease that needs to be treated. Inflammation passes over the common blood vessels to the ankle.
  4. Achilles tendon of the gastrocnemius muscle approaches the heel bone at the back, which allows a person to climb the "socks".Achilles tendon is the most powerful in the whole body. It can withstand loads of up to 400 kg. The number of deviation movements in all directions from 90 to 60 degrees, this depends on the ligament sprain and fitness.

When the ankle is active during physical exertion, it increases the chance of its damage. The inflammatory process of the foot joint begins with:

  1. increased trauma cartilage and ligaments due to increased load( weight gain, long walking, weight lifting), as well as fractures, bumps and bruises of the limbs,
  2. flatfoot , which is expressed by the violation of the arch,a change in the center of gravity on the foot, an increase in the compensatory load on the ankle,
  3. viral or bacterial infection in the body,
  4. excessive allergic setwhich leads to autoimmune processes and tissue deformation, which is manifested in the appearance of rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus,
  5. psoriasis and gout , which cause disturbances in internal metabolic processes.

Ankle treatment involves taking into account all of the above reasons.

Inflammation of the ankle: symptoms of arthritis

Manifestations of arthritis are typical for pathology in any joints. Patients can complain about different symptoms, and their intensity. The pain and discomfort of each person perceives differently, only a violation of the functionality of the joint allows you to draw conclusions about the diagnosis.

Main symptoms:

  1. Pain in one and both affected joints. By nature, this aching pain, which becomes more intense when moving,
  2. Difficulty walking due to broken ankle flexion and bending,
  3. General fatigue, lethargy, chills with a slight increase in temperature.

Medical examination shows:

  1. redness of the skin around the ankles,
  2. swelling of the tissues,
  3. swelling and ankle joint increase in the aching limb,
  4. on palpation - a feeling of hot skin in the inflamed area.

In acute form, inflammation of the joints of the foot demonstrates more pronounced symptoms:

  1. temperature jumps,
  2. motor activity limitations,
  3. sudden chills.

In chronic form, the disease slowly begins and proceeds, but significant joint damage occurs.

The use of ultrasound makes it possible to improve the penetration of the drug inside, and also relieves swelling of the tissues, and prevents the deformation of the cartilage.

Inflammation can be prolonged or intense, but in any case, it leads to destruction of cartilage, high abrasion of bone surfaces, the appearance of arthrosoarthritis, accompanied by the destruction of bone components.

The joint becomes thicker, the leg muscles undergo atrophy and "dry out"

How the inflammation is diagnosed

The same diagnostic methods are used to check for all joint disorders. In diseases of the ankle, the following methods should be used:

  1. X-ray in different projections: deformation of joint surfaces, cartilage;the presence of pus inside the capsule, changes in bone tissue,
  2. ultrasound makes it possible to see the deformation of the soft tissues that surround the joint, as well as puffiness and ligament damage,
  3. Magnetic Resonance Tomography is the most informative and sensitive diagnostic method.

To identify the pathogen it is necessary to make a puncture with sowing on synovial fluid media.

It is important to make allergic tests that allow you to identify the symptomatology and role of excessive addiction to allergies in inflammation.

Inflammation of the Ankle: Treatment of Arthritis

Treatment of acute arthritis requires a compulsory rest period for the joint .It is important to limit the movement of the patient to complete bed rest. If this can not be done, then use of supporting bandages and support on the cane is prescribed.

Infectious arthritis is treated with with antibiotics .The maximum effect is achieved by determining the sensitivity of the flora, but this is a long-term method, while the patient requires urgent help. Thus, antibiotics, oral or injection use are prescribed.

In the pharmacy you can buy special warming and maintenance dressings for ankles and ligaments or ankle brace.

It is impossible to forget about local remedies( gels, ointments ), they remove puffiness and warm. Means do not need to be used from the first days, at this time the application of cold is recommended. From the second day, thermal procedures are used.

You can not independently decide on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, because they have side effects. According to the indications, they are appointed by the doctor in the form of ointments, intramuscular injection or insertion inside the joint.

The effect of any ointment becomes stronger if the foot is soothed in a bathtub or made a compress.

To cure arthritis, it is necessary to completely eliminate the disease that caused it.

If the disease has entered a chronic stage, the treatment of the ankle involves:

  1. normalizing the body weight to alleviate the condition of ligaments and joints,
  2. strengthening general immunity or taking depressant medications when inflammation is caused by an allergy,
  3. use of chondroprotectors to repair cartilage and ligaments,
  4. courses of vitamin therapy.

In the elderly, the causes of the appearance of arthritis are, first of all, lack of mobility and disturbed nutrition in arteries, which are affected by atherosclerosis. In such cases, it is necessary to take statins, drugs that dilate the vessels of the shin.

The best results in treatment are given by a combination of medicines with physiotherapy, for example, massage and mud applications. In addition, sanatorium treatment removes residual symptoms of the disease.

Ankle disorders can be cured by identifying the causes and applying all the topical therapies.

Preventive measures

To avoid violations of the ankle and ligaments, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations. The first rule is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. The correct diet helps maintain a normal weight, preventing the appearance of salts and slags, and maintaining an optimal balance of substances.

Alcohol and smoking have an extremely negative impact on the overall health of the person, besides this, they are the reasons for the weakening of the joints, and ankles as well.

Regular physical exertion on the joints is necessary, but it is important not to overload so that the ankle is not injured. It is useful to walk, but only with the right shoes, a safe pace and a suitable road surface.

Water exercises are one of the best types of exercise. The ankle joint is provided with the required volume of movements, but there is no need to support the weight of its own body.

An important role in prevention is played by competent selection of shoes. It is necessary that the shoes securely fix the legs, and also have a hard back and a thick sole. Wearing heels is detrimental to ligaments and joints, since the foot is always in the wrong position, and this can cause an ankle injury.

The ankle has a heavy load while walking. Even the slightest damage and disruption of the function can lead to serious difficulties. Inflammation of the joints can be an indicator:

  1. infectious processes,
  2. autoimmune diseases,
  3. endocrine disorders,
  4. diseases of the genitourinary and other systems.

Of course, to treat arthritis is much more effective when the symptoms are slightly expressed and not so painful. The later stages, as a rule, are characterized by the destruction of the ligaments and the joint.

What medicines are used for inflammation of the ankle joint?

To cope with the described state allows a comprehensive approach aimed at stopping the signs of the inflammatory process and fighting its cause.

Symptomatic treatment involves the use of such drugs:


  1. Movalis;
  2. Pentalgin;
  3. Nimesil;
  4. Serrata;
  5. Ketanov.

Anti-inflammatory( non-steroidal):

  1. Voltaren;
  2. Ibuprofen;
  3. Paracetamol;
  4. Diclofenac;
  5. Ibufen.

Vasodilator( from puffiness):

  1. Theonikol;
  2. Trental.

The basic therapy should match the cause of the inflammation. It may include the use of:

  1. antibiotics;
  2. of corticosteroids;
  3. chondroprotectors;
  4. substitutes for cartilaginous tissue.

Treating folk remedies at home

It should be recalled that folk medication is not the main one. It serves as a supplement to the medical appointment and should not contradict it or be a substitute. If the disease is not in an acute stage, you can try to use simple home remedies for treatment:

  1. For the removal of pain in the joints and legs, it is recommended to apply compresses from grated potatoes on a grater or in a meat grinder to painful places. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and crush them without removing the peel. The resulting mass is put in hot water and heated to a temperature slightly above 38 degrees. Then the potatoes, without pressing, put in a bag, sewn from sacking. And the bag itself should fit in the form of the shin, ankle or fingers, depending on where you want to put the compress. Under the bag, you must first lay the oilcloth. The thickness of the potato layer should be 1.5-2 cm. With this bag, wrap a sore spot and cover with an oilcloth, then bandage it so that nothing comes out of the compress. With the compress should go to bed, putting his foot a little higher on the pillow. Sleep comes quickly as soon as the heat is felt. If the compress does not heat, then it's done poorly. Pain lasts for 20-30 minutes and does not repeat until the next exacerbation. Compress apply every day at night. This should be done within 7 days, and after this - by the result. If in the first 2-3 days the pain disappeared and then does not appear, it is not necessary to put a compress on.
  2. Pour 15-20 grams of crushed grass tri-divided into 1 glass of boiling water, infuse for 30-40 minutes. Rub the diseased joints.
  3. Pour 15 grams of dry crushed herb thyme creeping 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The same infusion can rub the sick joints.
  4. Pour 60 g of root of aralia 1 liter of vodka, insist in a warm place for 2 weeks, shaking for a day several times. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in between meals for 2 weeks.
  5. Pour 30 g of herb horsetail field 1 cup of boiling water, infuse for 30 minutes. Take 2-3 glasses a day.
  6. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry shredded herb wormwood powder with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. To apply for compresses.
  7. Mix 10 grams of Ledum Flour, 10 grams of chopped chamomile root and 50 grams of preheated pork fat. Infuse 12 hours in a warm place, drain. Use for rubbing in diseased joints.
  8. Pour 15 g of rhizome with the roots of angelica officinalis 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes, drain. Rub joints 3-4 times a day.
  9. Pour 1 tablespoon whole plant strawberry forest 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, drain. Drink like tea.
  10. Mix in equal parts the flowers of elderberry black, a sheet of nettle dioecious, a root of parsley, a bark of willow.1 tablespoon chopped collection brew 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, cool, strain. Drink 2 glasses a day.
  11. Take in equal parts the roots of a steamed apiary, the roots of a medicinal soap, the willow bark of a purple.3 tablespoons of the mixture, pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 10 minutes, cook for 10 minutes, drain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

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Dr. Evdokimenko.

3 exercises for the treatment of heel pain. Gymnastics for the treatment of "calcaneal spurs."Elimination of pain in the sole of the feet - in the feet from below, from the sole.

A complex of exercises from inflammation of calcaneal tendons - to relieve spasm of plantar aponeurosis. Treatment of plantar fasciitis.

In addition, the last exercise from this complex helps in the treatment of Achilles tendons.

At the very beginning of the treatment, it is desirable to combine gymnastics from this video with taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Exercise rules for :

  1. You can do exercises daily, 1-2 times a day, for 2-4 weeks. But you can do them longer, up to 2-3x months, if you do not have contraindications, which are written below.
  2. While performing the exercises, be careful not to allow sharp pains!
  3. Listen to your feelings. If an exercise increases pain, give it up altogether, or significantly reduce its amplitude.
  4. Although moderate tolerant pain in performing these exercises is almost inevitable. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Stretching the ligaments of the foot should be done very carefully and gradually!

Contraindications to gymnastics .For all their usefulness, these exercises can not be performed:

  1. for arthritis, inflammation of the calcaneal or Achilles tendons, accompanied by their swelling and redness;
  2. for fractures or other serious injuries of the foot, ankle and toe;
  3. for fresh traumatic injuries: first you need to take an X-ray of the foot;
  4. at least 6 months after operations on the toes, ankle, Achilles tendons or at the foot;
  5. at elevated body temperature( above 37.5 degrees);at a flu, ORVI and an angina - it is necessary to wait for convalescence and to wait for 3-4 more days;
  6. women in the critical days of classes are also better to miss.

Warning! If a particular exercise causes severe pain, then it is contraindicated to you or you are doing it wrong. In this case, it is better not to do it, or at least postpone it until consultation with your treating doctor.

ATTENTION!This video is educational and fact-finding. There are contraindications. Before using the tips from the video, be sure to consult a doctor!

Publication source:

  1. Related videos.
  2. http: // vospalenie-golenostopnogo-sustava.html
  3. Herbalist: golden recipes of folk medicine / Comp. A. Markov.- M.: Eksmo;The Forum, 2007. - 928 p.
  4. http: // vospalenie-golenostopnogo-sustava-prichiny-i-lechenie

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