Regulations for the club for the elderly

Today I want to share with you - dear readers of my blog about how I once had to work out the Regulations for the "Magic Hands" club for the elderly and disabled people. This club existed for one year, I held four meetings on various topics in the field of psychological education of citizens, development of their useful self-regulation skills,

to achieve psychological comfort, positive leisure and exchange of various knowledge in the field of recovery and maintenance of lost health. People really liked this type and form of communication, they were eager to attend club meetings.

General Provisions

1.1.Club "Magic Hands" is an organized meeting of elderly citizens and invalids for the effective conduct of their leisure, obtaining and sharing a variety of knowledge to maintain and strengthen their health, expand the zone of psychological comfort of the individual, and also to develop positive personal qualities and useful skills in self-regulationtheir psychological and physical condition.

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1.2.The activity of the club is organized in the State Educational Institution of the SB "Name of the Center"( hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.3.Club activity is carried out in line with harmonic social and psychological relations between the individual and society and is based on the synthesis of a humanistic and bodily-oriented approach in the field of personality psychology.

1.4.The club is formed from the elderly and disabled people, which are united by a common desire to support and strengthen the state of health, increase the zone of psychological comfort of the individual, prolong active longevity and broaden the horizon in choosing various developmental and recreational directions, methods and techniques used in the humanistic field of psychology andself-actualization of the person for further introduction and application in their practical life.

1.5.Responsible specialist for the club's activities is the Deputy Director of the Institution.

1.6.The documentation is prepared by the Deputy Director under the supervision of the Director of the Institution. The general documentation of the club includes: the club regulations, the list of participants, the club's work plan for the year, text materials of classes and applications, reports describing the work done.

The purpose and objectives of the club

2.1 The goal of the club is the most complete and comprehensive informing citizens of the residential age and the disabled on the directions, methods and techniques of psychological and physical recovery and personality improvement in the humanistic and bodily-oriented approach in the psychology of personality and social psychology.

2.2 Club tasks:

2.2.1.Assistance in the formation of an active life position among citizens of the elderly and disabled in relation to themselves, to strengthen their own health and increase zones of psychological comfort, as well as to prolong active longevity.

2.2.2.Harmonization of the inner world of the individual, which is expressed in social adaptability and overcoming feelings of loneliness.

2.2.3.Assistance in enriching knowledge in the direction of the choice and application of any developmental and healing directions, methods and techniques from the psychology of humanism and self-actualization of a person's personality.

2.2.4.Assistance in relieving neuropsychic stress, reducing feelings of loneliness and anxiety, improving health and increasing interest in public and private life.

Activity of

3.1.The frequency of meetings in the club is 1 time in four months.

3.2.Basic rules of work:

3.2.1. Selection and study of various developmental and health-improving trends, methods and techniques in the field of the psychology of humanism and self-actualization of the individual's personality.

3.2.2.Transfer of knowledge to the elderly and disabled people orally, distribution of brief memos of techniques, demonstration of exercises by the presenter.

3.2.3. Discussion of the material covered. Answers to questions from club members.

3.2.4. Communicate with respect to others, not loudly and not aggressively, do not use profanity.

3.3.Club members are entitled to:

3.3.1.Participate in all meetings held at the club.

3.3.2.Handle questions and suggestions to any member of the club and the facilitator.

Source of the : Regulations on the club "Magic Hands" of the SCU "Designation of the CSN" was developed by the author of this site V. V. Bespalov