Compresses: dry, wet, cold, hot, warming

Compress is a curative procedure consisting in applying a tissue, dry or impregnated with a drug, to a specific part of the body of the body, a means for local irritating or nourishing action on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles for the purpose of healing.

Compresses are dry, wet, cold, warm, hot - depending on the therapeutic purpose and the nature of the disease itself. Here we will talk about what compresses are for, what they are treating, what they are and how to properly do them - to impose at home.


Compresses: dry and wet

Dry compresses

Dry compress made from several layers of sterile gauze covered with cotton wool on top and secured with a bandage. Applied to protect the sick body from cooling, damage( injuries, bruises) and contamination. On how the compress is applied, its therapeutic effect depends.

Incorrect use of it can lead to undesirable consequences. For example, a warming compress applied to the skin, lubricated with iodine, can lead to a burn. Wet compresses

Wet compresses are of three types:

  1. cold,
  2. hot,
  3. warming.

Compress cold

Cold compress , causing local cooling and constriction of blood vessels, reduces blood filling and sensation of pain. It is used for headache( due to high fever), with pain in general, bruise, bleeding in the brain, bleeding, palpitations, mental agitation and delirium of the patient.

When a cold compress is applied, the nurse or sister should not be absent, as changing the napkins should be done every 2-3 minutes.

Application method : a piece of gauze or cloth, folded in several layers, is damped in cold( preferably ice) water, squeezed and applied to the corresponding body area. When it gets warm( in 2-3 minutes), it is replaced with a new one. The duration of the cold compress is 10-60 minutes.

Example of a Cold Kneipp Compress

When using cold compresses, it must be remembered that compresses should be well squeezed out and changed as they dry out. In addition, they must be sufficiently thick and moist. When the compress is applied, it is necessary to check - if the outside air penetrates under the compress from above or below, if it is, it is necessary to put a blanket, shawl, shawl on top.

Compression on the body : superimposed with excessive accumulation of gases in the stomach and intestines. It is necessary to damp a dense veil with water, cover the body so that it is tightly covered, from above wrapped in a wool blanket and hold for 45-60 minutes. Such a compress can be repeated several times, again and again moistening the veil.

Compress on the back : has analgesic effect for pain in the back, with osteochondrosis. Wet the wet curtain on the bed, first laying an oilcloth, lie on your back and take cover with a wool blanket. The time of taking the procedure is 45 minutes.

Compress on the trunk and back : effective with high heat, gas accumulation, hot flushes, hypochondria and other diseases. Compress can be done either one by one or simultaneously. Lie on the back compress and put another on the trunk and take cover with a warm blanket. The duration of the compress is 45-60 minutes.

Compress on the stomach : useful for weight in the stomach, colic, and other diseases. The dense tissue moistened in water is squeezed out, placed on the lower abdomen and covered with a warm blanket.

Compress hot

Hot compress locally warms the tissues, contributing to vasodilation and blood rush. It reflexively excites heart activity, relaxes spasm of smooth muscles, promotes resorption of inflammatory infiltrates. Assign hot compresses for various colic, with angina pectoris, pulmonary edema, etc.

Method of application of : a piece of cloth or a napkin moistened in hot water( temperature 60-70 degrees), quickly squeezed and applied to the surface of the body, top covered with cottonand an oilcloth, slightly tied. Change in 10 minutes. You can replace the hot compress with poultices or warmers.

Compressive warming

Heating compress is used as a resorption and distraction. It reduces evaporation and heat transfer from the skin, causing a prolonged expansion of the skin vessels. As a result, the surface sensitivity decreases, the metabolism increases and the pain subsides with muscular spasms.

A warming compress is used for local inflammations( tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pleurisy during resorption, etc.).A warming compress should always be larger than the lesion.

Application method : a piece of cloth, folded in several layers and wetted in water at a temperature of 10-14 degrees, squeezed, applied to the skin and covered with oilcloth( second layer).The third layer( cotton wool, batting) serves to keep the heat generated under the compress. The layer of cotton should completely cover the oilcloth. The compress is bandaged so that it fits snugly to the body, does not move and does not interfere with movements and blood circulation. Change the warming compress in 6-8 hours.

Compresses are not used in young children( they have very delicate skin that quickly undergoes maceration).

Sometimes, instead of water-warming compresses put vodka or semi-alcohol. They have a stronger effect on the skin, so they should be changed more often.

What kind of compresses can I put at an elevated temperature?

Elevated body temperature - an active struggle of the body with infection - bacteria and viruses and release from toxins. If the body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, the body experiences a heavy load, it is necessary to help it reduce the fever with antipyretic drugs and drugs. The same task can be fully accomplished with the help of compresses - a safe means that you need to learn how to use.

Compresses to reduce body temperature

Very help compress with vinegar, which evaporates and leads to a decrease in body temperature. To prepare a compress, you need to take 1 glass of water to add 1 tablespoon of table vinegar, moisten gauze in it and put on the forehead and calves of the patient, which should not be covered from above.

Some doctors recommend using rubbing instead of compresses, it is more effective. In this method, the whole surface of the body is treated. The therapeutic effect is manifested after 35 minutes, the first method - a compress - still more quickly knocks down body temperature.

It is worth paying attention: at present a small amount of high-quality products is produced, use vinegar carefully, especially in children, there are serious allergic skin reactions.

Compress at a temperature for a small child

Preparation recipe: take a glass of water, add a small amount of vinegar( 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water), moisten the handkerchief, squeeze it and attach to the baby's head, cover the child with a towel. The compress can be used, at body temperature above 38, 5 degrees, lower the temperature to knock down undesirable.

With this compress, you can cure a sore throat. Take potatoes, grate it on a grater, add a little vinegar, gently add everything to gauze. Compress the compress to the sore throat, wrap the scarf over it.

With a very strong cough, cook the hot potatoes( a few potatoes) in an enamel saucepan, add the vinegar( 1 tablespoon), mash. Lay everything on a towel with flax, the compress should not be hot, it should warm up well. Withstand the compress until 25 minutes, until it cools.

With the help of compresses with vinegar, you can bring back the heels, the skin will soften, then apply a nourishing and healing cream.

Compresses at elevated temperature

With the help of a wet compress it is possible to achieve that the high temperature of the body will begin to decrease. When the patient feels a strong fever, you need to remove the compress and apply a cold first on the forehead, then on the calf and carpal zone. Cover the patient with a blanket.

If the patient's temperature rises to 40 degrees, a warm compress can not be put, only cool is allowed. The procedure is carried out until the temperature has completely started to decrease reliably.

Compress based on essential oil at temperature

With very high body temperature, you need to compress the bergamot oil, eucalyptus and honey, mix everything and attach to the forehead. It is also advisable to take such a recipe: take half a glass of alcohol, essential oils and apply a compress to the calf area, you can additionally grind the soles, for this use vegetable oil, essential oil from cedar, fir, rub them into the skin until it becomes dry. Then wear warm socks.

Proven recipes for compresses at

temperature. Rinse the patient with alcohol or vodka: from the legs to the head. Let further the patient change into dry linen, a lot of sweat will be allocated. A person is comfortable when coolness touches a hot body. The temperature is noticeably reduced by 5 degrees.

You can use the acetic-alcoholic compress: in a half-liter jar of water, add 1 tablespoon of alcohol and 1 tbsp.l.vinegar, a person completely rubbed, then they take a newspaper, a fan and blow out well, the heat quickly comes out and the body temperature drops.

If the temperature is 38, 5 degrees, use 3% vinegar, which can be applied to the feet, knees, chest. In cases of high temperatures up to 40 degrees, you need to apply vinegar 6% or 9%.Compresses are made from it, moistened with gauze and applied to the entire forehead. Only it heats up, change it to cold. After 30 minutes the patient will feel better, he can go to bed.

A small child can be wrapped in a wet towel for 20 minutes, the heels and head should be open. This method of compressing can be used when there is no chill, if it is, it is better to take a slightly warm shower. It is recommended to drink tea with raspberries, lemon. The more sweat is released, the faster the temperature drops.

Side effects of compresses on temperature

Alcohol and vinegar are not allowed for use in small children, it can lead to febrile seizures, allergic reactions( itching, rashes, trouble breathing).If there are adverse effects, you need to immediately remove the compress, wipe the skin with water. Newborn children in general can not be rubbed with alcohol in order to avoid acute intoxication.

Compresses at temperature - an alternative antipyretic. When using compresses, consider the age, the characteristics of the body. Before using, it is best to consult a doctor.

At high temperatures it is not recommended to use warming compresses, they further increase the temperature and worsen the patient's condition, only cooling compresses relieve a person from fever, chills, seizures. Very carefully apply compresses to young children.

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How to put a warming compress

A warming compress is prescribed as a resorptive or distracting procedure for various inflammatory processes in the skin, joints, angina, laryngotracheitis, pleurisy, as an analgesic for spastic abdominal pain. As a result of local and reflex action of heat, the inflow of blood begins, the threshold of pain sensitivity decreases and the metabolic processes increase.

Warming compresses are contraindicated for dermatitis, breach of skin integrity, furunculosis.

The technique of applying a warming compress: a piece of cloth folded in several layers is moistened in cool water, squeezed and applied to the skin, over an oilcloth( compress paper or plastic film) of a larger size than a wetted cloth, and on top of an even larger area a layer of cotton wool orflannels.

All three layers are fixed with a bandage densely enough, but so as not to disturb the normal circulation. After removing the compress( after 6-8 hours), wipe the skin with alcohol, tie the warmed area with a dry, warm bandage.

If you need to put a compress on the entire chest or stomach, you should sew a waistcoat or a wide waistband from the oilcloth and cotton wool( batting);For a damp layer, the fabric is cut into a suitable shape, but smaller.

A medicinal compress is a warming compress, the action of which is enhanced by the addition of various medicinal substances to the water( sodium bicarbonate, alcohol, etc.).

Home compresses from cough

The effectiveness of compresses is achieved due to thermal effects, leads to the expansion of blood vessels, to the activation of blood circulation. Heating compresses are referred to thermal procedures.

With a cough, warming compresses are quite common, a useful procedure that affects the bronchi. Do or do not compress the child a question that is solved by the parents themselves, and most of them are confident that the remedy is very effective.

  1. Potato cough compress.
  2. Honey cough compress.
  3. Vodka compress of a cough.
  4. Saline compress from cough.

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Dimexide with novocaine and B6: compress

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Joints hurt: a good compress that will help to get rid of pain

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Joint pain is a manifestation of various diseases and injuries, but more often it is a pathology of the musculoskeletal system. According to statistics, about 30% of the population of our planet suffer from joint pain.

It is not necessary to constantly take potent painkillers or immediately agree to an expensive fashionable "shot".Local treatment with compresses and ointments is sometimes much more effective.

1 tbsp. Spoon the honey thoroughly with 1 tbsp.a spoonful of shallow salt. Put the mixture on linen or cotton cloth, cover a painful place, warmly wrap it. Apply daily for the night( remove the compress in the morning), until the pain disappears.

In addition to local treatment: 200 grams of garlic, 500 grams of cranberries pass through a meat grinder, add 1 kg of honey, mix. Take 1 tsp three times a day before meals for a long time.

3 tbsp.spoons of camphor oil( buy in a pharmacy), 1 tbsp.spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. Spoon the mustard powder. Put on a leaf of fresh cabbage, wrap a sore spot. Warm up the wrap. Hold for 2-4 hours.

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There is a way out, just do for your beloved little man a pack of potatoes and it will become easier.

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Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.