AA: Alcoholics Anonymous - Program and Assistance

Getting rid of alcoholism is not only a withdrawal of craving for alcohol, but a complete return to a fulfilling life. Without social adaptation in society, this is impossible. To support people who want to truly cure alcohol dependence, the movement "Alcoholics Anonymous" is based. In such communities, people are helped in overcoming various social problems.

The Society of Anonymous Alcoholics( abbreviated to AA) is a public organization that consists of self-help groups for those who have a pathological dependence on alcoholic beverages and wish to get rid of it. AA groups are organized by the participants themselves in order to help themselves and other patients suffering from alcoholism to return to a normal life in which there is no place for a dark alcoholic past. These groups are always open to all comers who have seriously and for all decided to stop drinking. In one group can be from 30 to 50 people. And between the members of the AA group is established trustful communication.

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Those who come to the AA meeting have nothing to hide, because the problem is common, and the consciousness of their helplessness at its decision brings people closer together. A person can speak out, reveal themselves to others like that, and it becomes easier for him, fresh solutions and new forces, inspiration. Members of the group of anonymous alcoholics fully understand the speaker.

Program 12 steps

The AA community appeared in the US back in 1935. Its founders were Robert Smith and William Wilson. At the heart of the AA community was the program "12 steps of anonymous alcoholics".The main idea of ​​the program was to repent a person and change his mindset.

This program of 12 steps has become recognized among people suffering from alcoholism, and specialists in its treatment all over the world, who are engaged in the treatment of alcohol dependence. People involved in the program are rehabilitated, where they themselves act as "therapists".In the AA community, the Twelve Steps program solves the main task in the treatment of not only alcoholism, but also drug addiction: the total spiritual reorientation of a person suffering from addiction.

In July 1953 a community of Narcotics Anonymous was formed. It also adopted the Twelve Steps as the basis for its work. Public movements AA and Anonymous Narcotics( AN) very soon spread throughout the world. Today, more than 100,000 groups operate in more than 200 countries around the world. Every day they are replenished with new members - and these are thousands of participants. More than 2 million people were able to return to a full life, thanks to these communities. People acquire a meaningful and happy life, they gain a new perspective on the world, on events, on other people.

The association of anonymous alcoholics uses 3 main components in its method:

  1. An appeal to the Spirit, the Soul and the consciousness of a person;
  2. Interaction of community members;
  3. Carrying your thoughts and ideas to other people who need help.

During the Soviet Union, the Twelve Steps program was not welcomed, because it was based on the spiritual feelings of people. Although the system did not require obligatory belief in God. And only from the late 70's.in Russia began to appear the first groups of AA and AN, they gradually grew and strengthened. Today, we have about three hundred AA groups in the country, where thousands of people have gained moral support and returned to a sober life.

The main point in the Twelve Steps program is: every step of the program begins with the pronoun "WE".This helps a person identify with a group, overcome loneliness, misunderstanding. The program was so effective that it was used to overcome other dependencies. A lot of rehabilitation centers and clinics use the Twelve Steps program in their work.

Almost any person in the place of stay can find the AA Club, and start visiting it, in order to adapt to a normal life. Many of these groups and clubs have AA personal sites where all those who wish can learn the real life histories of people who have lost their alcohol in the past, how they managed to overcome this problem, and also talk to "brothers in misfortune".

Anonymous help for alcoholics

When a person recognizes that he suffers from alcoholism, that alcoholism controls his life, then this person is not indifferent to his future and will not let the problem run its course. This is the first step to a beginning victory over alcohol and drug addiction. Without this understanding, alcoholism can not be cured. And what should a man do that firmly decided to get rid of alcoholism?

There are 2 options to solve the problem:

  • ask a doctor-expert in narcology for professional help;
  • contact the center of AA.

In what conditions will the efficacy of treatment be enhanced by AA?

First, a person must himself admit that he is sick. Secondly, take an active position in your life and fight for sobriety every day, have the willpower not to succumb to, the temptation to take alcohol. All this with the help and support of relatives and "colleagues"( or "cripples") in misfortune. Treatment will be effective. Doctors-narcologists in the practice also apply psychotherapeutic and group methods of work with the alcoholic.

In the process of treatment in the AA community, problems may arise that will prevent the life channel from changing in a favorable direction. And, nevertheless, it is necessary to try, to struggle, to overcome all difficulties.

In the clinic of alcoholism, there are three stages that smoothly and imperceptibly flow into each other, worsening the patient's physical and spiritual health. Alcoholism begins with innocuous things, at first glance. These are noisy companies, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and so on. Gradually, people get used to drinking and without alcohol they are bored. So in the treatment of alcoholism, all this needs to be reconstructed, to seek other new interests and hobbies, to change views on life and one's worldview, to change attitudes toward oneself and toward people.

Often precious time is missed. People try not to notice the imminent danger and problems. Domestic drunkenness imperceptibly passes into the first stage of alcoholism. Then, the presence of a hangover syndrome, or withdrawal symptoms, already indicates the beginning of the second stage. Alcohol and its decay products destroy the body, the personality of the patient degrades.

The 12-step psychotherapy will not be as effective in the second stage of alcoholism. Therefore, you need to be treated in a hospital by a doctor-expert in narcology. Treatment of alcoholism should be comprehensive: medication, psychotherapy.

Both methods - psychotherapy and drug are needed. And they need INTEGRATED, JOINTLY!