Bath with ARVI

Whether it is possible to be soared at a cold, a rhinitis and ORVI in a bath and a sauna

Whether it is possible to go to a bath during a cold depends on the general well-being of the person and the condition of his body.

It is recommended to steam in the bath for hardening the body, it restores the strength after nervous and physical exertion.

The bath helps to activate the protective functions of the body, and also contributes to the normalization of thermoregulation.

With flu, cough and runny nose, and after severe hypothermia, a bath visit will help to avoid temperature in people who do not have chronic serious illnesses.

To steam in a bath is most effective at the beginning of the disease, when the throat starts to ache, and the body is supercooled. There is a fairly large list of chronic diseases in which a hamam or a bath is contraindicated.

For example, if there is herpes, then visiting a bath will exacerbate the disease on the background of weakened immunity. Hamam and bath are not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases and chronic purulent infections.

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Hamam is contraindicated in people with ischemic heart disease and angina pectoris. To know whether you can sweat, before the first visit to the institution should consult a doctor.

The use of hot sauna air

hot air in the sauna for a coldWith flu, cold and cough, it is best to visit the bath immediately. Wet or dry hot air reduces pain in muscles and joints.

The patient feels better mood, the general tone of the body rises.

Bath for colds is also useful if your throat and tonsils are sore. Hamam or bath allows you to cure malfunctions in the lungs.

  1. Bath with a cold has a positive effect on the functioning of the body's defenses. The procedure stimulates the withdrawal of mucus and phlegm in the rhinitis, stopping inflammatory chronic diseases of the respiratory tract.
  2. Hamam is useful for people prone to respiratory diseases and suffering from a chronic cough and runny nose.
  3. Hot steam has a healing effect on the inflamed tonsils and weak lungs. Humid bath air improves the health of people with asthma of light form. Sauna with a cold also positively affects a person's condition at the initial stage of ARVI and during the recovery period after the disease.
  4. If there was a runny nose and other signs of a cold, but the temperature is not yet, the bath will significantly reduce the severity of the progression of the disease. The use of a broom tones the skin, which promotes active blood circulation. Thus, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases and immunity improves.
whether it is possible at a cold to be soaredIf you need to cope with a cough and runny nose, brooms of oak, birch, nettle and eucalyptus, as well as aromatherapy with oils of medicinal plants, will do. All this significantly improves the endocrine system, as a result, a rapid recovery of the body occurs. One of the most effective means is deep inhalation, it softens the phlegm and cleans the upper respiratory tract from mucus in the rhinitis.

Of course, the answer to the question of whether to be bathed in a bath with a flu or cold is positive. Such procedures steam the skin, and the increase in air temperature expands the pores. Increases sweating and through the pores the infection goes away.

It is known that people who regularly visit a hamam or a regular bath have almost no SARS. The fact is that in hot water procedures, a large number of leukocytes are released in the blood of a person, which improves the condition with influenza and viruses.

If ARVI has already caused a rise in temperature, then there is no indication for a visit to a ham or an ordinary bath, because excess loads will weaken the body.

What to do in the bath for colds

There is a certain massage algorithm with a bath broom. First of all it is not necessary to do steam shocks during the process. It is impossible to tolerate a sudden hypothermia. It is dangerous to expose the body to excess loads.

During the visit to the bath with flu or cold, it is undesirable to enter the steam room three or more times. In the first approach, massage with a broom should be done. For the treatment of the common cold and cold, it is best:

  • combined broom,
  • coniferous,
  • nettle,
  • eucalyptus.

In the second approach, it is necessary to apply therapeutic rubbing with two brooms. On the third approach, it is best to have an aromatherapy session. Essential oils can be used:

  1. ate,
  2. eucalyptus,
  3. fir,
  4. lemon balm,
  5. peppermint,
  6. ginger,
  7. lemon,
  8. lavender,
  9. juniper,
  10. tea tree,
  11. bergamot,
  12. sandalwood.

25 drops of the chosen oil should be diluted in liter of water. The finished mixture pours out onto the glowing stones to create a fragrant hot steam. Essential oils from cold have long proven themselves as effective agents.

At the end of the procedure, it is useful to drink therapeutic tea with such herbs:

  • Linden,
  • leaves of raspberry,
  • thyme,
  • currant,
  • chamomile.

In the steam room should stay about 10 minutes. After the second and third visit to the steam room and the final cooling you need to dry and rest.

steam and airCompetent use of sauna and steam rooms helps to reduce the risk of contracting a respiratory infection due to hypothermia.

Catarrhal diseases are easily treated in a bath, thanks to the healing air of the steam room, saturated with essential oils. Visiting the sauna also makes it possible to avoid serious exacerbations of these diseases.

Cold water combined with hot air is a powerful preventive measure against inflammatory processes. This is especially important with constant cooling of the lower extremities, which often leads to reflex disorders of the internal organs.

It should be remembered that a bath with a cold can cause a deterioration in human health. If there is a causative agent in the body, then the body can react to visiting the bath quite differently.

If, during a visit to the steam room, a person has a weakness, one should immediately leave it and stop the process of soaring. It is best to consult a doctor about whether it is possible to continue visiting the bath and whether it is possible to expose the body to sudden temperature changes during infection.

Details about the benefits of baths in the video in this article.

Bath during illness



Bath helps to get rid of colds
A bath for a Russian person is more than a hygienic procedure. Bath is an opportunity to have a good time, relax and strengthen health. Often a Russian person goes to a bath to cure a cold. Visiting a bath during its current is a kind of folk remedy. Since ancient times, before the advent of medications for the treatment of colds, a bath and its healing steam were used. It is believed that a bath is no worse than an inhaler that helps cure a sore throat and cough. Indeed, this assumption is not unfounded, high temperatures, steam and a birch broom help to cope with the common cold.

These components of the baths help to steam out the body, causing the person to sweat fairly, and then everything goes out through the skin that is not good for the body. In addition, the heat can increase blood circulation, and this is useful for all organs without exception. Circulating blood allows you to get organs more oxygen and nutrients. However, when visiting her, you need to remember the following rule - not to visit her if the cold is accompanied by a high fever, since in this case a visit to the bath can cause a relapse. And in other cases, visiting the bath will help cope with the ailment. Organize her visit can be with the appearance of a cold or after there are residual effects from it. In addition to steam and high temperatures, you can cope with any common cold of a birch, spruce broom or a broom from a juniper.

The curative effect of the bath is also increased if a few drops of infusions from medicinal plants are added to the water that pours on the stove, and which makes a sauna bath. It is good to get rid of cold helps infusion of chamomile or St. John's wort. Often, recently, essential oils are added to the water, which also contribute to the improvement of the body. In this case, the effect of the bath on the degree of impact on the respiratory system is similar to the effect that the ultrasound inhaler gives.

Well, after the bath you can drink a hot tea with lemon and honey, which will also help to ensure that the cold and cold leave the body. Thus, the sauna really helps to cope with a cold, and if you get sick, then ask for help from a Russian bath. It will not only help to cope with the common cold, but also will overcome depression, which often provokes various diseases.

I ********

you can even

Tanya Kirsanova

In the villages of the bath, a cold is treated.

Pashka Vartovskiy

All time I am flied or treated in a bath. I caught a cold - and bath, flu - in the bathhouse. Birch whisk a couple of times to steam, it's better than any acetyls and arbidols helps.

Marfa Makeeva

it is not desirable to cause temperatures

Can I wash myself in a bath for a cold? (without temperature)


Svetlana Mazurina

can! and honey when you sit on the shelf.


Of course you can, only after the bath immediately to bed. You can not walk along the street

Je t'aime

Of course you can, especially if you breathe deeply with your nose, then your mouth, generally perfectly, in the steam room)


Of course you can - even you need... warm up and do not get sick anymore)

Sunny Sunny

Of course you can...

Sergey Antonov

Babushka always told me: "If you get sick with a cold - go to the bath, everything will evaporate there)))" - so I believe that yes)))


I think yes


even necessary. To warm the lungs is always beneficial for the body.

Be healthy!

Orobinskaya Katerina

I recently had an inflammation of the legged so I was given a medical advice by the doctor at the office more often, but only after that you can not go out and drink, especially cold!
and it's even better to go there with oregano and honey)


Can. (only in the snow after the steam room do not jump, do not drink alcohol), and after the bath can not be on the street.


You can, here's another. 1) To quickly get rid of acute respiratory infections, influenza, it is necessary to stimulate sneezing, this is a simple and wise reflex of our body for stimulating antiviral immunity and getting rid of any virus. In people with colds to stimulate sneezing, use the juice of Kalanchoe or aloe juice. The fresh juice of these plants, when buried in the nose, irritates the mucous membrane of the nose, causes multiple sneezing (from five to twenty snacks per instillation). To sneeze a pipette, 3-4 drops of juice from these plants are buried 3-4 times a day. The flower of the Kalanchoe, which causes a sneeze, is called a "surgeon without a knife". This flower does not blossom and it has a lot of children. Stimulate a sneeze is desirable before the epidemic, and even more so during an epidemic and a cold disease. Sneezing can be caused by irritating the nasal mucosa with an ordinary ear stick. If the epidemic, then sneeze once 5-10, if you want to be extremely strong, sneeze once or twice. In the olden days, people used snuff to strengthen their health by sneezing. By the way, snuff was always the first means of healing the body, the first means of preventing colds. 2) It's not strange but, it turns out, there are food products, which are also powerful stimulants of antiviral immunity. These include horseradish and mustard, their essential oils strongly irritating with their odor mucous nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses powerfully stimulate antiviral immunity. These spices are preferably used more often on the eve of the epidemic, and even more so during the epidemic to prevent the disease, and with ARVI, flu, for easy and quick recovery. When you use them with food, you need to achieve a sense of "shaken to the brain so that the molecules of essential oil have reached the paranasal sinuses and lungs. It is enough to use one or two of these spices per day during the flu epidemic or in case of a disease for powerful strengthening of the antiviral immunity. 3) To strengthen immunity, it is possible to use acupressure for specific points of antiviral immunity. This is, first of all, the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint, the upper inner corner of the eye's orbit, painful spots on the forehead, whiskey and occipital mounds. If you find pain in these places, massage is carried out every day until the soreness disappears under the finger. The more often during the day you massage these points, the stronger your pressure on them during the massage, the faster the immunity will be strengthened, the faster you will recover. Many note the common cold in the appearance of pain in the eye, in the eyes, so you have to manipulate the index finger with the pain of the eye through the eyelid. When pressed, the finger is held in this state for 3 seconds and shifted. 4) An important place in strengthening immunity is occupied by tapping the head with a cam or a half-liter plastic bottle filled with water without air bubbles. The tapping is performed over the entire surface of the head with an obligatory tapping along the cheek bones and the chin on the right and left 3-8-10 times in day from day to day until you get rid of the pain that arises in your head when tapping, or from the headache that keeps you constantly worried. The duration of a single tapping is from 1 to 3 minutes. In general, the strength, duration, frequency of exposure is all depends on the state of the body, but there are certain guidelines: the more impact, the faster you will become healthy.
5) And here is the most powerful way to stimulate antimicrobial immunity for various bacterial infections of the genitourinary sphere, respiratory tract, tonsillitis, sinusitis, joint pain, at elevated temperature, with asthenic conditions - it is rubbing the hands and feet the base of the palm for 1-2 minutes on the limb in the morning and evening, and with a strong decrease in immunity, at high temperatures, grind up to 5-8 times in a day. From such grinding, the temperature already drops to 3, after 20-30,

With a sore throat and runny nose, can I go to the sauna (sauna) ???



Even if you get sick, going to the bath will ease your condition. not recommended only in the acute stage of the disease and increased t.

Irka !!!

Even it is necessary, one that to be ill

Anna Yuryevna

I NEED if there is no temperature)


necessary. if it's a bath, add to the water a drop of fir essential oil and water the stones

Dima Mihaylov



necessary... and do not forget to eucalyptus too on stones... just with a cold helps


of course!

Svetlana Zimina

Necessarily, in the absence of temperature. Very good tool

Gimp @ ka

can you and warm up in the bath, but choke on the fumes will begin unambiguously!

Volodya Harppushchik [W]

If you want to recover and you do not have temperature, then it is better to go to a Russian bath with a steamer. He and the brooms will do their work. But after the procedures must dry in the warmth. And it's advisable not to get a niggard on the way home for a long time ...


It is impossible, only after full recovery you can go to the bath.

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