Cough ointment

Ointments for cough: warming and warming balms for rubbing

Cough ointment is an affordable and effective remedy for external use, which, according to the instructions, can quickly eliminate unpleasant cold symptoms and accelerate recovery.

Ointments for coughing can be of very different effects:

  • Warming;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiviral;
  • Causing expectoration of sputum.

Antitussive balm can be purchased at the pharmacy, or prepared independently from natural ingredients. In any case, a cough ointment will help to overcome angina or bronchitis if applied several times a day to the chest, neck, back and feet. In addition, it helps to cope with the common cold and strengthens the immune system of the patient.

The great advantage of ointments is that their active substances enter the blood in very small amounts, bypassing the digestive tract and immediately acting exactly where it is needed. Therefore, such drugs have almost no contraindications and can be combined with other drugs of systemic action.

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Cough oil ointment based on turpentine

Turpentine warming ointment is not particularly popular among patients, despite the fact that it is very effective for cough and cold, and is cheaper than other means of imported production. This is due to a lack of information about the drug. Turpentine balm has such an effect:

  1. Softens cough.
  2. Removes inflammation.
  3. Neutralizes microbes.
  4. Eliminates irritation and perspiration in the throat.
Cough oil ointment based on turpentineIn turpentine there are substances that act as mucolytics, stimulating expectoration of sputum from the bronchi and lungs. This effect is possible due to the turpentine oil, which is extracted from the resin of coniferous trees. Terpentine oil is quickly absorbed into the skin, penetrates deep into the tissue and irritates the nerve endings.

The blood flow increases, the vessels in the area that has been ripped with turpentine ointment expand several times. Therefore, after applying the ointment, the skin may slightly turn red, the patient will feel warmth and slight burning sensation - this is a normal reaction, indicating that the medicine works correctly.

Turpentine can cause allergic reactions, so before the start of treatment should be a test for sensitivity. For this, a few tools are rubbed into the skin on the wrist and wait two hours. If there is no rash, swelling, redness and irritation, there is no allergy. To enhance the effect, sometimes turpentine ointment is mixed with badger fat or honey.

Such a remedy can be used to treat various chronic diseases of the respiratory system, neuralgia caused by hypothermia, the elimination of pain in radiculitis.

Vishnevsky ointment for coughing

Ointment Vishnevsky can be safely considered a universal external remedy, which is effective almost with any disease. In addition, it is accessible and safe. Very rarely, after using this ointment, allergic reactions and other undesirable side effects occur.

The main active ingredients of Vishnevsky ointment are:

  • Birch tar;
  • Camphor oil;
  • Xeroform.
Vishnevsky ointment for coughingThe most effective for colds, severe coughing, wheezing and chest pain compresses with this remedy. Ointment is applied to the bandage, applied to the chest and throat, from above heat. Keep such a compress so that it does not take more than three hours to work. If you leave it for the whole night, you can get a skin burn.

Patients should pay attention that Vishnevsky's ointment does not have an irritating and warming effect. But it has excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, as a result of which an infection that causes cold symptoms, including cough, is suppressed.

Some see this as a lack of funds, preferring to use nevertheless warming ointments to treat angina and bronchitis. But Vishnevsky's ointment can be applied even at a temperature, while ointments with a warming effect in the heat and fever are prohibited.

Vishnevsky's ointment is treated only with a cold in the early stages, with chronic bronchitis or a dry cough, it is unlikely to help.

Heating antitussive ointment

Warming balm or ointment with antitussive action is a whole group of different drugs with different composition and application features, which in a wide range can be found in any pharmacy. Usually these funds are used as preventive if a person has gotten wet feet or freezing.

It is recommended immediately to rub the ointment with breast, back, calves and feet, change into dry and warm underwear, and drink hot tea with lemon. If the first symptoms of a cough have appeared - perspiration in the throat, hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, ointment should be rubbed several times a day, after which it is desirable to lie under the blanket.

Any means with a warming effect can not be used at a temperature - this will aggravate the patient's condition. If the temperature rises, the blood begins to circulate several times faster, the load on the heart grows.

Ointment will additionally increase the flow of blood, which can trigger the spread of infection throughout the body.

Ointment Doctor Mom from a cough

Ointment Doctor Mom from a coughThis balm is very popular among patients, it can be used for colds in several ways - as rubbing, as a compress or for steam inhalations. The main component of this remedy is eucalyptus. If the patient is not allergic to this substance, the ointment will have virtually no side effects.

Ointment Doctor Mom has a pleasant smell and unique texture - it is easy to apply and rub, it is perfectly absorbed, but it does not leave greasy marks on clothes and underwear. The product is consumed very economically, one small jar is enough for the entire season for a small family.

For inhalation a small amount of the substance is dissolved in hot water, after which the procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme. After inhalation, you should warmly wrap your throat with a wool scarf or handkerchief, and do not go out for at least two hours.

In pharmacies, Dr. Mom is dispensed without a prescription, the price of these drugs in comparison with analogues is low. The video in this article will tell you about what are the cough ointments.

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​- first aid for coughing

Doctor on coughing

The remedy against cold "Doctor Mom" ​​in the form of ointment helps to softly and quickly relieve cough. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​has an organic basis. Thanks to this and the external form of application, the danger to the body is minimal.

The appearance of the ointment is represented by an almost transparent white mixture, which has a fresh smell of menthol.The drug is suitable for both complex treatment of colds, and for single use. Can be used as a prophylaxis of viral diseases.


doctor moth ointment for cold instruction

Ointment has a warming and antimicrobial effect. One jar of 20 grams is enough for a long time

The basis of the preparation is made up of natural ingredients.

  • Camphor.It acts as an irritant and helps to anesthetize.
  • Levomenthol. Provides a pleasant smell of the drug, dilates the blood vessels when ingested. Causes a feeling of chills on the body. Also, like camphor, plays the role of an anesthetic.
  • Thymol.It serves to fight against microbes, plays the role of antiseptic, has an antifungal effect.
  • Oil of eucalyptus and turpentine.They serve to irritate the skin, and how snoring is treated with sea buckthorn oil, is indicated here in the article.
  • Muscat oil. This component effectively reduces the production of prostaglandins in the body.
  • White paraffin.This soft substance is taken as the basis for the drug.

In addition to the ointment, under the brand "Doctor Mom" ​​are produced and other dosage forms, such as cough syringes Dr. Mom.

Properties of the preparation

Ointment provokes the appearance of a reaction of mild irritation of the skin receptors, which distracts them. It has a warming and antimicrobial effect. Also helps to fight inflammatory reactions. When applied to the skin forms a cool layer.

Indications for use

ointment doctor applicationOintment can not be ingested.You can not lubricate her inner surface of the nose!The drug is sold without a doctor's prescription. It is intended for adults and children over 3 years. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is used as a separate treatment. But it can also be part of the complex to combat acute diseases. Used ointment for headaches and lumbar pains, edema of the nasal mucosa.

The drug cures dry and wet cough.In the first case, the remedy facilitates coughing, has a curative effect. And in the case of the second type of cough, ointment helps to break down sputum.

Indications for use in pregnant women and children

Is it possible to give pregnant women a moth ointment

Pregnant you can use the ointment "Doctor Mom", but you should consider the possibility of a strong allergic reaction

According to the instructions, ointment is not recommended for treatment of children under the age of three. But in practice, many young mothers, certified by the pediatrician's prescription, use ointment for early signs of a cold in the baby.

Adult very strong cough before vomiting

The adult has a very strong cough before vomiting, which is indicated in the article.

What can be the causes of cough without colds in adults, indicated in the article.

How to cure a dry paroxysmal cough at night and at bedtime, is indicated here:

You need to apply a minimum amount of money to the feet and the tip of the baby's nose. It is recommended to wear warm socks for the night and give warm milk, mors or compote to the baby before going to bed.

Contraindications for pregnant women to use the drug there.This is a herbal preparation of external action, so the possible harm to the health of the baby and mom is minimized.However, future mothers should consult their doctor for an allergic reaction.

If even before pregnancy an allergic reaction to the ointment was not observed, this does not mean that an allergy can not occur during the ripening period of the fetus. It can be caused by weakened immunity.

Proper Use

doctor-mom-maz8In the case of cough treatment, there are several ways to use:
  • As an inhalation.In the event that cough occurs in a very severe form, you can use an ointment for inhalation. About how the rhinitis is treated with inhalations with a nebulizer, is indicated in the article here.
  • External application.With cold cough ointment is applied to the sternum and neck. You must carefully rub it into the skin. To enhance the effect from above, a warm thing or place is put on, lubricated with ointment, wrapped in a scarf.

Carefully apply ointment, do not let it get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise there will be burning and abundant discharge of tear fluid. After applying the ointment, wash your hands.

The procedures are repeated several times a day. The course of treatment is not more than 5 days.

Side effects

An allergic reaction may occur, accompanied by itching and rashes. In this case, it is necessary to stop treatment with this drug. It is not recommended to use "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment together with other creams.


doctor mom ointment

Do not use ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​for allergic reactions to the components of the drug

Ointment is contraindicated in people who are allergic to the constituent components of the drug. It is also worthwhile to refrain from using the drug in the presence of mechanical damage (cuts, wounds) in the area of ​​use of the ointment.

People suffering from skin diseases are advised to refrain from treating colds with the help of "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment.

If you have contraindications for using ointment, use folk recipes for coughing at home, for example, cook burnt sugar from a cough. And you can also try a very good product that almost always helps, milk with cough oil.


doctor mom ointment analoguesVirtually all drugs have their counterparts. Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​was no exception.
  • "Star".A small jar with a star on the lid contains an ointment, similar in composition to the ointment "Doctor Mom." There also includes camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil and other substances. But the price for this drug is slightly lower.
  • Adjikold Plus. With the exception of paraffin, the composition of this analogue practically coincides with the ointment under consideration.
  • "Vix Active" balm.Its composition differs from the composition of the "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment only in the content of cedar oil.
  • Travisil.The constituent part of this ointment includes various types of paraffin, which distinguishes it from the analogue.


The price for this drug varies from 140 to 160 rubles.

Customer Reviews

Many people who tried treatment with such a drug, remained satisfied with its effect. But there are those to whom the ointment did not produce the proper impression.

doctor mom ointment reviews- "For me it's like a wand-rescue wand, a remedy for all occasions. Due to heavy loads, the daughter always has a headache, and it is not a hunt to spoil the stomach with antibiotics, and they do not help either.And here it is enough to rub this ointment into the whiskey, and the pain goes away!I use ointment when I cough, rubbing my chest and wrapping myself in a blanket. And if the lymph nodes increase, I also apply this drug to them at night, and by morning, as if nothing had happened. The main thing after using the ointment is to stay warm, otherwise the opposite effect may occur. A big plus is that the product is natural. "

- "I have been using this ointment for more than ten years, and I have never regretted it! He coughs well and heats up very well. With a cold, I put ointment on the heels and chest, and under the blanket. The composition is completely natural, but children under two can not. Although, I put my foot on and in infancy.In a jar with ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​only 20 grams, but I also have enough of it for 2-3 years.And the price is adequate! "

- "I decided to try this ointment after a lot of advice from colleagues and positive feedback on the net. I tested first on myself, before I treat the ointment of a child. It just hurt my throat, and my nose did not breathe freely.She put ointment on the sternum, as it was said in the instructions, at the same time and anointed the wings of the nose.Pleasant smell of menthol and cold on the skin

Doctor on coughingthere were palpable minutes so 15. But, having woken up in the morning, she found nothing but increased pain in the throat, which she then treated with standard methods. But, I think, maybe it did not help me, but it will work for the child. A daughter always has a severe cold, which is difficult to treat. She put it on her nose, but she also complained about the coolness of the ointment, but the sense of zero. I was upset because of this fact, now I will only use the good old "Star". It even smells sharp, but it gives an effect. "

"Having a cold, I learned about this ointment. They advised to smear on their feet, put on woolen socks, drink hot tea with lemon, and go to bed. Then the cold will go away. But she stayed with me on the second and third day of illness.I concluded that the drug is effective only in complex treatment, and if only smear it, there will not be any sense.In addition, the shape of the jar is not comfortable, it is difficult to get the ointment when it is already finished. Of the pluses you should note a pleasant smell and a warming effect. "


Watch a video about the main mistakes in cough treatment:

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is an excellent organic alternative to antibiotics, which should be taken orally. It gently fights with two types of cough, and when treating serious diseases it becomes an effective element of the complex of measures.

Cough ointments for children

When coughing, children often use a variety of ointments for rubbing. With the help of grinding, you can dry the cough more quickly into wet, which helps reduce its strength. Ointments are suitable for almost any age (after 2 years), but before using such medications, you should first consult your pediatrician.

Indications for the use of cough ointments for children

Such medicines are applied with the appearance of the first signs of this symptom of colds. Among them, it should be noted:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Difficulty breathing.
  3. The appearance of mucus (with a wet cough).
  4. Dryness in the mouth.
  5. Loss of appetite.

Form of issue

It should be understood that not all ointments that are used for rubbing with coughing can be used to treat young children. Today in pharmacies are sold the following drugs that help cope with a strong cough for colds much faster:

  1. Turpentine ointment
  2. Ointment Doctor Mom.
  3. Ointment Wicks.

Let's look at all these medicines in more detail.

Turpentine ointment

In 100 g of turpentine ointment contains 20 g of turpentine oil (purified form), 80 g of Vaseline and plain water. The medicine is based on a component of turpentine, it differs in antiseptic properties and helps to relieve inflammation.

In addition, turpentine ointment is also distracting. When the medication is absorbed into the skin, receptors are irritated. Most often this remedy is used to treat a cough in bronchitis.

Applying turpentine ointment on the skin of the baby, it should be remembered that it can cause an allergic reaction, local irritation of the skin. If the kidneys and liver work incorrectly, as well as the sensitivity to the active ingredient, this ointment can not be rubbed into the skin when coughing. Pay attention, that at a high body temperature turpentine ointment is contraindicated.

Ointment Doctor Mom

The medicine is based on active ingredients: various extracts of oils and herbs, so it is absolutely safe for the child's health. It is recommended to use it as an independent tool at the first stages of the disease, and also in combination with other drugs at later stages of the disease.

What substances are part of the ointment Dr. Mom:

  1. Menthol.
  2. Camphor.
  3. Eucalyptus oil.
  4. Thymol.
  5. Muscat oil.
  6. Oil from turpentine.

Due to menthol pains decrease and vessels expand. With the help of camphor the pain completely passes, it also greatly facilitates breathing and relieves nasal congestion. Timol is a known antifungal and antibacterial component.

When you cough, you need to rub a lot of Dr. Mom's ointment into the skin on your neck, back and chest (except the heart area) 3 times a day with massage movements.

If the patient has been diagnosed with dermatitis, there are wounds on the skin, cuts, scars, bruises, local inflammation, the use of the drug is prohibited. You can use the drug from the age of 2 years.

Ointment Wicks

The medicine is based on the active components of camphor, levomenthol, turpentine oil, eucalyptus oil. It is characterized by local irritating effect, which helps to cope with a cough more quickly.

You can apply Wicks ointment from 2 years of age. Use 2-4 times a day, rubbing a sufficient amount of the drug into the skin on the chest, back and neck (except the heart area). Therapy lasts up to 5 days.

If the patient has been diagnosed with intolerance to the components of the remedy, bronchial asthma, bronchospasm, false croup, whooping cough, chronic cough, damage to the skin, Wax ointment is prohibited.

The use of this medication can lead to allergies, bronchospasm, laryngospasm, skin irritations.

Heating cough ointment for children

Warming ointments for coughs for children can be used only if the child does not have a fever. As a rule, such products contain turpentine and some essential oils. They are applied to the neck, chest and back (between the shoulder blades), without touching the heart area. After that, wrap the child in a warm blanket, put him to bed. To enhance the effect of warming ointment, you can give the patient a warm drink or raspberry tea. After the procedure, you can not wash off the ointment from the baby's body right away.

The rubbing of warming ointments can not be used to treat children younger than 2 years old. The most popular remedies are: ointment Dr. Mom, Vital Baby, Pulmex baby.

Cough ointment for children from year

Choosing the ointment for cough for children from the year, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should not have camphor oil. This substance can have a negative impact on the work of the baby's heart. Rubbing can begin from 6 months.

It is very important not to rub the ointment in the heart area. The procedure is usually in the evening. After grinding, heat the baby and let him sleep. At high temperature, ointments from coughing can not be used. Before use, consult a pediatric neonatal.

The most safe means for children from the year is Pulmex Baby's ointment.


Consider the ointment for coughs for children on the example of the drug "Vicks".

This ointment is considered a combined drug, which is used to treat the main symptoms of cough. This product contains the following active ingredients: turpentine purified oil, camphor, eucalyptus oil. Once these substances enter the respiratory tract, they cause hyperemia and secretion.

Eucalyptus oil has an expectorant effect and an antispasmodic effect. Terpentin oil has antiseptic properties.

The medicine is not absorbed.


  1. Early childhood.
  2. Intolerance of the components of the drug.
  3. Bronchospasm.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Whooping cough.
  6. Bronchial asthma.
  7. Chronic cough.

Side effects of ointments for children cough

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Irritations on the skin.
  3. Bronchospasm.
  4. Edema.
  5. Laryngospasm.

Storage conditions

Keep the ointment from a cough in a place that is completely protected from children. The air temperature should not exceed +25 degrees.

Shelf life

Shelf life, as a rule, is 4 years. More information can be found in the product manual.

Pharmacological group

Means used for cough and colds

pharmachologic effect

Antitussive (inhibitory cough reflex) drugs

ATC code

R05 Drugs used for cough and colds

ICD-10 code

R05 Cough

Turpentine ointment for coughs for children

turpentine ointment for coughs for childrenCoughing is a symptom that accompanies a huge number of diseases in children and adults. It is desirable to get rid of this debilitating symptom as soon as possible, as it delivers many uncomfortable sensations, especially at night. Kids often wake up because of a beginning attack of a cough and can not sleep for a long time, as a result of which their sleep is disturbed, and the process of recovery slows down.

The treatment of cough in children almost always includes rubbing with special warming agents. In particular, for a long time to relieve the symptoms of colds boys and girls apply turpentine ointment. In this article, we will tell you whether this drug is effective for getting rid of cough, and how to use it correctly.

Does turpentine ointment help when coughing?

The main component of this drug is turpentine - a natural substance that has antiseptic, warming and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to the ingredients that make up it, it effectively helps to cope with colds, quickly removes inflammation and relieves cough.

In addition, the use of turpentine cough syrup for children with the appearance of the first signs of the disease usually helps to cope with the ailment at the very beginning and prevent its further development. This remedy also perfectly heats the bronchi, but, unfortunately, it can not be used in all situations.

According to the instructions, turpentine ointment from cough can not be used to rub children who are prone to allergic reactions, as well as suffering from kidney or liver failure. In all other cases, you should consult a doctor beforehand, because the drug is serious enough and can bring not only good, but also harm.

The use of turpentine ointment when coughing for infants younger than 2 years is also contraindicated. According to some clinical studies, the use of this drug in children can cause lowering of blood pressure, as well as provoke choking and even convulsions.

How to apply turpentine ointment from cough to children?

In the absence of contraindications to use turpentine ointment when coughing in children should be exactly the same as in adults. When using this product, use the following rules and guidelines:

  1. Ointment should be applied a thin layer on the back, chest and feet of the baby, without affecting the nipples and the place where the heart is located.
  2. Immediately after rubbing on the baby, you must put on warm cotton pajamas and woolen socks and put him to bed.
  3. Ointment can be used only when the body temperature of the baby is normal. Even with the slightest excess of the allowable value from the use of the drug should be discarded. Do not apply turpentine ointment on the damaged skin.
  4. Regardless of the results achieved, the remedy does not followturpentine ointment for coughinguse longer than a week.
  5. If the child is too sensitive skin, before applying, you need to mix turpentine ointment with an ordinary baby cream in the same proportions.
  6. In case of severe cough, the ointment can also be mixed in equal proportions with badger fat or honey, however, it should be done only after consulting a doctor.
  7. Finally, during treatment, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the skin of the child and the child's organism as a whole. If any negative changes occur, it is correct to immediately wash the product off the skin and consult a doctor.

Turpentine Ointment: instructions for use

Turpentine ointment belongs to the group of plant anti-inflammatory drugs used for the removal of symptoms of muscle and joint pain, as well as for problems with the respiratory system (coughing).

Description of turpentine ointment

Form of issue

Ointment turpentine instructionOintment is produced in glass jars and tubes. The volume of the drug in the package is 25 or 50 grams. One gram of the ointment contains turpentine turpentine, in an amount of 200 micrograms.

Mechanism of action

Turpentine ointment has an antiseptic, analgesic, irritant effect on the skin. The preparation is prepared on the basis of the turpentine oil (turpentine oil) that has been specially purified. Turpentine easily penetrates through the upper layers of the skin and reaches the end of the peripheral nerves. The substance of terpentine is found mainly in coniferous trees.

Getting into the skin, turpentine affects the production of biologically active substances: histamine, endorphins, enkephalins, etc. These substances provide relief of pain syndrome, dilate blood vessels and improve metabolism. By stimulating the skin nerves, a distracting effect is created. Use of the drug on the chest area, facilitates the withdrawal of sputum and eliminates bronchospasm.

Ointment turpentine instruction

Dosage and frequency of administration depends on the location of the affected organ. With muscle diseases and nerve damage, the drug is applied to the skin 2 times a day. Carefully rub. The treated surface is covered with a dry bandage.

Turpentine ointment indication for use

The drug has an effective effect with: myalgia, neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, joint pain, respiratory system diseases.

Turmeric ointment application

The drug is used only on intact skin. Do not apply the product on mucous membranes, it is necessary to avoid getting Turpentine ointment in the eyes.

Turpentine ointment for children

The drug has found application in children's practice. When first applying the ointment, it must be mixed with any baby cream (to prevent skin irritation). Also Turpentine ointment can process the scalp, in case of lice. At the next stage, the head is washed with shampoo.

It is also forbidden to use the drug in children younger than 2 years. At an early age, any grinding is contraindicated.

Turpentine ointment for coughing

Use of the drug on the chest area, facilitates the withdrawal of sputum and eliminates bronchospasm. Turpentine ointment is applied to the thorax and soles. It is forbidden to apply the drug to the cardiac region and areola nipples. After such rubbing it is necessary to be in a warm room. Even 2-3 such procedures can improve the state of the airways.


It is forbidden to apply ointment in case of skin lesions with damage to its integrity, kidney and liver failure. It is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Adverse Reactions

Allergic manifestations:burning, itching of the skin, redness, swelling, the appearance of rashes.

Cardiovascular manifestations:increased heart rate, lower blood pressure.

General reactions of the body:convulsions, suffocation, impaired consciousness.

Ointment turpentine instruction

Turpentine ointment price

The cost of the drug is from 15 to 20 rubles depending on the region of your residence.

Ointment turpentine reviews

Elena:a few years ago, my husband worked as a builder. After another working day, she grabbed her back so that he could not straighten up. We went to the hospital, had a radiography of the spine, an MRI. We were diagnosed with a hernia. The only way out was an operation. But we could not make up our minds. Found a recipe for using turpentine ointment. And really helped. Used several times a day. I think that at first it is better to try proven inexpensive drugs.

Igor:I learned from acquaintances about the properties of turpentine ointment. It can be used for colds and rheumatism. My wife and I used Turpentine Ointment to treat our baby when he was ill with a cold. Then he was three years old. Rubbing the chest and feet, at night, put on socks. She was not allergic to it. I think that this drug is good for relieving inflammation.

Galina:I want to tell all mothers how I treat my children for colds. I buy every time the usual 20% turpentine ointment. It is cheap and always in the pharmacy can be found. Most of all in this preparation I like the thermal effect. Ointment does not irritate the skin, does not bake. Warming perfectly helps in the treatment, as it reaches deep tissues. I apply the drug with mild massage movements, until completely absorbed. I dress the jacket of natural fabric and put the child to sleep. The smell of turpentine ointment is pleasant. Night cough does not bother us. Simultaneously, the ointment can be applied to the feet and calf muscles. You also need to wear warm socks. I try to give children natural products, soar their legs and make herbal inhalations. Of course, all this can be done after two years. After all, small children can not do trituration at all. I can recommend such an ointment to all mothers.

Alla:For a long time I had a debilitating cough, because of which I woke up in the middle of the night. No drugs, pills, syrups helped. In the morning I got up broken and tired. A friend advised me to try rubbing myself with Turpentine ointment, to put on warm clothes, to wrap myself in a rug and go to bed. Feeling of perspiration in my throat immediately passed, it became warm and for the first time I slept without awakening for the first time. After a lapse of 3 days, the symptoms of coughing went completely. I'm very glad that I tried this drug. It should be said that I did not have skin irritations or other allergic reactions. Only a little flushed skin on the chest and back. This is a godsend for me. And now, it has also been used for children. As soon as they begin to fall ill, I rub their back and feet, and by morning they are all well. Has found in the instruction, that the ointment can be put and at other diseases. For example, we rub the joints of the grandmother, sometimes the lower back. We are very glad that there is such an effective and natural preparation.

Cough ointment

Catarrhal diseases, accompanied by a runny nose and a cough - are common in our life. Then it hit the rain, then they stood in a draft, then they abused the air-conditioner, or they composted from the fridge after the third pack of ice cream - and here's the result, you need to take urgent measures against the sore in the unhappy body of the sore. In the early stages of the disease, while the harmful bacillus did not get much deeper, ointments for coughing are very good.

Cough ointmentThe main plus of such drugs is the absence of contraindications, side frightening effects, besides, the prescription and appointment of a doctor are not at all obligatory. So this way of fighting cough is very attractive for both adults and children of all ages. And for future mothers, such medications are harmless (although one should consult with doctors before applying - so to speak, to avoid).

The effect of ointments is based on the heating of the body parts, in which it is necessary to raise the temperature for more effective control of colds, in particular, cough.

Another advantage of ointments for coughing is ease of use. And in fact, there is nothing difficult in thoroughly rubbing the ointment throat, back and chest - ten minutes time, and everything is ready, it remains to put on a shirt made of natural cloth and climb under a warm blanket, sleep. In addition, unlike folk remedies in the form of all kinds of flat cakes and fats, ointment is applied easier, and developed so as not to spoil the clothes, and to sleep with it much more comfortable than with compresses and applications.

In addition, the ointment for coughing is effective in case of a cold, with stuffy nose and inability to breathe normally. Remember the wonderful balm "Asterisk" with cloves and menthol? That's exactly by its principle: we rub the bridge of the nose, the wings of the nose - and sleep. A "Star" also helps with a headache - it is enough to rub whiskey. However, it is better not to touch the inner surface of the nose with such ointments, if you value your mucous - you can easily get a burn.

A good ointment is produced by "Doctor Mom": it warms up perfectly, while softening the skin, which is important, if you do not want to get a burn. In addition, the shelf life of the ointment is very decent, so that it can be stored "in reserve".

In terms of efficiency, the "Barsuchok" balm is good, designed to remove dry skin after a cold, to prevent catarrhal sores, and to remove posttraumatic syndromes. The composition contains badger fat, red pepper, various alcohols and oils, acts as a balm as other ointments, warming up the application areas. Although the composition is recommended for use, starting from the age of three months, parents will not be precluded by caution, given the composition. And, of course, there is such a factor as individual intolerance, which also should not be forgotten.

If we talk about traditional medicine and do not pay attention to the time-consuming process and the clothes, which are slightly spoiled by the application, spread and simple enough to prepare are cakes made from cough, made from flour, honey and vegetable oil. Everything is mixed in equal proportions, the cake is formed from the resulting mass, is laid on gauze and fastened to the chest.

Also, folk healers recommend a honey pack, and if you do not feel sorry for honey, and you are not afraid that your white robe may be affected a la "Nine with half a week "- boldly put the honey mass on the cloth napkin, and then on the back to the patient, covering the top with parchment and a warm scarf. It is better to hold the procedure before going to bed, just a few sessions to get the effect.

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