We get rid of effective methods from kuperoza on the face

All women are sensitive to their appearance. Any unpleasant changes on the face skin cause anxiety, and sometimes even depression. One of the most common problems is couperose. This skin disease is quite easy to treat, so do not panic. This article will talk about what kind of disease it is and how to get rid of couperose on the face.

  • What is kuperoz skin and the main reasons for its appearance
  • Kuperoz: how to get rid of unpleasant "patterns" in the salon
  • Medication in the treatment of couperose
  • Effective preparations for external use
  • Secrets of Ascorutin: how to get rid of pathogenic "patterns" at home
  • Diet with couperose on face
  • Facial massage is an effective way to get rid of
  • Therapy with folk remedies
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What is kuperoz skin and the main reasons for its appearance

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Kuperoz is a skin disease that affects the vascular network. At the same time, the blood vessels expand and lose their elasticity. If you do not do therapy in time, then the skin appears red spots, in the form of asterisks or mesh. This process is called telangiectasia. As a rule, unpleasant rashes appear on the skin of the face. They affect the area of ​​the cheeks, chin, forehead and nose. In the risk zone fall, both men and women, with a very sensitive or thin light skin. However, it is the beautiful ladies who make efforts to get rid of the unpleasant "patterns" on the face more quickly.

The reasons for the formation and development of a capillary grid are many. The disease is affected by many factors, this is a genetic predisposition or the impact of external detrimental processes. The first causes are various diseases (Rundu-Osler's disease, Louis-Bar syndrome, the presence of a malignant tumor). All these ailments adversely affect the skin and provoke the development of unwanted "patterns" on the face. However, skin disease often develops due to environmental factors. Among the main reasons experts identify the following:

  • thin vascular walls;
  • a large number of blackheads;
  • dermatological problems (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma);
  • a sharp change in air temperature;
  • diseases of veins;
  • regular sunburn;
  • liver disease;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • tobacco smoking;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • psychological and emotional stress.

Obviously, there are a lot of reasons for the development of couperose. At the first manifestations of the disease it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. The specialist will assign a course of examinations that will help establish the root cause of the development of pathogenic "patterns". Based on the data obtained, the dermatologist will be able to select individual complex treatment that will effectively eliminate the ailment.

If skin rash is a congenital pathology, it does not respond to any treatment. To eliminate unpleasant skin rashes, a person will need to visit the cosmetologist's office on a regular basis. With the help of special procedures, you can quickly eliminate external manifestations of couperose.

Kuperoz: how to get rid of unpleasant "patterns" in the salon

Today, there are many effective methods that successfully remove red "stars" from the skin of the face. However, all salon procedures are quite expensive, that's why they are not affordable for everyone. However, with their help you can clean your face quickly and for a long time. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the cosmetologist selects the necessary procedure that will effectively bring the skin in order.

Modern medicine is rapidly evolving and creates effective methods that help to remove from the face ugly "mesh". As a rule, the doctor recommends such quick and painless procedures:

  • Laser treatment is a qualitative technique, as a spike of vessels is produced. At the end of the session, there are no scars left on the face, the skin becomes clean and smooth. Therapy will eliminate the asterisks on large areas of the skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to quit smoking and alcohol within 2-3 months, and also try to avoid psycho-emotional situations. If you do not follow these recommendations, then the disease can again hit the skin;
  • photorejuvenation. During this procedure, the skin, with the help of special equipment, has high-intensity pulses of light. They eliminate not only the appearance of the disease, but internal. That is why this method is the most effective;
  • mesotherapy. The procedure is that the drug is injected point-by-point under the skin. It effectively restores the skin from pathology and permanently retains a positive effect. During the piercing of the epidermis, the doctor works on active special points that additionally fight migraine and restore sleep;
  • ozone therapy is that the specialist introduces effective oxygen-ozone serum into the space between the capillaries. Under the influence of the medicine, the blood vessels are restored.

Cleaning the face is also done with a special peel. It contains a variety of acids, such as lactic, phytic, retinoic or glycolic. Peeling is performed on the affected areas. During the procedure, the chemical components burn the affected vessels and the upper layer of the epidermis. After the session, the processes of rapid cell renewal are activated. The procedure makes the skin elastic, and the vessels become elastic.

Medication in the treatment of couperose

Modern pharmacology produces many high-quality medicines from the vascular wall. They can be purchased at any pharmacy, and their cost depends on the manufacturer and additional components. As a rule, a dermatologist recommends always a complex therapy, which is able to quickly and for a long time restore the skin of the face.

Effective preparations for external use

Gel and cream from kuperoza on the face in the pharmacy is sold in a wide range. However, the most effective and affordable drugs are the following ointments and creams:

  • Troxevasin is a gel, it contains a routine. This substance qualitatively strengthens the vascular walls and normalizes the circulation of blood. Use the medication twice a day. The course of therapy is long enough and is chosen individually for each patient;
  • Dyrosaleal. The drug quickly removes the inflammatory process from the skin and reduces the appearance of unwanted vascular "pattern". The cream should be used for several months, however it is very effective, as it can relieve a person from an ailment forever;
  • Heparin ointment is a fairly effective drug. However, it is only necessary to use it under the strict supervision of a dermatologist. The medicine has many side effects, an overdose causes serious complications, so the ointment should be used, following all instructions.

Important!During the treatment of couperose, many doctors recommend using Darsonval or Troxerutin. These drugs quickly eliminate pathogenic rashes and qualitatively restore the skin.

All these drugs are of low cost, so they can afford any man. However, it is important not to self-medicate and consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will be able to select individual treatment and the correct dosage. A competent approach to treatment will allow you to get rid of couperose forever.

Secrets of Ascorutin: how to get rid of pathogenic "patterns" at home

Ascorutin is an effective pill against the vascular network. They contain components such as rutin and ascorbic acid. On the basis of a medicinal preparation various masks, tonic creams prepare. Below are described several quality recipes that allow you to quickly restore the skin.

  1. Tonic based on Ascorutin. For the preparation of a medicinal product, it is necessary to take such components in the following proportions:
  • 25 g of dry chamomile;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 2 tablets Ascorutin.

Camomile should be filled with water and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, the broth should be cooled and add the tablets. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred, until the tablets are completely dissolved. Use the medicine twice a day. Tonic should simply wipe the problem areas of the face.

  1. A cream in the composition, which is Akorutin. In order to prepare an effective drug, you need to take a moisturizer and Ascorutin tablets. They must be carefully grinded into powder and added to the cream. The contents are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face at least 2 times a day.

Ascorutin tablets are sold in any pharmacy and their cost is low. As a rule, medicines prepared on the basis of this drug help to quickly repair problem areas of the skin.

Diet with couperose on face

During the treatment of vascular "stars" should change the daily diet. Initially, it is important to abandon coffee, alcoholic beverages, salty foods and a variety of canned food. All these products have a detrimental effect on health and provoke the development of unwanted "patterns" on the face.

During therapy, it is important to take natural dietary supplements or vitamin complexes, which contain silicon, fatty acids, C, R, K, collagen, rutin, and Omega 3 and 6. Supplement the treatment followed by herbal extracts, such as echinacea, mimosa, chestnut, myrtle, arnica and blueberry. All these substances have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and the elasticity of the blood capillaries. The components contribute to the qualitative work of the vessels.

In the daily diet should be present foods rich in useful ingredients. A person should eat more of the following dishes:

  • porridge of buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • bean ingredients (peas, beans);
  • walnuts;
  • citrus fruits, they are recommended to be consumed together with the skin;
  • berries (black currants, blueberries);
  • vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage);
  • spinach;
  • rose hips and mountain ash.

In addition to the basic treatment, proper nutrition will quickly and efficiently repair the vessels in the problem areas of the skin.

Facial massage is an effective way to get rid of

Many specialists recommend massage when treating couperose. As a rule, the most effective is the Spanish modeling massage for the neck and face. During the session the expert qualitatively studies the muscular zone in the area of ​​undesirable "patterns". This procedure allows you to bring the vascular network into tone and gradually eliminate pathogenic formations.

Some cosmetologists and dermatologists advise their patients to undergo a course of plastic massage. Usually, during the procedure the specialist does not use creams or oils. However, the skin produces a strong and rhythmic effect, which tones the vessels and restores the skin elasticity.

Therapy with folk remedies

Many try to get rid of kuperoza "grandmother" methods. All these procedures are quite effective. However, before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor. He takes into account the type of skin and individual characteristics of the patient, so he can recommend high-quality folk recipes that will help restore problem areas.

  1. Mask based on potatoes. To prepare the mixture you need potatoes of medium size and chamomile. Potatoes should be peeled and grated finely. Apply mass to the face, for 15 minutes. A tablespoon of chamomile needs to be poured into 250 ml of steep boiling water and insist. After washing off the beneficial substance, the face should be washed with decoction.
  2. Berry mask. To make a mask you need these ingredients:
  • potato starch;
  • apple, medium size;
  • berries, raspberry, strawberry or sea-buckthorn will suit.

It is necessary to combine all berries, one teaspoon each, or one species 4 hours. spoons. Then add 1 hour. a spoonful of starch and mix well. Apple should be peeled, grated, and added to the medicinal mixture. The mask is applied for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

  1. Compresses based on medicinal herbs. To prepare a healing broth, the chamomile, calendula, yarrow, or St. John's wort will work well. To prepare the medicine, 1 tbsp. Spoon a dry raw material to pour 250 ml of steep boiling water. Insist that the broth is at room temperature.

Kuperoz - this is not a sentence, timely and competent treatment will quickly restore damaged skin. If a person has such a problem, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help and follow the recommendations of specialists. In addition, important quality special cosmetics designed to eliminate unwanted "patterns" on the face. Be healthy!

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