We remove itching with allergies folk remedies

Manifestations of an allergic reaction to the skin of few people will rejoice, especially if it is accompanied by irritation, itching, redness and inflammation. An allergy can occur suddenly and from anything. For example, from an insect bite, use of household chemicals, reaction to medications or food.

  • Than to remove a strong itch at an allergy in house conditions
  • Which herb removes itching - chamomile
  • Sea salt
  • Decoction broth
  • Soda
  • Mustard
  • How to relieve the itching of an allergy in a child at home
  • Baths with oatmeal
  • Allergic itching from an insect bite
  • Allergic itching with hives
  • Allergic itch from the sun
  • Allergy and night itch
  • In conclusion…
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Therefore, at hand should be recipes that will help to remove the itching with allergies, folk remedies used to remove the allergic reaction. At home, as a first aid, it is recommended to use a variety of tinctures and herbal teas that will quickly and effectively remove irritation.

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Than to remove a strong itch at an allergy in house conditions

The use of herbs in severe allergic pruritus, known in folk medicine, has been practiced for many centuries. Some recipes have gone into oblivion, because of their inefficiency, and most remain popular until today and are quite successfully used at home if it suffers from skin itching or an allergic rash.

Important!It is not recommended to use the product if you have personal intolerance to its ingredients!

Which herb removes itching - chamomile

To relieve the inflammation and unpleasant itching, prepare a decoction of chamomile and apply to the baths, compresses, rinsing the place of allergic rash. Good for the face. Take a tablespoon of chemist's chamomile and brew in half a liter of boiling water. When nastoyatsya, after 30-40 minutes you can do compresses or lotions on the place where you feel irritation and itching.

Sea salt

Baths with sea salt also perfectly relieve the itch at home and help to cure allergies. 1 liter of water is enough for 1 tbsp. Spoons without a slide of salt and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Take a cotton swab, soak it with a solution and put on the place of irritation. After 15-20 minutes, you can change the fresh impregnated swab. Do this every 2-3 hours and gradually the inflammation and itching will disappear.

Decoction broth

Grass removing itching is a turn. It is famous for its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, so it is used to relieve itching in case of allergic reaction of the body to chemical products.

To prepare the broth you need 50 g of dry string, grind well and pour a liter of water. On a water bath, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Infused decoction is not less than 40 min., And then can be added to the rinse baths or make compresses. Use the broth twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for 4-5 days.


Sodium solution will help to quickly remove allergic itch on the hands. It is prepared quickly enough at home and is always at hand. To remove the itching soda, take her tablespoon and stir well in a glass of water at room temperature. Dampen the napkin in the solution and wipe the itch or place it on it.

Also a warm bath with soda from itching is effective.

In the same way, prepare the saline solution and combine it with the soda. The effectiveness of this only increases.


Among folk methods for the removal of itching often use dry mustard. Its effectiveness has been tested by many people at home. With an acute desire to scratch the place of allergic irritation, just attach a napkin with dry mustard and leave for a few minutes.

As a result of using these recipes after 2-3 days, the skin completely ceases to itch, the inflammation gradually comes down and the normal appearance is restored. Continue the procedure for a few more days until the full recovery.

How to relieve the itching of an allergy in a child at home

Often children's organism reacts sharply to the use of food products. For example, homemade milk can cause an allergy, which is accompanied by a rash, redness and a strong desire to scratch. Also dangerous for a child are normal foods that are taken in unlimited doses: honey, eggs, sweets, chocolate, tomatoes, citrus fruits, etc. Than to remove an allergy at the kid?

According to many parents, children do not perceive herbal compresses or lotions, but they take baths with pleasure. Children with itching have a sense to try a new method, how to relieve the itching in case of an allergy in a child at home, which has proved to be good efficacy. Here is a unique recipe.

Baths with oatmeal

Proportion is designed for bathing in 30-40 liters, if necessary, you can reduce or increase the amount. Buy oat flakes, preferably packed in a pack or bag, and pour 6-7 table spoons into a bowl. Pour them with steep boiling water, about 1.2-1.5 liters and put on a very slow fire. Some use a microwave oven, set for 7 minutes, to bring the porridge to the desired condition.

When the water disappears in the porridge, pour it into gauze and tie it with a knot. Thus, lower the porridge in a bath with warm water and start it there to soak and squeeze. As a result, you should get water with gluten, a white matte shade. Put the baby in a bath and rinse in water, especially places with allergic irritation. Many mothers say the result comes after the first reception of such a bath: the child sleeps peacefully, the itch passes, the skin does not itch, the inflammation is removed. It is necessary to conduct such a procedure on a daily basis, preferably before bedtime, until allergy manifestations disappear completely.

Important!Trays from oat flakes are recommended for pregnant women to relieve the itch in case of an allergic reaction.

Allergic itching from an insect bite

To remove the itching after a bite of a midge or another insect, it is enough to rub the place of irritation with acetic solution. To do this, mix the vinegar with water in a proportion of 1: 1 and soak a circle of cotton swab. Apply it to the irritation site for 5-10 minutes, then wipe well and allow to dry naturally. Repeat the procedure as itching occurs.

It is also good to remove the itch potato gruel. Peel the raw peeled vegetable on a coarse grater, wrap it in gauze and apply irritation to the place. After 10-15 minutes, the compress can be removed.

Allergic itching with hives

To relieve itching with hives at home, you can effectively use decoctions of marigold, nettle or oak bark. Prepared uncomplicated: 1 tbsp. l. herbs are poured a glass of boiling water and insist 30-40 minutes, then make lotions or compresses.

For a quick and effective way to get rid of itching, use apple cider vinegar, diluted with water (1: 1) or lemon juice with water in the same ratio.

Important!Compresses with vinegar and lemon can not be kept in the place of irritation for more than 20 minutes, because you can get a burn.

Allergic itch from the sun

A long time of a person's stay in the sun, this applies to adults and children, can lead to sunburn and allergic itching. Some people try to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible, because they may have an allergy to them. Therefore, it makes sense to know how to remove the itching from allergies in the sun.

Help in this folk medicine advice:

  • Use aloe juice, because it contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids that relieve irritation and itching;
  • cabbage leaves, attach to the area of ​​the body that itches, and hold for several minutes;
  • Cucumber peel and peel on grater, should be a gruel, which is applied to the affected areas.

Allergy and night itch

At night, allergic pruritus can manifest itself particularly brightly and prevent sleeping. Especially from this suffer children who can not long tolerate irritation and cry. Traditional medicine suggests how to remove the itch for allergies in a child at night and suggests making baths with decoctions of herbs before bed.

The most common recipe is a mixture of herbs, pansies and marshmallow goddess. Take 2 tbsp. l. herbs, pour a half liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. To add in a bath and bathe the child before a dream.

In conclusion…

It is important to remember that as a result of itching and irritation with an allergic rash, a large number of viruses and microbes can enter the skin. Therefore it is very important in the early stages to stop the itching.

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