Stop drinking: how to help a person

How to help stop drinking? The phrase: "Can not - help, do not want - will force" - not very well in meaning, although the truth is probably in this. It is necessary to try, that the person himself came to a decision on transition to a sober way of life. The drinker, he never really lives, but for drinking - he is being pushed for any reasons. Each of us is individual, and there must be an approach to a drinking person.

Subconsciously, a very big role in the life of any person has an emotional connection with his father. The paternal part is in every person and its share must be sufficient to influence the harmonious creation of one's own life. If there is not enough energy, there is a craving for drinking.

Help stop drinking

Man has a certain consciousness of his integrity. Seeking for self-improvement, a person goes from knowing the pieces and parts of his personality to building an integral self. And alcohol only imitates the illusion of its integrity and the person drinking, in a sober state feels very depressed, vulnerable and helpless.

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The one who constantly drinks, finds reasons for this - is not responsible for either his life or those who have the misfortune to be with him. A non-harmonic drinking person does not like responsibility, avoids it, tries to shift responsible decisions to the shoulders of others. You can not rely on him for anything.

Very strongly affects a person's life a sense of guilt, a desire to receive pity from others to his person. You will not believe! But a person can ruin himself and consciously does it in one way or another, because he is very sorry for himself!

It happens that the cause of alcoholism is the feeling of guilt, for the experience of an act that prevents a person from living, sleeping, eating.

What can be done and how to persuade a person to stop drinking?

Begin by stopping the criticism of the drinker and his pursuit. If we do not understand the reason why a person drinks, it does not mean that alcoholism has no reason. As a rule, the drinker, too, can not explain the reason for his abnormal behavior.

Wives, help her husband stop drinking! Try to understand it. Of course, he's a beast and you can give a lot of arguments about this. Learn to feel the psychological atmosphere of another. To prick a tongue, in a word, an act can always be. After all, when you can not manage someone, it becomes insulting! So it is tempting to say in response to the stinging - but this is an elementary desire to take revenge, to hurt. And then what? I feel good when I could hurt! But this is not normal. And the drinking husband, you do not teach these methods not to drink! Only embitter and nothing more.

A lot of women do not know how to manage to convince her husband not to drink. We need to first show the person that this is a big problem, then - that he can deal with it himself. Do not dissemble, be sincere. Tell us about your feelings, but do not try to impose on their spouse.

Make the husband stop drinking by saying that he is good, the way he is. Increase his self-esteem and discover that the feeling of guilt is not the basic feeling that is worth living and cherishing. Persuade her husband to quit drinking to get. Have patience, the decision will come necessarily, maybe not right away. Persuasion materializes when it becomes the self-confidence of the one you are trying to convince. That is, after a while, the husband can tell you your words, but as if he himself came to this decision. Do not say: "I told you so!", Do not spoil the chance yourself. So to force to stop to drink close it is possible without any violence.

Let the drinker know the charm of a sober life, let him find joy in self-perception, family, work, children. It's always good when a drinking person values ​​something especially, then find the key to his decisions through this door( psychologically).

Drinking among young people is also an acute problem. How to make a guy stop drinking on time! Find an interesting and exciting occupation that will enthrall him and he will forget about drinking.

Unfortunately, there is no single recipe and advice how to quit drinking fast. Otherwise, alcoholism would not be a problem.

How to stop drinking women?

This question excites non-drinking men who can not do anything with how their wives drink. A woman is very difficult to overcome the desire for alcohol. Much depends on alcohol experience, character, desire. Although the husband and children can have a very positive effect on the drinking woman. If, of course, her mother's instinct is not suppressed.

It is harder to cure the habit of drinking the woman who does not have a family.

If a person stops drinking, then the consequences can be. First, we must endure the symptoms of withdrawal, need an understanding of loved ones, will help inpatient treatment in the clinic. Then it will be easier.

Some people ask themselves: how to quit drinking beer? The harm of beer is obvious, read articles about beer alcoholism, imagine yourself in the role of both drinking and non-drinking. Compare what is best. Try to switch to non-alcoholic beer brands. Remember that a large amount of fluid in the body is harmful in itself.

Popular methods to combat addiction

Fighting addiction is to find folk remedies for how to stop drinking. The people used 2 directions: 1) for those who do not consider themselves sick and do not want to be treated;2) when the drinker consciously agreed to treatment.

For the treatment of alcoholism for the first group of those who did not wish to be treated, the method of blending without the knowledge of the diseased hoof grass or puppeteer into food and drink was used. But this is not always good, because a patient can very much suffer and even die. It is better to consult a doctor-narcologist - is it possible to do exactly this drinking person just like that or not?

Folk treatment for the second group - consciously wishing to stop drinking, consists in applying herbal collections from alcoholism, where various herbs, including coding properties or removing cravings for alcohol. Also, herbs are used for general strengthening and general health effects on the body.

But, in any case, you need advice from a therapist and an expert in narcology. After all, we are all different.