Cough recipe onion with sugar cook

Onions with cough sugars

Onions with cough sugarsCough very often accompanies a variety of colds. Therefore, for its treatment often used a variety of pharmaceuticals and folk remedies. For example, both adults and children are well suited to onions with cough sugars, which have long been used in Russia.

Why does onion help cough?

Doctors advise to begin onion treatment at the very beginning of the disease, because it will prevent the development of serious complications. One of the advantages of this simple and extremely economical tool is that it is suitable even for getting rid of children's cough. Since sugar is necessarily added to the onion, the medicine is more pleasant to taste.

Onion is extremely rich in vitamins and various minerals. It contains a whole range of sugars - maltose, fructose and sucrose. And in it there are apple and citric acids, phytoncides, mineral salts of phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamin C, as well as vitamins of group B. Onions have a powerful anti-catarrhal effect on the body, thanks to their outstanding bactericidal properties. In addition, its juice promotes rapid liquefaction and the escape of accumulated sputum in the respiratory tract.

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Nevertheless, onions also have contraindications, which should not be forgotten.Therefore, before using this tool, it is recommended to consult a competent doctor. Do not advise to use onions as a cough medicine for diseases of the heart, liver, stomach and kidneys. The organism can damage and abuse this simple remedy, since overdose can cause lethargy and increased gas formation.


Prepare a very simple, but effective medicine can be used, using an old recipe. To do this, you need to cut the onion, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, mix it and leave it for all night. The received remedy should be taken in very small portions throughout the day. And you can drink and healing juice, which is sure to stand out in the morning.

Cough can be treated with onion syrup, which is extremely easy to prepare. It is necessary to cut a fairly large onion very finely and add the resulting mashed potatoes to a jar. On top, one needs to fill in onion with sugar (one tablespoon is enough) or pour liquid honey, if the patient does not have allergies on it. The container with the mixture should be placed for half an hour in a dark place, so that it is infused. During this time, a sweet syrup will be extracted from the mixture, which must be poured into a spoon and drunk several times a day.

A cough will also help you cough and a healing broth, for the preparation of which you need only one onion, 200 grams of sugar, and a couple of spoons of honey. The onion head must be finely chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. This porridge should be poured with boiling water, and then cook for three hours on a small fire. After that, the healing broth should be cooled and filtered, and then taken six times a day on a tablespoon, each time it is slightly warmed up.

Onion from cough

A mixture of milk and onion is known a long time agoCough onions are used both raw and cooked. Many may wonder how the onion can cough, because there are no antitussive ingredients. In the bow, maybe not, but in combination with certain products, you get quite tasty and useful medicines.

So, for the first effective recipe will need 500 g of onions, 400 g of sugar, 50 g of honey. The onion must be cleaned and finely chopped to a gruel-like condition. Transfer it to an enamel container, sprinkle with sugar, mix, sprinkle with sugar, add 1 liter of water and boil over a small fire for 3 hours. To the cooled mixture add honey, mix well, pour into a glass container (bottle or jar) and store in a dark cool place. Take after each meal, but at least 4 times, 1 tablespoon.

If it's a pity to spend so much sugar, you can make a mini version. For this evening, one large onion finely cut to a mushy state and pour sugar several times, but not more than 2 tablespoons. Until morning put the mixture in a dark place. Throughout the day, regardless of meals, you need to eat the resulting onion gruel and drink the remaining juice for the night. In the evening, again prepare the mixture for taking over the next day. The duration of treatment is at least 3 days, but not more than 14 days. If the cough does not go away, it's worth talking to the doctor.

A mixture of milk and onions is known a long time ago. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, this remedy was already very popular due to its positive effect even on the cough caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's sticks). Of course, it will not cure completely of tuberculosis, but it will perfectly relieve the irritation of the throat, and coughing attacks will noticeably decrease. To make this mixture, it is necessary to finely chop 2 medium bulbs, add a glass of milk to them, boil for an hour, and then insist in a dark place for 4 hours. The resulting cooled solution to strain and take every three hours for 1 tablespoon.

With a prolonged dry cough, this recipe will help: 10 medium-sized onions to clean, cut into small cubes as a roast, add finely chopped garlic head of small size. Pour the mixture with a glass of milk and cook until soft. Slightly cool and add 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of mint juice, all carefully moved to homogeneity. Take the medicine every hour throughout the day for 1 tablespoon.

If coughing attacks do not allow you to fall asleep and are disturbed mainly at night, you can try to prepare the following Tritur: one large Crimean bulb (onion purple), clean, rinse with water, grate on a large grater. The resulting gruel mix with goose fat in equal proportions. This mixture is necessary in the chest area, trying not to touch the neck. Tie up the breast with a warm wide scarf or shawl made of natural wool. Do not remove as long as possible, but rather until the morning. With a strong cough, 1 tablespoon of the mixture is taken on an empty stomach in the morning.

Onion syrup for cough

Onions have a number of healing properties

Onion is not only a useful vegetable, it has a variety of medicinal properties and is often used in folk medicine. One of its main features is the presence of a large number of phytoncides - volatile substances that have a harmful effect on microbes, viruses and bacteria. The onion is very effective in the treatment of cough and other respiratory diseases.

Onion is a good cough medicine

Cough is the most common sign of a disease of the respiratory system. It occurs when inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and lung tissue. Cough can also be of an allergic origin, arise during excitement, emotional stress, when inhaled dust, tobacco smoke, corrosive gases, etc.

The common cause of coughing is an infection of the upper respiratory tract. For example, a cold, flu or bronchitis. Most often, cough occurs in the cold season. Pharmacies sell medicines (syrups, pills, ointments) that help cope with this ailment. Traditional medicine also has a large arsenal of very effective recipes for coughing. Many of them are based on the healing properties of the common onions.

All kinds of syrups, prepared from onions, sugar and honey, help cough very well. For example, with bronchitis it is recommended to remove the core from the bulb and pour in the sugar and leave it overnight. The next day, take 2 teaspoons of onion syrup every 2 hours. In this recipe, sugar can be replaced with honey. From a cough it is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.

Another effective tool, suitable not only for adults, but also for children. First of all, it is necessary to clean the bulb and grind it. Then add 3 tablespoons of honey, stir well and pour onion-honey mixture half a glass of water. Then put on a quiet fire and cook for 5 minutes. After this, remove from heat and press for 2 hours. Then strain and take the prepared syrup from cough 4 times a day for 1 teaspoonful.

Recipe for baby cough syrup

As an expectorant help all kinds of drugs from licorice. The root of this plant is very popular in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. In the pharmacy, you can buy breastfeeds, powders and extracts, which include the root of licorice. On their basis, you can prepare broths and syrups. A decoction, prepared from onions and milk, helps cough. It is necessary to pour 2 peeled bulbs ½ liter of milk and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and drink the resulting broth warm 3-4 times a day on a tablespoon.

And our folk medicine has long recommended onion syrup as an effective cough remedy for children and adults. To make it, you need to mix half a kilogram of peeled and chopped onions with 50 grams of honey and 3 glasses of sugar. All ingredients carefully stir, add 1 liter of cold water, put on a weak fire, cover the pan tightly and cover the syrup for 3 hours. Then cool, pour strained syrup into sterile bottles and cork. Keep it in the refrigerator. Adults are recommended to take 5 times a day for 2 tablespoons. A syrup is also given to the child 5 times a day, but 1 teaspoonful.

Honey with cough onions: recipe for children

Catarrhal diseases in winter and autumn are common. Therefore, at hand, you always need to have a few simple recipes that can help cope with the disease. The assortment of tablets, hot teas, syrups is just phenomenal today. However, folk methods still remain relevant. After all, their effectiveness has been tested for centuries. They do not contain chemical ingredients. This is often the main criterion of choice. An effective remedy is honey with a cough onion. The recipe is incredibly simple and very effective.

honey with onion from cough recipe

Therapeutic force

Our grandmothers used honey with a cough bow for children. Such a remedy can cure even a violent cough.

Honey is a wonderful anti-inflammatory, excellent bactericidal agent. Onion is a natural antiseptic, instantly destroying pathogenic bacteria. It is obvious that the combination of ingredients creates a wonderful medicinal product, quite effective and, more importantly, natural.

Onions are truly a unique means of prevention. During the cold epidemics it is recommended that you even eat his lobule to protect your body from pathogens.

Honey gives the drug a sweetish taste. The main thing is to choose a natural product. On the shelves, you can often find honey, which includes synthetic drugs. Therefore, buying this product, give preference to buying beekeeping.

Recipe 1

How to make honey with cough onions? The recipe for the simplest means is the following. Peel several bulbs. Grind them using a grater (blender). Press the juice. It will take 5-6 tbsp. spoons.

For this remedy, it is better to use buckwheat honey. If there is none, use any other.

honey with cough for children

Onion juice is mixed with honey in the ratio:.

This tool is taken for one art. spoon 3-4 times a day. Do not swallow it immediately. The prepared preparation should slowly dissolve in the mouth.

After eating honey with onions, it is recommended not to drink or eat for half an hour.

Recipe 2

Sometimes it is difficult to force a baby to use honey with a cough onion. The recipe for children can use the following.

In this case, a decoction will be prepared. It will take a kg of regular onions. It should be cleaned and then cut. Fold the resulting slices into a container. There pour in milk - 1 liter. This mixture should be cooked on low heat until the onion is softened.

To the resulting solution, honey should be added in the amount of 100 g. Stir the mixture carefully.

This drug is taken every hour for 1 tbsp. spoon. The resulting drug has a wonderful healing power. Even the most severe cough throughout the day is significantly reduced. The remedy is able to eliminate the pain in the throat.

It is recommended to continue treatment with this solution until it ends.

Recipe 3

Clear, kg onions and cut into rings. Dip into a saucepan and pour boiling water. Water should completely cover the bow rings. Allow the product to stand for about 1 hour. After this time, infuse the infusion.

honey with onions from cough отзывы

In the solution, enter honey - 3-4 hours. spoons. Stir the ingredients carefully. You got an effective remedy - honey with onions for cough (for children).

How to take such a decoction? Use it at least 5 times a day for 2-3 tbsp. spoons after eating.

Treatment with such a drug lasts about two to three days. Cooked broth enough to cure even the most annoying cough.

If you want, you can add aloe juice - 1 st. spoon. The effectiveness of the drug from the additional ingredient will increase significantly.

Recipe 4

The folk remedies, which include honey with onion, cough, are quite diverse. The recipe for an excellent medicine, which is used for a strong cough, is based on the decoction of the husks.

It will take 10 bulbs. Clean them. The resulting husks fill with boiling water (1 liter). This mixture half respect. Separate the liquid from the husk.

Add 100 g of honey to the solution. Ingredients mix well.

It is important to remember the following. Honey is added only to a completely cooled decoction (room temperature is recommended). Otherwise, the medicinal properties of the product are lost.

The product should be taken three times a day for 150 ml. The manufactured infusion should suffice for 1 day of treatment.

honey with cough onion during pregnancy

Recipe 5

With various colds, angina, bronchitis, flu, one of the best traditional medicine is a combination of honey, onion juice and sugar.

This tool is manufactured as follows. A poundilogram of onion is crushed. To the resulting gruel add sugar kg. Then honey is added to the mixture - 50 g. All should be filled with 1 liter of cold water. The container should be tightly closed with a lid and boil over a small fire for about 3 hours.

The resulting product is poured into a separate jar, and add the onion to another. A child should be given 1 tablespoon daily. a spoonful of onion and syrup. The use of the drug is repeated 4 times a day.

This drug works wonders. It effectively eliminates an unpleasant, annoying cough.

Treatment of pregnant women

The use of the folk remedies described above is quite safe. To use honey with onion from cough during pregnancy is not contraindicated. However, its use, like any folk remedy, is recommended to be agreed with the doctor.


Nobody will argue with how effective honey is with onions from coughing. The recipe has been tested for many generations.

honey with cough onion recipe for children

However, there is a list of pathologies in which the agent can harm the body. Treatment with onions and honey is not done if a person has one of the following problems:

  • liver disease;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • an allergy to one of the components.

Do not apply a remedy for treating children under one year.

For everyone else, honey and onions are very effective. At the very first signs of a beginning cold and cough, it is recommended that you immediately start using the remedy.

Consumer opinion

Many people have been using honey for a long time with a cough onion. The reviews are unanimously positive. Many parents consider this remedy to be the most effective cough medicine.

They note that one or two days are enough, and the strongest and dryest cough becomes wet. If you use medication, then this stage of treatment requires the replacement of the drug for another. In the case of using this effective tool, it relieves both dry and wet cough.

honey with cough onion for children how to take

There are a lot of options for preparing the drug. This is another plus of medicinal medicine. After all, each consumer can choose a more suitable way of making, and sometimes add some ingredients.


Even those people who control health and periodically take vitamins are not immune from colds after long walks in the frost or thaw. As a result: a sore throat, a stuffy nose, a pain in the head and an unchanging companion - a cough. You can go to the pharmacy, because a modern wide range of different products allows you to choose a medicine for every taste. And you can prepare a healing remedy, which our grandmothers used - from honey and onions.

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