Blue iodine: preparation, application, reviews and treatment

Currently, traditional medicine is beginning to pay more attention to the application of " blue iodine ", attributing to it healing properties. In this article we will present you the recipe for the preparation of blue iodine at home, the way and doses of its use according to the instructions, the reviews of patients and doctors, and consider treating various disorders, diseases and disorders, including serious illnesses.

There are several names of medicines united by one concept of "iodine therapy" - iodinol, amyloyodine, lugol, iodine-active. And yet, what is "blue iodine", what and how does it help?

"Blue iodine" is iodized starch. The researcher of this drug Mohnach O. V. called it amyloyodine .


Recipe for preparation

  • Instruction: How to use and dose
  • Prescription for use
  • Benefit or harm
    • Physician's reviews
    • Patient feedback
  • Contraindications
  • Iodinol: use and treatment of the drug
    • Iodinol: home preparation recipe
  • instagram viewer
  • What can I buy at the pharmacy?
  • Iodine therapy: what is it?
    • The main functions of iodine in the body
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    • Blue iodine: cooking at home - recipe
  • Recipe for cooking

    Enthusiasts of treating folk remedies will immediately tell you how to prepare blue iodine at home.

    So, to make and get the "blue iodine", you need to take 50 milliliters of warm water to dilute 10 grams of potato starch( this is about one teaspoon recruited with top), add as much sugar and a few crystals of citric acid( about 0,4 g).

    Separately, you need to boil 150 milliliters of water and pour in them the resulting starch solution with lemonade. After, we cool the mixture to the temperature of the human body and pour into it one teaspoon of 5% alcohol solution of ordinary iodine. The solution immediately turns blue. This is the "blue iodine".

    The preparation obtained is stable in the external environment and can be stored in a closed vessel at room temperature for up to one year without losing its medicinal properties.

    Instruction: How to use and dose

    How to take: blue iodine is taken for a variety of diseases 2 times a week, one teaspoon once a day. The daily dose of the drug is increased to two teaspoons with the weight of the patient over 80 kg.

    Be moderate in the use of medicinal medicine. From the increase in the dose of the disease, believe me, it will not go away faster.

    Important note from the author of this site: do not use "horse" doses of the drug in 1500 ml, or even 100 ml. It can be "fooled" as they write in medical books and Internet pages. During the war, I understand that there was nothing to be treated, in addition stress factors made their tonic effect. And now who will treat, for example, dysentery and other at home?

    Below are the recipes for the use of blue iodine for treatment at home, as they are, as set out in the book of GNNyegov "Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopaedia "and Nina Bashkirtseva" Blue iodine - ailment will go away "(link to this book - enter in the address bar of the browser: http: // siniy_iod.shtml).

    Remember that: treatment with blue iodine should be consistent with the attending physician, and even more so when treating the child, since it is possible to get harm due to the negative interaction of iodine with other medicines! !!

    Recipes for the use of

    Currently, in medicine, both national and official, "blue iodine" is used to treat the following diseases:

    Dysentery ( including bacterial), enteritis, colitis( including ulcerative, which is almost untreatedmeans of official medicine), enterocolitis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis of any etiology. The daily dose - 1500 ml of "blue iodine" - divide into 5 receptions.

    When treating with "blue iodine" diseases of the gastrointestinal tract the patient should observe a strict sparing diet, chew food well, exclude from the diet all irritants( spicy seasonings, coffee, nicotine, alcohol, etc.).

    Conjunctivitis , keratitis and other eye diseases of an inflammatory and allergic nature.

    1 teaspoon "blue iodine" dilute in distilled( or boiled warm water) in a ratio of 1:10.Bury in each eye 3-4 drops 3 times a day. Composition change every 3 days. Keep in the fridge.

    Stomata ( aphthous, medicamentous, ulcerative), gingivitis, thrush and other inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, gums and tongue. Young children are given irrigation of the mouth with "blue iodine", older children - applications. Usually, when treatment with "blue iodine" of these diseases, recovery occurs on the 5th-6th day of the disease( in mild cases - on the 2-3rd day).

    Candidiasis .Take iodized starch 50 ml 3 times a day. In addition, do irrigation of the oral cavity 2-3 times a day with iodized starch( 30 ml each).Adults are recommended to rinse the mouth with "blue iodine" twice a day.

    Chemical burns .When poisoning with strong alkalis and acids, as well as acetic essence and ammonia, amyloyodine should be taken 1 glass 4-5 times a day( on the first day after poisoning, you can give 200 ml every hour).Children dose is reduced to 100 ml. Give 5-6 times a day.

    The course of treatment for chemical burns - depending on the severity - up to 30 days( with a gradual decrease in dosage at the end of treatment).

    In severe cases with strong bowel lesions, along with ingestion, "blue iodine" is used in the form of therapeutic enemas( 100 ml 2 times a day).In general, V.O.Mohnach at chemical poisoning recommends one of the following means( that is at hand):

    1. drink up to 1 liter of milk;
    2. to swallow 5-6 raw eggs;
    3. drink a glass of lean oil( to induce vomiting);
    4. immediately after the poisoning drink 20 ml of iodized starch.

    Benefit or harm

    Reviews of doctors

    The Russian scientist VO Mokhnach drew attention to the therapeutic properties of "blue iodine" for the first time. When he fell ill with bacterial dysentery in 1942, he had no other medicines, other than starch iodide. VO Mokhnach took iodine starch at 1500 ml per day. To the surprise of the most sick and surrounding doctors, Mohnach recovered rather quickly, although bacterial dysentery is not such a disease that easily recedes. After the cure, he took this medication and began treating patients with severe forms of dysentery, colitis and enterocolitis. The state of even the heaviest patients after receiving iodized starch( 1500 ml per day) was significantly improved already on the 5th-7th day of treatment, the temperature decreased by the end of the first day, and by the end of the second week the patients completely normalized their stool and fully recovered.

    For eight years, from 1942 to 1950, VO Mokhnach cured over a thousand patients with iodide starch. Interestingly, the average length of stay in the hospital bed was much lower than in patients receiving antibiotics and sulfonamide preparations. In 60-70% of patients, bowel cleansing from the bacterial flora occurred within the first week, in the remaining - by the 9-10th day.

    VO Mokhnach received a stronger effect in the treatment of dysentery patients when he applied the combined treatment with "blue iodine"( Amyloyodine) and Iodinol. In this case, the recovery came even faster, and even the most difficult forms of children's staphylococcal colitis, which are difficult to cure in general, were cured.

    Based on his personal experience, O. Mohnach came to the conclusion that iodide starch helps in all cases of gastrointestinal diseases, including duodenal ulcer, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis. It is recommended to use the drug from the very beginning of the disease, and the earlier treatment with "blue iodine" is started, the faster the positive result will be obtained.

    As proved by numerous experiments, the use of "blue iodine" in clinical dosages is absolutely safe for the body.

    Patient Reviews

    I quote a few patient testimonials about the use of blue iodine:

    Valentina Vasilievna, 41 years old, teacher. About the medicine "blue iodine" learned not so long ago. They advised her to treat a friend, she works as a doctor-therapist in a local clinic. I often have digestive problems. She started taking one teaspoonful of medication for two to three weeks. Now I feel much better, there is no bursting feeling of bloating and diarrhea. I can say that blue iodine is a rather effective medicine, perhaps even better than medicament preparations.

    Vasily, 54 years old, by profession - a cook. I treated with blue iodine inflammation of the eyes: they periodically festered, itched, itching, diagnosed "conjunctivitis."The ophthalmologist has registered expensive enough drops, but the friend advised to try to treat eyes with blue iodine. Kapal two drops of solution( induced one drop of ten drops of boiled cold water) in both eyes. After about 2-3 days it became easier. And about the end of the week the disease was released.

    Ivan, 36 years old, driver. Unregulated working day, there is no diet, and eating in a dry place led to chronic gastritis. Frequent pain in the pit of stomach, especially on an empty stomach. Began to be treated with blue iodine courses. It is pleasantly surprised, in just two weeks the condition has improved significantly. Main adhere to the scheme: the first five days of a glass of cool water with two teaspoons of blue iodine twice a day for half an hour before meals. Then a week and a half for one teaspoon 2 times a day.


    Treatment with blue iodine, as mentioned above, is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. It is not recommended to use it and as a dietary supplement to people with individual iodine intolerance.

    Do not combine blue iodine with medications, thyroid hormone - thyroxine. Do not mix the treatment solution with potassium permanganate, silver and gold water.

    Women are not recommended to use the drug with monthly bleeding.

    Do not treat blue iodine for a long time, the body will be oversaturated with this element.

    Blue iodine is absolutely contraindicated in thrombophlebitis and after removal of the thyroid gland.

    Iodinol: application and treatment of the drug

    Iodine, one of the old medicines, has recently been very difficult to find in pharmacies. But this medicine has always been considered a miracle in many diseases. After the appearance of antibiotics and sulfonamides, iodinol gradually fell into the background, although they were used with great success not only by our grandmothers, but also by official medicine. For example, treatment of various pharyngitis, tonsillitis and angina earlier could not be imagined without iodinol.

    Iodinol is a mixture of polyvinyl alcohol and iodine. Just like "blue iodine", it has a blue color, but not so harmless, because it contains polyvinyl alcohol. Therefore, the dosage of iodine is always 3-4 times lower than the dosage of iodized starch. This is a very stable drug, and at room temperature in a sealed glass dish it can be stored for 3 years and even more.

    The drug is not toxic and therefore, as V. Mohnach wrote, "can be applied in clinical practice locally, orally, intramuscularly, intravenously and intraarterially in doses up to 2-3 ml per 1 kg of patient weight per day."

    In official medicine, iodinol is used in the treatment of:

    1. chronic tonsillitis, angina, rhinitis( iodinol lavage, lacrimation of tonsils);
    2. purulent surgical diseases( wounds, ulcers, panaricians, furuncles, abscesses);
    3. chemical burns of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines;
    4. nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
    5. of dysentery of any etiology;
    6. acute and chronic pneumonia;
    7. conjunctivitis, keratitis and other inflammatory eye diseases;
    8. thermal eye burns( baths, instillation) and skin;
    9. of stomatitis, gingivitis;
    10. thrush and candidiasis;
    11. cracks in the nipples of pregnant women and their prevention;
    12. mastitis;
    13. inflammatory diseases of female genital organs, cervical erosion( iodinol is diluted 1: 1 with boiled water and used for douching);
    14. trichomonas colpitis( iodinol is used in a dilution of 1: 1 for douching and tampons);
    15. trichomoniasis of the urogenital tract in men and women( often leading to stagnant cystitis and chronic prostatitis, accelerates the development of prostatic adenoma.) Therefore, before treating chronic prostatitis, one must get rid of trichomoniasis, which is present in 70-80% of all practically healthy people).

    For the treatment of Trichomoniasis , women are rubbed with iodine in the vaginal mucosa, urethra, cervical canal. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. Then a vaginal bath is made from 15-20 ml of iodinol solution. The course of treatment - up to 10 procedures. Often( especially in men), the introduction of diluted iodinol into the bladder( using a syringe without a needle, 15-20 ml of iodine is administered every other day).Number of procedures - 5-7;

    Treatment of purulent wounds and of trophic ulcers .Ulcers of the leg with varicose veins and diabetes( irrigation, tampons, rinsing, bandages with iodinol).Before treatment, the surface of the ulcer is washed with hot water with a brush and soap, wiped with a sterile towel( a good result is washing the wound with lime water).The edges of the wound are coated with zinc ointment. A thick gauze napkin moistened with iodine is applied to the wound. Marl is covered on top with cotton wool, a napkin and fixed with a bandage. The dressing is done twice a day, and only the top layers of cotton wool and gauze are removed. Iodinol is poured on the lower layers of gauze lying on the wound;

    It is also used as a disinfectant for the treatment of the hands of surgeons and obstetrician-gynecologists.

    If there is no iodine in the pharmacy, then it can be prepared at home.

    Iodinol: homemade recipe

    In any enamel or glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter, pour 800 ml of water, add 9 g of polyvinyl alcohol and leave for 2-3 hours to swell the polymer. After this, for 30-60 minutes, heat the mixture over low heat to a temperature of 90-100 ° C until a colorless clear solution is obtained. Cool to room temperature and add to it 150 ml of an aqueous solution of 1 g of crystalline iodine and 3 g of potassium iodide. The solution is then dyed dark blue. Bring up to 1 liter of liquid and mix well. The solution is ready for use. Pour it into small glass containers and store at room temperature in a dark place.

    What can I buy at the pharmacy?

    Pharmacy preparations containing blue iodine:

    Iodinol ( we spoke about it just above).There is no starch in the preparation. The composition of the product includes polyvinyl alcohol. This is a more aggressive remedy than blue iodine. The doctors' comments about the drug are positive. It is prescribed for the treatment of such ailments as: tonsillitis, purulent burns, trophic ulcers, conjunctivitis. Used for disinfection in gynecological and surgical practice. The cost is about three hundred rubles.

    Lugol .In addition to blue iodine, the drug will contain alcohol, so it is not recommended for oral administration. It can provoke the appearance of burns and irritation. Used for rinsing the mouth with infectious inflammatory pathologies. The cost is 20 - 31 rubles.

    Amyloyodine .Composition - iodine, potassium iodide, starch. Has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic effect. It is prescribed for the therapy of wounds, burns, iodine deficiency. The price is 250 rubles

    Iodine-active .A variety of blue, is not a dietary supplement and does not have antiseptic effects. Promotes increased blood circulation in the brain, restoration of the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. The average price is 160 rubles.

    Iodine therapy: what is it?

    Iodine is one of the oldest and most commonly used medicines. It was discovered by the French chemist B. Coutua in 1812( Kutua received iodine by treating seaweeds with sulfuric acid), then studied by the famous French scientist G. Gay-Lussac and the English chemist G. Davy.

    With further study of this element, it was found that iodine in microdoses is contained everywhere. It is in plants, in the body of animals, in water, in soil and in the atmosphere.

    At one time the Russian academician Fersman called iodine "an element with fantastic properties".

    V.O.Mokhnach, a well-known Petersburg scientist and propagandist, and in many ways the founder of iodine therapy, gave this definition of iodine: "This element is a part of thyroxine, the hormone of the thyroid gland, which is vitally necessary as a regulator of body growth and a regulator of metabolic rate. It is difficult even to imagine what form the life of a vertebrate would have taken if this element was absent in nature. "

    The main functions of iodine in the body

    As is known, the main amount of iodine consumed by the body is concentrated in the thyroid gland. Thyroid secretes two hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Both these hormones contain iodine. Iodine enters the body with food and water. The thyroid gland absorbs from the food only iodides, which are oxidized in it to iodine.

    Thyroid hormones have a stimulating effect on gas exchange, primarily on oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide release.

    The thyroid gland has a certain effect on water exchange. The introduction of thyroid hormones increases the release of water, and when the thyroid hormones decrease in the body, this process decreases.

    The thyroid gland also affects protein metabolism. With insufficient intake of protein in the body, the hormones of the thyroid gland stimulate its synthesis, and with increased protein content, its decay is enhanced.

    Carbohydrate and fat metabolism also largely depend on thyroid hormones. So, with hypothyroidism, a slow absorption of hormones from the intestine is observed, with hyperthyroidism, on the contrary, the renal threshold of the release of sugar in the urine decreases.

    The normal function of the thyroid gland depends on such processes as growth, development and differentiation of tissues. Removal in animals of the thyroid gland at an early age leads to the cessation of growth. Dwarfs are people who have had underdevelopment of the thyroid gland since childhood.

    The lack of thyroid hormones leads to mental underdevelopment of the child. This is proved by many experiments on animals.

    And since iodine is one of the main components of the thyroid hormones, its role in the vital activity of the body is understandable.

    1. Iodine kills or weakens microorganisms that enter the bloodstream through injuries, wounds, scratches, bruises, gastrointestinal tract, airways( all the blood that is in our body passes through the thyroid gland in 17 minutes).Since the thyroid gland is the main store of iodine, the blood passing through it is disinfected. This conclusion was made by the remarkable American doctor Naturopath D. Jarvis.
    2. Iodine regulates all types of metabolism and replenishes the energy expenditure of the body. Scientists have long noticed that with a lack of iodine in the body there is a syndrome of chronic fatigue.
    3. Iodine through thyroid hormones regulates the physical and mental development of a person. With its lack, there are such diseases as cretinism and mental retardation( imbecility, debility).

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    1. Nina Bashkirtseva "Blue iodine - an affliction will go away."
    2. G.Nasgov Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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