Injuries to the head and face of a child: first aid

Head injuries and face in children will inevitably occur as soon as the child begins to move independently, bruises and head wounds are inevitable. In most cases, serious health effects are not observed. And how to help with bruises and wounds is described in detail on the page: "Traumas in children: bruises, falls, fractures, abrasions, dislocations."

Here we will consider what to do and how to help the child with head injuries and concussion, with trauma to the eyes, ear, nose, and how to quickly stop nosebleeds.


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Head injuries in a child

Usually mothers get scaredbleeding and rush to call an ambulance, even with minor damage to the skin. You should know that the scalp has a rich blood supply, which explains the abundant bleeding. But in this there is also a positive side - a large number of blood vessels contribute to the rapid healing of the wound.

When to call an ambulance

An ambulance should be called if:

  1. had even a brief loss of consciousness at the time of the fall;
  2. the child became sluggish, drowsy;
  3. there was a nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, doubling in the eyes, coordination of movements and gait disrupted,
  4. one pupil became wider than the other;
  5. has bleeding or a clear discharge from the ears.

These signs indicate brain concussion or even more severe types of head injury and require hospitalization in a specialized department.

Often, a severe craniocerebral trauma is accompanied by fractures of the bones of the arch and / or the base of the skull. When helping a child at the scene, do not try to find out if there is a skull fracture or not. By too active actions, you can harm the victim by displacing bone fragments or damaging the brain tissue. You are required to support the independent breathing of the child or to perform artificial mouth-to-mouth breathing and indirect heart massage.

The fracture of the base of the skull will be indicated by the bruising around the eyes( "glasses") and the leakage of blood and cerebrospinal fluid from the nose and ears. How to help such an injured person? Immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, provide him with maximum peace, apply cold to the head, and cover him with a warm blanket.

Face Injuries in Children: First Aid

We will not talk about bruises and wounds of soft tissues, everything is clear. First aid does not differ from that for bruises and wounds of any other part of the body. Unfortunately, the wounds on the face leave scars that can spoil not only the appearance, but also the internal state. However, the success of cosmetic surgery can eliminate defects or make them less visible. Timely appeal to specialists will return unearthly beauty, although it will devastate the purse. But money is a gainful business, and attraction for a girl is an important fact for high self-esteem and hopes for a happy future, so do not be stingy.

Injuries of the eye: bruises, injuries, foreign bodies, burns

Even a small shock is enough to make a bruise around the eye, because the surrounding tissues are very tender and easily vulnerable. Few people like to wear such an "ornament" on their face, so immediately after the injury try to limit the spread of the bruise to a minimal area and take measures to its rapid elimination.

Apply cold to the site of the injury and hold it for 15 minutes, and then apply a bleeding simultaneously to troxevasin and any ointment containing heparin( Lyoton, Geparoid Lechiva).Troxevasin will not allow swelling to spread wide, and heparin will not allow the blood to fold under the skin, that is, it eliminates the basis for the formation of a bruise. During the day, this procedure should be repeated 3-4 times, and the consequences of the injury will be almost invisible.

While struggling with a cosmetic defect, do not forget that the eye also got, and as a result of the impact, retinal detachment can occur. Therefore, the of the child should be advised by an optometrist, especially if the first signs of trouble have appeared: the flashing of flies or flashes before the eye, the appearance of a dark spot in the field of vision, and reduced visual acuity.

Foreign body of the eye. The quarreled children in the sandbox find out the relationship quickly and easily: they throw them in the sand, and then they all roar and run each to their mother with complaints about the offender and eyes in the eyes. Do not rush to calm and wipe away tears: they help to quickly and thoroughly wash out dirt from the eyes. If this natural reaction of the body has not helped, proceed to the next stage: pull the lower eyelid down and examine the entire eye. The child should look down. With the corner of a clean handkerchief or cotton swab, pick up the detected mote, and move it from the outer corner to the inner one from the eye. Children of school age are able to rinse the eye, dropping it in a saucer with water and blinking violently. After any of the procedures, it is advisable to drip the albucid in the affected eye 2-3 times a day to prevent conjunctivitis.

If glass shards of glass or metal sawdust, sharks with sharp edges, do not attempt to remove them yourself, in order to avoid additional injury to the cornea. Entrust your injured eye to the experienced hands of the ophthalmologist, who will do everything for the child to see the world again with clear eyes.

Eye contact is possible if is pricked into the eye. The first help is to wash the eyes with running water from the tap or using a rubber pear, a syringe without a needle, a cotton swab. The direction of the jet is from the temple to the nose.

If is dry in the eye, dry the ( powder), before cleaning, try to cleanse the eye as best as possible so that the concentration of the solution is minimal when interacting with water.

Take care of your eyes, and in case of any trouble, contact a specialist for assistance.

Ear injuries: bruises, injuries, foreign body

The contusion of the auricle will not cause harm to health, although it will cause unpleasant experiences: the ear will be swollen for a few days and violet-green-yellow. And the people around will poke fun at the poor fellow, comparing his ear with a lantern and offering to shine in a dark corner.

In case of a severe impact or falling to the ear from a height( for example, from a bunk bed during a dream), a traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane may occur, in which ear marks will appear from the ear, and the child will complain that it is worse to hear. The need to appeal to a JIOP doctor will not be doubted by anyone.

Foreign body of the ear. What are the only things children do not put in their own ears and in the ears of friends-buddies! Seeds, peas, nuts, beads, stones are the most common foreign bodies, extracted by doctors from the external auditory canals. Do not attempt to pull the foreign body from the ear yourself. It seems to you that it is near and it is no difficulty to extract it. But, without the necessary tool, you just push it deep, risking injuring the eardrum. Foreign body in the ear does not require emergency measures, much less call an ambulance, so that the medical team with all the honors will take you to the otolaryngologist. Gather and calmly walk to the doctor, who will extract a foreign object in a few seconds.

Sometimes creeps in the ears and representatives of fauna: bugs, bugs, cockroaches. A living being gives his child unpleasant feelings with his crawling and stirring. Try to entice him into the light, bringing a table lamp or a lantern to your ear. Sometimes this technique helps, and the insect creeps out on its own. This is where you grab it. If the cockroach mocks your efforts and does not want to crawl out, arrange for him to be executed with sunflower oil or any ear drops. Now he does not feel like laughing: for a couple of minutes he will die and stop annoying the child with his rustling. And then just calmly dress and go to the ENT doctor.

Nose injuries: bruises, fractures, nasal bleeding

Kids of the first years of life, unstable moving in space, often fall face down. But if the pens are free, then the child lands on them, and then "pecks" with a nose from a small height. Nasal bones in them are represented by an elastic cartilaginous tissue, therefore contusions of a nose at this age - business frequent enough, and here fractures of bones of a nose are more characteristic for schoolboys and teenagers. And the clarification of relations with the help of kulaks aimed at the enemy's nose, are common among the representatives of adolescence.

With a fracture of the bones of the nose, there is a sharp pain, a disruption of the nasal breathing, the nose swells, blossoms with all the colors of the rainbow and calls his master for an urgent examination to the JlOP doctor. First aid from adults is precisely in the delivery of the victim to a specialist. You can apply cold to the bridge of the nose, but carefully, so as not to dislodge the bone fragments. In the future, trust your nose specialist. With timely treatment and a good comparison of broken ossicles, healing takes place without consequences. But many of the injured for the rest of their lives remains the curvature of the nasal septum, leading to a violation of breathing.

Nasal bleeding is an indispensable companion of any nose trauma, a frequent symptom of colds, hypertension, overheating, overwork and other pathological conditions. There is, in the world, not a single person who at least once did not see nosebleeds or would not have experienced it on himself. Why is it that with such a simple phenomenon, the mother can not cope on her own, and if she tries, in most cases does it go wrong?

As a rule, in a healthy child, blood clotting occurs within a few minutes, and bleeding stops on its own. Unfortunately, the wrong actions of parents lead to the appearance of unpleasant consequences, causing them to panic.

Who said that with nosebleeds you need to tilt your head or put your child to bed? In no popular medical book you will find such advice. So why do most parents do this?

As a result, the blood from the nose, in full accordance with the laws of physics, flows not outward, but into the pharynx and esophagus enters the stomach, which after a while will be released from it by vomiting. Seeing vomit masses of blood clots, parents lose their head, suspecting the most incredible and severe diseases.

If vomiting does not occur, the blood from the stomach will enter the intestine, and the next day you will find blood in the stool and again feel unreasonable concern for the health of the child.

When a nosebleed, the child should sit, slightly leaning forward then the blood will not enter the stomach and into the respiratory tract. Pinch the nasal passage from which blood flows, finger for 5-7 minutes, apply cold on the bridge of the nose, and bleeding will stop without additional funds. If you have a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide at hand, moisten it with a cotton wick, insert it into the nasal passage and clamp it. A good effect is the introduction of a piece of hemostatic( hemostatic) sponge into the nasal passage.

If the cause of nasal bleeding is dryness of the nasal mucosa, wet it with saline( half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water) or grease with vegetable oil. Let the baby take within 7-10 days of ascorutin and calcium gluconate to strengthen the vascular wall.

In some children, nosebleeds from the same nostrils are repeated quite often. This is due to the presence on the nasal mucosa of the zone of a superficial capillary network called the Kisselbach zone. At the slightest traumatization of the mucosa from this site, bleeding begins. Address to the otolaryngologist, and on this zone there is a board in the form of cauterizing means. Frequent and non-stopping nasal bleeding will force a doctor to send a child to a blood test in order to rule out serious diseases of the hematopoietic system.

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