Rheumatism of the joints of the feet, hands: symptoms and treatment

Rheumatism is a disease of an infectious and allergic nature, in which the heart, central nervous system, joints and other organs are affected. Rheumatism occurs in children and adults. Remember that the treatment of rheumatism should be the earliest( in the first hours and days - up to 3 days from the onset of the disease, since at this stage the changes in the connective tissue of the heart and other organs - the phase of mucoid swelling - are still reversible), complex, adequate and strictly individual.

In the active phase of rheumatism the patient must be hospitalized, if this can not be done, he must comply with bed rest at home.

When rheumatism often suffer joints of the legs( rheumatism of the ankle, knee joints), arms( shoulder, elbow, wrist, as well as the joints of the fingers).

Today we will talk about the treatment of rheumatism with medical products, medicines, and how to treat rheumatism at home with folk remedies and ancient folk medicine recipes.


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Symptoms of rheumatism

Rheumatism is characterized by an abundance of symptoms and signs depending on which system of the human body is more affected by rheumatic fever. We will briefly review some forms of the disease. The main part of the article is devoted to articular rheumatism.

Symptoms of rheumatic fever occur one to three weeks after a severe acute streptococcal infection. Rheumatism is manifested in 5 syndromes: rheumatic carditis, rheumatic polyarthritis, rheumochorea, cutaneous rheumatism and rheumatoid rheumatism.


Rheumatic carditis( cardiac form) is an inflammatory lesion of the heart involving all its membranes( rheumopancarditis) and, above all, myocardium( rheumomycarditis).

Signs and manifestations of :

  • Symptoms of intoxication( weakness, fatigue, sweating, decreased appetite);
  • Stitching pains in the region of the heart of the pulling character;
  • Increased body temperature over 38 degrees;
  • Moderate hypotension;
  • Palpitation palpitations;
  • Changing the boundaries of the heart;
  • Attachment of signs of left ventricular and right ventricular heart failure;
  • Tone attenuation, most often muffling the first tone;
  • With a sharp lesion of the myocardium, the rhythm of the canter can be heard;
  • Diastolic murmur, characterized by swirling of blood from the atriums of the heart to ventricula, can be heard due to the operation of the valve affected by rheumoendocarditis with thrombotic masses superimposed on it;
  • In the early stages of the disease, rheumoendocarditis is evidenced by a gross systolic murmur, whose sonorities increase after physical exertion;sometimes it becomes musical.

Rheumatic polyarthritis

Rheumatic arthritis( articular form) is an inflammatory lesion of the joints.

Signs and manifestations of :

  1. Lesion of large joints( knee, elbow, ankle);
  2. There is a remitting fever( 38-39 degrees), accompanied by sweating, weakness, nosebleeds;
  3. Pain in joints: feet, ankles, knee, shoulder, elbow and hand;
  4. Symmetry of the lesion is characteristic for rheumatism;
  5. Fast positive therapeutic effect after the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  6. Benign flow of arthritis, joint deformity does not remain.


Revmochorei( St. Vita's Dance) is a painful process characterized by the manifestation of vasculitis of small cerebral vessels. Primarily occurs in children and more often in girls.

Signs and manifestations of :

  1. Activity and restlessness;
  2. Grimacing, violation of handwriting, inability to keep small items( spoon, fork), impaired coordination of movements. Symptoms disappear during sleep;
  3. Weakness in the muscles, as a result of which the patient can not sit, walk, swallowing, physiological departures;
  4. Change in the mental state of the patient: the appearance of aggression, selfishness, emotional instability, or, conversely, passivity, absent-mindedness, increased fatigue.

Skin Rheumatism

Signs and manifestations :

  1. Ring erythema - rashes in the form of pale pink ring-shaped rims, painless and not towering above the skin;
  2. Nodular erythema is a limited compaction of areas of dark red skin, from pea to plum, which are usually located on the lower limbs.
  3. Sometimes, with significant permeability of the capillaries, small skin hemorrhages appear;
  4. Rheumatic nodules - dense, inactive, painless formations located in the subcutaneous tissue, articular bags, fasciae, aponeuroses;
  5. Pale skin, sweating;

Rheumatoid arthritis

Signs and manifestations of :

  1. Chest pain during breathing, intensifying on inspiration;
  2. Temperature increase;
  3. Unproductive cough;
  4. Shortness of breath;
  5. With auscultation, there is a noise of friction of the pleura;
  6. No breath on the affected side.

The digestive organs of rheumatism are relatively infrequent. Sometimes there are sharp pains in the abdomen( abdominal syndrome) associated with rheumatic peritonitis, which are more frequent in children. In some cases, the liver is affected( rheumatic hepatitis).Quite often, they reveal changes in the kidneys: in the urine they find protein, erythrocytes, etc., which is explained by the damage to the vessels of the kidneys, and, more rarely, by the development of jade.

Treatment of rheumatism

The complex treatment should include: treatment and protection and movement, rational nutrition, medicament and physiotherapy, exercise therapy( exercise therapy).

With active rheumatism or signs of severe circulatory failure, bed rest should be observed. The motor regimen expands as the activity of the rheumatic process stops or the circulatory insufficiency decreases. Usually it takes about 2 weeks.

Diet for rheumatism

Food should be varied, rich in vitamins, proteins, phospholipids. Protein food( not less than 1 g per 1 kg of weight) has desensitizing properties, improves immunobiological protection of the body, improves myocardial contractility and liver function. Especially protein-rich foods should be consumed by patients receiving glucocorticoid hormones.

Vitamins increase the protective properties of the body. It is believed that phospholipids reduce susceptibility to rheumatism, in this regard, it is recommended to include 5-6 eggs per week in the diet.

Excess carbohydrate food contributes to the occurrence of allergic reactions, therefore in the diet of patients with acute rheumatism the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 300-400 g per day.

Importance is given to vegetables and fruits that contain large amounts of vitamins, as well as potassium and calcium.

Cooking salt and liquid are limited in case of circulatory disturbance. With cardiovascular failure, the calorie content of food should be reduced by protein and fat. Food should be well fortified, especially vitamins A, B, C. It should be taken often and in small portions. With severe circulatory failure, a short( 1-3 days) half-starved diet consisting of fruits, vegetables or milk( 4-5 glasses per day) is shown.

Vitamin C has a normalizing effect on the metabolism, anti-inflammatory, stimulating the production of glucocorticoid hormones. The lack of vitamin C also makes the connective tissue vulnerable to the action of streptococcal antigen. Therefore, with the active phase of rheumatism prescribe ascorbic acid to 1 g per day, as the activity decreases, the dose is reduced by half. B vitamins increase the efficiency of the heart muscle, improve the coronary circulation, contribute to a decrease in the heart rate.

Drugs and preparations for rheumatism

From medicines in the treatment of rheumatism are used:

  1. Means of etiopathogenetic, antiallergic therapy:

- Antibiotics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( salicylates), indomethacin, diclofenac preparations, Ibuprofen, Pyroxicam, Butadion, Reopyrin, Mefenamic acid, etc.).More effective and better tolerated are pyrazolone preparations - Analgin, Butadion, Pyrazolidine. They are given in a dose of 0.15 g 2-4 times a day.

- Glucocorticoids. The effect of hormonal treatment is especially great with prolonged rheumatic processes, which are weakly susceptible to the action of salicylic and pyrazolone preparations. Apply Cortisone( 30-50 mg per day), Prednisolone( 30-60 mg per day), Triamsinolone( 16 mg per day) and Dexamethasone( 30-55 mg per day).

- Drugs predominantly immunosuppressive action( preparations of the choline series, cytostatic immunosuppressants, antilymphocytic globulin).

  1. Means of general, antidystrophic therapy, which increases the body's defenses.
  2. Symptomatic means( treatment of circulatory insufficiency, violations of water-salt metabolism, etc.).

Treatment of rheumatism with folk remedies at home

External remedies for rheumatism

With the beginning of the rheumatic process, the bites of bees, which should be put on a sore spot, are helpful. If you apply this remedy 2-3 times, joint pain quickly passes( see treatment of arthritis).

Bricks of .Poultices from grass are used as an analgesic for gout and rheumatism. Pepper bitter .25 g of fruit pour 100 ml of vodka and insist in a warm place for 14 days. Strain. In the resulting tincture, add sunflower oil( 1 part of the tincture, two parts of the oil) and use to rub the affected joints as an anesthetic and a distraction.

In a liter bottle, pour of olive oil, add 20 pods of red bitter pepper , add 200 ml of purified kerosene and shake well. Close the cork tightly and put in a warm place for two weeks. Shake daily. The resulting composition is used for grinding. Stretch better at night. After rubbing, put on woolen stockings or socks and wrap up the sick joints well.

As an anesthetic for joint joint pain, a mixture consisting of 50 g menthol and 100 ml alcohol is rubbed into the joints. After this, it is necessary to put on stockings from dog hair or to wrap up the diseased joints with the skin of an animal( nutria, muskrat, hare, cat, etc.).

Birch buds insist on alcohol or vodka and rub into the area of ​​the affected joints.

Compresses from urine ( 3-4 times a day) relieve swelling of the joints and reduce their soreness.

In Transcaucasia, one more method of urine treatment of joint diseases is used. It consists in the following: take 2 kg Armenian cheese ( threads), mix with with the urine of a 4-year-old child and rub until creamy. Then the received weight put on a dense cloth and put on the sick joint. The procedure should be done daily for 15 days. On the 16th day, take a salt bath( 500 g of salt per bath) or a bath of sea water, heated to 36 degrees. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. After the bath, you should wrap the joints with woolen cloth and leave the bandage for the whole night. After a course of such treatment in the state of health of the patient usually comes a sharp improvement.

In an anthill( red large forest ants) put a bottle where pour a little honey and 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar .After filling the bottle with ants, close it tightly. At home add a bottle heated up to 70 ° C with sunflower oil , put in a dark place and insist for 12 days. Then strain the resulting composition and use it to grind the joints and then wrap it with a woolen or downy shawl.

Another way to treat rheumatism with ants( from the piggy bank of PM Kurennoy) "You should take an ant pile with all its contents: ants, their eggs, wood dust, etc. Cover rheumatic areas with gauze folded in half, and on gauzepour all the contents of the heap. This tool will prove effective even if the members( arms and legs) are paralyzed. Even better, if you sew bags in the shape of sick members( hands or feet).Pour the contents of the ant pile into these bags and tie the bag near the waist. Such bags should remain on the sore spot for two to three days. It is necessary to endure and stoically carry the bites of ants. After removing the bags with ants, the patient should be given one day of rest, and then continue the course of treatment until the disease disappears completely. "

Turnip , onion .Kashitsu from grated boiled turnips or from fresh onions apply to diseased joints with rheumatism.

Siberian peasants treated rheumatism in the following way: the patient went to the bath, steam well, then ointment from lard of and salt rubbed the sore spots and then was washed with hot water. This remedy has always been effective, but when applying it, you must beware of the common cold.

Another Siberian way of treating rheumatism is as follows: take a piece of soft tissue, soak it in the purified kerosene and attach to the affected joint. Top the fabric with a plastic wrap or wax paper and wrap it with a woolen shawl and a thick towel. The patient will feel a burning sensation, but the compress should be kept from 30 minutes to 2 hours - how much the patient will survive. After removing the compress, you need to lubricate the place of its application with petroleum jelly.

Traditional medicine of the Transcaucasus recommends that with arthritis in joints and their inflammation, wrap the joints with the fresh skin of with any animal( sheep, sheep).

The Noble Laurel. Interrupt fresh laurel leaves with butter in a ratio of 1: 4.Ointment should be used as rubbing with joint diseases.

laurel oil has a good effect in patients with joints. For its preparation, 30 g of crushed laurel leaves, add in 200 ml of olive or sunflower oil, bring to a boil and insist in a warm place for two weeks. Strain and use for rubbing.

Rose hips."In the vinegar, cook, put it at night, and with that vinegar, lubricate the diseased joints, the tumor will come down from it"( "The Therapist of Many Wise Men").

The mistletoe is white .1 teaspoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist the night in a warm place. Use as lotions and compresses for spondylosis, rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis.

Purification Purple ( cabbage cabbage ).Poultices from hare cabbage relieve the pain of the inflamed joint.

For rheumatism, the pain of lotion from mashed leaves mint is well removed. The same action is rendered by poultices from berry berries .

Ointment from fresh burdock roots ( 20 g of roots chop and rub with 50 g unsalted butter) rub the affected joints and go to the bath. In a bath, on a shelf, for half an hour, drink a small sip of a warm broth of burdock root( 200 ml).On the shelf, stay until the body stops sweating and is dry. After this, get off the shelf and again rub the diseased joints with ointment from the root of burdock. The procedure is preferably done at night. According to the patients, this method of treatment is very reliable.

Mix a glass of juice of burdock leaves , a glass of finely chopped chestnuts and pour 200 ml of vodka. Insist 10 days. Apply for grinding joints.

Stinging nettle .Siberian peasants often use brooms from the nettles burning in order to be bathed in a bath. The broom is first scalded with boiling water, and then the body and the aching joints are lashed. The juice of fresh nettle is rubbed with rheumatism into the diseased joints.

Thyme ordinary .Powder of thyme grass is mixed with unsalted butter in a ratio of 1: 5.Obtained ointment rub joints with acute rheumatism. Ointment quickly removes swelling and pain. So do the lotions from the broth of thyme ordinary.

Pour a glass of bees 1 liter of wheat vodka , infuse in the dark for 12 days. Lubricate the diseased joints with animal fat, apply a linen cloth moistened in tincture, wrap with dense material and a downy shawl.

Buttercup toxic .Narwhite grass buttercup with flowers. Crush, mash and put on a sick joint. Pribintuyte for 1,5-2 hours. After removing the bandage, rinse the place of application of the grass with clean warm water with a small amount of boric acid. Gently wipe dry. After this, put whole leaves of buttercup to the aching joint and again pribintuyte for two hours. After two hours, remove the bandage, rinse the place of application of buttercup with clean warm water and tie. In place of the application of the buttercup, redness and a bubble filled with a light liquid will appear. Bubble should be gently pierced with a sterile needle, release the liquid, treat with iodine tincture and bandage. In a few hours the pain will pass, and rheumatism will disappear completely. Do this procedure no more than once.

Lilac. Collect the lilac flowers in three-liter bottles and fill with pure turpentine. Insist in a warm and dark place for 14 days. Rub the obtained compound into the aching joints to redness 2 times a day, after which the joints should be wrapped with a woolen cloth. Rubbing works well with crooked hands or feet.

In rheumatism, healers are advised to squeeze the inflamed joints of with nettle , and after a day rub with kerosene .

Fresh leaves and flowering tops of donkey apply to sore spots like a compress or drink a decoction from the whole plant. Pelts from the infusion are used for compresses.

Treatment with earthworm .Collect the worms. Rinse, fold in a glass jar, tie it with paper and put it on the sun for a few days until the "wool" comes out of the worms. Rub it with sore spots, which causes not only soreness of the joints, but also removes the tumor.

Poultices from fresh aspen leaves help with articular rheumatism.

Two glasses of lilacs collected in the spring fill 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 10 days in a dark place. Rub the diseased joints. Tincture is also helpful in myositis, radiculitis, and polyarthritis.

Crushed cannabis seeds or decoction from the flowering of the hemp tops apply to diseased joints.

Powder from of horse chestnut chestnut mix with camphor oil and inner lard, spread a thin layer on a slice of black bread and apply to a sore spot. This also helps with radiculitis.

Usual table vinegar is used for rubbing swollen joints with rheumatism. The same effect is caused by grinding of the joints with sunflower oil .

Mix wheat bran, table salt, birch ash .Total take 1 kg. Stir the mixture in a large tank, cool to 40 ° C.Stir. Put the legs in the tank to the knees and hold them for 15 minutes. Procedure do before bedtime. Similarly, you can treat the joints of the hands. This method of treatment is helpful in the presence of a solid tumor in rheumatic joints.

Radish juice is included in the mixture used for rheumatism: radish juice - 0.5 cups, bee honey - 1 glass. And also vodka - 100 grams, salt - a tablespoon. Composition is used for compresses and grindings.

Often the healers at the same time as the baths treated their patients with poultices from the Haymaking Deep .The technique of treating the poultices is simple: boiled for 30 minutes, the haymeled hot rubbed on the affected joints for two hours as a compress. In severe cases, the compress can be left overnight.

Before applying the above tools, all the medicine men examined the patient's heart. With a sick heart, these techniques can be life-threatening.

Therefore, before self-treatment the patient must necessarily consult with the attending physician - is it acceptable for him such treatment. The doctor can also give advice on the temperature of the baths and the timing of their adoption.

A small amount of bodyparts is mixed to a gruel with a teaspoon of butter. Blend the mixture into a sore spot and tie the flannel. Do this procedure once. If after that you will feel pain, then a week later repeat the procedure. It is often impossible to scrub the bodyworm, as there is a strong irritation of the skin.

In the people this remedy is considered one of the strongest and most radical in the treatment of rheumatism: 100 g root fighter fill with a liter of vodka and put in a warm place for three days. When the tincture acquires the color of strong tea, it is ready for use. How to use: for persons with a weak heart, it is recommended to rub into the affected areas not more than a teaspoon( dose - 1 tablespoon).The remedy is very strong. When rubbing, the blood circulation becomes so strong that the patient starts heartbeat. If both hands and both feet ache, on the first day one should rub one hand, on the second day - the second, then on the third day - one leg, and on the fourth - the Other. The tincture should be rubed dry, then the sore spot wrap with a flannel to prevent the inflow of cold air. The procedure for rubbing is best done at night, remove the bandage in the morning. After an hour after removal with a wet cloth wipe the place of rubbing the medicine.

It should be remembered that the wrestler is very toxic. In case of contact with eyes, it causes severe burn and reduced vision.

After the preparation of the medicine, wash your hands thoroughly. All recommendations on the application of the wrestler's root should be carefully, up to the smallest detail.

If the legs suffer from rheumatism, then you can sew bags that have the shape of the body and legs to the waist. Pick up birch leaves and fill them with bags. In the evening, you should insert your feet into these bags so that a thick layer of leaves evenly covers the legs on all sides. The feet will sweat much, and if the leaves become too wet, they should be replaced. Several similar sessions - and there is a significant improvement.

Tearing leaves with agave of American relieves joint and muscle pain.

An ancient way to treat rheumatism with joint tumors: mix equal amounts of undiluted sulfuric acid, linseed oil or sunflower oil in a tightly closed glass container, but do not shake. Use a brush to lubricate the affected area once a day.15 minutes after lubrication, cover the area with a thick gauze pad. The medicine should be used until the pain ceases. Sometimes two lubrications are enough for this. If the skin strongly reacts to the drug, its composition can be made weaker 1: 2, i.e. 1 part acid, two parts oil.

Popular folk remedy for rheumatism : in a large bottle with ground glass stopper pour 200 g of olive oil or vegetable oil, put 20 pods of bitter red pepper and add 200 g of kerosene. Shake everything well. Insist in a warm place for 10 days, shaking daily. This mixture is rubbed overnight. In the morning wear warm woolen underwear, warm stockings or socks.

Collection for rheumatism :

  1. vodka - 100 g,
  2. lilac leaf - 2 tablespoons,
  3. honey bee - 1 glass,
  4. radish juice - 300 g.

Infuse for 1 day, stirring frequently, and use for rubbing in sore spots.

Lay 800 g of unsalted fresh butter and birch buds in a clay pot: 1.5 cm thick oil, then 1.5 cm birch buds, etc. until the pot is completely filled. Tightly cover the pot with a lid and cover with dough. Put on a day in a warm place( preferably in a non-burning oven), cool, wring out through the cheesecloth. Add 7-8 g of camphor to the resulting mixture and mix. Store the ointment in a tightly sealed jar in a cool place. Rub into sick joints 1 time a day, in the evening before bedtime.

100 g grass Highlander pour 1 with a liter of vodka and put in a warm place for three days. A tablespoon of tincture of the color of strong tea rub at night in sore spots dry.

With a worn out heart, the dose should not exceed one teaspoon. The remedy is very strong.

Therefore, if both arms and legs hurt, rub each day in each limb separately. Then wrap the flannel, and then woolen cloth. In the morning remove the bandages and after two hours wipe the sore spots with a damp towel. Wash your hands well with soap and water.

Take 6 g ammonia and camphor, 8 g soap, for 1 glass vegetable oil and turpentine , all thoroughly mix and use as rubbing with joint pains and bruises.

Ancient folk prescription for rheumatism


  1. of simple vodka - 100 g,
  2. of Weimar balsam - 30 g,
  3. of hot water - 100 g,
  4. of goose fat - 30 g,
  5. of wooden oil of 1/8 pound( 50 g)
  6. camphor alcohol - 30 g,
  7. copaic balsam - 15 g,
  8. cow oil - 1/8 pound,
  9. bear fat - 30 g,
  10. formic alcohol - 20 g,
  11. ammonia - 120 g turpentine - 60 grams,
  12. opredelok - 45 g,
  13. pod of red pepper( chop) - 1 pc.

Pour all this into a bottle( a measure not less than from under the champagne) in the order in which the named substances are named. Before rubbing the bottle should be shaken every time. You need to rub the whole body, starting from the chest and neck, except the abdomen and below, and also to protect your eyes. Sore members once again greasy plaster, overlaid with resinized plexes and bandage. Treatment is carried out once a day at night. Severe pain is possible, even for several days. There is nothing to do, it is necessary to endure, because with the pain comes the disease. The medicine cures all kinds of rheumatism, even chronic and painful.

One person, a simple old man, a retired Nicholas feldwebel Stepan Ivanovich Nagibin( a resident of the town of Ustyug of the Vologda province) cured this by a medicine, he said, 1,000 people during his 40-year practice.

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Rheumatism: what to do, how to cure?

Rheumatism is an inflammation of the connective tissue with a predominant localization of the process in the cardiovascular system.

The development of rheumatism is closely related to a previous acute or chronic nasopharyngeal infection caused by streptococcus, directly or indirectly, by the damaging effects of its components and toxins on the body with the development of immune inflammation.

Rheumatism of the joints of the legs: symptoms and treatment

Why are the joints of the hands and feet hurt?

The main reasons for the articular pain of the upper and lower limbs are:

  1. First. Age changes in the body, when the articular tissue grows old and wears out. As a rule, we are talking about the age of over 50 years.
  2. The second. Incorrect lifestyle - for example, excessive physical exertion or, conversely, hypotension.
  3. Third. Incorrect food. A large number of oily, spicy or salty foods, eating foodstuffs with preservatives.
  4. Fourth. Abuse of white sugar.
  5. Fifth. Diseases of the joints have a genetic predisposition. However, they can also be provoked by the transmitted infectious and inflammatory diseases, frequent administration of antibiotics.
  6. Sixth. Excess weight, frequent stress and lack of adrenaline release also adversely affect the health of the joints.

As a result, people are faced with such diseases as:

  1. First. Deforming arthrosis. In this case, the cartilage of the joint is destroyed. It affects the hands, ankle, hip joints and knees.
  2. Second. Rheumatoid arthritis. It is characterized by the symmetry of joint damage - wrist, ankle, phalanx of fingers, temporal.
  3. Third. Gout. It is caused by a metabolic disorder in the body, in particular by the accumulation of uric acid. The joint at the base of the thumb will be affected, resulting in the formation of tofus, that is, a lump. Also can hit the phalanges of the fingers, knees, elbows and wrists.
  4. Fourth. Rheumatism - it consists in acute soreness and swelling of large joints. Pain can have both permanent localization and migrate.

Polyarthritis of the fingers: symptoms and treatment of the polyarthritis of the hands

Want to know how to get rid of polyarthritis of the hands in 10 days?

Get an online consultation of Professor Kartavenko V. V.

The topic of our video is terminal polyarthritis. Bones on the index finger inflamed and 2 years I was tormented by this pain. The nail began to deform, the pain began to pull in the morning, the finger became very hard. I turned to the doctor and asked to help me.

He told me a method that I once read about in literature and knew about it, but I can apply it myself with my traditional education and training is difficult, and the doctor told me everything very clearly. I can even repeat this. I did this technique and within 10 days I got rid of the pain that tortured me for 2 years. The therapist and the rheumatologist told me that this is an age-related and this is not treated, we must try to live with this. And the doctor helped me get rid of it.

The method is very simple, just need to tune in for 10 days to such an exotic therapy.

First the pains decrease, then it goes away, slowly, the inflammation and the finger come back to normal. The joint decreases, although, of course, some residuals are phenomena, the bones swell, but the finger works perfectly normal. The nail is straightened, but the consequences of the finger polyarthritis were such that the nagging began. So, I got rid of a very unpleasant situation.

Rheumatoid arthritis: causes and types of treatment

On the video channel Martha Lukanina detailed about the causes and treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis.

There is also a video channel of Roman Golovin, where he tells interesting facts about the causes and types of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Reviews: Irina Donsky.

Roman says the right thing, just is not still "ripe" to understand it. I have been sick with RA since 1990, I fell ill at the age of 30.With the help of such "simple" things I cured not only cancer, but also achieved remission of RA.

was treated with all methods and medicines of traditional medicine, even moved to Israel to get the best treatment. Accepted both hormones, and methotrexate, and new biologics of genetic engineering( very expensive).

As a result, it was not cured, but got cancer of the lymphatic system. This is a very common complication from all new drugs. I had a difficult treatment for six months. Having done 2 chemotherapy, I realized that the body can not stand chemistry, and I would rather die from the treatment itself. There were still 10 chemistries and 2 exposures.

I wrote a refusal of treatment, and began to search the Internet for information on alternative methods. It is, I read and processed a lot of material. Also began to try on myself.

Nothing too complicated. This is, as Roman says, a change in diet, lifestyle and the resolution of their psychological problems. But it's hard to force yourself to do this. I was most easily given a change in diet. It is more difficult to work on your inner world and way of life.

I have friends for misfortune, for RA and cancer, and I can say that people are not ready to heal themselves. It's easier to shift responsibility to fate, doctors, it's easier to take a pill, make an injection.

People, think about your life.

Source of publication:

  1. Wikipedia: https: //ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Rheumatism .
  2. Illegov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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