What is varicose veins on the legs: photos, symptoms and tactics of therapy

Varicose veins of lower extremities( SRVC) refers to the type of diseases that not only cause a lot of unpleasant sensations for a person, but also can severely impair the appearance.

Meanwhile, this disease is a dangerous pathological condition that leads to serious damage to the circulatory system. Most often, middle-aged people, 30-40 years old, suffer from varicose veins.


  • 1 General characteristics and causes of varicose veins
  • 2 Symptoms and signs of
  • 3 When to see a doctor and to what
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 Methods of treatment of the lower extremities
    • 5.1 Conservative
    • 5.2 Sclerotherapy
    • 5.3 Surgery
  • 6 Video

General characteristics and causes of varicose veins

In a healthy person, venous blood rises from the legs to the heart under the influence of pressure, which in the normal state is quite enough to overcome thea lot of attraction. If this mechanism is disturbed, the body must increase the pressure to push the blood upward.

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As a result of this process, valve failure arises, which is characterized by the flow of blood into the superficial veins from the deep ones. As the pressure inside the vessels is increased, their walls lose their elasticity, stretch and deplete, which leads to the formation of visible subcutaneous nodules of bluish color.

SRVC not only worsens the external state of the legs, but also entails a number of complications, some of which are able to chain a person to a wheelchair, and others even lead to death.

Causes of lower limb varicose:

  • Increased level of progesterone in the body of a woman. This hormone has a negative effect on the condition of the venous walls and valves, making them weak and unprotected.
  • Congenital abnormalities of valves or veins, lack of connective tissue, poor permeability of deep veins, genetic predisposition.
  • Neoplasms located on the legs, in the abdominal region.
  • Injuries of lower limbs. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Diseases of the joints - osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • A sedentary lifestyle that often leads to stagnant processes in the legs.
  • Elevated intra-abdominal pressure. It usually occurs with lung diseases, or with frequent constipation.
  • Overweight.
  • Wearing tight clothes and shoes.
  • The presence in the diet of a large number of high-calorie and fatty foods, the lack of cellulose of plant origin.
  • Smoking, frequent use of alcohol.

In pregnancy, ARVC occurs particularly often, because during this period, undergoes global changes in the hormonal background, as well as an increase in the body weight of .

Men suffer from this disease if their lifestyle is associated with heavy physical labor of , or long stay on legs - machine operators, loaders, etc. Varicose legs may also result from certain sports activities.

Symptoms and early signs of

Varicose legs is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of pain in the legs: with varicose during walking, the pain is pulsating and hot, in a calm state - lomiting;
  • convulsions at night;
  • visible skin changes on the legs - dark spots, nodules, swelling, dry skin;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs - they seem to burst from the inside;basically, it happens in the evenings, after a working day;
  • thickening of the veins on the legs, they clearly appear on the surface of the skin.
The number and intensity of symptoms depends on the stage of the disease - the longer it is left untreated, the more pronounced will be the symptomatology.

Symptoms of the onset and progression of varicose veins on the legs are presented in the photo below, depending on their stage and the patient's condition, treatment is prescribed.

Photo is not recommended to look nervous and underage

Untimely treatment is very dangerous for in ARMS.If this disease is not treated, it can lead to deformation of the muscle structure in the legs, destruction of bone mass and irreversible changes in the skin.

Progressing, varicosity will be accompanied by such phenomena as formation of extensive eczema and the appearance of trophic non-healing ulcers , which can go to gangrene. The consequences can be the most sad - leg amputation, blood poisoning and even death. But the greatest danger is the possibility of a thrombus, which can come off and lead to death.

When to call a doctor and to which

Because of the high risk of complications resulting from untimely treatment of ARVC, you should go to a medical facility at the first sign of the disease - , swelling in the legs, a feeling of rasporia, pain and other .Diagnosis of varicose veins is practiced by phlebologists, and in complicated cases - by angio-surgeons.

Diagnostics of

In the initial stages of SRVC is not very clear. people write off leg pain and other symptoms for ordinary fatigue, hard work or age of .To the doctor address only when there have already been significant changes in the legs - thick swollen veins or knots.

It is not difficult for a specialist to determine varicose veins on the basis of similar symptoms.

But in most cases the is not limited to one visual inspection by the doctor and prescribes additional tests :

  1. Ultrasonic flowmetry or dopplerometry , which allows to reveal the speed of blood flow and the filling of veins.
  2. In the early stages of ERVC, is prescribed for Perthes, Sheynis, Troyanov, Pretta and others, which indicate the development of varicose veins.
  3. Flemmanometry , in which the pressure inside the veins is measured.
  4. Scanning of veins , according to which you can determine the state of the venous valves and walls.
  5. Phlebography .This procedure consists in conducting a vein of contrast medium with subsequent x-ray.
  6. Echosclerotherapy - a sclerosant is inserted into the veins, then they are scanned.
  7. Thermography - examination by means of infrared radiation.
  8. Computer phlebography.
  9. Scintillography - examination of lymph nodes and veins with the use of radionuclides.
  10. Photoplethysmography - examination with photodiodes.

Immediately all types of examination are never prescribed. It is usually easy to diagnose by one or two methods, which the doctor determines in accordance with the patient's condition.

Methods of treatment of lower extremities

The following methods are included in the complex treatment for lower limb varicose:

  • conservative;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • surgical.
In addition, appoint a special diet, gymnastics and physiotherapy procedures.


Conservative methods for the treatment of leg varicose are effective only in the initial stages of the disease. To improve the condition of the venous walls and valves of , the following medicines for varicose veins can be prescribed:

  • Venotoniki - Venoruton, Endotelon, Tribenol, Escuzan, Detralex, Glivenol, Ascorutin, Vazobral, Anvenol, Fleobodia-600.These drugs improve the elasticity of the venous walls, restore the structure of tissues, increase blood circulation in the legs.
  • Anticoagulants - Hirudin, Aspirin, Heparin, Fenindion, Lyoton 1000. These drugs reduce blood clotting, thereby preventing thrombus formation.
  • Creams and ointments with venotensive effect - Essaven, Troxevasin, Venitan.
  • Antiaggregants - Trombonil, Curantil or Persantin. These drugs contribute to "resorption" of blood clots.

If the trophic ulcers have already formed, they are treated with such drugs as: Preductal, Anginin, Trental.

In addition to medical therapy, wearing compression linen( how to choose it?), A special diet that excludes smoked, fried and fatty foods, as well as moderate exercise - cycling, jogging or ordinary walking can be prescribed.

At any stage of the disease, it is required to restrict bath and sauna visits, and not to take sun baths, because ultraviolet rays can have a detrimental effect on the patient's condition.


This method of treating varicose asterisks on the legs is that is injected into the affected vein with a drug that acts as a sclerotic .The venous walls are stuck together and the blood in the vessel stops moving.

This procedure is performed under anesthesia, after its termination, a bandage is applied to the foot. In the future, the patient is recommended to wear compression linen to fix the therapeutic effect.

Surgical intervention

The operation of varicose veins of the lower limbs is prescribed for the expressed signs of the disease, when it threatens the health and life of the patient. Surgical operations for varicose veins are of several types:

  • Three cuts are made in the leg, through which the affected vein is excised.
  • Pulling the diseased vein through the incision with subsequent ligation of nearby veins. Bandaging the affected vein around the valve.
  • Complete removal of varicose veins, venous and trophic ulcers. This is the most complex type of surgery, which is prescribed only in the most severe cases.

Lower limb varicose - extremely is a serious disease, the symptoms of which are found in 40% of adults .If the time does not begin to treat varicose veins on the legs, the disease can lead to a complete loss of ability to work. Only with the observance of medical instructions and a competent approach to treatment can a number of serious complications from this disease be prevented.


A short excursion and description of this disease are presented on video: