The general analysis of blood, interpretation according to the table of interpretation of indicators is normal for men, women and children

The study of a general blood test is very helpful in identifying the causes of various manifestations of ailments. Carrying out this procedure involves taking blood from the finger or vein in a clinical laboratory.

No special preparation for the analysis is needed, but it is better to give blood on an empty stomach, do not eat and drink juices, teas before the procedure.


Blood test for what is needed?

A general blood test can determine the following analysis parameters:

  1. The number of red blood cells.
  2. The level of hemoglobin, representing a certain amount of a substance present in red blood cells and necessary for oxygenation of the lungs and other organs.
  3. Leukocyte level.
  4. Platelet level - blood platelets, whose role is to stop bleeding in case of wounds - capillaries, veins and arteries.
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  5. Hematocrit.
  6. Rate of erythrocyte sedimentation.

Based on the results of a general blood test, one can know its properties. Knowing all the parameters presented allows you to make an accurate picture of a person's health and determine the present violations.

How is the analysis done?

The process of carrying out the analysis is as follows. Blood is taken in the morning on an empty stomach from the finger with a special sterile instrument - a scarifier. The lab assistant makes a small puncture of the skin of the finger with a quick movement. After the blood appears from it, it is collected with a small pipette and a vacuum pear in a test tube.

For a general study, blood is rarely taken from the vein.

The submitted blood is subjected to a detailed analysis:

  1. determination of the number of blood cells by means of a microscope;
  2. measurement of hemoglobin level;
  3. definition of ESR.

The deciphering of the general analysis of blood is carried out by the attending physician, but some indicators( more accurately, their deviations from normal ones) can be estimated independently at home, having a table of indicators at hand.

General blood test: interpretation of the results

The process of decoding the blood test is carried out in several stages. Thus, it is possible to correctly evaluate the main indicators of blood. In modern laboratories, there is a special equipment, with which the basic parameters of blood are checked.

The results of the study are printed out as a printout. Where are the main parameters of the blood abbreviations in English.

Some online services have the ability to decrypt a general blood test by filling out a special form. However, better trust your doctor, believe me, he has enough experience for a comprehensive assessment of parameters. Do not make yourself sick!

Let's take a closer look at each parameter separately, which is a holistic analysis.

Table - Basic data of the general blood test
No. Indicator of analysis Norm
1 Hemoglobin level Men: 130-170 g / l.

Women: 120-150 g / l.

2 Number of red blood cells Men: 4,0-5,0 · 1012 / l.

Women: 3,5-4,7 · 1012 / l.

3 The number of white blood cells 4,0-9,0 × 109 / l.
4 Hematocrit Men: 42-50%.

Women: 38-47%.

5 Average volume of erythrocyte 86-98 μm3
6 Leukocyte formula Neutrophils:

Segmentation forms 47-72%.

The sticks are 1-6%.

Lymphocytes: 19-37%.

Eosinophils: 0.5-5%.

Basophils: 0-1%.

Monocytes: 3-11%.

7 Number of platelets 180-320 · 109 / l
8 Reduced erythrocyte sedimentation rate For men: 3-10 mm / h.

For women: 5 - 15 mm / h.

Amount of red blood cells

The norm of red blood cell content in the analysis for an adult and a child:

  1. in children on the first day of birth: 4.3-7.6;
  2. in children up to a month - 3,8-5,6;
  3. up to half a year 3,5 - 4,8;
  4. for 1 year: 4.9 - 3.6;
  5. from 1 to 6 years 3,5 - 4,5;
  6. 7-12 years the permissible norm is 4,7;
  7. adolescence : 3,6-5,1;
  8. for of men from the age of 16 years 4-5,1;
  9. for women from 16 years old - 3.7 -4.7.

Hemoglobin level

The norm of hemoglobin in adults and children is:

  1. the first day of birth: 180-240;
  2. the first month of life: 115-175;
  3. first six months: 110-140;
  4. for 1 year: 110 -135;
  5. 1-6 years: the norm is 110-140;
  6. 7-12 years: not more than 145;
  7. 13-15 years: 115-150;
  8. for men from the age of 16: 130-160;
  9. norm for women from 16 years of age: 120-140.

Factors contributing to increased hemoglobin in adults and children:

  1. Diagnosis of heart disease.
  2. Kidney pathology.
  3. Cardiac, pulmonary insufficiency.
  4. Diagnosis in the patient of diseases associated with hematopoiesis.

Low hemoglobin is a consequence of:

  1. Vitamin / iron deficiency.
  2. Large blood loss.
  3. Blood cancer disease.
  4. Anemia.
  5. A strict diet, the consequence of which was exhaustion.

Number of white blood cells

Leukocyte norm in analysis in adults and children:

  1. 1st day of life: 8.5 -24.5;
  2. in children under 1 month of age: the norm is 6.6 - 13.8;
  3. in children under 6 months of the norm does not exceed 12.5 and not less than 5.5;
  4. 1 month- 1 year: 6-12% per 1 liter of blood;
  5. 1 - 6 years: 5-12;
  6. 7-12 years: 4,4-10;
  7. teenage period: 4,4-9,5;
  8. for women and men from the age of 16: the norm is 4-9.

The number of red blood cells can increase for the following reasons:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the body. Here it is necessary to take into account the postoperative period, ENT diseases, pathology of the respiratory tract, skin damage due to trauma or burn. In the case of oncological disease, when the blood test is taken, the level of leukocytes will be too high.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Menstruation.
  4. Vaccination.

Reduced white blood cell counts for reasons:

  1. deficiency of vitamin B12;
  2. of blood disease;
  3. is a specific group of infectious pathologies: viral hepatitis, malaria, typhoid fever;
  4. radiation exposure;
  5. systemic lupus erythematosus;
  6. use of certain medications;
  7. condition, accompanied by the formation of immunodeficiency.

Hematocrit in the blood

The norm of hematocrit in adults and children:

  1. the first day after birth: 40-66%;
  2. in children up to the month: from 34 to 55%;
  3. in children 1-6 months: 32-43%;
  4. 1-9 years: 34-41%;
  5. 9-15 years: 34-45%;
  6. for women from the age of 16: 35-45%;
  7. for men from 16 years of age: 39-49%.

Number of eosinophils

This indicator of eosinophils in the analysis in children and adult patients is:

  1. the first day of life of the baby: a rate of 0.5-6%;
  2. 1 month-12 years: 0.5-7%;
  3. 15 years: 0.5-6%;
  4. for men and women from the age of 16: 0-5% norm.

The general analysis of blood is an important study, which can determine the state of human health and reveal the existing violations. Adequate interpretation of this diagnosis can occur in the doctor's office. At home, you can try to find out something based on the basic blood parameters in the norm, presented in the table.

Source of the article: edition of the publication from the site http: // rasshifrovka-analizov / obshchij-analiz-krovi

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