Hyperemic gastric mucosa

  • Causes of the development of the pathological condition
  • Diagnosis
  • Assisting with hyperemia of the gastric mucosa
  • Prevention
  • Related videos

There are cases when after the FGS the doctor writes hyperemic gastric mucosa in the description. What could this mean? In medicine, hyperemia refers to redness and swelling( in old sources you can find another term - plethora), which lead to disruption of tissue functioning. But what are the causes of the development of the pathological condition and what diseases are accompanied by an unpleasant symptom.

Causes of the development of the pathological condition

Hyperemia of the gastric mucosa occurs in the following diseases.


A chronic disease of the esophagus, which is characterized by inflammation of its mucosa due to the constant casting of stomach contents into it. Sometimes, in case of pain, the pain passes over the sternum and resembles the symptoms of heart disease.

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Often, patients take pain for angina without even thinking about digestive problems. The main signs of the pathology include: belching with air or food, nausea, severe heartburn, sour taste in the mouth, regurgitation, prolonged hiccough. Chronic form of esophagitis is characterized by a change in periods of exacerbation and remission.


Inflammation of the gastric mucosa and its dystrophic changes. The form of the disease is determined by the place and nature of redness and puffiness: if the gastric mucosa is moderately hyperemic and there is a slight whitish plaque, then one can speak of a minor inflammation.

If the redness is strong, the mucosa is thinned and the blood vessels are visible, then an atrophic gastritis is diagnosed. Focal hyperemia is observed in purulent-inflammatory processes, characterizing the fibrous form. If the gastric mucosa diffusely is hyperemic, then it may be a superficial gastritis.

Clinic of the disease includes the following symptoms: soreness and a feeling of overfilling in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting, increased salivation, decreased or loss of appetite, frequent belching, bloating, weight loss. The chronic form of gastritis does not have significant signs, but is characterized by periodic exacerbations with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Peptic ulcer

Pathology, characterized by damage to the gastric mucosa and the formation of sores in it. Symptoms of the disease can be different and they are related to the size and location of defects, pain threshold, stage of the disease, the patient's age, etc.: pain that can occur both on an empty stomach and pass after eating, and vice versa, heartburn,belching sour or bitter, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, rapid satiety, flatulence, decreased or loss of appetite.

Of all stomach pathologies, peptic ulcer is the most insidious and can be accompanied by a number of complications. These include penetration, perforation, malignancy, pyloric stenosis and bleeding.


Disease that causes redness and swelling of the bulbar mucosa of the duodenum. The disease can occur both asymptomatically and with a pronounced acute period. The main signs of bulbitis are:

Problems with the stomach
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • slight pain in the upper abdomen on the left;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • is often constipated.

In addition, other unpleasant symptoms may appear, such as a whitish coating on the tongue, increased gas formation, abdominal cramps on the empty stomach or after eating. If the pathology is not treated in any way, then the risk of developing gastrointestinal bleeding is likely.


Inflammatory disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the duodenum. Often, the disease is combined with gastritis, in which the most frequent lesion is the antral part of the stomach.

The characteristic features of the pathology are:

  • epigastric pain, which is aggravated by palpation of the abdomen;
  • persistent nausea;
  • rarely vomiting with an admixture of bile;
  • rumbling in the abdomen;
  • flatulence;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss.

When bile stiffness may appear jaundice of the skin and sclera of the eyes. In elderly people, duodenitis often occurs asymptomatically and is diagnosed accidentally during the passage of the GHD.But there are also factors, because of which the gastric mucosa is hyperemic:

  • mechanical damage to the digestive organ by any object;
  • irrational and malnutrition;
  • infectious diseases( measles, scarlet fever);
  • bacterial infection( Helicobacter pylori);
  • kidney failure;
  • long stay in a state of stress and depression.
Remember! At occurrence of any discomfort behind a breast bone or in the top department of a stomach, and also nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to address for the help to the expert as soon as possible.


Looking at the statistics, we can conclude that almost 90% of people need a consultation of a gastroenterologist. To correctly diagnose, a specialist appoints to undergo a test, which is divided into laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Laboratory methods include: research of gastric juice, blood, urine and feces. With their help, you can determine the secretory function, the bacterial composition of the gastrointestinal tract, the activity of enzymes and other significant functions. But without instrumental methods, the results of the analyzes are not very informative.

Instrumental methods include:

  • gastroscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy( EHDS) is a type of study that is performed using a special equipment( gastroscopy) with a flexible hose equipped with viewing optics and a camera. Contraindications for manipulation are: heart disease, hypertension, mental disorders, severe respiratory failure. Before the procedure, the patient should refuse to eat food no earlier than 8 hours, and water for 3 hours, do not take medications, smoke, even brush your teeth;
  • X-ray of the stomach with contrast agent. With its help, you can identify the condition of the gastric mucosa and diagnose abnormal operation of the digestive system. The procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy and during lactation, intestinal obstruction, perforation of the stomach wall, allergy to barium preparations. Before the procedure begins, the patient must take a contraceptive. A few days before the X-rays completely abandon the legumes, dairy products, in the evening before the manipulation to refrain from the rich products, raw vegetables and fruits;
  • Ultrasound diagnosis or ultrasound is a method that is based on the ability to reflect sound waves. This method is poorly informative and is assigned, most often, to small children. With the help of ultrasound and ultrasound, it is possible to determine the presence of tumors, ulcers, thickening of the walls of the organs, etc.

FGDS is not the most pleasant but informative method of research.

An experienced and qualified specialist immediately recognizes edematous and reddened mucosa, as in normal the inner layerThe stomach must have a pale pink color and clear mucus. If there are any deviations from this norm, then a preliminary diagnosis of hyperemia of the gastric mucosa is made.

See also:
How does the stomach ache with gastritis?
How do gastroscopy of the stomach?

Assisting with hyperemia of the gastric mucosa

If you have unpleasant symptoms in the area of ​​the stomach with hyperemia of its mucosa, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible to prescribe the correct treatment. But if you can not immediately get to the doctor, you can temporarily take advantage of a few simple tips.

Provide complete peace by assuming a prone position. Drink a glass of clean cool water. Accept No-shpu or other antispasmodic. Apply a heating pad with ice on the epigastric area. Observe a strict diet by reviewing your diet.

Remember! It is strictly forbidden to put heat on the stomach, take painkillers and continue physical work. All this can provoke various complications of the disease, the main one of which is gastric bleeding.


Likely there is no such person who would like to experience any problems with the digestive system, refusing his favorite dishes, taking a lot of medications and undergoing unpleasant examination procedures. To avoid this, you need to change your habitual way of life a little and follow some simple rules.

It is necessary to give up harmful habits( nicotine, which gets into the stomach together with saliva and spirits adversely affect the gastric mucosa and other organs of the digestive tract).Proper and rational nutrition means limiting or completely refusing fatty, heavily salted, smoked food, confectionery, canned food, dyes.

It is also not recommended to abuse products that promote irritation of the stomach mucosa: mustard, horseradish, radish, radish, onion, spices. Avoid foods that cause flatulence and constipation. Be wary of taking certain medications that may have a negative effect on the digestive tract.

NSAIDs - a group of drugs that adversely affect the condition of the gastric mucosa

Special attention should be paid to the following groups of medicines: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs), antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, antiparasitic and antitumor drugs, laxatives, psychotropics, some choleretic drugs, anticholinergics.

It is necessary to provide yourself with mental comfort, since most diseases occur on the nerves. Fighting overweight helps not only to adjust the figure, but also to establish the work of organs throughout the body.

Timely treatment of identified pathologies and preventive examination of a specialist at least once a year. Compliance with the above points will reduce the risk of developing diseases to a minimum, and a visit to a specialist with an existing disease will prevent the transition from acute to chronic, which is much more difficult to treat.

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