Adenoids in humans - where they are

Adenoids - a pathological increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil. The disease is considered childish, as more often it is diagnosed at the age of 4 to 10 years. In adults it is rare. In order to start treatment of a disease caused by an infection in time, it is important to know where the adenoids are, the symptoms of the inflammatory process, the severity.

  • Visual signs
  • How do adenoids look like 1 degree
  • How do adenoids look 2 degrees
  • How adenoids look in children of the third degree
  • Diagnostics
  • Signs after removal
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  • Adenoids in children of the third degree - symptoms and treatment
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Visual signs

Independently to recognize the signs of adenoids is not easy, because they are similar to the symptoms of other diseases with an inflammatory process in the nose or in the throat. Confirm the diagnosis can only the doctor-otolaryngologist after examination by a special mirror or a rhinoscope.

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Adenoids are located in the nasopharynx arch, next to the lower nasal shells. In form they resemble a cock's comb. The color can be from pale pink to fiery red (against inflammation). The nasopharyngeal tonsil is located deep, parents can not consider it.

To the doctor it is necessary to address at such signs:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • snore;
  • discharge from the nose;
  • dry cough;
  • problems with hearing.

These symptoms are common. Each degree of increase in the tonsil has its own characteristic features, which differ from each other.

How do adenoids look like 1 degree

The main cause of adenoids of the 1st degree is frequent colds. Upon examination, the doctor discovers small pallor-pink growths. The child experiences mild discomfort when breathing, because in the first stage no more than a third of the nasopharyngeal space is blocked.

Symptoms appear immediately after an increase in the amygdala:

  • disturbances of breathing in a dream - children noticed snoring, sniffing, signs of nasal congestion;
  • edema of the mucous membrane - the main cause of the common cold;
  • discharge from the nose, mucous or mucopurulent;
  • problems with hearing.

Advice! The most striking symptom in adenoids of the first degree, seen in children - is the breathing of the mouth! When this symptom appears, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist.

How do adenoids look 2 degrees

Adenoides of the second degree have a characteristic symptomatology, which differs from a typical cold. Nasopharyngeal space is overlapped by 50 percent. Sprouting is large, so it is easy to detect them, the color changes from pale pink to red.

Symptoms of the disease are more pronounced:

  • the child breathes his mouth not only at night, but all the time, nasal breathing is completely absent;
  • sleep becomes alarming - children constantly wake up, there is a fear of suffocation;
  • the disturbance of sleep negatively affects the emotional state of the child - there is irritability, a change in mood, a decline in strength;
  • frequent headaches;
  • otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis - catarrhal diseases, provoked by adenoids;
  • a strong cough, most often in the morning;
  • discharge from the nose yellow.

Important! Adenoids of 2 degrees provoke catarrhal diseases! A common mistake of many parents is the treatment of complications, not their causes.

How adenoids look in children of the third degree

With adenoides of the third degree, the nasopharynx overlaps completely. The disease develops because of untimely diagnosis or inadequate treatment.

The danger lies in the possibility of developing complications that affect not only the ENT organs. Other systems can suffer. The most common are:

  • deformation of the jaw, formation of the adenoid face - the upper jaw protrudes considerably forward, the mouth is constantly open;
  • lack of oxygen due to constant breathing through the mouth;
  • speech disorders - there is a nasal, other defects;
  • chronic dry cough;
  • disorders in the work of nervous, cardiovascular systems of the body, caused by lack of sleep.


The adenoids can easily reveal the otolaryngologist, therefore diagnostics do not cause difficulties. Usually, a number of procedures are performed to determine the degree of hypertrophy. It is necessary for competent treatment. These include:

  • anterior rhinoscopy (through the nose);
  • back rhinoscopy (through the mouth);
  • finger research - palpating proliferation, determining the state of lymphoid tissue;
  • Radiography in the lateral projection of the nasopharynx.

Important! Endoscopy (rinoscopy) is considered the most safe, informative, accessible method of diagnosis!

Signs after removal

When the third degree of adenoids is diagnosed, the main treatment option is surgical intervention. The surgery for removal is rapid, complications are rare. However, it is impossible to completely prevent them.

In the postoperative period, immunity may decrease, so doctors prescribe vitamins, fortifying, immunomodulating drugs.

Among the complications after removal of adenoids, the most common are:

  • bleeding from the nose, requiring a posterior tamponade;
  • an increase in body temperature triggered by the inflammatory process;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • Otitis caused by edema of the nasopharynx after surgery.

Advice! Unpleasant symptoms, discomfort usually pass for two days after the operation! If they persist, further examination and medical care is required.

Every parent should know what symptoms appear in adenoids and their inflammation. Timely appeal to the otolaryngologist is the key to successful treatment. Only a doctor can conduct a comprehensive examination, establish an accurate diagnosis, if necessary - remove adenoid vegetations.