We treat fronts quickly at home

When the front is inflamed, the anterior frontal sinus of the nose. The disease can be caused by hypothermia, low immunity or runny nose. When manifestations of the frontitis to treatment at home, it is necessary to proceed immediately, otherwise complications, including meningitis, may occur.

  • Symptoms of the frontitis
  • Frontitis - causes of illness and prevention
  • How to treat a frontalitis in the home
  • Antibiotics
  • Homeopathic remedies
  • Symptomatic means
  • Folk remedies will help get rid of the frontitis
  • Inhalation
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  • Symptoms and Treatment of Acute Frontitis
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Symptoms of the frontitis

Frontitis has similar symptoms with sinusitis, but they are more acute. If a person encounters a frontimite, then he will be observed:

  • pain when pressing on the frontal sinus area;
  • mucous or purulent discharge from the nose;
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  • a headache that intensifies at night;
  • unpleasant odor from the nose or mouth, especially in the morning;
  • Increasing headache when the head is tilted;
  • labored breathing;
  • fever.

Note!There may also be a pain in the ears or a toothache localized in the upper jaw.

Frontitis - causes of illness and prevention

The main cause of the disease is an infection, which can be both viral, fungal, and viral origin. Also, the cause may be a mechanical bruise of the frontal bone, a chronic rhinitis.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to strengthen immunity, protective properties of the organism, timely carry out complex treatment of viral diseases and prevent the occurrence of chronic frontitis.

How to treat a frontalitis in the home

Treatment of the frontitis can be carried out by several methods: medicines and folk remedies. We will tell you how to treat a frontitis at home quickly, to forever forget about the problem.

Treatment of the frontitis with the help of medications is aimed at removing symptoms, as well as eliminating the cause of the onset. Medical treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a series of laboratory tests.


If conservative treatment, including rinsing and instillation, does not yield results within a few days, then the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment. They can destroy the bacteria that caused the disease. But if the cause of the disease are viruses, then antibiotics will not give any result.

Before the appointment of an antibiotic, a bacteriological study is carried out. If there is no possibility to conduct a study, then antibiotics of wide action are prescribed. It can be antibiotics:

  • penicillin (Augmentin, Amoxicilin, Ammiside);
  • cephalosporin (ceftriaxone, axetil, cefataxime);
  • macrolide (Macropen, Azithromycin, Spiramycin);
  • local (Bioparox, Polydec, Isofra).

For adults, injections are often prescribed, and children are given tablets or suspensions. The course of treatment is usually 5 days.

Local antibiotics can take the form of drops, spray, aerosol or liquid to impregnate cotton swabs. This type of medicine not only destroys the bacteria, but also facilitates breathing, relieves edema of the nostrils and improves the general condition.

Homeopathic remedies

To treat sinusitis, including the frontitis, homeopathic remedies are often used. Especially popular are:

  1. Sinuforte.
  2. Traumeel.
  3. Echinacea compositum.
  4. Lymphomiazot.

Symptomatic means

In the treatment of the front, the doctor prescribes medications that will help alleviate the condition of the patient, and remove the symptoms. But it is worth remembering that the action of drugs is aimed only at improving the condition. They do not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Vasodilating drops

Preparations of vasoconstrictive action can remove the swelling and reduce the amount of mucus secreted. Due to this, breathing is simplified and the connection of the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses is restored. Nasal drops such as Naphthyzine, Galazoline, Nazivin, Pharmazoline and so on can be used for this purpose.

Note!You can take medication for no more than 5 days.

Antipyretic drugs

Medications to reduce temperature are applied if the temperature has exceeded 38.5 °. Most often take drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Note!Antipyretics are used to relieve headache, with weakness or chills.

Folk remedies will help get rid of the frontitis

The folk remedies are effectively used for the treatment of the front. But first put your doctor to know not to aggravate the state of self-medication.


At home, it is easy to prepare inhalations. They are simple and effective in treating the frontitis.


  1. Wash the boiled potatoes without peeling the peel.
  2. Then drain the water and mix it with a crib.
  3. Breathe with steam, covered with a towel.

Bay leaf

In the water poured into the pan (1.5 liters) add a dozen laurel leaves. Allow to boil well, then breathe for 5 minutes with steam.

Garlic and apple cider vinegar

4 chopped garlic cloves finely chop. Mix garlic with apple cider vinegar (0.5 cup) and pour all the same amount of boiling water. It is necessary to breathe the steam. During the inhalation process, hot water can be poured. The procedure should be done three times a day.


  1. Pour water into the pan.
  2. Add the dried chamomile. Let it boil.
  3. Then, in a chamomile broth, drip a couple drops of essential oil of tea tree or eucalyptus.
  4. Breathe in the steam.


Boil water in the pan. Put in some dry menthol. Breathe over the steam, covering yourself with a towel. If you do not have menthol, then you can replace it with a balm "Asterisk".


In boiled water, add a teaspoon of propolis tincture. Breathe the steam, covering your head with a towel.


Treatment of the frontitis at home necessarily includes rinsing. This procedure allows you to clear the frontal sinuses from pus and mucus, as well as to remove the inflammatory process. Rinsing the nose must be done in a certain sequence.

  1. First, clean your nose as much as possible of mucus.
  2. Inject the vasoconstrictor to reduce swelling and open access to the sinuses.
  3. In the rubber pear dial the prepared washing solution. You can also use a special vial.
  4. Pour the solution into one nostril. It must pour out from the other nostril along with pus and mucus.
  5. The head should be kept straight above the sink, without tilting it.

Honey and onions

Peel the onion and chop it with a blender. Add a glass of boiling water. Stir and leave to cool. Then add a spoonful of honey. Stir. Rinse with a prepared sinus solution three times a day.

Note!Such a folk remedy can not be used if there is an allergy to honey or onions.


Brew dry chamomile flowers. Allow the broth to cool to a warm state. Strain and use for rinsing.


Boil half a liter of water and cool. Add a spoonful of alcohol chlorophyllipt to the water.

St. John's Wort

Dry grass of St. John's wort (1 hour. l.) pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. Warm your nostrils with a warm filtered solution.

Salt and soda

In a glass of warm water, dilute 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Add a pinch of soda and a couple drops of tea tree oil. The procedure should be done at least 3 times a day.

Sea salt

For a liter of boiled water, take a teaspoon of sea salt. It is advisable to wash your nose with this solution every couple of hours.

Home drops

In the preparation of a drop at home, nothing is complicated, so you can easily prepare such a medicine to treat the frontitis in adults or children.


A small piece of frozen propolis must be crushed and mixed with a spoonful of vegetable oil. Allow the mixture to stand for three days, and then drip 2-3 drops into each nostril.

Note!Before using, make sure that you are not allergic to propolis.


Take 1 part of the cyclamen juice and 4 parts of cold boiled water. Mix and bury the nose 2-3 drops.

Purity and chamomile

Take equal amounts of chamomile juice and celandine. Brew the mixture into the nose several times a day.


Broken leaves of Kalanchoe for a few days, place in a dark place. Then squeeze the juice out of it through the cheesecloth. Mix the juice with alcohol in a 1:20 ratio.

You can also prepare an alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe. Shredded leaves of medicinal plants fill with alcohol and leave in a dark place for 10 days.

You can cure the frontitis at home. But do not forget to visit the doctor on time. Be sure to watch for food, avoid hypothermia and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

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