Giardiasis in adults and children: symptoms and treatment

Giardiasis is widespread among the entire population of the globe. Virtually every fifth case of all acute intestinal diseases in adults and children is considered to be caused by the causative agent of Giardiasis - lamblia, which are parasites of the protozoan type. The disease is not fatal even in severe cases of its course without any treatment.

The Giardiasis Clinic is very diverse. Infection of a person occurs by ingesting cysts when contaminated food or water is ingested, licking dirty hands or objects. Ljamblii cause functional and organic changes mainly in the duodenum and the upper part of the small intestine. They can also be located in the liver and gall bladder. Here we will consider symptoms and treatment of giardiasis in an adult human and child .


Symptoms and signs of Giardiasis

Symptoms of Giardiasis of the intestine are very diverse. Sometimes a person is just a carrier of Giardia and for a long time remains unrecognized. In other cases, patients complain of a decrease in appetite, belching, heartburn, headaches, poor sleep, irritability, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region. Often patients feel pain in the stomach and upper intestine. These pains resemble those in peptic ulcer of the duodenum( fasting, night, etc.).

Occasionally on the foreground are the phenomena of enterocolitis. In this case, diarrhea( 4-7 times a day) can last for months and even years. In severe forms of the disease as a result of persistent diarrhea, there is a decline in diet and severe emaciation of the patient. Severe forms of giardiasis of the intestine are similar to nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Treatment of lambliasis with folk remedies

Composition :

  1. cognac - 100 g,
  2. honey - 100 g,
  3. carrot juice - 100 ml,
  4. juice of beet - 100 ml.

Mix everything, take 100 g 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

After fermentation sauerkraut, when it is already ready for food, add 500 grams of fried horseradish to one bucket of cabbage, let stand for 3-5 days. Take 200 ml of brine 2 times a day for 30 minutes before eating for 3 days. During the same 3 days, take 50 g twice a day, 20 minutes before meals, with water infusion wormwood: 1 tablespoon fill with 200 ml of boiling water, soak for 8 hours in the heat, strain. Wash down with rose hips( 100 ml).

100 pieces of green walnuts the size of a three-kopeck coin cut into 3-4 pieces each, pour 800 g of sugar or honey, pour 1 liter of vodka and soak for two weeks in a tightly closed jar in a dark place. Strain and take half a teaspoon of tea 3 times a day.

This remedy cleanses the liver, intestines from parasites and is a good antisclerotic medicine.

Blood spoon drug .Decoction of the rhizomes of the hemorrhage has a harmful effect on lamblia. To prepare the broth 6 g of rhizomes boil in a glass of water for 10 minutes. Drink 100 ml 1 time per day.

Treatment regimen for lambliasis: drugs, diet, food regimen

Treatment of giardiasis should be done in three stages:

The first stage of

Elimination of manifestations of endotoxicosis, mechanical removal of lamblia, improvement of enzymatic activity of the intestine and increase in the protective forces of the patient's body. Depending on the severity of endotoxicosis, the duration of this stage is 2-4 weeks.

The complex of activities includes the following appointments.

Diet and diet designed to create conditions that worsen the reproduction of lamblia, and the introduction of foods that also serve as sorbents: porridges, baked apples, pears, cranberries, cranberries, dried fruits, vegetables, vegetable oil. You should limit the use of carbohydrates, especially sweets.

Reception of cholagogue preparations, as they, reducing stagnation of bile in the affected gallbladder, contribute to a faster elimination of inflammatory changes in it. Preference should be given to cholekinetics. These drugs cause an increase in the tone of the biliary tract( 5% or 10% solutions of Sulfuric magnesia, egg yolks, Sorbitol, Xylitol).Relaxation of the tone of the biliary tract is facilitated by cholespismolytics( No-shpa, Platifillin, dry extract of belladonna, preparations of barberry ordinary, Euphyllinum, Metacin, etc.).

Cleansing of the bile duct, gall bladder and intestines with the use of a teat cup according to G.S.Demyanov in children of early and older age and three-, five-fold drainage in adolescents with an interval of two days.

Assignment of enterosorbents - Polyphepan( Polyphene), Smekty, Reabana, Polysorb MP, Bilignina, etc.

Enzymes( according to the results of the coprogram) - Festal, Enzistal, Mezim-forte, Pancreatin( Creon), Bactisubtil( Flovinin-BS), Hilak-forte.

The second stage of

Antiparasitic treatment. Assign drugs of the imidazole group:

  1. Trichopol( Metronidazole, Flagil, Clione),
  2. Tinidazole( Fazijin),
  3. Tiberal,
  4. Furazolidone and others in the age-related course dose.

However, most drugs are resistant to lamblia, and Tiberal is highly toxic. Of the new effective drugs should be allocated Macmirror.

Macmiore( nifurantel) - has a pronounced antiprotozoal effect and is the drug of choice in intestinal lambliasis. Good tolerability of the drug makes it easy to follow the prescribed treatment regimen and provides the maximum therapeutic effect.

After 7-10 days, repeat the course of anti-limesis therapy.

Specific treatment of Giardiasis is prescribed when a pathogen is detected and clinical manifestations of the disease are present.

For the treatment of Giardiasis, compounds of various chemical groups are used:

  1. Acrychin,
  2. derivatives of oxyquinoline( Enterosepthol, Diiodohin, Intestopan),
  3. 4-aminoquinolines( chloroquine),
  4. Emetine bismuth iodide,
  5. Dehydroethymine, etc.

However,have Metronidazole and Piridazole or similar preparations, their effectiveness is high and is 70-90%.

Metronidazole ( Trichopolum) is prescribed at a dose of 400 mg 3 times daily for 5 days or for 10 days. The daily dose for adults is 500 mg, and the drug is prescribed for children at the rate of 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day( the maximum daily dose for children under 10 years is 300 mg).As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by patients, side effects are not pronounced and are rarely a reason for drug withdrawal( patients may be noted: nausea, vomiting, tenderness in the abdomen, metallic taste in the mouth).The incidence of side effects is 15-30%. PREPARATION CAN NOT BE APPOINTED TO PREGNANT WOMEN AND IN THE PERIOD OF FEEDING, TO PERSONS WITH HIGH SENSITIVITY TO THIS SUBSTANCE. Form release: tablets of 250 and 500 mg, ampoules of 100 ml of 0,05% solution.

Pyridazole ( Ambilgar) is available in tablets of 100 and 500 mg. The drug is administered only orally in a daily dose of 25 mg / kg body weight divided into several doses. The course of treatment is 5-7 days, in rare cases it is prolonged to 10 days. There are side effects from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. More often these complications arise in adults. To reduce the chance and frequency of side effects, the drug should be taken after a meal. Severe complications include lesions of the central nervous system. CONTRAINDICATION TO APPLICATION IS DISEASES OF THE LIVER AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, EPILEPSIA AND MENTAL DISORDERS.

Ornidazole ( Tiberal) is a drug similar to Metronidazole. Its high concentration in blood plasma is created already in 1-2 hours after the tablet reception. Adults and children weighing more than 35 kg are given 3 tablets one time in the evening. Children with a mass of up to 35 kg of the drug is prescribed at a rate of 40 mg / kg body weight once. Side effects occur in about 15% of patients( dizziness, muscle pain, sometimes nausea, vomiting). CONTRAINDICATIONS - INDIVIDUAL SENSITIVITY TO PREPARATION, PREGNANCY AND BREAST FEEDING. Tablets are available in 500 mg. The effectiveness of the drug reaches 90%.

Tinidazole ( Fazijin) - is available in tablets of 150 and 500 mg. Adults appoint 0.15 g twice a day for 7 days or once a day for 0.5 g once a day. Efficiency - 77%.It is less toxic than Metronidazole. CONTRAINDICATIONS - PREGNANCY AND BREAST FEEDING, HEAVY NERVOUS DISEASES, NEURITES, EPILEPSIA. For treatment of children under 5 years of age, tinidazole is not recommended.

Macmirror ( Nifurantel) is a preparation of the nitrofuran series, is manufactured in tablets of 200 mg, is excreted mainly by the kidneys. Adults are prescribed 400 mg 2-3 times a day for 7 days, children - ZO mg / kg body weight for 2 doses per day for 5-7 days.

Chloroquine ( Delagil) is available in tablets of 0.25 g and ampoules of 5 ml of 5% solution. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect. Adults appoint 0.25 g 3 times a day for 5-6 days. Adverse reactions occur rarely and only with prolonged use of the drug. These include: decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dermatitis. Sometimes there is a decrease in visual acuity, a decrease in hearing. CONTRAINDICATIONS - PREGNANCY, DERMATITIS AND PSORIASIS, HEAVY LESIONS OF HEART, KIDNEYS, LIVER, ORGANIC DAMAGE OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, PSYCHOSIS.

Furazolidone is available in tablets of 0.05 mg. Adults prescribe 0.1 g 4 times a day, children - at a rate of 10 mg / kg body weight. The daily dose is given in 3-4 sessions, the course - 7 days. Treatment with furazolidone helps the body to get rid of lamblia. A valuable property of this drug is its associated effect on the causative agents of dysentery, salmonellosis and enterocolitis in mixed infections. Single dose of the drug 0.1 g( age 16-18 years) 4 times a day. Adults receive the same dose 5 times a day.

Sometimes complex treatment with Furazolidone( daily dose 0.4 g) and with Erythromycin ( daily dose 800,000 - 1,000,000 units) is sometimes used. Medications are taken 3-4 times a day, without chewing. Children doses of drugs are reduced according to age. If necessary, a second course of treatment can be performed in 6-8 days. Side effects - nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions in the form of skin lesions.

Paromomycin is an antibiotic of the class of aminoglycosides, which is offered for treatment of pregnant women orally in a dose of 25-30 mg / kg of body weight daily in three divided doses for 5-10 days. The drug does not cause complications. The efficiency is 65%.

Acrychin and aminoquinol for the treatment of Giardiasis due to poor tolerance are rarely prescribed and only for adults.

The third stage of

Enhance the body's defenses and create conditions that prevent the proliferation of lamblia in the intestine and gallbladder. Great importance is attached to the regime and the nature of nutrition.

To improve intestinal motility appoint:

  1. biocream,
  2. bifid,
  3. baked apples,
  4. curdled milk,
  5. puree of cooked dried fruits( prunes, dried apricots),
  6. fermented baked biscuits,
  7. beetroot, pumpkin, squash or carrot puree,
  8. ripe tomatoes,
  9. apples from compote,
  10. berries and fruits.

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How to get rid of lamblia: simple and safe, suitable for children

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The main symptoms of lambliasis in adults

Lamblium is a microscopic unicellular parasite that enters the body with water - spring or well - or through unwashed hands, vegetables and fruits. In the next issue of the heading "About medicine" medical experts will tell about the main symptoms of giardiasis, methods of treatment and methods of prevention.

Elena Malysheva: About symptoms and treatment of Giardiasis

In this issue of the TV program "Live healthy!" With Elena Malysheva you will learn about the symptoms and treatment of lamblia in children and adults.

Giardiasis is a parasitic disease, the causative agent of which is the simplest single-celled organism, called lamblias.

Giardia enters the human body in a fecal-oral way, with water from open sources and wells, in addition, lamblias can be pets.

Once in the human body, lamblia is attached to the intestinal wall, feeding on the substrate, which is formed during the parietal digestion. When lamblia becomes many, or the defenses of the body weaken, inflammation develops in the intestine, which results in diarrhea and vomiting.

What should I do?

  1. If diarrhea should be consulted a doctor and pass the analysis of feces on Giardia. The blood test for antibodies does not allow an accurate diagnosis, and the detection of these antibodies is not an indication for treatment.
  2. If there is diarrhea, and lamblia is found in the feces, a diagnosis is made of "lambliasis".To kill the causative agent of the disease, doctors prescribe metronidazole, or trichopolum.
  3. After the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to again pass a feces analysis on the Giardia to make sure that they are destroyed.

Prevention of Giardiasis

  1. Boil the spring and well water before use.
  2. Wash your hands with soap or treat them with alcohol-containing gel as often as possible.

Treatment of giardiasis in adults with folk remedies

In our short video you will learn about the treatment of giardiasis in adults by folk remedies. We will try to convey the fact that giardiasis can be cured by folk remedies at home. And about the signs, symptoms and diet for chronic giardiasis in adults you also learn here! If you need to get rid of abdominal pain, then see the video in more detail.

Symptoms of infection with Giardia - diarrhea, abdominal pain, allergies, rashes on the body, urticaria, very frequent colds, decreased immunity, bronchial asthma and gastritis. We usually treat these diseases without even realizing that they are caused by parasites.

Source: YNGorgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.