On what term of pregnancy does ultrasound determine exactly the sex of the child

For the news that pregnancy - the long-awaited or unexpected - is already a fait accompli, the timing of the onset of labor begins to be counted. The last question remains, and the waiting expectation, who will still be born - a boy or a girl?

Earlier, in the good old days, the newborn's sex could be recognized with 100% accuracy right after delivery, but at the present time, ultrasound examination - ultrasound - has come to the particularly impatient parents for help in determining the sex of their unborn child. Yes, ultrasound can be most likely to determine the sex of the baby, but at what time of pregnancy can this be done with the highest degree of certainty?


The sex of the child: the physiology of the formation of

. As it may seem strange, the sex of the child at the moment of conception is formed by a man - the future father. But also, how to say, it is not known which sperm will impregnate an ovum in a woman. If this makes a sperm with an X chromosome, then a girl will be born, and, conversely, if a sperm with a Y-chromosome, then one should expect the appearance of a boy.

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Of course, at the time of conception, no one can guess what kind of sperm the egg will be fertilized. Therefore, married couples wait until a certain time until the fruit ripens, when it will be possible to have grounds for more accurate assumptions and forecasts.

Future moms and dads are interested in how accurately you can know the sex of the crumbs in the first trimester of his gestation. Nature has so arranged that the genitals of the fetus begin to form only from the sixth week of pregnancy. There is a small tubercle in place of the genital organs of the future baby. And until the ninth week, these tubercles in girls and boys look almost identical, with no apparent differences due to their small size.

But, after the 11th week in boys, the tubercle begins to change, forming a penis. At the 13th week of pregnancy, under the influence of dihydrotestosterone( hormone), his sexual organ begins to grow noticeably and the penis stretches out. The testicles are still in the abdomen at this stage. In the scrotum they descend on the 7th month of pregnancy.

Based on all of the above, at 11 weeks on ultrasound the doctor can already make a guess as to what sex a child will be born. The error on this term of pregnancy is 50%.Therefore, keep in mind that when the first ultrasound at 12-13 weeks is still difficult to accurately determine the sex of the baby.

The error can occur even in connection with the fact that at this time the swollen labia of girls can be mistakenly taken on the screen of the ultrasound monitor for the male penis. It also happens that tightly closed legs of the child close his genitals. Only having a very large experience, ultrasound doctors on a good machine will be able to determine the sex of the unborn child at the 14th week. For this, they measure the angle between the genital tubercle and the back of the baby. In boys, this angle is 300 or more, and girls have less than 300.

Determining the sex of the future baby

At the time of 18 weeks, you can talk about the most accurate determination of the sex of the baby. In this case, of course, the boy is much easier to define the boy.

The most optimal term for 100% of the definition of the sex of the baby is the 20th to 24th weeks of pregnancy. The fruit in this period is already very mobile, sex differences between boys and girls are quite distinct. Therefore, the second planned ultrasound has all the chances of the parents who they will be born.

Why the odds? Because the child during the ultrasound procedure can take an uncomfortable position for diagnosis, the fetus seems to turn away from the doctor, then it is difficult to determine its gender. In most cases, one of the results of a second planned ultrasound is the determination of the sex of the crumbs.

Do not be discouraged if your fruit does not "want" to determine its sex. It is important that he was healthy and developed normally. And future parents can, just in case, come up with two names - for the boy and for the girl, if desired, you can buy things of neutral colors. After all, remember that our mothers and dads, grandparents did not have the opportunity to know the sex of their child before the birth.

It can be emphasized that there is a method of accurate results of determining the sex of the child - 3D ultrasound. It is paid and, as a rule, is conducted in large medical centers.

Methods of sex determination alternative US( invasive)

To date, official medicine has in its arsenal of other methods for determining the sex of the unborn child in the early stages of pregnancy, but these methods can only be resorted to in certain circumstances.

It happens that for medical reasons( genetic diseases), the birth of a boy or girl becomes an undesirable phenomenon. The following methods are used:

  1. A method for determining the sex of a child with the chorion biopsy has been developed. It is held for a period of 7-10 weeks. The essence of the method consists in taking a special needle from the uterus with a small portion of its contents. Next, determine the set of chromosomes of the fetus. By the way, this method gives a 100% guarantee of accuracy.
  2. The second technique is the amniocentesis of .It is held at the period of 16-18 weeks. They make a small puncture for the purpose of sampling the amniotic fluid in a similar way to study the chromosome composition. The reliability of the method is 99%.
  3. Cordocentesis is an invasive method. The blood is taken from the umbilical cord of the fetus. Also determine the set of chromosomes of the fetus.

But, you yourself understand that these methods can only be resorted to in the most exceptional cases.

Where can I get an ultrasound diagnostic service?

At present, probably in any state polyclinic, and even more so in a private clinic, you can make an appointment with a doctor for an ultrasound examination without any difficulty. What can be provided as a free procedure for medical reasons, and on a full payment basis. This procedure is not too expensive, if only there was a doctor of ultrasound diagnostics by an experienced specialist.

In most pregnancies, it is possible to accurately determine the sex of the baby closer to the 24th week of pregnancy, on the second planned ultrasound, after the expectant mother first felt the stirring of her baby. Whoever predicted ultrasound, do not be discouraged. It is important that it is the most healthy, beautiful and strong child. And you will give birth to a sister or brother next time.

Source of publication: a deep redaction of the author's article - Elena Tolochik with http: //beremennost.net/ na-kakom-sroke-mozhno-opredelit-pol-rebenka