Harm to alcohol for humans

Alcohol is harmful to human health and everyone knows about it! But most people do not pay attention to it. Let's talk about the harm that alcohol brings.


Harmful effect of alcohol on the brain

Alcohol effect on the brain: clouding of consciousness, vision, hearing;inarticulate and confused speech;slow reaction. When alcohol is weathered from the blood and body symptoms of intoxication pass. But the constant abuse of alcohol causes irreversible changes in the human brain.

The degree of action of alcohol on brain cells depends on: the dose of ethanol;frequency of its use;age of the drinker;duration of abuse;sex, education, genetic predisposition;Abuse during pregnancy( intrauterine effect);reserve strength of the body.

Small doses of alcohol lead to clouding of the mind and gaps in memory. The brain in women and teenagers is most susceptible to alcohol. Therefore, their dependence develops faster.

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At each poisoning, part of the brain cells die. And even not so harmful alcohol, as the products of its decay!

Alcohol causes thiamin deficiency! And not only him. But thiamin( vitamin B-1) provides protection of nerve cells. The threat of the development of Wernicke-Korsakov's syndrome is growing. At which the optic nerve is paralyzed, coordination of movements is disrupted and clarity of consciousness is lost. In the first stage, the disease begins in the form of Wernicke's encephalopathy, in the second - it ends with polyneuric paralysis and Korsakov's psychosis. Patients have memory dips, they can not remember current events, they are depressed, irritable, and can lose not only the ability to move around the room, but also become chained to the bed for the rest of their days.

Hepatic encephalopathy

The liver can not be fully and continuously disinfect ethanol and the products of its disintegration. Contaminated blood carries toxins throughout the body. A person quickly grows old, his immune defenses fall, life forces are exhausted. The functions of the brain are upset and the cells are damaged and die. Patients expressed anxiety, depression, intellectual-regional disorders, attention distraction. Then comes the hepatic coma ending with the death of the patient.

Harm alcohol during pregnancy

Pregnant women should not drink alcoholic beverages, since alcohol is a great harm to a future child. The consequences of maternal drunkenness for a developing fetus can be expressed immediately in several aspects: physiological, cognitive and moral. In severe cases fetal alcoholic syndrome develops and children, after birth, grow poorly and develop, have pathologies of external and internal organs. For example, microcephaly is a small volume of the brain, the inability of neural brain cells to function normally.

Some women are frivolous to future offspring. Continue to abuse alcohol during pregnancy. And it does not matter which strength of alcoholic beverage - 4% or 40%, beer is either vodka, premium or consumer goods. And beer is not a harmless drink for pregnant women. In whatever form alcohol is taken inside, the harm is the same. In beer, although a smaller percentage of alcohol, but the volume of fluid is large, and this is the burden on the kidneys, the heart. There are violations of blood supply, blood flow, there may be hemorrhages and ischemia. The fetus experiences inadequate supply of oxygen and nutrients, and the degradation products are not completely removed. The future baby can lag behind in development from its healthy peers. In severe cases, the placenta is disfigured and exfoliates, the fetal death occurs.

And the insidiousness of alcohol is not always manifested at once and disorders in the activity of organs can manifest themselves after weeks, months and years after the birth of the baby. It has been revealed that in mothers who abuse alcohol during pregnancy, a child during puberty from normal and smart turns a stupid and impudent teenager. This is due to the fact that negative genetic information is activated during puberty.

The fetus of a child suffers particularly badly during a drunken conception. After all, a woman learns about pregnancy not immediately, but after some time. Violations of a healthy and sober regime are constantly disrupted, and the first weeks of pregnancy are incredibly important! At this time, the foundation of the whole future human body is laid and formed.

Harm to alcohol for the body of a teenager

Many adolescents try "adult drinks" early, despite the fact that information about the dangers of alcohol is widely available. Pushes them to this desire to look more mature and independent, as well as meaningful in the eyes of their peers. And the negative effect of alcoholic drinks on the young organism takes its toll. On the part of parents and teenagers, it is necessary to conduct a conversation about the dangers of alcohol. And pay attention to the negative consequences of drinking during adolescence.

The effect of alcohol is significant on the brain of a teenager, because it is vulnerable to toxic substances. And even its small doses violate the chemical metabolic processes in the brain, causing learning problems, delays in thinking, suppression of innate abilities and the development of ethical norms of behavior. Under the influence of alcohol, the adolescent experiences emotional and intellectual degradation and develops a psychological and physiological dependence on alcohol.

The harm of alcohol in adolescence needs to be constantly reported, because this harm is very large. The whole and the whole body suffers, and in particular - the liver, pancreas, heart. The liver cells begin to degenerate, the assimilation and synthesis of enzymes and vitamins is disrupted. Diabetes and pancreatitis can develop.

Beer has a strong diuretic effect. It removes from the body a lot of useful substances, which causes irreparable losses for the growing organism. There are undesirable fluctuations in blood pressure and palpitations. And especially, low-alcohol cocktails are harmful for the young organism. Incompatible products of flavors, dyes, alcohol, caffeine and sugar most negatively affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems of adolescents.

The adolescent's sexual system from ethanol also suffers. Accidental sexual intercourse leads to infection with HIV infection, hepatitis type C and B. Adolescent girls have an unwanted pregnancy that pushes for abortion and subsequent problems with gynecology.

There is a wealth of information, facts and observations about the dangers of alcohol in adolescence. But a young organism with an unformed psyche and personality rarely takes it into account. Young people do not learn from other people's mistakes. And the appearance of problems does not always give a person an awareness of the motives of their actions and change their way of life.

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