Can not get pregnant? We use folk ways

Traditional medicine stores the centuries-old secrets of treating a wide variety of diseases. Difficulties with conceiving a child were no exception. Up to now, many proven methods have come to help solve this problem with the help of reliable natural remedies. Effective tips from grandmothers will tell you how to get pregnant 100 percent boy or girl.

  • How to Get Pregnant Fast - Tips
  • What pills to drink to get pregnant
  • Postures
  • Monthly chart
  • Sage - a storehouse of medicinal hormones
  • Borovoy uterus - a panacea for women's ailments
  • Red brush
  • Sporysh - reliable assistant
  • Infusion and syringing from the root of alders
  • Dill and parsley - garden healers
  • Plantain - male grass
  • How quickly to become pregnant folk remedies on the use of flaxseed
  • Strength of herbal remedies
  • The Power of Prayer
  • Secrets of proper nutrition
  • Interesting Facts
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How to Get Pregnant Fast - Tips

There are many ways to get pregnant quickly if you can not. To do this, you can use various traditional medicine, medicines or take advantage of the wisdom of grandmothers and pray to God that He gave the child. Consider all methods so that you can choose the most acceptable or use all at once.

What pills to drink to get pregnant

It is necessary to make a reservation right away. Before taking any medications it is necessary to undergo examination at the gynecologist, and if there are no abnormalities in the body, contraindications, then proceed to take medications.

Typically, the attending physician prescribes follicle-stimulating hormones (Dufaston) and progesterone. Dosage and treatment is prescribed exclusively by the doctor, after passing and passing the necessary tests.

Many women ask, how many can get pregnant after birth control pills. According to doctors, a woman needs 2-3 months to restore her functions and only then plan a pregnancy. But, if the desired conception does not occur within one year, then always consult a doctor.


In most cases, the posture during sex does not affect the possibility of becoming pregnant. An exception is abnormal curvature of the uterus, the presence of cysts and other abnormalities in the woman's body. When bending the uterus, it is recommended to use the pose more when the woman is on all fours, and the man is located behind.

Monthly chart

Start a schedule where you will celebrate the days of ovulation. Women who want to quickly become pregnant, after the menstrual period, calculate the days most favorable for conception. This is done by measuring the basal temperature: the higher (up to 37C), the greater the chance.

Important!How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle - see a lot of folk ways on our site.

Sage - a storehouse of medicinal hormones

A familiar plant is effective in infertility, due to the presence of phytohormones that are identical to female estrogens. The reception of sage broth promotes the fact that spermatozoa reach the egg, increasing the likelihood of conception.

The medicinal preparation is prepared and taken as follows:

  • take a tablespoon of dried sage;
  • cover with a glass of boiling water;
  • insist at least an hour in a dark place;
  • take the broth twice a day on a tablespoon.

If within 30 days of the result is not achieved, you should make a one-month break and go through one more course.

There is another option. A teaspoon of herbs are put in a saucepan, pour a glass of cold water and boil on a quiet fire for ten minutes. The beginning of the reception of the decoction should coincide with the end of menstruation. The course lasts 11 days with a repeat in the next three months. If necessary, treatment should be extended after a two-month break.

Note!Decoction of sage can not be taken during menstruation, exceed the norms specified in the recipe. Overdose causes severe dizziness.

Borovoy uterus - a panacea for women's ailments

Decoction of one-sided orthosis (another name of medicinal herb) perfectly helps to preserve or restore the reproductive function of the female body. With its help, successfully treated myomas and various inflammatory processes, which are often the cause of infertility.

Method of preparation and treatment:

  • per liter of water take 2 tablespoons of herbs;
  • bring to a boil and boil for about ten minutes on low heat;
  • Drink the broth on a tablespoon before each meal.

Attention!Treatment of this grass experts advise to pass strictly defined courses. The first one must start after the end of the period. It lasts three weeks. After a four-week break, the reception of broth of the hog queen should be resumed. As a rule, there are two courses for pregnancy, sometimes they can be repeated up to five times.

Red brush

The root of the red brush is rich in phytohormones. Decoction of the plant is effective in the treatment of infertility, promotes the rejuvenation of body cells.

Prepare with a 15-minute water bath, placing in a container a tablespoon of potions filled with a glass of boiling water. You need to take the medicine before eating on a tablespoon for about 40 days. After a week, the course is repeated according to the same scheme.

It is important to remember!Due to the large content of phytohormones, the red brush can not be combined with other herbs and preparations containing similar components.

Sporysh - reliable assistant

Infusion of unpretentious grass has a beneficial effect on the status of the uterus and ovaries, so it is used from time to time to solve problems related to childbearing.

To prepare a healing drink you need:

  • two cups of chopped herbs pour the same amount of boiling water and insist for at least 4 hours;
  • Drink infusion three-month course on half a glass four times a day for 15 minutes before meals.

Cooking broth sporisha can be like tea, filling two teaspoons of dry raw material with two glasses of boiling water. Drink should be twice a day for 100 g for the same period.

Infusion and syringing from the root of alders

For syringing since ancient times, use the ground root of an alder tree.

Prepare and apply infusion so:

  • in a thermos, 3 tablespoons of powder fall asleep;
  • pour a liter of boiling water and insist for a day;
  • procedure is better before bedtime, cooling the drug to body temperature;
  • the course of treatment lasts three weeks. After 14 days you can repeat.

Olhovy powder has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, to enhance the therapeutic effect, external syringing should be combined with internal techniques of special infusion. To make it, a teaspoon of powder and two tablespoons of honey dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water. Drink small sips twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.

Dill and parsley - garden healers

Problems with conceiving a child often cause various inflammatory processes that promote the formation of adhesions and, accordingly, tubal obstruction. In such cases, you can use folk methods of treatment with dill and parsley. Decoction of simple garden greens has long been recognized as a strong natural antibiotic.

Method of preparation and treatment:

  • in a liter of boiling water poured into a tablespoon of each plant and kept on fire for another 15 minutes;
  • the finished drug must be poured into a thermos bottle and left for a day;
  • drink throughout the day in small sips for at least two months.

Plantain - male grass

Such a problem as immobility of spermatozoa can be solved with the help of psyllium seeds.

The recipe for preparing the decoction is quite simple:

  • A tablespoon of raw material should be poured a glass of boiling water and boil for two minutes;
  • drink a decoction three months before meals, twice a day for two tablespoons.

Attention!Drug reception can be combined with warm baths. To do this, take 50 g of leaves and roots of plantain, pour a liter of boiling water and insist for 45 minutes. This portion is sufficient for a single treatment procedure. The course should be followed every three months for two weeks.

How quickly to become pregnant folk remedies on the use of flaxseed

The positive effects of flax on the reproductive function of traditional healers have noticed for a long time, so today two methods of treatment with this herb are used at once.

The mixture for the compress is prepared and applied as follows. You need to grind 300 g of flaxseed, pour the powder on a frying pan, mixing with three tablespoons of lean oil. After the gruel boils, it is spread on gauze and in a slightly cooled form placed in the lower abdomen. Top "cake" should be covered with a plastic bag.

Note!Linen compresses stimulate procreation only with regular application. The course lasts about two months.

The massage, carried out with the help of flaxseed oil, helps to dissolve the adhesions. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, and also prepared independently. To do this you need:

  • put a teaspoon of seeds in a glass container;
  • pour a glass of olive oil;
  • insist 10 days;
  • To rub a medicine it is necessary by circular motions clockwise in the bottom of a stomach or belly a minimum three weeks.

Strength of herbal remedies

Difficulties with conception can cause inflammation of the ovaries. For the treatment of the disease, folk healers are advised to take a decoction of calendula flowers, as well as grasses of sweet clover, mother-and-stepmother and gold-thousander.

Method of preparation and treatment:

  • take 50 g of each plant, pour a half-liter of boiling water and insist for three hours;
  • Take the drug should be up to two months for one-third of the glass several times a day.

Attention!This folk method is quite effective, but during the reception of the decoction experts advise completely to give up sexual life.

The Power of Prayer

Long ago our grandmothers used a strong prayer to become pregnant soon and give birth to a healthy child. The effectiveness of prayer depends on how much you want to have a child, in the realization that without the help of the Almighty you can not do (because He decides who should be born and when) and the sincerity of your heart. Before you pray this prayer, put your thoughts in order, move away from the bustle and tune in to what right now God listens and hears you. Speak to Him simply and sincerely. We quote this prayer:

"Dear Heavenly Father!

I come to you in the name of your Son Jesus Christ! I ask You to forgive me all my sins and the sins of my parents, destroy over me all the curses that came to my life from my ancestors, and especially the curse of infertility. I ask You to give me the opportunity to become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Help me to raise him in the way that You want, and let Your will be fulfilled in his life. I thank You that You have heard me, and I believe that You will fulfill my request. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Secrets of proper nutrition

The products containing vitamin E are considered to be excellent stimulators of the childbearing function. To replenish the body, you must include in the diet pumpkin, which is an excellent regulator of the female hormonal sphere. Eat it in any form. Pumpkin juice is especially useful at complications with conception.

Vitamin E is rich in olive and soybean oil, sea buckthorn, cashew, walnuts, hazelnuts, bananas, oranges, carrots, cottage cheese, beans, wheat grains, oatmeal.

Interesting Facts

Among the folk ways of treating infertility are quite non-trivial advice. For example, there is an opinion that the appearance of a fig tree can contribute to the conception of a child. Only the flower can not be bought by the future mother, it must be given by someone from relatives or friends.

It is important to know!As a man to prepare for the conception of a child, you can learn from our article.

Communication with a pregnant woman in traditional medicine is equated with a medicinal medicine. With her, you can dine in a comfortable environment, sit on her chair, and better pat your pregnant tummy. Incredible luck is considered if a woman in an interesting situation on you sneezes. Couples who dream of having children immediately after the wedding are advised to invite a pregnant woman to a wedding celebration.

You can tie a red string around your wrist and wear it until it unties. As soon as this happens, the pregnancy is just around the corner. Such a folk method is unlikely to bring success, but if you want to try.

Psychologists and traditional healers claim that conception can occur more quickly if during treatment completely release the situation and not be upset because of the lack of immediate results. Stress caused by such experiences will only exacerbate the problem. It is more useful to change the active kind of activity to moderate, more often to rest and travel.

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