Why muscles ache after training

Good evening dear blog readers! You will find out by reading the publication and watching the video about why the muscles ache after training and what to do if the muscle pain does not give full play to the sport.

I believe that it is not a secret for you and you already know the reasons for sports myalgia, what is being discussed, and why there are pains in the muscles. These are rather questions of beginning sportsmen and enthusiasts in the field of training and sports.

And not necessarily in weightlifting. Muscles, ligaments and joints can also ache with intensive( or initial) classes in light sports, as well as in the course of yoga, acrobatics, even elementary breathing exercises. In the latter case, be very careful, in training breathing for delay, lengthening of breaths and exhalations, there should be no overstrain, do not joke with practicing qigong and pranayama and then you can appreciate their extraordinary positive impact on the human body and power.

If you have muscle aches after workout, you want to find out why there is pain in the muscles and how to fix it, see the selection of the video with the description.

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Reasons for

The main causes of muscle pain after exercising or just physical exercise:

  1. Accumulation of lactic acid( does not have time to be excreted).
  2. Unusual movements, monotonous and repeated many times.
  3. Microtrauma of muscle fibers.
  4. Motion with an amplitude greater than flexibility allows.
  5. Other reasons.

Muscle pain after training

As a rule, after the first exercise, after some time, you may experience pain in your hands and feet. In your body develops the strength, in other words - the clogged muscles. It occurs after a heavy load on the body, after pauses in some kind of sport. You begin to work harder, trying to make up for lost time, and muscles are clogged( spasmed) from irrational influence on them. See a video about whether it's bad or good? Why is this happening.


Alexander Alekseevich in this video examines the state of overtraining in the athlete and talks about ways to get out of this state.

There are certain symptoms of overtraining and signs of overt and covert muscle fatigue. These things need your treatment. The phenomenon of stagnation in the muscles, their enslavement and stiffness should be able to remove at home.

Sporting myalgia can discourage a beginner athlete from training and sports!

Main recommendation: do not chase after a quick result, everything has its time.

There is an opinion of one person that there is no physiological overtraining! Psychological overtraining - yes, it does. This opinion is valid with a properly selected program, rest, nutrition and most importantly the mental mood of the trainee.

I quote Eduard Glazunov's opinion: in order to avoid overtraining of the body, the training should be set for a duration of no more than 50 minutes. During this time, there is an expenditure of natural hormones in the athlete, but those who introduce artificial hormones( they are called athletes-chemists) are engaged in two hours in a row. But it is harmful!

Alexander Alekseevich says that with any physical activity there is a destruction of muscle fibers. And after the training, they are restored, and if there is enough rest and nutrition, the muscle will become bigger and stronger, and if not, then there will be a reverse trend and, as a consequence, overtraining. In the gym, some and for three hours spend, and make a good rest between training approaches. So it's not about how much time you spend in the hall, but how much you have time to do and then rest and food for a full recovery.

What to do if muscles ache

Muscle clogged and lactic acid accumulation, what to do for muscle pains Alexander Alexeevich, on his video channel, talks in detail about ordering an individual training program: http: //atletizm.com.ua/ personalnyj-tr. ..

One of the readers writes:

"I confirm that during training from Alexander Alekseevich there is a good result and there is no such effect as muscle congestion. I only realized it after a few months. I myself am a boxer, but I will say about pain in muscles after training. When I just started the muscles, it's very rare now, only if I want to know my limit. How much can I effectively beat a pear, how much can I work effectively with weighting.

On the other hand, I like when the muscles ache! There is such calm that I worked well, was not lazy. I simply share my impressions about the hysteria of my friends when they have muscle aches.

All health and good training without injury!

Question of : "Dear Alexander, advise exercises to normalize the pressure and strengthen the heart muscle."

Answer : "There is a method. Quite simple. This is the right breathing and the right load. After all, in fact, the heart is the same muscle as we say biceps. Fingers paint this for a long time, but we'll try to consider this topic in the spring. Maybe in early summer. The topic is still quite in demand, and will be interesting to many. I have cores, and even former cores. "

Feedback on the video

Alexander, this video you turned my idea about the work of muscles, namely, the fact that they hurt because of the rare training, and that more frequent training should solve this problem. I always thought it logical that from the increased load, the muscles the next day and 2-3 follow-up will be ill, regardless of the frequency of training and length of training. How to exercise more often, if the pain in the muscles and the decrease in the figures do not allow it? In my opinion, before the disappearance of pain in the muscle, the muscle did not have time to recover, and training is meaningless. Especially this applies to large muscle groups, such as the thoracic, the broadest, the muscles of the legs.

Questions and Answers

Question : Alexander, I would like to add. Lactic acid can be pushed out by the previously mentioned L-carnitine. In addition to its direct use, L-carnitine inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid and allows you to reduce the effect of "clogged muscles" mentioned by you, as does fatigue.

Answer : No, it does not. This can be easily verified. Such drugs simply help to get back to normal faster after training. And the term "reduces fatigue", it does not seem to allow it. Creatine and steroids are similar in this way. And carnitine can not.

Question : Alexander Alexeevich I have a pain in the palm of my hands on both hands. Even the expander can not squeeze. And my wrist is also sore. What can be done? And continue to train?

Answer : You do not need to do things that are bad. Pain is a signal from the body that something has gone wrong. We need to rest, otherwise there will be a problem. Reduce the load for a while until you recover. And then these loads should be strictly regulated. Otherwise, the problem will be for a long time and seriously. Not always more, it's better.

Question : Alexander, but this question: but if for some reason it hurts( rather aches a bit) only one group of muscles. For example, after training deltoid muscles do not hurt, as well as does not hurt the triceps. At the same time, the bicep is not that badly hurts, but certain unpleasant sensations take place.

Answer : Usually this happens only at a certain stage of training. After the muscles get used, these feelings go away. This is of course only if the program is built correctly. If you use the new commercial schemes "one group of muscles a week" will be sick all the time. Well, how much to load this or that muscle, it is already looking at how it behaves. If you feel that it is going bad, that is, the performance of a certain exercise delivers discomfort, then this day you need to reduce the load on this muscle.

Question : Alexander Alexeevich I have a question, after a squat with a little weight, my legs hurt for 2 days, my legs are well developed, my legs are working, I run a lot, my legs do not hurt after running, even when I run 20 km, my weight is 86-88I can not understand why, I will be grateful for the answer.

Answer : There are many reasons for that. If it is a question of muscular pain, perhaps this is the case in an unusual and irregular load. That is, a large number of repetitions are performed. Then the pain in the muscles is normal.

Is the clogged muscle a sign of proper training?

Video from Alexander Alexeevich about advice and practical recommendations in the occupation of athleticism.

The principles are not bad, but Vader's programs, in most cases do not give the desired result, as well as copying the programs of the stars of bodybuilding. And even the program of Arnold Schwarzenegger will not make a man out of his likeness. Why? Yes, only because he trained on the system of Vader, who at one time received the nickname "King of Steroids."By the way, in all of his diets is the word "additives".And this is just the keyword that somehow do not want to see. But once again: however that may be, many of the Weider principles are still some of the best.

The set of masses: for and against

And here under this video there was quite an interesting comment about so trendy now tendency to set of mass. Based on this comment, we will consider this now fashionable question.

Is it possible to train muscles if they hurt after the last workout

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