ALT and AST are elevated in blood, what to do, how to reduce folk remedies

You've probably heard that alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase are enzymes that belong to the category of the most active participants in the exchange of amino acids. They( abbreviated ALT and AST) are present in the cells of the liver, kidneys, in the muscles of the heart and others, important for ensuring the life of the organs of the human body.

These substances are found in large quantities in the blood, when the internal organs have problems associated with severe cell destruction.

With an elevated level of ALT and AST enzymes, you need to decide how to reduce their content in the blood, including folk remedies. To detect the presence of this or that pathology in the tissues of organs can be done with the help of a correctly conducted blood test.

Where is ALT present? This enzyme is located in the kidneys, in the liver, in the heart, as well as in muscle mass and pancreas.

The enzyme ACT is present in muscles, in the liver, in nerve fibers, in the heart, in the kidneys and in the lungs. With certain violations of these important organs, the substance begins to spread through the damaged cells, getting into the blood vessels. This leads to an increase in AST and ALT in the blood.

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What are the AST and ALT rates?

To determine the increased number of enzymes in the blood, a biochemical blood test is performed.

To get the most accurate result, the analysis is delivered strictly to an empty stomach, and the food in the stomach did not fall for eight hours.

Blood is taken from the vein and the indicators indicate the level of neglect of the problem.

Immediately it is worth noting that the level of indicators in women is slightly lower than in the male body:

  1. Women ALT and AST - 31 U / l.
  2. Men - ALT not higher than 45 U / l, AST 47 units / l.
  3. Children - ALT not higher than 50 U / L, AST in infants is approximately 149 U / L, for a child up to about 55 U / L.

In childhood, enzyme parameters may deviate from the norm. This is due to the uneven development of the child's body.

The results of the study directly depend on what equipment was used in the process of delivery and interpretation of the analysis, therefore the analysis should be handled exclusively by professional doctors in modern clinics.

This result can be influenced not only by the food taken the day before, but also by the intake of medications, infusions of herbs, and excessive physical activity.

If nothing provoking happened, the doctor conducts a study, which means elevated indicators of AST and ALT.There are many different reasons for this.

Indicators of ALT and AST, the main reasons for the increase of

If the analysis showed that ALT and AST are elevated in the process of the examination, what does this mean is a question that must be solved without fail.

Doctors in a similar situation conduct a special additional examination.

Elevated enzyme values ​​in vital organs suggest that it has certain problems.

Deviations depend on which of the enzymes is elevated:

  1. The causes of increased ALT - all forms of liver disease, myocardial infarction and other cardiac problems, inflammation of the pancreas.
  2. Causes of increased AST - a previous heart attack, performed operations on the heart and blood vessels, pancreatitis, serious injuries and burns.
  3. Indicators of ALT and AST can be increased in pregnant women. A similar problem often occurs in the first months of pregnancy. This circumstance does not require treatment, since during pregnancy is the norm.

If the indicator has been exceeded at least once, it is tested throughout the pregnancy. If the results during pregnancy are significantly exceeded, women will be prescribed additional treatment.

Manifestations of the disease

There are certain symptoms and signs of the disease. Elevated enzyme values ​​in almost all cases indicate that the body has certain problems with the liver.

Analyzing for ALT and AST is recommended immediately if there are such symptoms and signs as:

  1. permanent weakness and fatigue;
  2. , regardless of food, has severe nausea and vomiting;
  3. marked pain in the liver;
  4. many distinguish yellowness of the skin;
  5. feces become light and urine dark;
  6. in more advanced cases, there is bleeding from the nose and stomach.

If it was seriously upgraded, it is very important to achieve a rapid decline in these indicators. As a rule, it is enough simply to restore the work of the liver, and the enzyme level indicators quickly come back to normal.

ALT and AST, how to reduce?

With higher indices, one must immediately decide how quickly to lower ALT and AST.To effectively reduce enzyme levels in the blood, it is initially worth getting rid of the main causes that led to an increase in these indicators.

Doctors prescribe an additional examination, which is mostly based on examination of the liver and its treatment.

The patient is prescribed various medical procedures, a course of medicines, as well as folk remedies and a special diet. It is mandatory to give advice on changing the general way of life.

When carefully following all the recommendations of the doctor and observing all the rules, ALT indices immediately guaranteed to return to normal.

For the most effective treatment and obtaining a positive result, you must first undergo a thorough examination to determine the cause of the increased indicators.

The main cause of the failure in the indicators of ALT and AST is one or another problem with the liver. After relatively simple therapeutic courses, the rates quickly go back to normal.

Normalization of ALT and AST by folk remedies

In most cases, with elevated ALT and AST, medication is prescribed. If the indices are raised slightly, if it was made clear by the conducted examinations that the liver and other organs were not affected sufficiently strongly, it would be sufficient to solve the problem with folk methods of treatment.

Solving the question of what to do, if you have increased ALT and AST, you can use simple enough to prepare and use infusions and decoctions. Here are the most popular and effective, prescribed by experienced doctors, means and methods of folk treatment:

Drink from milk thistle .To prepare a remedy, you need to take a teaspoon of chopped seeds, pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting composition should be very tightly wrapped and insisted for 20 minutes. After percolation, the formula is taken half an hour before meals. So you need to do it twice a day for three weeks. You should know that this broth is not drunk at a glance, but as tea - slowly.

Tea on herbs .It will be required to take such herbs as St. John's wort, immortelle and celandine in proportions of 2: 2: 1.Raw materials are thoroughly crushed, transferred to a vessel, which is tightly sealed, poured with a liter of boiling water and for 12 hours is removed to a dark place. After this, the composition should be boiled for 10 minutes, cool, drain and take 4 times a day for 100 ml. The total treatment time is 2 weeks.

Infusion of dandelion .Take 200 grams of the crushed product and pour 100 ml of vodka. To increase the therapeutic effect in the composition is added 30 ml of glycerin. The mixture should be infused in a cool place throughout the day. Drink a medicinal product you need 2 tablespoons three times a day. The total time of treatment is determined by the doctor, an average of 2-3 weeks.

Treatment with corn .To prepare a remedy, you need to take the hairs from the ear of corn, naturally dry it and crush it thoroughly. After this, on the basis of a teaspoon and 200 ml of boiling water, infusion is prepared. After a fifteen-minute infusion, you can take it twice inside one glass. The course of treatment with this drug is approximately six months. The process is long-term, but very effective.

All these are quite effective recipes of folk medicine, which quickly bring the ALT and AST rates back to normal.

After taking milk thistle, the enzyme parameters come back to normal for a second blood test.

The hairs of corn cobs have an important effect on the work of the liver and the whole organism as a whole, while the rates do not decrease so quickly.

An infusion of dandelion is also quite effective, but it should not be taken if a person is constantly behind the wheel.

Special attention deserves herbal tea, which literally in two weeks brings the body back to normal. The only inconvenience is that the tea should be drunk at least 4 times a day, that is, the drink will have to be taken to work.

At the beginning of treatment aimed at reducing ALT and AST enzymes, you can face minor pain in the liver. It is not necessary to stop treatment in this case, since this is a normal phenomenon on the way to recovery.

It is very important to monitor your state of health during treatment with folk remedies and if you have any questions or problems, contact your doctor immediately.

It is necessary to carry out treatment of the whole body and liver with elevated ALT and AST in order not to lead to cirrhosis of the liver, myocardial infarction, hepatitis, hepatosis, oncological diseases.

Nutritional Rules: Basics of

In the treatment of elevated enzyme parameters in an adult and a child, along with treatment, a diet should be observed with elevated ALT and AST.

To effectively reduce ALT and AST, it is very important to fill the diet with products with a large amount of vitamin D. It is it that effectively prevents the processes associated with liver damage.

People in the body who do not lack this vitamin are much less likely to experience liver problems. Every day you need to eat fish, caviar, eggs, soy dairy products, cod liver, green vegetables and greens, as well as oranges and apples.

It is necessary during the treatment to adhere to a plant diet, which is rich in various useful substances. If you constantly eat these foods, you can quickly adjust the liver, cleanse it thoroughly of toxins and even restore new cells in the body.

This effect can be achieved by using antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in the plant products.

To receive a rapid positive therapeutic effect, it is necessary to eat daily:

  1. Broccoli.
  2. Green leafy vegetable crops.
  3. Courgettes.
  4. Low-fat dairy products.
  5. Carrots.
  6. Meat is lean.
  7. Fresh fruits of all possible kinds.
  8. Whole grains and nuts.

It is necessary to exclude foods high in fat from the diet. Such food prevents the intake of useful trace elements in the body, as it completely blocks the liver, forming fat cells in it.

Having them in the body can lead to serious damage to the liver tissue. The organ becomes damaged, which causes ALT and AST enzymes to be released into the bloodstream.

What can be harmful food for the liver of ?Among the most dangerous products with a high fat content, you can note all the dishes fried in deep fat, as well as butter, cheese, bacon, all kinds of sausages.

It is also worth giving up carbonated drinks and poor quality food.

To obtain in the process of treatment a quick positive result, it is necessary to exclude products with a large amount of salt simultaneously with fatty products. Its presence in the body can lead to water retention and edema.

For this reason, the liver is much more difficult to filter waste, which leads to the hung parameters of ALT and AST.In the process of treatment it is very important to avoid consumption of soy sauce, soda, cubes, pure salt, different pickled products.

For the normal functioning of the body without causing harm to it, you need to consume no more than one teaspoon a day.

Preventive measures

As you know, any disease is much easier to avoid than to deal with their treatment.

To avoid the increase in the blood levels of ALT and AST, it is worthwhile to take certain preventive measures, sometimes it is required to completely reconsider the image of their habitual life.

To restore the liver and the body as a whole, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to completely stop using alcohol and smoking.
  2. It is important to monitor food by eliminating harmful foods and filling the diet with useful ingredients.
  3. Every morning it is advisable not to have breakfast with eggs and eggs, but with jelly or tea.
  4. It is very important to avoid unnecessary stress.
  5. At least two hours a day you need to spend in the fresh air. It does not matter time of day - you can walk and you need day and night.
  6. It is required to compose the regime of the day and carefully observe it.
  7. It is necessary to abandon self-treatment with OTC medicines.
  8. It is important to have a permanent sexual partner, because sexual promiscuity can lead to an increase in ALT and AST.

Even with a relatively healthy lifestyle, approximately every six months after 35 years, it is necessary to take blood to check the level of ALT and AST.This will help in the future to avoid serious problems with the body, which will require long-term and expensive treatment.

People who have liver problems should give up smoking. In cigarette smoke, there is a large number of toxins, which include nicotine and ammonia.

If a person is exposed to these substances every day, they are automatically absorbed by the body and retained in it. The liver in a similar state of the body will tend to rid it of toxins, working just to wear.

Against the backdrop of such work, the number of enzymes in the blood increases, since the liver after this load begins to malfunction, causing some or other health problems. It is for this reason that it is so important to exclude or minimize alcohol consumption.

Compliance with these relatively simple rules will improve not only the overall well-being, but also the appearance. A healthy liver has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Stay healthy! Do not be ill!

Source: edition of the publication from the site

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