We treat otitis in children with effective methods at home

Otitis is a common inflammatory ear disease. Suffer, more often children under three years old. Sometimes it occurs after not cured cold, sometimes - itself, for no apparent reason.

  • When otitis can be treated at home
  • The main rules of otitis treatment
  • Traditional medicine in the treatment of otitis
  • Essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus
  • Garlic
  • White vinegar mixed with water in equal proportions
  • Mullein drops
  • Decoction of raspberry root
  • Bay leaf
  • Compressed baked onion
  • Aloe juice
  • Warming the patient's ear
  • Medication for otitis media
  • Preventive measures
Related articles:
  • Symptoms and causes of otitis media in adults
  • External otitis media: treatment in adults
  • Ear drops in otitis: which is better to choose
  • Otitis in adults: treatment with antibiotics
  • What kind of specialist should I apply for otitis?

When otitis can be treated at home

Like any disease, otitis has several degrees of severity and it occurs in different children in different ways. To understand whether it is possible to treat otitis media at home, without the help of a doctor, answer a few questions:

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  1. What is the temperature of the child? If there is no strong increase (more than 38, 5 °) - you can not go to the hospital.
  2. General condition of the baby. Treatment of a home for children who do not tolerate the disease is unacceptable, because sometimes otitis gives a strong pain that is not taken off by analgesics.
  3. What age? The smaller the child, the more he needs a specialist examination.

To determine the presence of otitis in a child up to a year - lightly push the tragus near the ear canal. If the action caused crying, the child has ear inflammation. But the exact diagnosis can be made only by a doctor with the help of an ear mirror!

The main rules of otitis treatment

If the otitis in an easy degree - there are no indications for hospitalization of the child, you can safely treat it at home. There are some mandatory rules for this:

  1. Regardless of the age of the person, treatment with otitis should be accompanied by bed rest. If the child is sick, try to keep him in bed as much as possible, resting.
  2. Use dry heat. This will help the child to recover faster and facilitate the course of the disease.

Important:at elevated temperature, with purulent otitis heat and compresses do not use!

  • prefer treatment to natural, folk remedies. Herbal preparations are good;
  • begin treatment with otitis after curing rhinitis.

Treatment of otitis media should follow the standard procedure:

  1. We provide peace.
  2. Remove the temperature (above 38, 5 °)
  3. Analgesics - analgesics.
  4. Heating means, compresses.
  5. Antiseptics - to combat microorganisms.
  6. Antibiotics according to the doctor's testimony.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of otitis

Essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus

To treat this way, you need to drip two drops of each oil in a bowl of boiled water. After that, cover your head with a towel and bend over the steam. It is important that as much as possible a couple enters into the ear. It is not superfluous to breathe fumes.


Excellent cope with microbes. One of the good methods of treating otitis is the application of cooked peeled garlic to the ear canal. You can leave for the night, pre-covered with gauze or bandage and secured with adhesive tape.

White vinegar mixed with water in equal proportions

It relieves itching, reduces pain. To achieve the desired effect, a couple of drops dripped into the ear are enough. It is important to drip both ears, since the otitis is more often bilateral.

Mullein drops

  • weld a decoction of mullein flowers;
  • mix in equal proportions with olive oil;
  • leave to stand for the night.

The next morning you can dig in a few drops.

Advice!Dry mint leaves, infused with vodka, are buried in the sick ear every 4-5 hours.

Decoction of raspberry root

Will help with purulent otitis. To do this, three tablespoons of ground roots are poured with boiling water and let us brew. Drink every day, depending on the child's age (100-600ml), for one month.

Bay leaf

One of the best remedies against otitis with purulent discharge is tincture from bay leaves. To do this, pour the crushed leaves with boiling water and insist until the water turns yellow. Dampen the cotton turunda and put it in your ear. Change every hour. As you recover, gradually reduce the number of such compresses.

Important!Juice of onion, drenched in a sick ear - an excellent tool that helps quickly.

Compressed baked onion

Has no limitations in the age of the patient. For exercise, you need to put the warm baked onion in a cloth and put it to your ear before cooling down.

Aloe juice

Dip one drop into each ear canal. Repeat the procedure three times a day until recovery.

Warming the patient's ear

  1. Potatoes, boiled in uniforms, works perfectly as dry heat. You can change often. Apply only through cloth.
  2. The warm salt in the tissue pouch is another version of the compress of dry heat.
  3. Sollux - well warms up and helps with nongovernmental forms of the disease.

Treating otitis with folk remedies can often be the only method of treatment, but in more severe cases, complicated by pain, temperature, it is necessary to use medicines offered by traditional medicine.

Medication for otitis media

The first drug attributed to a doctor with ear inflammation is analgesics. The main goal is pain relief. For these purposes, you can use: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aliv.

Important!Do not use aspirin to relieve pain in your baby! Scientists have proven his harmful effects and the ability to cause a dangerous disease - Reye.

Be sure to take care of anesthesia at night. Carefully study the instructions and give the tablets no more than the prescribed dose.

At the doctor's recommendation, use special ear drops with antiseptic effect. They locally help the body to fight harmful bacteria, speeding up recovery.

If the child has a high fever, knock it down before the doctor comes. To do this, any means shown for children are suitable: Nurofen, Panadol for children, etc. By the way, they not only reduce the temperature, but also anesthetize. In the purulent flow of otitis consultation specialist is required, especially if the child's age does not exceed two years.

Antibiotics for treatment can only be attributed to a doctor, based on the results of inoculation with a laboratory tank. Why do you need seeding? To correctly identify the type of bacteria that has settled in your baby's ear and pick up the antibiotic to which it is most sensitive. Although they are now producing a lot of antibacterial drugs that have a wide range of activities (coping with many strains of microbes), it is better to wait for the result of the planting after all. This does not apply to cases where assistance is needed immediately. Treatment with antibiotics is prescribed for severe forms of otitis, as well as for young children. If you have undertaken to treat the baby yourself - do it without antibiotics, since the wrong medicine can be dangerous!

A rule that can never be ignored: if the baby does not experience improvement within two to three days - consult a specialist.

Remember, even if you have decided to treat a child at home, a preliminary consultation with an ENT doctor is absolutely necessary. After all, only he can correctly assess the condition, degree and form of the disease, distinguish catarrhal otitis from serous, purulent or exudative, to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Preventive measures

That in the future the kid did not get sick with otitis - learn and observe simple rules:

  • always treat attentively and treat timely illnesses of other ENT organs (sore throats, rhinitis, tonsillitis). This is the most important rule, failure and ignorance of which lead to inflammation of the ear in most cases;
  • hygiene is the guarantee of health! This applies to the ears. Clean out the auditory moves in a timely and thorough manner;
  • try to keep the baby from getting into the ear. Otherwise, try to get it out.

Herbs, provides good prevention of otitis media, is a series, eucalyptus, licorice root and calendula. Recommended guzzle tincture of these herbs to boiling water in a dosage - 1 cup per adult (for children from two years - 2-3 tbsp. spoons). The course of treatment is four weeks.