Pathology of character in alcohol dependent individuals

Let's talk a little about the pathologies of character in alcoholics. ..

Those who were narcologists, psychologists and psychiatrists observed - alcoholics individuals( alcohol dependent), in the structure of the character clearly thirsted to seek recognition and social approval, create impressions of themselves and "seemmore significant than they really are. "In the behavior on the front, the main plan was the desire for demonstrative behavior, courage and posturing.


For alcoholics is characterized by

For alcoholics are characterized by sensual infantilism, expressive, with throwing out, violent sensual reactions, often inadequate in strength and coloring of stimuli. The patients were marked by increased vulnerability, sensitivity, which is combined with difficulties in containing their emotions, intolerance of delaying the satisfaction of their needs. The sick people presented to the neighbors the sky-high demands combined with the desire at all costs to subordinate the behavior of those around them to their will. On the foreground in the character is marked egocentrism, overestimated self-esteem and the level of pretensions, the desire to take what is desired for the real.

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Social disadaptation

Since the beginning of the periodic use of alcohol, there have been no gross violations of social adaptation observed in the observed. But the systematic reception of alcoholic beverages of the study group began gradually and was maintained exclusively by the surrounding adverse effects of the microsocium. And usually in drinking companies they were motivated by dissatisfaction with themselves and their social status. In attempts to self-affirmation and not having sufficient abilities and personality traits to achieve the intended goals, the beginning sick people simply became part of the antisocial strata of society. In alcoholic intoxication, they received a pseudo-positive self-evaluation of the personality and blocked the negative emotional background, which often had support from the constant experience of the psychotraumatic situation, revealing the inconsistency of the real level of personality development.

Observed, in drinking companies, often tried in a short time to seize the credibility or adjusted to existing asocial authorities. As a result, alcohol abuse among some patients was excessive. An important feature of unhealthy people was a simple and quickly carried out transition from the real world to the world of alcoholic traditions and customs.

The lack of self-criticism

The erection of the characteristics of alcohol in the category of "positive" was largely formed due to drinking traditions, movies, etc. Although the explanation of their own drunkenness, before close people, showed a complete lack of criticism of the patient to himself.

The internal barrier to alcohol abuse quickly lost its force, and patients often used a variety of reasons and arguments for alcohol consumption. They said that they began to consider the desire to drink alcohol early, but did not try to fight it. And, on the contrary, when a painful desire arose, they tried to quench it more quickly. According to the observed alcoholics, the desire to take alcohol from the very beginning of the development of the disease appeared in an insistent form. And with the delay, for whatever reason, the mood was spoiled, irritability and fussiness came.

The most important feature of

The most important feature of the patients of the study group was the relatively early development of colorful secondary forms of craving for alcohol, namely, "loss of the control locus" for the amount of alcohol consumed. At the first stage of the disease, this impression was created due to the fact that a strong desire to consume alcohol, caused and a one-time intake of a significant amount of alcohol for a relatively short period of time. But further, as we approached the 2 stages of alcoholism( 2-4 years after the onset of alcoholism), the loss of quantitative control appeared at a relatively low intensity of the primary compulsive attraction to alcohol, and the inability to continue the initiated alcohol intake led to violent negative experiences.

During the transition to the 2nd stage of alcoholism and at its onset( 3-5 years after the onset of the disease), the aggravation of craving for alcohol is mainly due to the negative experiences related to the main conflicts within the individual. During this period, the awareness of the development of the primary pathological attraction to alcohol is accompanied by a struggle of motives. Fighting the inevitable desire to use alcohol, especially when drinking could be very disapproving of a microcosm. Unpleasant for most patients, the struggle of motives in the future can provoke a drink with the aim of weakening and stopping the heavy internal struggle of motives.

The urge to get drunk develops rapidly, already from the beginning of the second stage of alcoholism, while delaying a hangover for patients presents enormous difficulties. During the onset of the activity of compulsive secondary attraction to alcohol, nervous excitability, passion, anger, irritability is especially evident.

In the 2 stages of alcoholism, since the emergence of manifesting forms of secondary craving for alcohol, the struggle of motifs with acute exacerbation of the primary pathological attraction is clearly smoothed out.

Affective disorders

As compulsive craving for alcohol worsens, affective disorders also increase rapidly. The desire to take alcohol was realized only at the last moment. Before abuse, the awareness of a desire to drink, according to the patients themselves, from time to time, as it were, "flashed by chance in my head."This indicator gave pathological attraction assessment of the II stage of alcoholization - some impulsivity and unpredictability, or compulsiveness. A clear connection with the previous factors exacerbating the craving for alcohol was lost: a part of the patients had "causeless", purposeless methods of alcohol. In some of them, from the beginning of the first stage of alcoholism, the inevitable realization of a pathological attraction led to the fact that a new binge could begin at an inappropriate period, in inappropriate situations and thereby contradicted the present interests of the sick person, and, accordingly, also promoted social maladjustment.

Symptoms of actualization of painful craving for alcohol in patients with personality characteristics of the hysterical pattern were polymorphic, but with a predominance of mental disorders - psychological deformation of the individual.

AE Lichko( 1977) noted that in "pure" hysterics, genuine alcoholism is rare, and in cases of alcoholism, hysterical personality traits are mixed with features of a different type. VA Gurieva and V. Ya. Gindikin( 1980) found that predisposition to periodic alcoholization in hysterical adolescents appears in the presence of features of excitability and instability. EM Novikov( 1977), studying the intricacies of acquired alcoholism in hysteroid individuals, found that most of them are intertwined with hysterical and excitable traits. NN Ivanets and AL Igonin( 1983) showed that in alcoholism, hysterical patterns mix so often with excitability that the most adequate is the assessment of these sick people as hysterical exciters.

Source of : earlier this article was published by me on the website of, at present this publication has been moved here.