Cough: how quickly to cure and get rid at home with folk remedies

Dear readers of the blog, a good time of the day! This article is devoted to how to quickly and effectively cure cough, get rid of it at home with folk remedies and medicines from a child and an adult.

From coughing, there are many people's councils and ways of getting rid, including non-traditional directions. In addition, there are recipes, methods of cough treatment, adopted in the official (traditional) medicine. We will consider all the main options, because a fit of coughing, often excruciating, exhausting force delivers a lot of uncomfortable and painful sensations! But, first of all ...


What is a cough

Cough is a symptom that is a natural protective reaction of our body in response to any chemical or bacterial irritation of the respiratory system. Signs of its manifestation: a sharp sounded exhalation, due to inflammation of the respiratory tract with edema of the pharyngeal mucosa, trachea, larynx and bronchi; in connection with the ingress of a foreign body into the upper parts of the respiratory system. All this can be accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, an increase in the overall body temperature and other phenomena. Coughing is a signal of trouble in the body, associated with respiratory disease or other diseases, disorders, disorders. Its function is protection and signal!

Causes of cough

At the person in the nasopharynx there are small glands, every day, secreting about two or two and a half milliliters of mucus, intended for normal breathing. But allergic reactions, high temperature lead to thickening of mucus and turning it into sputum. Which becomes sticky, viscous and incapable of mucus being freely removed from the respiratory tract. They are clogged with phlegm and interfere with free, normal breathing. That's right here, and triggered a saving cough reflex, with the help of which the body tries to throw out excess bronchial mucus, and in dangerous cases - a foreign body.

But, the causes of coughing, some diseases of the respiratory system are not limited. Coughing causes: diseases of the cardiovascular system with stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation; diseases of the central nervous system, as well as disorders of the peripheral nervous system; disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Cough is caused by a cold, allergies and other things.

How to get rid of a cough

First, with the help of a therapist or pulmonologist, you need to establish the cause of the cough, and this will determine the strategy of getting rid of it through medical and folk treatment and going after medicines to the pharmacy.

Available in the modern arsenal of modern means for coughing conditionally divided into three groups of pharmacological drugs: mucolytic - thinning sputum; expectorant - strengthen cough to expel mucus; calming - reduce the activity of cough reflex. This unit of drugs is purely conditional, since in one or another proportion in one preparation may be present in the composition of all the above.

What is a "dry" and "wet" cough

Yes, coughing can be both "wet" and "dry". Wet form - when sputum is released when coughing. Dry - cough barking, prolonged, paroxysmal, the allocation of mucus here is minimal. Such diseases as tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma begin to flow with a dry cough. When there is hoarseness in the patient's voice, it means he has laryngitis, a catarrhal tracheitis.

We understand that nobody needs a dry, exhausting cough, it causes anxiety to the patient, insomnia, a painful sensation of feeling in the throat and upper chest, and when you cough a lot, your stomach and sides begin to hurt. Cough should be with the release of sputum from the respiratory tract, that is, productive. When we treat a cough, we translate it from a dry form to a wet one, and then we get rid of it altogether. When sputum is extracted from the bronchi and lungs, pay attention to its nature: color, consistency (liquid, thick), presence of odor. When bronchial asthma - sputum is colorless, with bacterial infections in the respiratory tract - yellow-green sputum, with bronchopneumonia - purulent, and for heart failure characterized by a rusty color of sputum.

How to cure dry cough

Here, warm alkaline inhalations are effective against cough, licorice root infusion, Ledum, mother-and-stepmother, althea. They will help cope with the disease and have a softening effect on the throat. Such broths and infusions are taken several times a day for half a cup.

With bronchitis, treating a dry cough helpsLibexin. When a person coughs heavily, painfully and coughs, he feels a scratch in the throat, chest and behind the breastbone, then the cough medicines should be combined to normalize the sputum and suppress the cough reflex (codeine containing).

You can take lollipops and lozenges with sage, Broncholitin. Faster cure for dry cough is helped by a warm warm drink, which enhances the effect of all expectorants.

How to treat a wet cough

Dissolve sea salt in warm water: 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Such a solution drips into the nose three to four times a day.

To quickly get rid of cough with phlegm, it must be diluted, that is, make it less viscous and sticky. Then it will become easier and faster to leave the respiratory tract. It is necessary to remove a lot of sputum, so that the toxic products of the inflammatory process go away from the lungs and bronchi. In order to avoid repeated relapses, it is necessary to fight the causes of the disease.

In acute respiratory infections (ARI), antitussive drugs are prescribed without the use of antibiotics.

But when bronchitis, pneumonia - treatment with antibiotics is necessary, first of all, then suppression of microbial activity will improve the overall condition of the sick person in the shortest possible time. Here, the examination with a doctor is mandatory!

To treat a wet cough with hard-to-go sputum, you need medicines that dilute it: "Abroxol", "Acetylcysteine", "Lazolvan", "Bromgexin". These drugs will help you get rid of a cough quickly, have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve the overall condition of the bronchi.

How does a child quickly cure a cough?

The purpose of the drugs depends on the condition and age of the child. Until 1 year, children without a pediatrician can not be given anything at all!

If children are older, quickly get rid of cough will help mustard and inhalation from coughing. But children's whooping cough, is also treated with a calming nervous system with medical products, for example: "Sinekod", "Tussamagom".

With tracheo-bronchitis, the main task is to cause sputum mucolytics, and then treat the cough in the child with expectorants, to give the baby a warm solution (hot milk, mors, teas). Add a piece of butter to a hot drink. Hot foot baths with mustard powder will help cure dry cough.

Below you can watch a video on this issue and hear the advice of Dr. Komarovsky.

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How to get rid of an allergic cough

The allergy can begin with a simple rhinitis and cough, and then develop into bronchial asthma. Asthma and allergic bronchitis will worsen the quality of life, and then there may be a constant risk of sudden development of acute allergic reactions, life-threatening. Explain the manifestation of an allergic cough can be inflammation of the mucous trachea, nasopharynx and bronchi (tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis).

Than and how quickly to cure an allergic cough

In the early stages, he is treated with a nasal spray to relieve the irritation of the glands. Doctors recommend antihistamines. Apply "Bronchin" as an antiallergic agent. It is necessary to exclude from the places of stay, food, probable allergens. Ventilate the room before going to bed, sleep in the cool, wipe the dust regularly. See, allergens can be found in the pet hair. After returning from the street rinse the throat and mouth with warm water, the same is desirable to do with the nasopharynx 1 - 2 times a day.

How to quickly suppress a cough reflex

Note that it is not cure, but suppressing a dry cough. There are such cough medicines that can alleviate the condition of the patient: Glaucin (Tusuprex), Libexin, Sinekod. But, these drugs, you need to combine with expectorants from thermopsis and pecacuana.

Normalize the secretion of sputum (reduce viscosity and stickiness) to get pastilles "Doctor Mom" ​​and candy with Shalfey.

Tablets "Mukaltin", "Khaliksol" and "Bromgeksin" will help purify the lungs and eliminate the cough.

Medicinal products of plant origin have found wide application, with bronchial disease is very effective, "Breast Collection number 2", which contains a plantain that has anti-inflammatory effect and moderate spasmolytic activity.

Treatment of cough folk remedies at home

Алтей - here universal treatment of tussis by national agents. Applicable at home, the plant gives an emollient, enveloping effect on bronchial mucosa, reduces irritation and improves sputum discharge.

The remedy can be used to cure a dry cough. But they can also cure a wet cough.

At home, quickly cure cough will be oregano and thyme, because they have not only expectorant, but also antimicrobial effect.

Treatment of cough folk remedies is diverse, in folk medicine has a large arsenalrecipes, how quickly to get rid of a cough in the home. Here are some of them:

Cough recipes: home remedies and ways of treatment

  1. Simmer for ten minutes with one lemon. Then cut it in half, wring out all the juice from it. Add two tablespoons of glycerin and honey (one at a time). With a rare cough, take one teaspoon of this syrup throughout the day. With a strong cough, take one teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning, before dinner and after dinner and one more time before going to sleep.
  2. Rub on the grater a black radish, squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth. Mix it with honey and take two tablespoons at night and before eating. This way you can quickly cure a cough
  3. Take the black large radish, trim the top, take one third of its inner part. In the hollow, put some honey and leave room for the juice to be allocated. Radish put on a glass with water so that its tail falls into the water. Somewhere, in three or four hours in a radish juice will gather, drain it and drink. Add more honey. This method is very effective, will help quickly get rid of cough at home.
  4. Mix the freshly squeezed carrot juice in equal proportions with milk and take five to six times throughout the day.
  5. Try to grind 0,5 kg. onions, mix it with 0.4 kg of sugar and cook over low heat for three hours in one liter of water. Then cool a little, add 50 gr. honey. Keep the cough remedy in a tightly closed glass jar. Take four to six tablespoons every day after a meal.
  6. Buy a syrup of licorice root in the pharmacy, or make it yourself according to this recipe: 10 grams of licorice pour a glass of boiling water, in a water bath for 20 minutes to heat, then cool and strain, squeeze. The resulting volume of liquid is brought to 200 ml with boiled water. Take one tablespoon several times a day.
  7. People's Councils recommend cough treatment to be carried out by such means. Cut two onions finely and boil in 1 cup of milk. Four hours means to insist and strain. Take one tablespoon every three to four hours.
  8. With a dry cough, take, cut one head of garlic and ten medium-sized onions, boil them in milk to soften them. Remove from heat, lightly cool, add mint juice and honey. Drink at attacks of a dry cough every hour on one table spoon.
  9. The berries of Kalina are an excellent home cough treatment. Mix them with granulated sugar and take on a teaspoon when you call for a cough and irritation in the throat.
  10. Tincture of wormwood is a good remedy for rapid cough relief. For the recipe you need: 20 gr. dry wormwood to insist at least a day in 0.5 liters of vodka. Take a tablespoon before eating. This method is not suitable for children.

Cough inhalation

In self-treatment, only after consulting a doctor, consider the cause of the cough, because it can be caused not only by common colds, bronchitis, but pneumonia, bronchial asthma, especially since cough can be a manifestation of heart disease and nervous system disorders.

Inhalations are not always shown, or even at all, are prohibited. If the cough is caused by ARVI, acute respiratory disease, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, then the inhalation cough recipes can be used, they are necessary.

The fastest and most effective method of inhalation, with a dry cough with irritation of the throat, can be an acquisition in a nebulizer pharmacy (a compressor inhaler). The medicinal substance from it goes where it is needed, and not as one pair in home procedures. Such inhalers are more suitable for the treatment of the lower respiratory tract.

When exposed to the upper respiratory tract, when there is no increased body temperature, you can cover the blanket over a wide pan. In catarrhal inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, steam inhalations from cough are most effective. Upon contact with warm moist air, sputum is well diluted, its stickiness and viscosity are reduced. The person coughs up productively, with the sputum coming out of the bronchi.

But you can not forget that when the dried mucus is moistened, it increases in volume and needs to be cough. Still, if there is no mucus in the airways, then there is no sense in steam inhalations.

How to do inhalation from a cough

The temperature of water with steam inhalation should be about 40 degrees, and the hotter vapor can provoke a greater swelling of the mucosa. To bend over the pan with the steam should be at 25 (plus or minus) Steam is inhaled by the mouth. The duration of the inhalation procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes.

During the day, several inhalation sessions can be performed two to three times. Focus on well-being. In general, for example, a hot bath is taken every other day. Daily - hard for the body. After steam inhalation, you can not go outdoors for half an hour or more, the body at this time is very vulnerable to drafts and hypothermia. Try not to eat, drink, talk, at least half an hour after the procedure.

If there are no allergic reactions to the following substances and products, you can do inhalations from cough by such recipes:

  1. Heat five parts of water to 40 degrees, dissolve honey in it and inhale this steam with your nose and mouth.
  2. Sage herb, crushed, in the amount of two tablespoons, stir in a glass of boiling water, infuse it for twenty minutes under the lid and breathe it.
  3. Buy the eucalyptus oil in the pharmacy, pour a few drops into the bowl, fold the horn out of a sheet of paper, press its wide end firmly to the edges of the vessel, a narrow one - take it into your mouth. Inhale steam for 15 minutes. Or you can use brewed eucalyptus leaves.
  4. Recipe: 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus leaves, one-fourth of an extract of pine needles, one teaspoon of garlic paste, one tablet of Validol (menthol). All pour into the boiling water, wait until it cools down to 40 - 45 degrees. Inhale for 15 minutes.
  5. For one liter of boiling water, put two or three tablespoons of baking soda. With bronchitis, bronchial asthma, soda inhalation from cough will facilitate coughing and will not cause allergies.
  6. Take 2 hours. spoons of eucalyptus leaves, the fourth part of a briquette of pine extract, 1 hour. a spoonful of gruel of garlic, and add 1 tablet of Validol (as menthol). Put all this into freshly boiled water. Wait until it cools down, and inhale.

Cough compresses

They are a universal cough remedy. Compresses can be hot, cold, watery and dry, alcoholic and oily.

The simplest hot compress from a cough is prepared from natural or table-topped apple cider vinegar and water: one to three. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. In this solution, moisten the napkin and attach to the top of the chest in the middle. Place a plastic bag on top of the napkin and cover with a blanket. Compress to keep 15-20 minutes at the very first sign of a cough for a cold.

If the skin is sensitive to vinegar or alcohol, try a compress with beer.

A glass of beer should be heated to 30 degrees, add one teaspoon of honey, in a solution soak a napkin, squeeze it and attach it to the throat and chest. Warm up, as described above.

Honey compress of cough with bronchitis

This is an excellent tool that can be used at home.

Liquid honey (if it thickens, it can be heated in a microwave, and it melts) spread out the breast, cover it with paper, cover the patient with a blanket. It is necessary to lie until a clear feeling that the breast is well warmed up. The compress is washed off with warm water, the breast is lubricated with sunflower oil and several drops of essential oil (eucalyptus, fir oil) are added to it.

Dry compress for baby

When the child is ill, and he coughs, while you are afraid to do a wet compress, do dry. Cook the potatoes, mash it in mashed potatoes, but instead of butter and milk pour a little vodka into it. The mixture, in a warm form, put in a plastic bag, wrap it with a napkin and attach the bottom of the cake to the chest, and the other to the back (in the middle: the upper part of the thorax in front and behind). Wrap the baby with a blanket. Remove the compress after cooling it.

This procedure can be done up to two times a day.

Remember!!! Any warming compress, like other heating procedures, is done only at normal body temperature!!! And not in the acute period of the disease!

Folk compresses from a cough

Vegetable oil (sunflower)

  1. When the cough is permanent, unceasing, paroxysmal, try an oil compress made from vegetable oil, it can greatly help with coughing. A jar of oil is heated (on a water bath or in a microwave oven), dipped in it a cloth (a dense napkin) and wraps the patient's chest, excluding the heart area. Compress wrapped on top of paper (see, not a plastic bag), a towel, the patient is laid and insulated. So you can leave it all night.
  2. In cases of bronchitis, an oil compress is prepared: heat the sunflower oil in a water bath / microwave, wet a thin towel in it, squeeze it, then moisten it in the juice of a black radish. The towel is placed on the chest of the patient in front and behind, bypassing the heart area, wrapped over paper, toweled, laid and warmed with a blanket patient. Suffer from half an hour to an hour and remove the compress.

When the patient has a perspiration on his face, he will feel a burning sensation and sweat, you can take off the compress. The body is wiped with a napkin, washing off the oil from the skin. To rub the body, with oil of severe redness lubricate with vaseline oil.

Cottage cheese

  1. There is one ancient folk remedy - cottage cheese. It is very effective against coughing. You can prepare a compress even with pneumonia. Cottage cheese is heated a little, putting it in a cooling oven or a hot battery. When it absorbs heat, add one tablespoon of natural honey mixed.

Warm cottage cheese with honey, a thin layer carefully placed on the towel, wrapping the patient around it, bypassing the heart area. Cover it with paper and a towel. The man is laid, warmed under the blanket. This cough compress can be left overnight. In the people it is believed that if the morning hours cottage cheese is caked, but looks white, then there is no pneumonia. If the cottage cheese has turned yellow, yellow-green spots appear on it, then there is pneumonia.

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Recent reminders

Despite the high efficiency and effectiveness of home treatment of cottage cheese and other above mentioned tips, recipes, methods of folk remedies, remember that a patient in treatment needs a full, integrated approach.

Along with the compresses you need to take infusions, decoctions of cough, drink more fluids in a warm form, use medicinal therapy actively with the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor, for the rapid treatment of cough and getting rid of the underlying diseases.