Dyskinesia of the biliary tract: symptoms and treatment

biliary dyskinesia - functional disturbances of motility and tone gallbladder, bile duct and the sphincter. It is manifested by a violation of the outflow of bile into the 12-colon and accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium. In the case of medical diagnostics and examination, there are no organic changes in these organs. Dyskinesia of the bile ducts is more susceptible to women( ten times more often than men), and the disease occurs in children.

We will analyze the main symptoms and treatment of biliary dyskinesia in adults and children.


symptoms and causes

dysfunction gallbladder

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- violation of its contractile capacity, accompaniedozhdaemoe symptom of pain by type of biliary colic, is often associated with impaired gallbladder emptying function. And although the disease does not pose a threat to the life of the patient, but it greatly reduces comfort. Prolonged dyskinesia can lead to the development of cholelithiasis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

sphincter of Oddi dysfunction - violation of its ability to reduce, and in fact it regulates portioned flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum 12.Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction is rarely a primary disease, it more often - the second time, and may be accompanied by gallstones, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, postcholecystectomical syndrome and so on.

The causes of dyskinesia bile ducts are individual, associated with improperly formed habits in nutrition since childhood and adolescence.

For dyskinesia of bile ducts, a person feels such symptoms:

  1. cramping, sometimes very sharp pains in the right hypochondrium,
  2. bitterness in the mouth,
  3. upset of the stool.

In cases of dyskinesias, pain may be traumatic, with severity in the right hypochondrium, nausea and constipation. The appearance of unpleasant symptoms associated with food intake and after it.

biliary dyskinesia in children and adults is considered also as a psychosomatic disease, provoked by stress and trauma.

It has long been known that the motor activity of the gallbladder directly depends on the experience of stress and strong emotions: the activity slows down considerably, bile duct stagnation occurs in the gallbladder.

Severe dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gall bladder is also observed when infected with worms and other parasites that damage the food tract.

The main symptoms of biliary dyskinesia manifest themselves based on the factor that provokes its development. Many people, with dyskinesia, complain of the manifestation of symptoms of a nerve: high fatigue, tearfulness.irritability, sweating, frequent headaches and palpitations. Experiencing this, patients feel pain in the right hypochondrium.

There is pain paroxysmal, acute, brief. The pain feels in the scapula or the right shoulder. Attacks occur after a fat meal or overwork. In this case, bitterness in the mouth is usually in the morning.

Common signs of dyskinesia can be described as a depressed state, emotional and physical weakness. With an attack of biliary colic, a sensation of a strong palpitation or a feeling of cardiac arrest. In parallel, a person may experience fear, numbness in the extremities.

The disease lasts with periodic acute exacerbations, provoked by stresses and inaccuracies in the diet.

Treatment of biliary dyskinesia in children and adults

Folk remedies at home

Daily eat on a clove of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening.
  • Grass St. John's wort add to herbal tea, dandelion - in salads, use strawberries in fresh form, and add its leaves to salads.
  • Well established for dyskinesia of bile ducts kefir days: 1-2 days a week, do not eat anything, except kefir in unlimited quantities.
  • Perform cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract with celandine enzyme( see the section "Cleansing with celandine enzyme").
  • White cabbage. Drink juice 50-100 ml three times a day.
  • Common barberry. The bark, roots and fruits of barberry are used to prepare the infusion in a ratio of half a teaspoon of the crushed raw material to a glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  • From fruits of barberry prepare such infusion: two teaspoons of the crushed fruits fill in a glass of boiled water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
  • Nutrition, drugs, medicines

    Regulation of diet, correct alternation of labor and rest, normalization of sleep and other functions of the central nervous system( in some cases prescribe sedatives, tranquilizers, perform physiotherapy procedures).

    With increasing tone of the gall bladder and sphincter of Oddi, diet no. 5, 5a, spasmolytic agents( Papaverin, No-sppa), calcium channel blockers( Nifedipine), thermal physiotherapy procedures, mineral water of low mineralization( Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya, Essentuki No. 4 and20, Narzan, etc. usually in a hot form fractional, 5-6 meals a day for half a glass).

    With , the decrease of the gallbladder tone and of the sphincter deficiency Oddi is recommended diet number 5, physical therapy and physiotherapeutic tonic, cholagogue( Allochol, Holenzym, etc.), closed tjubazhi, course treatment with mineral water of high mineralization type "EssentukiNo. 17, Arzni, Batalinskaya, and others;water is prescribed in a cold or slightly heated form for 200-250 ml 2-3 times a day for 30-90 minutes before meals. Surgical treatment, as a rule, is not shown.

    With hyperkinetic forms :

    1. reception of antispasmodic agents( Papaverin, Platifillin, belladonna extract);
    2. introduction through a duodenal probe of 0.5% solution of novocaine;
    3. general hydrotherapeutic procedures are effective, galvanic collar for Scherbak, iontophoresis with novocaine on the liver region.

    Treatment is performed against sedative therapy, physiotherapy( coniferous, radon, hydrogen sulphide baths with low concentration and temperature of 30-37 ° C), physiotherapy exercises are sparing.

    Referral to sanatoriums and resorts of patients with secondary dyskinesia should be determined by the main suffering. At primary dyskinesias, which appeared against the background of pronounced neuro-vegetative disorders, sanatoriums of general type are shown.

    It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, to go in for sports, tourism. Smoking is highly undesirable.

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    Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.