Why does a child get out of the mouth of drooling during sleep, what to do

Functioning of the salivary glands in children begins at the age of three months. And the ability to separately swallow saliva to them comes to six months from birth. Because this period is accompanied by increased salivation, which can still be called false. Also, the problem is associated with teething. Yes, the first and the earliest cause of increased salivation in children is teething. If the baby is not so small, but in the morning he has wet spots on the pillow, the reasons can be the same as that of an adult.

In children, more often than in adults, saliva flows in a dream, because they relax more and they are more difficult to control themselves. This is due to the immaturity of the child's nervous system.

Preschool children can respond with increased salivation at night to helminthiasis. But there may be other causes, such as stress, neurosis, digestive problems. And in adolescence, hormonal changes in the body.

Neurological diseases, for example cerebral palsy, are associated with a disruption in the regulation center located in the brain. Therefore, salivation in these children is simply not controlled.

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Only in infancy, hypersalivation can be considered the norm. In other cases, it is necessary to seek and treat the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon.

Hypersalivation and the causes of increased salivation in the child

The main causes of the appearance of abnormal hypersalivation in children can be under the following conditions:

  1. Pathologies of mental genesis.
  2. Tumors in the brain or its traumatic injury.
  3. Taking medications.
  4. Viral defeat.
  5. Dental diseases.
  6. Congenital diseases or developmental abnormalities.
  7. Diseases or lesions of the central nervous system.
  8. Poisoning by toxic substances.
  9. Clover invasion.
  10. Diseases associated with impaired functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Looking at this impressive list, be aware that if you notice increased salivation in a breast or newborn baby, this can be a completely normal physiological phenomenon. The children continue to form salivary glands.

And the peak of this process falls on the second-third month of life crumbs. At this time, much more saliva begins to be released than usual. But to swallow her baby is not used yet. So it turns out that a lot of liquid flows from day and night from a tiny mouth.

Why a child has drool in a dream, the most common causes of

If a child is drooling at night in a dream, then most likely this is due to a number of physiological characteristics. Adult people can take care of themselves. In the case of a small man, it is necessary to understand why sleep is drooling in a dream.

Situations where children experience increased salivation during sleep:

  1. If the child is not yet three months old .In newborns, not all the body systems function correctly. And in this there is nothing terrible! It will take a little time, your baby adapts to this world and stops drooling. In addition, he has not yet learned to swallow correctly. By 3-4 months, salivary glands will form, and the salivation will gradually return to normal.
  2. If teeth are cut .Normally incisors appear in 6-7 months, and often even earlier. Baby began to sleep badly, a lot of capricious and he constantly drooling? Congratulations! Some babies salivate abundantly, so it is not superfluous to stock up on the bibs so as not to spoil the clothes.
  3. Helminthiosis .The child should be checked for the presence of worms. To do this, you need to pass an analysis of stool, blood and scraping. When the results are known, the doctor will choose the treatment.
  4. Stomatitis .Unfortunately, this disease is very common among young children. They get to know the world around them and drag everything into their mouths. There is no need to talk about sterility! In this infectious disease, ulcers in the sky are formed, which cause pain to the crumb. Swallowing becomes difficult, in the oral cavity accumulates a lot of saliva, it begins to flow out. After the doctor prescribes treatment, and the disease recedes, the drooling will cease to flow.
  5. The nose is clogged. It is sometimes difficult for young children to clean their nasal passages. And since these passages are still quite narrow, then there may be accumulated dried snot that interfere with normal breathing. It is difficult for babies to inhale, they do not have time to swallow drooling formed, and therefore, at night and day they have increased salivation.

What to do:

algorithm Hyperproliferation may be a manifestation when the teeth begin to be cut in the crumbs. Erection of milk teeth is almost always accompanied by increased salivation. Also the kid becomes restless, can eat badly, starts to gnaw anything that gets under his arm. However, if it seems to you that there are too many saliva in the mouth of the child, it will not be superfluous to tell the pediatrician about it. He should carefully examine the baby and, given his general condition, take a weighted professional decision, what to do next. Perhaps your experiences were groundless.

Sometimes, additional tests and diagnostic methods may be required. The doctor should accurately exclude stomatitis, gastrointestinal diseases( most often gastritis), enteritis, hepatitis, heavy metal poisoning, viral diseases and other possible pathologies.

By the way, stomatitis is a common problem for babies. It is a disease of the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue. It has an infectious nature, manifested in the form of painful sores and redness. Because of them, it becomes painful for a child to chew food. He becomes restless, does not sleep well, loses his appetite. It is important that parents do not ignore the problem of increased salivation in the child. It is not as harmless as it may seem. If a child has saliva flowing for a long time, it can adversely affect his health. Also, because of such a pathology, diction may be disrupted and speech development may be inhibited. Such children may lag behind in development from their peers.

It is worth taking care that the child's self-esteem and emotional health do not suffer. Many children are very worried because they have more saliva than other children. They can notice this quickly and suffer from ridicule from their peers.

Adults, unfortunately, very often underestimate how important it is for a child to feel comfortable with other children. Do not forget that the child is the same person as you, only a small one. He can not always defend his rights and position. Do not use this. Of course, a trip to the doctors can take some time, but from your side it will become a real manifestation of care not only about the physical, but also about the emotional health of the baby.

After the child's condition is appreciated by the specialist, it is possible that he considers it necessary to alleviate the condition of the child. For this purpose there are a number of methods and means - folk and medicamentous if the case is simple enough and harmless, most pediatricians prefer to prescribe folk remedies. This is often a decoction, which will need to rinse the mouth.

Very good for this purpose is suitable sage, chamomile, elder, St. John's wort. Be sure to ask the doctor how to brew them properly, how often to use them. This directly affects the effectiveness of treatment. In no case do not treat the child yourself! Remember that even herbs can be dangerous. Many of them are capable of causing dangerous allergic reactions. Do not be misled by the fact that a child does not drink grass, but only uses it to rinse. Even with this method, dangerous substances can enter the body, which for the child will be enough to show undesirable side effects. Always consult a doctor.

So everything is very simple:

  1. First, if a child is less than 3 months old, he will outgrow this condition without problems.
  2. Second, if the teeth are chopped, have patience, time will pass, everything will fall into place and normalize.
  3. Third, take a study for presence in the stool or scraping from the anus for the presence of eggs of helminths. Then, with a positive analysis, you are treated under the supervision of a pediatrician.
  4. Fourth, consult your dentist. Let him examine the oral cavity of the child for dental problems. If necessary, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.
  5. The fifth, the last, check for the baby patency of the nasal ways, if the nose is hammered, you need to clean it.

Source: edition of publications from the Internet and the website http: //mykpoxa.ru/son/ slyuni_tekut_u_rebenka_vo_sne.html