The use of tar soap from lice and its effectiveness

Pediculosis is a serious problem. The disease itself will not go away, it's hard to get rid of it. The disease requires long-term treatment. Today, to cure lice, there is a large arsenal of chemicals, but do not forget about folk medicine. Tar soap from lice is considered one of the most common non-traditional methods of removing parasites from the head. It is completely safe for human health, its cost is very low, and the myth of low efficiency will try to dispel in our article.

  • Composition of tar soap
  • Operating principle
  • Application
  • Mode of application
  • Contraindications
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Composition of tar soap

The components that make up the soap depend on the manufacturer. The main ingredients of tar soap:

  • vegetable oils;
  • water;
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  • food salt, as well as sodium salt;
  • Birch tar;
  • thickener;
  • citric and benzoic acids;
  • binding agent.

Many manufacturers in the composition add skin softening oils (coconut, palm), fatty acids, sodium chloride. This does not make soap less effective. The main action is tar. It is an antiparasitic substance. In addition to parasites, it is capable of destroying viruses, fungi, microbes, other pathogenic microflora.

Operating principle

Birch tar helps to cope with many diseases. It was used against eczema, dermatitis, parasites living in the body, other ailments. The fact that it became the main component of soap, only proves its medicinal significance.

Frequent distributors of pediculosis are children at any age from dysfunctional families in whose home there is an unsanitary condition. Schoolchildren, preschoolers can get lice with direct contact with their peers, and as schools and kindergartens are public places with a large population of people, the probability of lice is great. Parents have to find out the problem after a while, when the entire scalp is already infected. Children scratch their heads in the blood. In this case, the use of soap from lice will be a salvation for many people. It helps to cope with such problems:

  • kills parasites, their eggs, larvae;
  • soothing to the scalp;
  • heals wounds, scratches;
  • essential oils of coconut and palms nourish the skin, the patient's hair;
  • eliminates burning, itching.

The principle of action is based on the penetration of active tar components into the nervous system of an insect and nits (eggs), thereby paralyzing it, and the phenols burn organic tissues, causing the protein to curdle and death occurs. It should be understood that a single application of tar soap will not yield positive results. Insects can only be withdrawn after repeated use.

Important! Washing your hair with soap does not mean getting rid of nits! Egg lice are less sensitive to the drug, although some may die. It is best to use soap in the form of a supplement to the basic treatment of pediculosis, from this the effectiveness will increase. Regular processing combine with careful combing of hair with a frequent comb so that the empty cocoons of eggs are easily removed from the hair.

Combs for combing adults and nits are different. They can be metal, wooden, plastic. To carry out the procedure, such characteristics are not affected. The main thing is that the interval between the teeth should be as small as possible. Hairbrush in this case will not work. If the house does not have a scallop, you can buy it in the pharmacy. Sometimes, the comb is attached to the packaging of the pediculicide drug.

Important! After the next combing, the comb must be disinfected! It is enough to hold it in boiling water after use for at least 10 minutes.

Still, scientists argue that getting rid of strong lice by using soap from tar is possible only when used together with other insecticides.


Tar soap is produced in a solid form (bar) and in liquid. In each of them the amount of tar varies. Both kinds are used from lice. The second somewhat facilitates the process, since it has a dispenser, it only needs to be foamed on the hair. A hard bar you need to rub your head hard to make foam appear. However, it does not matter what kind of soap you choose. The main thing is the result.

Important! Choose a soap with a mark on the package "10% tar"! With a lower percentage of the content, soap will not give results.

In the next paragraph of the article we will answer the question "how to use soap?"

Mode of application

Before starting to wash your head, follow these recommendations:

  1. Prepare items for processing. It will take: a tar soap in a vial or a firm, clean towel, a cloth for shaking off dead lice.
  2. Do all the actions in the bathroom or in the bath, with access to water.
  3. It is desirable that there are no pets and uninfected family members nearby.

When the rules are met, proceed to processing:

    1. Wet your hair thoroughly with warm water. Lather your head so that the entire surface of the head is covered with foam.
    2. At the first namylivanii it is important to degrease hair, wash off.
    3. Lather again, leave for a while. It's enough 30-40 minutes. The head should not be wrapped with a towel, polyethylene.
    4. At the end of time, wash the head with clean water.

To comb out the dead lice, nit. It's better to do this over white paper or sheets to see if the insects have died.

Repeat the procedure every day for a week. After washing with tar soap, the effect can be strengthened using tar tar shampoo. This tool is more effective. If pests are not completely destroyed at a time, then treatment should be repeated within the next week.

Tar soap is best used in conjunction with pediculicide drugs, prescribed by the doctor. These are concentrated liquids (chicken water), sprays, creams, lotions. If the patient is difficult to understand with such tools, then the instruction for use is usually applied to the package. In this case, it is more effective to treat the head with an insecticide, and then wash with tar soap to fix the result.


Tar soap, as well as other drugs with pediculosis, has contraindications. Harm can be observed from acids, salts, included in the product. Dermatologists have proved that there are practically no side effects from soap. An exception is the individual intolerance of the components. It can manifest as an allergic reaction: redness, peeling, itching. Often an allergy can occur in a child due to the fact that the skin is very sensitive to tar.

When pregnancy, use tar soap is necessary with caution, so as not to harm yourself and the health of the unborn child.

Important! To determine if the body tolerates soap components, it's worth the test! To do this, on the elbow bend, you need to soap a small area and wait a while. If the allergy is, the skin will turn red.

If you encounter pediculosis it is worth to sound an alarm. Otherwise, you can wait for complications such as typhus, head, neck, and hair rolls. To some extent, soap from the tar will help. Although its effectiveness is low, but when combined with other peculicides, the effect will be visible. But nevertheless try to deduce at first signs of a pediculosis by lice harmless agents, further start radical measures.

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