Medicinal herbs - celandine, medicinal properties and contraindications tinctures for the skin and in gynecology

Long ago people used the gifts of nature to treat illnesses.

Medicinal herbs are used in folk and in official medicine. Purity helps with diseases of the skin, nasopharynx, vessels.

Effective in the prevention and treatment of tumors. It is used in the composition of medicines. It is used in cosmetology.

The content of the article:
  • General information
  • Chemical composition
  • Than useful
  • What diseases?
  • Contraindications for malnutrition
  • Recipes of traditional medicine

General information

herb celandine healing properties and contraindicationsThe plant belongs to the family of Poppies.

A wild perennial herb with yellow flowers.

It occurs everywhere. There are two types of celandine:

  • Big
  • Asiatic.

Both subspecies are curative, but poisonous.

Animals, except spotted deer, do not use the plant for food.

Since it causes poisoning and inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

When processed, the poisonous qualities do not disappear.

Purity is growing in regions with a temperate climate. Uncomfortable. It is often found near hedges, fences, for which he is nicknamed a "podtynnik".

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Blossoms and fructifies 2-3 times during the summer. What determines the prevalence of the flower.

The scientific name Chelidonium (from the Greek "swallow") the celandine owes its ancient legend.

According to which, the swallows are treated with the juice of the eye flower to the blind chicks. Mentions about the plant are found in the literature of the 11th century.

folk remedies for a cold and nasal congestionAnd do you know the folk remedies for a cold and nasal congestion? Read the advice and recommendations of alternative medicine in a useful article.

About the use of grape oil in cooking is written on this page.

Because of the bactericidal effect, crockery was hovered with celandine. That dairy products do not disappear during storage.

In the common people it is called a warthog.

The juice of a plant is most useful. As raw materials for the preparation of medicinal products, dried grass is used. Prepare when the plant blooms.

Chemical composition

The celandine contains more than 20 alkaloids. These are organic plant compounds, including nitrogen.

Highly active, poisonous. Interact with acids, forming water and salts. Some of them:

  • celandine herb medicinal propertiesHelidonin and derivatives (oxyhelidonine, methoxyhelidonine, homochelidanin).
    Similar in structure to morphine.
    In large doses, the nervous system is paralyzed.
    In small amounts, they anesthetize.
  • Homochelidonin.
    Powerful anesthetic.
    A convulsive poison.
  • Helerythrin.
    Has a local irritant effect.
  • Sanguinarine.
    It acts as a drug, with the subsequent occurrence of seizures.
    Stimulates intestinal peristalsis and saliva production.
  • Reduces the activity of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Normalizes the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus.
  • Koptizin, Berberine act as a choleretic.

The roots contain more poisonous alkaloids than in leaves and flowers.

In addition to alkaloids in the grass,

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 1000 mg in 100 g of raw materials.
  • Vitamin A (carotene).
  • Phytoncides are antibiotics of natural origin.
  • Flavonoids are plant pigments.
    They have an antiviral effect.
    Prevent the development of allergic reactions.
    Remove the inflammation.
    Reduce the growth of tumors.
  • Essential oils.
  • corn canned benefit and harmAnd what do you know about the benefit and harm of canned corn? Read in the article after clicking on the link.

    About the benefits of the tops of the radishes are written here.

    On the page: written about the medicinal properties of horse sorrel.

  • Saponins.
    Irritant effect on the mucous membranes, enhance the secretion of glands, improve the absorption of certain drugs.
    Prevent sclerosis.
    In large quantities, they are toxic.
  • Acids.
    Amber, lemon, apple, chelidono
  • Resins.

Than useful

The celandine has the following therapeutic actions:

  • removes inflammation;
  • removes spasm smooth


  • antibacterial;
  • anesthetizing;
  • sedative;
  • choleretic;
  • antineoplastic;
  • expectorant;
  • anthelmintic;
  • anticonvulsant.
  • healing properties of celandine for skinOften used juice celandine, if the skin appeared:

    • warts,
    • corns,
    • freckles,
    • cracks.

    Also with skin cancerand cutaneous tuberculosis.

    Previously used for bathing babies. For the prevention and treatment of scrofula and scabies.

    What diseases?

    • Diseases of the nasopharynx;
    • polyps;
    • fungal diseases;
    • herpesvirus;
    • neuroses;
    • asthma;
    • diseases of the stomach;
    • decreased intestinal peristalsis;
    • rheumatism;
    • high blood pressure;
    • ulcer;
    • eye diseases;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • cervical erosion;
    • kidney and liver diseases;
    • benign and malignant neoplasms.

    This is an incomplete list of problems in which celandine is used.

    There is an opinion that tincture of celandine can be completely curedcancer at an early stage.

    Contraindications for abuse

    therapeutic properties of celandine in hypertensionMeans based on celandine in case of incorrect use cause:

    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • pressure reduction;
    • disorders of consciousness, in rare cases, hallucinations.

    Absolute contraindication to ingestion is pregnancy. Do not use in the lactation period and children.

    Contraindicated celandine with epilepsy, mental disorders, serious heart pathologies.

    To worsen a condition of the patient the celandine can at constipations of chronic character, severe cases of a dysbacteriosis.

    There are cases of individual intolerance of the plant. In such cases, you can not take funds from celandine.

    If on the background of receiving celandine, thirst, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, headache, weakness, fainting, convulsions -are symptoms of poisoning.

    In this case, you need to wash your stomach and drink plenty of water.

    If you feel unwell, seek medical help.

    Recipes of traditional medicine

    juice celandine medicinal properties and contraindications recipesJuice celandine is applied externally in its pure form and inside, in a diluted.

    The grass is used for cooking tinctures, broths.

    Care should be taken with celandine, especially inside.

    The plant is poisonous. The poison in small doses helps with many conditions.

    Excess of the norm or the wrong combination has a toxic effect on the liver, it poisons the body.

    Well combined with celandine nettle and marigold.

    It is acceptable to combine with chamomile, dandelion root, St. John's wort.

    You can not use remedies in which celandine is combined with more than two herbs.

    When skin diseases, the affected area is smeared with pure plant juice.

    Apply the remedy only to the problem area, on healthy skin, the juice causes a burn.

    celandine juiceAnticancer infusion.
    A tablespoon of dry ground grass is poured over with boiling water.
    Insist 2 hours.
    Drink 15-30 ml three times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    Ointment from cancer(with skin disease).
    Mix the grass crushed in a coffee grinder with vaseline, lanolin.
    The ratio of 2: 7: 1.
    This remedy also helps with other skin problems (eczema, papillomas, warts, psoriasis, cracks).
    Do not self-medicatewith such a dangerous disease!
    The time is lost.
    Any therapeutic action must be agreed with the attending physician.

    2 tablespoons of herbs pour a liter of boiling water and insist 4-5 hours.
    Take half a glass 3-4 times a day.

    Helps to remove puffiness, reduce pressure.
    It improves digestion and antiparasitic action.

    medicinal herbs celandine healing propertiesTincture on alcohol.
    In this way, the healing properties of the plant are enhanced.

    But you need to insist for at least two weeks.
    Dosage and the regimen depends on the disease.

    In diseases of the nasopharynx, a pure or diluted juice is buried in the nose.

    With polyps in the intestines, they drink a teaspoonful of juice one hour before a meal.

    The course of treatment is 2 months.

    After a week-long break, you can repeat the procedure.

    When using celandine, you need to consider that all people are different. And what has come to one can harm another.

    Purity has: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and other actions.

    Helps with many diseases, especially skin diseases.

    Contains many poisonous substances. Do not increase the dose. At the first sign of allergy or poisoning - stop taking.

    Before using the funds you need to consult a doctor. Do not use for pregnant, nursing and children.

    The author of the video story, will tell about the healing properties of the celandine great.

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